Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1642: Gudan retraining

One thousand six hundred and forty-two chapters of ancient alchemy

This Defuzi still has some thoughts

So I was waiting here.

The elixir made by the monks in the ancient cave

Some have survived until now.

Can keep the road now, most shells have become like stone, even, the degree of hardness, even more than steel.

The effective ingredients in the pill have been deteriorated and condensed.

Of course, what can be placed in ancient times, after hundreds or even thousands of years, has not completely turned into gray.

These elixirs are nothing ordinary.

Commissioner Qian estimated that these self-refined pills could impact the best medicine of Jindan

Even if the hole is opened

Leave it for a hundred years, it will lose its efficacy.

Leave it for hundreds of years

Will turn into a stone

From this point of view, the pill that is placed in the ancient cave, the pill that can not be melted, and the pill that still retains a shape, is among the fine products.

The alchemy technique has reached a certain height

You can also come up with something useful from these pills.

However, for Commissioner Qian, these elixirs can no longer be called elixirs.

To refine these pills is just a waste of your own time.

However, more than a hundred people were punished at once

I'm refusing to ask this disciple

Seems to be the master

Family is angry.

"I'll try it for you."

Commissioner Qian took the pill.

Member Qian’s current practice has an advantage.

The main deduction can be given to the shadow of Jin Guo

One's own body can either use the mystery of body refining or do other things.

Xia Guang shines

A pill pill, like a stone, has entered the pill furnace.

Reach out

A small light red flame has appeared under the pill, holding up the stone-like pill in the air.

This is because the Commissioner Qian controlled the Five Suns Real Fire and did not let the firepower of the Five Suns Real Fire radiate.

Once the firepower of Wuyang True Fire is released, it only needs a little

This pill will truly become nothingness.

Commissioner Qian controlled the flames, only emitting a little heat

A roll

This pill pill rolls steadily

The outermost petrified layer, as hard as a rock, has completely disappeared.

This outermost layer has been completely petrified

Even if the gods came, they couldn't extract any useful ingredients from it.

As soon as the outer shell was gone, Committee Member Qian frowned.

In it, even the effective ingredients of the elixir have shrunk into tiny traces

Material like thread

These substances are brighter in color, as if forged.

It should be the active ingredient in the pill.

There are also a lot of dark substances, either gray or light black

It's also a little bit of shape

Entangled with those brightly colored ingredients.

Their size is less than a tenth of the hair.

These brightly colored active ingredients are the original ingredients of the pill.

If you want to keep the active ingredients of the pill unchanged, you have to mix those dark silky substances

Distill it all out.

This is so much trouble

How much effort does it take?

I've been thinking about it for a day

Commissioner Qian did not find a good way

Can quickly extract the effective ingredients in an ancient pill

I don't spend too much time on my own.

Commissioner Qian regrets it

Isn't this trying to suffer?

After thinking about it, Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand.

A small light red spark has instantly turned into thousands of silk threads---thousands of silk threads composed of five yang real fire.

A reminder of the tricks learned from Shenren Dongfu

Thousands of light red silk threads began to flutter.

Like thousands of pale red willow branches, the light is sparse and beautiful and bright.

Distribute this unspeakable mystery.

Thousands of light red silk threads, surrounded by pills

Floating like clouds, surrounding them.

Commissioner Qian, really can't think of any way.

Only try this method.

Thousands of light red sticks float and move in accordance with the alchemy of the gods.

Whole pill

Slowly disintegrated.

Effective ingredients are clear

Ineffective ingredients are cloudy

Shenren Dongfu's Alchemy Technique

Once shipped

Can effectively distinguish clear and turbid.

Commissioner Qian could only count on this method to try.

Of course, there is another way

It is to integrate the divine mind into a very thin thread, which can also separate the discarded impurities from the effective ingredients.

The spirit of the Four Diamond Flower God, for this, is more than enough.

However, a pill, impurities and active ingredients

How many filaments are formed?

Even if Commissioner Qian had the skill, he didn't use it like that.

Tangled together clear and muddy

Gradually separated.

The turbid silk thread melted quickly, and even left a few bright spots.

The true fire of the five suns, the profound fire

A little effective ingredient can be extracted and never give up.

Gradually, only about one-third of the original pill was left.

Looks like a mess

But actually

It is composed of thousands of bright and clear silk threads, which are the effective ingredients after being refined and decomposed.

Commissioner Qian pointed out dozens of tactics.

This is an ordinary pill harvesting technique.

A ball of ground, spinning around

Has been turned into a pill.


Commissioner Qian has a joy in his heart.

Using the alchemy method of the gods, it really succeeded.

Moreover, the refined pill has the same ingredients as the original

The original ingredients should be retained.

Moreover, it did not expend too much energy from the Qianjin Committee.

Commissioner Qian was overjoyed and concocted according to law

The pill offered by Defuzi

After all the refining is complete, there are several kinds of pills in the thirty-odd pills~www.readwn.com~.

The strong fragrance immediately filled the whole hall.

Smell, "Well, it really is an ancient medicine

These pills and many materials are different from what they are now. "

Commissioner Qian has practiced the pill for so long

The medicinal materials consumed are the size of a mountain.

Members of Councilor Qian could know the general medicinal pill by smelling it, and roughly what kind of medicine the medicinal pill was made from.

And these elixirs

The scent made Commissioner Qian feel extremely strange.

Besides being able to identify some of the medicinal materials

Commissioner Qian could not identify most of the materials.

And at least half of the medicinal materials in this part are the plants grown from the creature spirits drawn from the gods' caves and planted into the soil of the gods.

Since the raw material of this medicine cannot be identified

The specific effect of this pill is difficult to identify.

Call Dofuzi to come and try?

These ancient alchemy were collected by Defuzi, and asked him to try the medicine, which was not bad.

However, the scent of these Dan floated into the heart of Commissioner Qian

Commissioner Qian was surprised to find that the scent of one of the medicinal pills made Commissioner Qian’s lungs feel like a flying sword.

This pill is actually useful for Four Diamond Flower God?

Commissioner Qian was taken aback.


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