Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1575: Unexpected

Chapter 1575: Unexpected

Luo Tianfeng is really happy today.

Ever since I came to the bazaar of Gray Iron City without any risk, I even met Commissioner Qian.

With the help of Commissioner Qian, Luo Tianfeng successfully rented a shop

The location of this shop is not bad, near the entrance of the market

Everything seems to be going well.

Luo Tianfeng was complacent, he decided, after obtaining enough materials here

After refining his own Lightning Sword, he left the secret realm of the god-man in the transformation stage.

But, suddenly, Luo Tianfengjiu felt

The huge mana fluctuations at the entrance of the bazaar

There is also the bazaar guard, after holding for a few breaths, it turned into a pile of fragments.

"Damn, stronger than Lao Qian and Xuan"

Luo Tianfeng immediately judged that the outside shot was a four-diamond flower god, and this four-diamond flower **** was obviously stronger than himself.

I'm afraid it's better than Qian Da committee member and Xuan.

Luo Tianfeng let out a cry

Really, there was a long wailing.

Many people come

He suddenly had a hunch

My dream of collecting a large amount of refining materials quietly is about to die.

Sure enough, at the entrance of the market, a flash of light

In the blink of an eye, the whole bazaar was reflected like a crystal palace.

Then, a thousand sword lights of various colors shot out from the entrance of the market

The Gray Iron City people in the hundreds of shops at the entrance of the bazaar are all within the shroud of these thousands of flashes of lightning

Luo Tianfeng was furious: "You rubbish" is about to bombard the past with all its strength

Suddenly I changed my mind, but it was a glowing red light covering myself

On the mask, waves of light flow, much like flowing magma.

Luo Tianfeng heard from Committee Member Qian that the people of Gray Iron City had amazing defensive capabilities. He wanted Committee Member Qian to overstate it.

What made Luo Tianfeng amazed had happened.

Right next to Luo Tianfeng, a dozen people from Gray Iron City faced dozens of sword lights intensively.

Either the whole body shook, several sword lights turned from the body, or the sword light was sprayed from the mouth, or the body was shaken, and the ripples on the body surface rose up and turned into shields to block the incoming sword light.

Or simply shake your body, turn your hands into meteor hammers, whistling, whistling towards the incoming sword light

In Luo Tianfeng’s cognition

A certain part of this kind of body, turned into a sword light or weapon, is already a common method for fairies with a relatively low cultivation level.

The more powerful monsters have long turned their powerful methods into reality, turning the virtual into light, and turning them into magic weapons.

Put it in the body when not in use

To enhance the power of the magic weapon

On the other hand, strengthen the connection between yourself and the magic weapon

Spit out and hurt the enemy when you use it.

This kind of method of turning a certain part of the body into a sword light or weapon cannot help the other party.

Sure enough, as Luo Tianfeng expected

The shield hadn't encountered the sword light yet, the sword light had been divided into dozens of times, and in a circle, it cut towards the owner of the shield.

The meteor hammer slammed on the sword light, but a sword light suddenly shot in all directions

Turning into the sky and rain, turning in the air, once

The movement is fluent, as if moving clouds and flowing water.

Turning his arms into a pair of gray iron city people with countless sharp horns, it is impossible to avoid them.

These Gray Iron City people are far inferior to the invaders in terms of the attainments of sword arts.

Luo Tianfeng shook his head repeatedly in the red mask.

It seems that a large splash of flesh and blood is about to happen.

But "ding jingle bells"

There was a harsh sound

More than a dozen people from Gray Iron City were all hit by swords

What surprised Luo Tianfeng was

A dazzling spark splashed

These dozens of gray iron city people did not fall down even for a single degree

The most serious ones are just a few big gaps in the body.

The gray iron city man who turned his arms into meteor hammers was extremely angry

Pieces of square scaly crystals all stand up all over the body

The two meteor hammers turned into two big hands, just a catch

There is already a green flying sword in his hand, one foot long

The flying sword is psychic and makes a sharp howl

A circle of blue ripples suddenly burst out

The space around Feijian has been distorted

However, it only stirred up another spark on the body of the Gray Iron City people, leaving several marks.

Beating desperately, but can't fly out.

"I ate you"

The Gray Iron City people took a big mouth, just bite down.

He heard a "click", and the Bi-colored Flying Sword had already been bitten off.

Luo Tianfeng's eyes blinked a few times

The fiery red pattern on the center of the eyebrows became even more weird.

This-this is the flying sword used by the second diamond flower god

It turned out to be like gnawing sugarcane, and one bite off.

I have no doubts about what Commissioner Qian said.

The light fades

Dozens of people have been robbed at the entrance of the market

Seeing the residents of this gray iron city, so resisting the blow, everyone's face is different.

Their swordsmanship can be described as wonderful and changeable

Compared with their swordsmanship, the resistance of the Gray Iron City people can be described as clumsy.

Their sword light can be said to have hit one after another

If you change to a normal race, you will be full of blood and blood.

How miserable nine how come

However, hundreds of people from this gray iron city have suffered sword light

Fallen, but a dozen people

Let these demon cultivators or monks

Can't understand

One by one stunned on the spot

One person first, in a big red robe, with a simple whisk in his hand

Just swipe towards the front


Tens of feet away, a dozen people from the Gray Iron City who were separated by hundreds of feet in their own shop have burst apart.

It turned into a pile of materials of different styles, but their shop and the materials sold in the shop were not damaged in the slightest.

"Brother is still good, and I can't fall behind."

The manatee laughs

Holding a small bronze clock in his hand, floating a foot in his hand, just gently


With a melodious bell, a circle of cyan sound waves spread

Within a hundred meters, dozens of Gray Iron City people had the same fate as their companions.

These two demonstrate

The intruder's courage greatly increased

With a shout, toward the entire market, driving the sword light, scattered in an arc

Immediately, a light flashed

Various rays of light crossed fiercely, rushing to their respective goals.

There was a scream

Splashes of blood from time to time

These blood lights actually invaded the monks.

They are different from the two who shot just now, one has a high cultivation base and the other has a strong magic weapon.

Facing the cultivator of Gray Iron City alone, his cultivation base was slightly weaker, and found that his body was evacuated and his body was covered with magic weapons. Under the attack of the opponent, he broke with a blow, the flying sword was cut off, and the magic weapon was destroyed. Can't resist

I wanted to avoid it, but it was too late

Blood splattered on the spot immediately

For a time, the offensive monk, despite the magical sword art and magic weapon, had a casualty rate that was only slightly lower than that of the Gray Iron City.

"Asshole, how are these people's attacks so sharp"

The offensive monks yelled at them, many of them were already a volume of Jianguang, and they randomly rolled up some materials nearby.

Just retreated to the back.

A white sword light turns flexibly, but avoids dealing with the people of Gray Iron City

Rolled up a few materials and escaped to the back of the queue.

This time, the seal demon was clever. He didn't dare to fight against the Gray Iron City people. He just rolled up a few materials and fled immediately.

Only the manatee demon and the Hongqiao real person, with a whisk, a small bronze bell, a piece of it

The manatee’s small bronze bell came out

All the masters here in Gray Iron City had their ideas to him.

For the members of Qian, Luo Tianfeng, and the nine wise men.

As soon as the invaders appeared at the entrance of the bazaar, their spirits had already enveloped the past

The cultivation base of each invader is roughly counted.

This manatee demon is just a master of the two-diamond flower god.

Gray Iron City

Two experts at random can turn the manatee into the fertilizer of Gray Iron City.

But, unexpectedly, the manatee’s victory

It is one of the most brilliant among the invaders.

All this is because of the bronze bell in the manatee's hand

With a flick of the manatee demon's hand, a large piece of material has been taken into his storage ring

Happy in the heart

But, in an instant, his smile has solidified on his face.

Because he felt that dozens of powerful divine thoughts were crazily pressing toward him like a giant mountain.

The intensity of every divine thought is comparable to that of the real man in Hongqiao

Where does he dare to attack?

The bronze clock shook, and a bronze mask was already emitted, covering itself

More than a dozen powerful spiritual thoughts, instantly contact the bell-shaped mask

Immediately made more than a dozen "booms"

It's like banging on extremely thick metal.

"Good baby"

Commissioner Qian's eyes widened

Luo Tianfeng's eyes widened

The nine sages opened their eyes~www.readwn.com~Luo Tianfeng turned around and looked at the face of the Qian

Luo Tianfeng just sighed

After seeing Commissioner Qian again

Luo Tianfeng felt that Commissioner Qian did not look like a monk at all.

No different from an ordinary person

It is even a part of the surrounding nature.

In harmony with nature?

The realm of Commissioner Qian has risen to this point?

Luo Tianfeng couldn't believe it, but the facts were there.

This baby, don't need to think about it.

Luo Tianfeng sighed again.

In the palace of the nine sages, the spiritual thoughts of the nine sages were all recovered from the light mask formed by the bronze bell.

The treasures of ordinary monks, these nine sages, are absolutely insignificant

Even if it is used, it is just a reference to how the magic circle and spells in the treasure work.

Because, the treasures of ordinary monks, for these sages, are things that can be broken with one grasp.

However, this big bronze clock makes nine sages shine together in their eyes

""An ant-like thing is so rampant, watch me cut his soul and avenge my Gray Iron City people"

Sage Baiyun, with a chest, said righteously


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