Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1637: Disciple shocked

I was in a hurry yesterday, repeat some, make up today, sorry.

The pill has holes, and it can swallow the air of heaven and earth outside by itself,

This proves that the inside of this pill has reached a quite perfect state.

Is already close to a certain "Tao" state,

It's like a life.

This is the best medicine.

Of course, it is still far from the mystery of true life.

However, for the pill, it is already remarkable.

Once this pill is taken,

The power of the medicine spread,

To a certain extent, it can even improve the monks' ability to perceive certain rules of heaven and earth at a certain time, thus forming a certain Taoism.

For monks, even if they only improve their perception of certain rules of heaven and earth,

There will also be some unexpected changes.

This is the real value of the best medicine.

The difference between the potency of the best pill and the potency of the general pill cannot be compensated by simple numbers.

Even if these medicines refined by Chairman Qian are only for the foundation-building monks, they are used to impact the golden core. Due to the limitations of the materials used, generally only three or less holes are opened.

However, it still possesses the function of enhancing the monk's ability to perceive certain rules of heaven and earth when the medicine is released.

Commissioner Qian can say with certainty,

Those nine personally transmitted disciples, if they break through the golden core with these nine pills,

Everyone is likely to form a very powerful Taoism


However, it depends on these direct disciples' cultivation and understanding of other powers.

Commissioner Qian suddenly remembered that these nine direct disciples were all cultivated in the gravity pool.

What you practice is a single gravity mystery,

Even after taking this top-grade pill, the Dao Fa produced after the golden core is condensed is also a Dao Fa in terms of gravity. Isn't this too wasteful?

Thought of here,

Commissioner Qian collected these top-grade pill, leaving only one top-grade pill, rolling around in the palm of Commissioner Qian.

Reached out and pointed at the pill furnace, a ray of light flashed, the pill furnace immediately became smaller and spun up automatically

Entered the big sleeves of Commissioner Qian.

"You come in."

Member Qian's faint voice came.

Outside the door, Meng Dali, with the nine direct disciples, immediately stepped in respectfully.

The master personally made the pill for the disciples,

Although the disciples could not help,

But how dare to leave without permission,

Naturally, he stood outside the door and waited eagerly.

At this moment, as soon as you come in, there is a fragrance, which is far away but not strong,

It came from the pill pill in the hands of Commissioner Qian.

Look at the pill in the hands of Commissioner Qian, with a pair of leopard eyes and a small cherry mouth.

Between swallowing and vomiting,

Breathing the vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth.

"The best medicine"

Meng Dali exclaimed and stayed.

"There are three holes, breathing, yes, they are the best medicine"

The other exclaimed himself, this disciple was called Bailiqiao.

She has a shrewd face and a skinny face.

The following disciples are responsible for planting medicinal materials.

In order to purchase various magic circles and materials,

Therefore, these disciples often go to Xiuzhen Square City in Tianpeng Mountain,

Naturally, he can still recognize the best medicine.

This top-quality pill, placed on the Xiuzhen Fang market, is simply sky-high.

However, the utility is also exciting.

However, even if they are direct disciples of Phongyangmen,

Mining the celestial veins was also their usual supervision and made a small profit.

However, with the high price of the best medicine, it still seems insufficient.

What's more, in the process of practicing, you can't just buy a superb elixir.

There are also magic weapons, flying swords, and talisman used in daily life.

For the newly established sect of Fengyang Sect, there are only some disciples who work part-time as refiners, but these disciples are only responsible for the preliminary processing of materials.

Therefore, if you want to have the right magic weapon, flying sword, you have to find a monk who specializes in crafting in the workshop.

This requires a large number of immortal stones.

Therefore, none of these disciples bought the best medicine.

However, if Commissioner Qian does not agree to help these disciples refine the pill,

These disciples, perhaps gritted their teeth, can also buy a top-quality pill.

At this moment, seeing the master’s hand holding a refined elixir,

In the eyes of the nine direct disciples, a green light suddenly appeared.

"Master is really good fortune"

"Master is really pedantic---"

Commissioner Qian was immediately drowned in the tide of flattery.

I've heard for a long time that the alchemy of Master Master is very impressive.

However, alchemy, not everyone can learn---even if you want to learn, there are not so many medicinal materials in the school, so I can practice it for you.

Now, Master Master has made the best pill,

For the nine direct disciples,

I saw it with my own eyes,

That shock,

With a bolt from the blue, you can’t describe a tenth of it

Commissioner Qian, in the eyes of these nine direct disciples, it is no different from the mobile treasure house.

There is only one top-grade pill, and it depends on which one can win the master’s favor. This top-grade divine pill belongs to whom.

"I am a big brother, the rules of respecting the old and the virtuous, don't you know?

Don't grab it"

Meng Dali, towards the other eight juniors,

Just stare

"Big brother, respecting the old and respecting the virtuous, it is true, but the school takes us in and contributes to the school

Not for dry rice,

Transplanting those rivers, and the contribution, but the biggest. "

Don’t look at Bailiqiao’s skinny, but his voice is surprisingly loud,

After that, Bailiqiao hurriedly looked at Commissioner Qian with trepidation.

Commissioner Qian nodded slightly.

Bailiqiao's thin body suddenly became as straight as a steel plate.

The other disciples were not convinced,

"It's true that you contributed to Bailiqiao, don't we, to the school, don't contribute?"

Seeing that Commissioner Qian agreed with this idea,

Yelled one by one,

I told myself all my contributions to the school, no matter how big or small.

Really, Commissioner Qian didn't really know much about the actions of these direct disciples.

Seeing them arguing, they should relax.


Commissioner Qian felt that he had enjoyed enough.

Reached out and waved.

"Contribution to the sect is important, and qualifications cannot be ignored."

Commissioner Qian said,

For this argument, put a stop.

"Boys, don't think I don't know the price of a superb pill in the market"

Commissioner Qian said,

The face of the nine direct disciples,

Each showed a pitiful look.

This master master has rarely seen each other,

The nine direct disciples don't know what kind of person Master Master is~www.readwn.com~.

However, among the various forces in Tianpeng Mountain, some masters have good things.

The disciples must pay a huge price in exchange.

Seeing this master master, is it such a person?

Member Qian smiled.

"This superb elixir, each of you has"

Then, there was already a jade bottle in his hand, and when it was opened, a fragrance of fragrance burst out into the sky, containing this top-quality pill.

The nine major disciples couldn't believe it, and then they cheered together.

"However, you are cultivating a single gravitational mystery, and taking these top-grade pills is a little wasted.

I have a Taoshu book of the Earth Element here. You can enlighten it and take this pill again.

Oh, that is the first to condense into the golden core, this earth-based Taoist book, you also want to watch it together. "

Member Qian said, a flame shot out from the center of his eyebrows, and a piece of jade slip had formed in the flame.

This is selected from the Taoist books obtained in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion of the Tianpeng Pavilion, and is suitable for the cultivation of the early disciples of the Golden Core.

"You can make a copy, and after watching it, give the jade slip to the deputy head of the turtle, while setting up the Tibetan scripture pavilion."

Commissioner Qian moved the jade slip to the front, and the disciples were grateful. Today is really a good day. Master gave the best medicine and taught the Fa. He spent decades at Fengyangmen, and there was no such day. There is so much harvest, everyone bows down, Shanhu Long live.

Well, accepting the disciple, at least, flattery, don't worry.

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