Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1629: return

One thousand six hundred and twenty-nine chapters return

The Wuxing Mountain people's face was grimace, just like a long roar: "Heroic sword, rely on loneliness

I’ve long wanted to know your invincible sword art for a while"

This man's sword art is very powerful, I didn't want to fight him hard

However, the sword light has come, and it is simply a longer one.

The sword light touched the fire light, and there was a loud shock

Dazzling red, scary red fire

It has burst into countless flames, like a sky fire extinguishing the world, exuding a terrifying breath.

Jianguang fell indefinitely

With this move, Wuxingshanren is already at a disadvantage.

However, the joining technique is only so

Wuxingshanren can't become the four-diamond flower god.

Jian Jue Yi Zhi

The flames all over the sky, just one turn, one twist, turning into countless flaming stars, it is about to smash this sword light teaching

The countless stars are as vast as countless sparks hanging in the sky, with a sense of destruction that will destroy everything.


The surrounding Baizhang space was shattered and turned into a gray area.

After the flame of this arm was blasted away

The power has actually increased a bit.

This Wuxingshanren's tactics are also among the powerful.

It’s a pity that this tactic came up with the sword light issued by Commissioner Qian

The sword light emitted by Commissioner Qian looked like a thousand feet and a thousand feet

It seems to shine for thousands of years

Countless flaming stars work together to bombard this sword light

As if blasted into the eternal time and space, everything was annihilated.

The sword light was obviously reduced a lot, but the light was flaring, but it was not diminished at all.

Cut straight down


With a scream

In an instant, Wuxingshan people sacrificed another magic weapon, but it was a volcano.

Surrounded by flames on the mountain, there are nine different beasts full of flames, either the flaming lion or the flaming tiger

Or the Fire Serpent.

Each fangs and dances claws, and heads towards the sword light

The Giant Beast Volcano hit Jian Guang with just one cut, and they met.

Mars splashes thousands of feet

The flame behemoth, all cut to pieces

And this volcano was also cut in half

The people of Wuxing Mountain only feel that the blood in their hearts is rolling, and the soul is shaking

Just a shock, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

I knew that even though I was repeatedly blocked, I was already injured. It turned into a flame of fire and broke through this spark in a flash.

Gone without a trace

Although he was hit, the power of Commissioner Qian's sword was also offset a lot.

Wuxingshan people still have the power to escape

"This volcano is not bad. Those who refine defensive magic weapons always like to refine the magic weapons into the shape of a mountain."

A Chou ran over

Eyeballs looked at the volcano split in half.

Commissioner Qian’s sword was tangible, not to mention a mountain, just a few mountains

Smashed with one sword

This volcano is made of some unknown material and is so strong

Was smashed by Commissioner Qian with a shocking sword, but not crushed

It's just divided into two halves.

After a battle with this Wuxing Mountain Man, Ah Chou also understood that he was not strong enough.

The magic weapon is still important.

"Well, when I have time, I will refine this magic weapon again and give it to you.

Understand now, three thousand Dadao, a magic weapon, is also a way. "

Commissioner Qian patted Ah Chou on the head.

General Salmon talked to the ground, and also returned the Xuanyin Yunxia Thunderbolt mirror.

Committee Member Qian smiled: "When the materials are available, I will also refine a magic weapon for you."

General Salmon was overjoyed and thanked him in a hurry.

As for when

Commissioner Qian did not say.

His own wind thunder sword was damaged.

Several magical artifacts of the Shadow of Golden Fruit are all waiting to be refined again with good materials.

Come out

Commissioner Qian took Ah Chou and beheaded several monsters with horns on their heads.

Right next to this first gorge, I realized the mystery of the wind system of this first gorge.

The strong wind in this first gorge has its own unique features.

With the violent wind and water mist in the second canyon, Commissioner Qian relied on the shadow of 520 golden fruits to comprehend it much faster than other monks.

The other monks continue to comprehend

Commissioner Qian, but able to free up

Comprehend the mystery of the wind in the first canyon.

The third gorge, no one wants to cross.

The ancestor in the second canyon is already so tough

If it’s in the third gorge, there will be a stronger one

That's not dangerous anymore.

The expedition to the ancient world just passed

Within the prescribed time, everyone came to the monster's mouth one after another, preparing to return to the deserted mountain.

The monk with white beard and hair is already guarding the entrance

Four four five-qi condensing purple pills have been placed in the tray

Prepare to be swallowed by the monster.

Come again to this place full of white teeth

Commissioner Qian was surprised to find

The huge mouth facing the monster

There is another kind of insight.

In the mouth of this monster, different worlds can be connected.

Where is the body of this monster?

Could it be space turbulence.

How far are two different worlds in the turbulence of space

Commissioner Qian clearly

Even if I fly into the turbulence of space

Can't support it for long

This monster, with its mouth swallowing the void, can open a passage to the barren ancient world for 300 years. How long has it been waiting in this barren ancient world?

Commissioner Qian thought of this, only feeling a chill in his body.

The monks gathered here are only about one-fifth less than when they came in.

The expressions on the monks' faces

All are different, some are happy ~www.readwn.com~ some are indifferent, and some are sad.

"The casualties are not very large, only one-fifth of the monks are missing, and, it seems, those with a high level of cultivation have not fallen much."

Commissioner Qian said to Shen Qianyun.

"Didn't I say that this barren ancient world has been opened several times, and the exploration has not yet been completed."

Shen Qianyun once said: "The previous expeditions had a lot of casualties. In this movie, the people who later explored places like Hongtu Temple, only some masters dared to go."

Everyone was almost there, and the old man with white beard and hair sent the Five Qi Condensation Purple Pill to the monster's mouth.

The monks swarmed past.

Commissioner Qian looked from left to right, but he didn't see the Wuxingshan man

Upon inquiring, it turned out that Wuxingshan people had passed by early.

"Huh, cheap kid."

Commissioner Qian crossed the passage and returned to the deserted mountain

Stretched out: "Although this barren ancient mountain is not as profound as the barren ancient world, it has fresh aura and is a good place for self-cultivation.

Old Shen, don't live there. "

"Hey, I have to participate in a dinner party before we can go. This dinner party is to exchange experience in the adventure of the ancient world.

Although you are not a member of the main **** of the wind system, at least you have to sit with me and deal with the scene. "

"Oh---that is, it is necessary to organize such a grand expedition. After the expedition is over, it is necessary to exchange the experience of the expedition."


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