Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1834: Breakthrough

Chapter 1834 Breakthrough Law

"Ding Ding Dong Dang---"

The copper block of the big nail falls

However, the falling sound is smoother

There are only a few discordant voices occasionally.

A complete green and red sè wind and copper vein appeared in the hands of Commissioner Qian

The sky is already dimmed

This is the last piece of wind copper in today's decomposition.

Take a look at the stacked wind copper veins

"Five superb celestial stones,"

Commissioner Qian murmured in his heart.

More than a month has passed, compared to when the work just started

In most cases

The veins of green and red will not be damaged.

These five finest immortal stones are the handwork expenses of the Qian committee.

What Commissioner Qian valued was not these superb celestial stones, but the dim state he entered when he went all out to do this work.

In order to keep the wind copper veins from being damaged

Commissioner Qian went all out to deal with a piece of wind copper every time.

The array resources of the Shadow of Golden Fruit have also been used a lot.

For more than a month, Commissioner Qian seldom rested, and the mystery of the decomposition of several colors has been integrated.

Turned into a kind of brown gray mist

However, this mist looks very smooth, like a piece of silk.

If you use this brown-gray fog to fight, Qian Da estimates that the power will increase several times.

For the general sword light, the protective cover of the magic weapon

Commissioner Qian estimated that as long as one blow, it can be broken immediately.

Commissioner Qian is still not satisfied.

There is still a long way to go to Wright's level.

You know, Wright and himself are both four diamond huā gods.

Wright's mana is not as strong as his own.

Commissioner Qian has confirmed that Wright has not opened the hidden xùe ​​trick.

Therefore, in terms of the strength of mana, it cannot be compared with oneself.

So, after finishing the work on Fengtong

Wright expressed his satisfaction with the progress of Committee Member Qian.

"It takes at least one and a half years for an ordinary Jindan apprentice to reach your level."

Then, he threw a pile of materials to Committee Member Qian

However, this time the materials are divided into several types.

It is higher than the grade of Fengtong.

However, even in Tianpeng Mountain, these materials are not too rare.

Among these materials, what are the most useful parts to be refined

After Wright said to the Commissioner Qian,

Commissioner Qian found

Long mén Inn has a much deeper understanding of various materials than ordinary planes.

Also much harsher.

It is necessary to extract the jīnghua part from these materials.

The remaining part can only be used to make ordinary building materials.

It is already good, and it has reached a certain level of material.

The structure of this grade of material is very dense.

If you want to decompose this material, the damage rate is higher.

This is also the decomposition technique used by the Chief Qian, after reaching a certain level

Wright gave him these materials āo.

I didn't say anything, Commissioner Qian immediately started working without a single complaint.

Nothing else, just what Wright said, to extract which part of these materials, after extracting, roughly what to use

What a tempering method.

Commissioner Qian is very inspiring.

If these materials are not processed

Master Wright would not tell Commissioner Qian about this.

Another half month has passed

After Commissioner Qian decomposed this large pile of materials, he obtained ten top-quality fairy stones.

The best immortal stone, but not many.

However, the dense brown gray mist that was originally white and tender has turned into the brilliance of brown gray.

In the past two weeks, that kind of epiphany has once again appeared in the minds of Chairman Qian.

This is also a way of cultivation, and it progresses very quickly for the decomposition of the mysterious.

Wait until Commissioner Qian sees the brilliance of this brown-grey sè, release it from his palm

This suddenly realized.

Finally there is a kind of mana that breaks through the restrictions of the law.

"Good, not bad."

Wright was very satisfied with the work done by Commissioner Qian.

"Your flame ability has passed the level, but your water refining ability is still not good.

You take my token and go to Qiuyu Pavilion. With 20 top-grade immortal stones, you can choose one mén worth of one hundred immortal stones.

After the water refining method is completed, it can be added to the preliminary refining process. "

Then, Wright handed a yùpei to Commissioner Qian.

Ah --- Twenty best immortal stones

It was during this period of time that he earned the best immortal stone from the middle of thousands of miles.

Commissioner Qian mumbled

However, he still took over.

This time

Commissioner Qian understands Wan Liju's rules quite well.

Only after your own mana reaches a certain level of strength, teach you how to use mana mén.

For example, the flame condensing method mén taught to him by Wright can only make the flame more condensed and more powerful, but it is useless at all for improving the realm of the five suns and sparks.

The improvement and evolution of Wuyang Xinghuo's realm depends on Commissioner Qian himself to continuously integrate the mysteries of the star power.

Commissioner Qian’s water system refining technique did not meet the required standards

Commissioner Qian must figure out his own way, after reaching this standard

Wright, the cheap master of Commissioner Qian, will tell Commissioner Qian how the water system refining technique is used in different materials.

The water refining technique does not meet the required standards, and there is no qualification to participate in the preliminary refining process.

In other words, there are some apprentices from the huā gods here. I am afraid that they will have to be apprentices for hundreds of years before they can reach the standard of cultivation and be qualified to participate in the preliminary refining process.

Commissioner Qian took yùpei and walked out of Wanliju Shi Shiran.

This is the first time in fifty days ~www.readwn.com~ Commissioner Qian has left Wanliju.

Watching the bustling crowd on the street.

Commissioner Qian couldn't help but think of Luanpo.

Luan Po didn't choose an apprentice, and went to refine the power crystal in the Void Luàn stream.

In fifty days, no messenger was sent---oh, it looked like it was in the stream of Void Luàn. Once a messenger was sent, it would be shattered by the stream of Void Luàn.

The octopus monster was not selected either.

Wright chose the dragon whale man.

According to Wright, the octopus monster is just a trick.

After arriving at the Qiuyu Pavilion, after obtaining the water refining technique

Time to go to Luanpo.

Commissioner Qian pondered this, and when he was practicing the Water Refining Technique, he and Luanpo, and there were still a lot of monster materials in the ruins.

After refining these materials initially, Wan Liju also collects them.

How high is the refining technique?

Just leave this dragon mén inn.

After all, I came to the Sea of ​​Ruins by myself to find Water Yuanzhu.

At this time, more than ten miles of road has passed.

In this Longmén Inn, even the old monsters of the Yuan Ying period usually don't fly away.

"Autumn Rain Pavilion" appeared in the eyes of Commissioner Qian.

It's another guy in the foundation period, welcome to come up.

"Guest, what do you need?"



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