Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1680: Sword and drum equivalent

One thousand six hundred and eighty chapters sword and drum are equal

It is even more impossible to get the structure diagram of the sword of light.

"Where, the power of my sea-cutting sword is far worse than that of the sword of light.

Mr. Kun, don't talk nonsense. "

Commissioner Qian shook his head repeatedly.

The shrunken version of the sword of light is now in the mansion of Commissioner Qian

The power of this sword is much greater than that of the Sea Slashing Sword

However, Commissioner Qian just didn’t dare to use it

If the people of Guangming Master God know

The messenger of the main **** of light

I'm afraid I'll come and have a talk with the Chief Qian.

This is also the great committee member Qian, who has worked hard to copy his sword of light to drive mana, and use the power of light

Changed to water mana.

The design of the sword of light

The power of light can be used to maximize its effectiveness.

Use water system mana to drive

The effectiveness is greatly reduced.

Plus, the parts refined by Chairman Qian

In the gap between materials and refining methods

In many ways, and the original sword of light, even the reduced version

There is also a considerable gap.

Therefore, the power of the Slashing Sea Sword was only half that of the reduced version of the Light Sword.


Kun Mihui has mung bean-sized eyes


Did not ask again.

After all, this sea-cutting sword is a water-based magic sword.

"Are you really greedy enough, more than two dozen elixir of 40,000 years old, in your divine palace, can you afford it?"

A few faint words, like the sinking of a mountain, like the boundless sea.

Face like jade, hair like snow.

The breeze blows, and the hair is flying like snow, like a man in a fairy.

Commissioner Qian stood in front of Hai Wuya

I only feel that my divine consciousness detection has fallen into the void.


This person is not Yuanying Flower God

He doesn't have the temperament of Yuanying Flower God that is in harmony with heaven and earth.

However, it was much higher than the cultivation base of True Monarch Haofei, the God Shaman of Anshan plane, which was broken.

Commissioner Qian felt both bitter and excited.

What is terrifying is that this person has a superb cultivation base


My idea is right

Without advanced Yuanying

Relying solely on the cultivation of the profound strength and the cultivation of other high-level techniques

Four Diamond Flower God's Mana

Can also approach the level of the five diamond flower god

Even more than the five-diamond flower **** elementary level

It is also possible.

"If you think it's not worth it, I can leave immediately."

Commissioner Qian answered calmly

There was not a trace of flattery in the air.


Then smile.

Hai Wuyan smiled and nodded: "Single man with a sword, really dare to guard against the sky.

Not you stand up

I'm going to play in person.

Get up, I have to thank you. "

"No, you dare to go out in person, Qian also admires it very much."

Mr. Qian didn't say much

These are just polite words.

Getting up is just about getting what you need.

The two sides reached an agreement.

Commissioner Qian is responsible for blocking the attack of the bronze drum, the four diamond flower gods of the Songhua Army

Full attack

However, Commissioner Qian stated in advance

Only responsible for blocking the bronze drum, nine attacks

Equivalent to saving the Songhua Army

Nine four-diamond flower gods.

If Songhua Corps, twenty four diamond flower gods

In the bronze drum, within nine attacks, it could not defeat the violent wolf army's large formation

That's because the Songhua Army is not good enough

However, Commissioner Qian’s remuneration is nothing less.

Except for the commander of the army, Hai Wuyan, they all fight.

As for the number of pharmacists

He didn't even have the qualification to see Hai Wuyan, and was far excluded from the Songhua Army's large formation.

Seeing Commissioner Qian, surrounded by the four diamond flower gods

Head to the sky, swinging

Awe-inspiring, heading towards the great formation of the Storm Wolf

Even the big brothers of the combined fleet standing far away

Without even looking at it.

Gao Yu was angry.

"The kid is crazy, it's so, Pharmacist, the good friend you introduced."

Pharmacist Li smiled awkwardly

Remember, Commissioner Qian

I have complained to myself several times, you guys, without any formalities, automatically become members of the joint fleet.

I, the Qian’s commissioner, does not need any of you to have a bad cultivation base, but it’s really unreasonable to participate in the election fight.

"Old Gao, my friend is very dissatisfied with not being able to automatically become a member of the Joint Fleet.

Today, he did it for us. "

"Rely on the sword?"

Jian Rushuang asked.

"Yes, you know if you don't believe it."

Pharmacist Li nodded with a complicated expression.

Among the big names

Some believe, some don't, some are jealous, some are fascinated.

Li Yaoshi's words

Thousands of species in the world seem to be revealed.

The wind is bleak, the world is silent again

Commissioner Qian looked at the rows of black armors and snorted lightly.

Don't say anything anymore~

A dazzling aqua light shines

In an instant, the sky and the earth are colorless, the sun and the moon are dull

In everyone’s eyes, there is only this shining water color brilliance

Flower gods with more than four diamonds can still keep their minds from being affected by this aqua sword light.

Flower **** under four diamonds

Especially the flower **** who is facing the aqua sword light attacking one side

The entire soul, seems to be occupied by this aqua sword light

Like the beginning of the world

It emits a light.

In this big formation, go straight for dozens of miles

Despite the large formation of the violent wolf army, there are many people, and the standing is relatively scattered.

The formation covers dozens of miles in width, and it is still pierced by this sword light, abruptly.

Where the sword light passes

Countless rays of light shine extremely, and then quickly return to nothingness.

No blood splatter, no blood, no fierce resistance

At the moment of touching this sword light

Everything becomes nothing

The bosses of the combined fleet

Except for the power of Pharmacist and Panaga

There is a preparation in my heart.

The other people, one by one, have their own mouths

Grow to the maximum

"A good sword is really against the sky"

Hai Wuyan owes her figure slightly and is about to get up from the seat


Still held back abruptly.

Commissioner Qian went beyond this sword

Not making swords

Under one sword, the violent wolf legion lost more than a thousand people

Moreover, there is no bone at all

The monks of the Storm Wolf Army



With a sound, it just moved away from both sides.

This sword is too powerful

It is not something individuals can contend with.

of course

The target of the bronze drum

I immediately turned to Commissioner Qian

See you, "Boom"

A ray of light from Chongbi blasted towards Committee Member Qian.

At this moment

The boss of the combined fleet, the boss of the Songhua Army

The heart all mentioned his throat.

The world is dark again

That dazzling water light shines again

It collided with the heavy blue light. The dazzling aqua sword light that seems to be unbreakable, everything is unbreakable

In an instant, it seemed to pause

The hearts of everyone are sinking

But immediately

Heavy blue light

Suddenly exploded into countless blue light spots, toward the surrounding

It erupted violently.

The water color is sword light, still maintaining its shape.

However, the sword light of the aqua color was also dimmed.

Seeing the sword light of the water color, still moving forward

Pounce forward

Everyone’s hearts fell back down

However, this time it was Committee Member Qian’s heart and raised it.

Because the power of Zhanhai Jianguang has been weakened.

Use Zhanhai Sword so many times

Commissioner Qian met for the first time

Able to cut the sea and sword light

The weakened baby.


On the bronze drum, the ghost of the wolf head opened his mouth again.

A white beam of light came out.

The momentum was not big, only a "pouch" was heard

The white beam of light has already blasted into Zhanhai Jianguang.

Although the white beam of light, compared with Zhanhai Jianguang

Looks a little pitiful

However, the speed of Zhanhai Jianguang was just one meal.

Immediately afterwards, slash the sea and sword light, losing all power

"Boom---" with a sound

Burst open.

The sky is like a huge fountain

Despite this, there was still a scream in the surrounding area.

Most of the Black Armored soldiers splashed by the water of this fountain

All the fragments of this spring water, instantly penetrate the body protection Tao law, the body protection sword light

Then walked through.

Amid the screams, blood shot wildly.

Only then did they discover that even the fragments of this aqua sword light were not something they could resist.

Hai Wuyan suddenly stood up excitedly and waved: "Chong"

"Come on"

There was a shaking sound

With tens of thousands of sword lights, the sky was instantly covered.

The four diamond flower gods of the Songyan Legion are out of the sea

All have been dispatched

Pounced toward the formation of the storm wolf army.

For a time

There are only countless flashes left in the sky

The bronze drum flashes once again

A heavy blue light, Zi ah time and time, shot towards Committee Member Qian

There is no doubt that the scene last time has been repeated again.

And the thunder is billowing, as if in all directions

Sounded at the same time

From the top of the ranks of the storm wolves~www.readwn.com~ there are countless beams of light that are thick and thin

Songyanshan monk charging

Several layers were cut off in an instant

Without a powerful magic weapon

The power of the formation is still quite strong


Cang Song forward, slammed a hammer

Blue tribulus, with infinite cold light, flashed out of lightning

Anyone touched by this green tribulus will immediately explode and explode into pieces of flesh and blood.

In an instant, the black-clad monk in front of him was blasted through a path of flesh and blood

Cang Song did not hesitate

Take the lead

The cyan tribulus turns and draws a circular track

Several black armours who are trying to counterattack have been blown into a cloud of blood

Just a turn, it has returned to the handle of the warhammer.



The heavy blue light shot towards Cangsong.

It turned out that the monk who manipulated the bronze drum

Seeing and slashing the sword of the sea, we can only fight for peace.

Seeing Cangsong, the first breakthrough

As soon as the bronze drum turns, it shoots towards this pine

Heavy blue light, there is still a hundred feet away from the body

Cang Song was already unable to move.

Only then did Cang Song realize the power of the bronze drum

In an instant, the soul flies away


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