Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1837: Fortress

One thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven chapter E fortress

"Oh? Go to the fortress extracted by Power Crystal? Take out your license."

The middle-aged man glanced at Commissioner Qian

There is a place where Void Hand appears.

Commissioner Qian stretched out a yù card and passed it.

"Well, it's a new apprentice from Wanliju."

Lieutenant Gongsun Kang watched

"Luanpo, in the E-sized fortress, you can take him over."

Commissioner Gui Fang and Qian Da, walking towards the teleportation array.

"Go, go to the teleportation array. To refine the fortress of the power crystal, all go through the teleportation array."

Guifang said.

"This dragon mén inn is in the void, not in any plane."

Commissioner Qian said.

Guifang nodded

"Yes, this dragon mén inn is in the void, not on any plane, so the transfer of coordinates is also quite complicated.

However, precisely because they are in the void, the void creatures like to come to the Dragon Inn. "

The two came to a hall

A teleportation array appeared in front of him.

"Huh? This teleportation array is still complicated. The distance from here to the fortress for extracting crystals should be very short?"

Commissioner Qian looked at the huā pattern of the teleportation array

A bit suspicious.

The huā pattern of this teleportation array is as complicated as the long-distance teleportation array. The sea has added a lot of restrictions. These restrictions form multiple protections for the objects being transmitted when they are teleporting.

"This teleportation array, plus multiple restrictions, void creatures, but it can attack while teleporting."

Guifang explained.

Standing on the teleportation array, first stretched out his hand, a magic trick, has entered the magic formation on the wall next to the teleportation array

In the circle, a voice immediately sounded: "Transfer request to be sent, please wait a moment."

"Send a transmission request for such a short distance?"

Member Qian asked.

"This is to first detect whether there are void creatures on the transmission path.

On the transmission path, there is no void creature, and the transmission can be carried out. "

Guifang said.

Commissioner Qian despite practicing spatial mystery

However, in the stream of Void Luàn, they rarely go there, and they don't know much about Void creatures.

After a while

The voice sounded from the circle: "Transfer permission, transmission begins."

The light of the teleportation array shone.

As the surrounding scenery was spinning, Qian Da saw that this time, in the violent stream of void, there were a few dark shadows faintly, flashing, rushing towards this side.

Fortunately, these black shadows are far away.

Just a flash

Commissioner Qian and Gui Fang are already in a greyish room.

The walls of the green and gray sè are actually made of the same material as the walls of the Dragon Inn.

The roar of "rumble"

Like a tsunami, it spread to Commissioner Qian’s ears.

This is the voice of the Void Luàn, that's right.

Commissioner Qian thought.

"Take out the identity card."

Around the wall, there was a voice.

Committee members Gui Fang and Qian Qian showed their identity cards.

A magic trick flashed, and the identity card was verified.

On the wall, a mén opened silently.

Several monks, all in armor, looked at them guardedly.

"You are not from this Wuzibao, what's the matter here?"

"We came here to find someone named Luanpo."

Guifang replied.

He has been refining power crystals for more than a hundred years, and he is considered a veteran.

Among the several monks here, one has ever met.

"Oh, Guifang, the one named Luanpo is a newcomer. Do you know him too? He did well. He was attacked by the Void Beast several times, and he didn't even suffer any injuries.

You come with me, I will take you there. "

A slender monk with a yellow hair said to Luanpo in surprise.


Guifang glanced at Commissioner Qian, and the sound transmission said: "Your friend is not bad, a newcomer, who has fought the Void Beast several times in a row and survived, so I can deal with the Void Beast later."

Member Qian smiled

The shield that Luan broke out looked like an ordinary water shield

But Shui Yuanzhu released it.

Where can ordinary monsters be easily broken.

"Anafu, why, you're on duty today, long time no see, what's the gain?"

Gui Fang laughed.

As for these monks

The original cold face was treated as if he hadn't seen it.

Oh---In those days, Gui Fang was a standard monk, and now he has become much more secular.

Anaphora with yellow hair, walking in front, shaking his head

"The Void Beast is getting stronger and stronger. I only grabbed a live one in a few months. How could the immortal stone I get enough for the many brothers?

A dead void beast can only be refined by an intermediate refiner. If you want to refine high-quality equipment, you must be a master-level character.

The material on the void beast has always been at that price. "

Commissioner Qian looked at this fortress. There were many fences extending out. Around the fence, there was only a thin barrier that separated the fence from the fortress.

Outside the fence, there is a stream of emptiness that is a thousand times more violent than a hurricane.

White, red, green, and black

It whizzed past like thunder.

Or pass by the fortress

Or crazily attacking this fortress.

The monk who refines the power crystal is standing on this fence, the mana shield of his whole body, full of power

Facing the void Luàn directly.

One after another

From the stream of void luàn, crystals are extracted.

Some crystals are only as big as beans

Some crystals are as big as longan.

Void luàn flow, as the name implies

Direction at all

If you encounter the void luàn stream passing by

The cultivators can smoothly extract some power crystals from the Void Luàn stream.

If it's a stream of emptiness coming from the front

The monks, will retreat to behind that thin layer of restriction.

However, the speed and strength of Void Luàn's flow are not easily predictable.

Commissioner Qian saw it with his own eyes

Several monks were beaten up by the Void Luàn stream.

The shield on his body shattered suddenly, like a volcanic eruption.

Wait until it is banned

Blood is already spurting out like a blood arrow

The Innate Yuanyang Ruler is suspended on the top of the head, emitting a warm white light, surrounded by the high mountains and steep mountains, clouds and mist floating, and a stream of water rushes out from the top of the head, protecting the whole body strictly.

Luanpo cautiously extracted some power crystals from a stream of void luàn passing in front of him.


A giant claw, gray gray sè, three claws toes, slammed from the stream of void luàn, and grabbed it towards the peak

Power crystals are extracted from this void luàn flow

Luanpo was not detected at all.

However, Luanpo is not surprising at all.

In this stream of emptiness, there is no space, only countless space fragments.

The divine consciousness of ordinary monks, the distance extended in this void luàn stream, is simply pitifully short.

This void beast may have been thousands of miles away.

However, the Void Beast’s divine mind detection method is very suitable for Void Luàn flow.

Therefore, the Void Beast can easily detect the Crest Break

Luanpo was unable to detect the Void Beast.

The coming of this claw is extremely strange, as if there is no trace, appearing out of thin air.

Three feet long with huge claws, emitting dark gray bō patterns, like water, fog, and smoke.

Luanpo felt that he seemed to be stuck in the mud, unable to move.

After fighting against the void several times, Luanpo knew that this was a space swamp technique, which turned space into a swamp.

It is that the Void Beast will generally get a spell.


In the white light emitted by the Innate Yuanyang Ruler, the lofty mountains and ridges contained in it were shattered.

This lofty mountain is an illusion manifested by the prohibition released by various magic circles.

The Void Beast's coming is weird, and it must be restricted by this battle.

It took a breathtaking effort to catch the white mountains and ridges.

Just this breath time

Luan Po has moved about half of the distance towards the restriction of the fortress.

The shield under the Innate Yuanyang Ruler has been captured

The Xiantian Yuanyang Ruler turns on Luanpo’s head

At nine o'clock, the sparks came out one after another.

It is like nine stars in a row, forming a straight line.

"Boom, boom, boom"

Continuous sound

The crimson flame bursts forth thousands of feet

This is the Taoist power of the four diamonds huā.

In the thunderous earthquake

The paw clicked, it was already broken.

The blue blood splashed out, looking like molten crystal, translucent.

The blood of this void beast is also an important material for refining equipment.

Although caught in the swamp of space

Luanpo is still pushing the law to its limit, reaching out and patting the water around the body.

A roll of lànghuā

In the marsh of space, this lànghuā moves freely. The claws that had already broken off the void beast, the splashed blue blood, swept away

At the same time, Luan broke his slow body shape and suddenly became flying

Towards the prohibition of the fortress, quickly retreated

This is Luan Po as a newcomer

The reason why he performed better than many veteran monks in these fifty days.

Space swamp commonly used by Void Beasts~www.readwn.com~Space Bound

In the case of Luanpo's full force of urging Shui Yuanzhu, the effect on Luanpo is not great.

Luanpo can only speculate that the rules of the 30,000 li world in the water yuanzhu may be relatively perfect.

Therefore, the resulting water flow

It contains rules, and is different from the space swamp and space constraints used by this void beast.

Of course, even if the Shui Yuanzhu is in the palace of the mountain broken, every time the water Yuanzhu is fully urged, the loss of the mountain broken


A strange roar

A blue and black breath, violently blasted

In the breath of blue and black, countless spatial streams swirl like countless vortices, just like the famous water system attack spell, "Water Dragon Spin".

In "Water Dragon Spin", the water blade is spinning

This blue and black breath, rotating but the flow of space.

This attack power, how many times worse

Luan broke with all his strength and waved the innate Yuanyang ruler

A deep yellow ray of light, with vast ground and rolling mountains inside, breathed out into the blue and black ray.

Above the earth mountain range, there are nine fire huā shining, like nine suns.

In the midst of the loud noise, Luanpo was beaten up and slammed into the restraint behind.

The water shield around his body dàng like a tsunami.



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