Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1266: Steel needle

The residents of Grey Iron City are strange

Because they are all produced from the mountains

All creatures have the ability to escape.

Therefore, their bazaar is also set in the belly of the mountain.

Councillor Qian went into the market and found that the people in Gray Iron City were red, gray, and iron black. However, these creatures were generally angular and angular.

There is such a rough western style.

Moreover, they all have a common feature, that is, there is a kind of light shining all over the body. This light is like metal, or not like metal.

Its light shines like electric light, naturally bright

Among these creatures, there is not a grassy fairy

It is in sharp contrast to the place where Xiaodouzi was born.

The mountain's belly is as long as ten thousand meters, and the mountain's belly is filled with light like stars.

Committee Member Qian recognized that these are the crystallization of various minerals, which will automatically shine after refining.

Of course, such a light is not enough to illuminate this vast underground space.

Commissioner Qian was surprised that all the creatures that came and went here radiated this kind of light.

Tens of thousands of people are coming and going here, and the light emitted will illuminate this vast underground space like stars.

A dictum suddenly rushed to the heart of the member Qian.

The sky is clear and the golden rooster cries, I am taking medicine today and want to live forever. I am not hungry or thirsty. I rely on the spirit of the fairy medicine.

The lead-mercury cauldron is in the middle, practiced into a priceless bead, with two words, all the books of thousands of families, this is the Yuan Huang Jue, to save the world. "

This is the formula for alchemy

These humanoid creatures want to be thrown into the alchemy furnace. They are refined by all kinds of powerful flames after being refined by the sky-fire return wind method.

It’s just that after being refined by the skyfire’s return to wind

Whether the material is plant or mineral

They are all resolved into a variety of heaven and earth vitality things.

Where can there be life.

Commissioner Qian walked to the front of a shop with this regret.

The owner of this shop is tall, red all over, covered with fine hair, and looks like a red-haired savage.

However, look carefully at this red-haired savage. The red-haired savage all over his body is actually an inch-long needle-like object, which does not move.

His face has rough features, a pair of eyes, turquoise blue, and red pupils.

Commissioner Qian's mind swept away

The owner of this shop immediately shook his body and couldn't move.

The body structure of the owner of this shop has been fully displayed in front of Committee Member Qian.

The texture of this person's body is actually formed by the fusion of several non-metallic minerals in a metal box. Like everyone else, there are internal organs and blood flow.

The flowing blood turned out to be a red liquid metal.

And the fusion of this metal and several non-metals is very clever.

It can be said to be ingenious

Increased the strength of the red-haired savage's body several times more, and it is even more achievable. This body and movements are completely the same as humans.

Commissioner Qian was overjoyed for a while.

The physical structure of the shop owner alone is a strange formula for smelting metals. This formula is enough to improve the skill and efficiency of smelting metals when refining alchemy.

A weird scene appeared many times.

Commissioner Qian, staring at the red-haired savage for a few cups of tea

Only then did I close my eyes.

Douzi blinked his big eyes, wondering why this uncle was so interested in this red-haired savage.

A Chou's mouth twitched

A pair of eyes shot golden light and swept away

Big head, already looking up to the sky with disdain

What A Chou likes to eat is blood food

All of these bodies are made of minerals, and A Chou can't really take any interest.

As for Commissioner Qian’s alchemy

A Chou was forced by Commissioner Qian to identify a large number of materials other than

For how to make alchemy

A Chou knows nothing.

As for identifying the types of a large number of materials, this is also the result of Commissioner Qian, who tried to use A Chou as a labor force searching for materials and forced A Chou to practice.

"Hey, Long Needle boss, how do you pull it?

I warn you, this is the site of Gray Iron City

If you want to mess around, first see how hard your fist is."

A brawny man full of debris, stepped forward, has reached the side of this shop from a dozen feet away.

Seeing that the situation is not right, it is an angry shout

This brawny man is covered with debris

These debris, the particles are small, but when they are gathered, they are in a lump.

Some particles appear yellow-brown, and some particles appear brown-red, reflecting yellow fluorescence.

It seems that there are a lot of rough rocks.

Commissioner Qian is sweating

A few cups of tea time passed

In the array of the shadow of the golden fruit in his mind, he has simulated hundreds of times and just can’t do it

Combining several materials in the steel needle boss's body into the current material of the steel needle boss's body.

This is simply ashamed.

With a movement, the boss named Steel Needle is already able to move freely.

"Excuse me, I just want to ask, do you have a library here?"

Member Qian asked.

"The library? The place that only the great sage can enter

If you want to go in, pass me first"

The needle is angry

The red steel needle all over the body suddenly stood up

"You are strong, but we people in Grey Iron City have never been afraid of being strong"

With the roar of the steel needle

The steel needles in front of his whole body shot out at the same time

In an instant, there was only red

Crimson rain

Reflected in A Chou's eyes

A Chou smiled disdainfully, and with a wave of his wings, he had already shielded Xiaodouzi

As for whether you need to worry about the money committee?

This kind of attack is a thousand times stronger, and it is not too late to worry about Committee Member Qian.

However, the thing that made A Chou's mouth open appeared.


Countless steel needles inserted Qian Daguan into a hedgehog.

Commissioner Qian’s whole person turned into a red stone statue

"Ah, itchy"

Hundreds of long hard needles hit Ah Chou

A Chou was surprised to find that on the surface of her wings, where the steel needle hits, there is a red halo spreading.

The whole wing is a little inflexible

A Chou was surprised, a pair of eyeballs came out

Since A Chou appeared between the heavens and the earth, how many times has this happened?

What kind of repair skills does this steel needle boss have?

The steel needle I came out has such a mana

No, it should be accurate

The man’s power is so weird

Compared to ordinary petrification spells, at least hundreds of times stronger

Even thousands of times

You know, Commissioner Qian is himself the master of cultivating the fusion of the four elements of power.

The fusion of the four elements of power and mystery includes the power of the earth element.

Was it petrified?

A Chou screamed

With a flutter of wings, a blast of flame hits A Chou’s body

A huge force is to hit the pin boss


The whole body of the steel needle was twisted first, then it fell apart with a clatter

The big pieces rolled on the ground, but the steel needles on the pieces were safe and sound, and none of them was bent.

"Hahaha, you, you are actually a strong player in the outside world, and your ability is above the pin."

A Chou pointed to a complete head, with half of his shoulder, and laughed


With a sound, Commissioner Qian, who had become a stone man, suddenly shattered into countless pieces, revealing Commissioner Qian’s elegant appearance.

"Boss, it turns out you just hardened a shell."

Ah Chou overjoyed and shouted

Commissioner Qian rolled his eyes

"If I have been petrified, I have practiced the Profound and Aura of the Earth Element for so many years?"

The burly man with thick boards, was shocked by the scene in front of him, backed a few feet


At the same time, a crisp whistle sounded

Far away, crowded

Dozens of figures, just a flash

Already standing in front of committee members

These people look like steel pins and thick plates

Humanoid, but the surface of the body is composed of various minerals

"Where did the monsters dare to run wild in the gray iron city?

Hurry up and pay the ambulance fee, disrupt the market order and fine five hundred leaves."

A strong man in front, shouted fiercely

"Help? Is this guy still dead?"

A Ugly Curious

"You will die, you dead bird"

The head of Steel Needle suddenly spoke.

And the words are sharp, like a steel needle, and the name of the steel needle is in line with it.

At this time, Commissioner Qian and A Chou, their eyes released a few feet of brilliance.

This kind of human being is really different from any creatures that Chairman Qian and A Chou have seen.

"Don't bother you, I will do it myself"

Commissioner Qian waved

A whirlwind, just a roll on the ground

Everything that fell from the steel needle was caught in this whirlwind.

While breathing, UU reads www. This whirlwind dissipated.

The red-haired savage steel needle, has been intact in front of the committee member.

Although the body of the red-haired savage is mysterious

However, there is no need to re-refining, just sticking, this point, the Qian Da committee is still competent.

The steel needle moved his body

Muttering: "No, there are a lot of cracks inside, not very flexible"

Member Qian smiled.

Although he used the earth element profound, but the body of this steel needle was strange, with countless sticking places, leaving a lot of marks, not cracks.

However, the steel needle usually uses this body

I don't know how long it was used

Naturally, I felt that I was not as flexible as usual.

"This is easy."

Commissioner Qian opened his mouth

A very thin line of fire has been poured into the eyebrows of the steel needle

The steel needle immediately felt an indescribable high heat in his body, along the traces of repairs, quickly turned back


The body of the steel needle trembles like a sieve

Make a long howl

The howl was filled with incredible pain

However, his face was also covered with short red steel needles.

Therefore, the painful expression on the face is like an abstract painting ()V


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