Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1848: Sword shadow

Chapter 1848 Sword Shadow

Canisi has a long streamer in his hand

Nine ferocious monsters roared and leaped on the banner.

This long banner is a spell like soul.

A magic trick

In essence, unlike the Beast Defying Technique, the monster beasts summoned are derived from the magic circle or magic technique on the magic weapon. There is no physical correspondence in the game. As long as the duration of the Taoism expires, the monster beast will disappear. .

But the tactics of guarding beasts and the skills of guarding beasts are to subdue and subdue various powerful monsters and make them serve themselves. They are entities. Comparing the two, as far as most people are concerned, Dharma Beast Dao Jue is undoubtedly much more affordable.

The secret method of condensing the Faxiang Demon Sovereign that Committee Member Qian obtained from Huang Maozi actually belongs to this category.

The magic circle on the magic weapon or the monk’s magic trick

Unlimited release of magic beasts.

However, cultivate a powerful magic beast

Not only requires a very mysterious magic circle, but also constantly devours the souls and blood of monsters and monks.

If this magic beast is swallowed

A magic beast regenerates immediately within the magic treasure

The power dropped immediately.

Buroh's face was very dissatisfied: "Cassini, you have been practicing here for hundreds of years, and you can also become an apprenticeship.

In about one hundred and fifty years, you can also become an intermediate refiner.

One hundred and fifty years, for our four diamond huā gods, it is just a flick of a finger.

What do you always hold me for? "

The flame thunderball hovering around the body suddenly increased in rotation speed.

God Broad could no longer see clearly.

But Bro is right

In the abyss monsters, while improving combat effectiveness

They also study refining tools and alchemy, compared with human monks, fewer.

Killing and fighting, this is the natural instinct of monsters.

The alchemist who needs diligent research and boring training is a kind of alien in the abyss monster.


Many abyss monsters with relatively weak combat talents have embarked on the path of alchemists.

Burro, as a monster type with relatively strong combat effectiveness, cultivates alchemy to such a level

It is already like a gem in a stone.

"Are you telling a joke? We are going to set up a teleportation formation that can transport 50,000 people next to the Bone Fortress. What a secret important thing is this?

Tell you to listen, it is your pleasure.

Let me tell you, today, you can only swear to the inner demon, for the cause of the abyss, get the super teleportation array, otherwise "

yīn's words


"Brother Dawei, today is a coincidence. Once the Bone Fortress is breached, the abyss army can immediately sweep dozens, hundreds of planes.

If Brother Dawei joins the Abyss Army, the income will not be much. Being a lord on the mainland is not a problem. "

A thin monk, no nose, only a triangular mouth, one by one, greeted Chi Dawei.

Although the tone is friendly, but the implication

It's no different from what Canisi said.

Chi Da laughed for a while.

"It’s hard to do this, our Red Elephant Mountain, in the sea of ​​ruins, has a vast territory.

Dozens of continents are not necessarily half the size of the sea of ​​ruins

Even if dozens of continents are captured, how much territory can we get from Red Elephant Mountain?

I am afraid that those planes have not been captured yet, so I am so daring, whether I can stand here is a question. "

This is called a rare ruined sea monster in Shijie, and suddenly felt helpless.

A set of rhetoric thought up in advance is useless at all.

Red Elephant Mountain, in the sea of ​​ruins, is considered a medium power.

The site in the sea of ​​ruins, with a radius of several million li, is also there.

Join the army of abyss monsters to fight?

This is not necessary at Red Elephant Mountain.

"It's really unlucky today, as soon as I came out, I ran into them.

In fact, I am not at all interested in this large-scale operation of the Abyss. "

Bro shook his head and sighed.

Once the number of monks fighting to kill reaches a certain number, tens of thousands or tens of thousands.

Even if it’s the Yuanying huā god

The same may fall.

Seeing more than a dozen monks, they gradually began to surround themselves.

"The same with you----"

Canisi’s proud face

"In that case, let's see the real chapter under your hand"

Commissioner Qian didn't say anything again.

Wave of hand

Kanisi only felt a golden light falling from the sky.

Amidst the golden light, an eight-sided golden mace, before it approached, Kanisi only felt that a mountain was suddenly pressed down.

Pressure through the protective cover

Makes Canisi feel like a needle

"Good job----"

The Kanisi banner shook, a monster has appeared, like a mountain

It looks like a huge rhino, with golden má growing all over it

The entire body of plate armor, piece by piece, is almost the same as the void beast Nado that was just wiped out.

A strange horn on the head is ten feet long

With the force of pulling the mountain tripod, to the eight-sided golden mace

It was another monster, already leaping out of the long banner.

It’s tens of feet long, like a leopard, but it’s covered in armor like a tortoise shell.

With a mouth, it is a black flame, blasting towards Committee Member Qian

At the same time, the cold light flashed

With this flame, the claws will be caught

This huge golden rhinoceros and this leopard covered in tortoise shells

Even have the strength of the four diamond huā gods


If the monster on this long banner

They all have this kind of strength. Compared with their own salmon collectors, they are generally pets, and they are only four-diamond huā gods.

Commissioner Qian thought.


The eight-sided golden mace, and the single horn of this golden rhino, slammed together.

There was a loud noise, and the sound shook everywhere

Countless fires splashed up to a hundred feet high

The golden rhino has been smashed into several pieces.

Eight-lens gold mace, after repeated improvement by Qian

After the tempering of Qingqi

If you don’t even have this power,

Commissioner Qian simply didn't know what to do.

A star haze has appeared in the whole body of Chairman Qian

When the black flame sprayed out, it actually burned the star fog a little bit.

However, this star fog suddenly rises

This leopard, covered with tortoise shells, was sucked in by the star fog.

As soon as I entered the star fog, I saw a huge galaxy slowly spinning in the distance

Countless lights, bō moving, whizzing

This monster turned around to escape

However, the space was imprisoned for an instant, and then, countless lights and bō movements, bombarded.

This monster swallowed countless souls and blood ròu

He already has a certain amount of wisdom.

In the roar of anger, the flame

But has been wrapped in the countless light and bō

Drag to the center of this galaxy.

The light and bō move, burning like a visible and invisible flame

Burning the brain of this monster, countless secret symbols

Under this burning, one after another decomposed.

It seems that a long time has passed, and it seems that a long time has not passed

This leopard with a tortoise shell, with a crash, has plunged into a star in the galaxy

Vaguely saw, among the stars, a leopard with a tortoise shell was roaring.

Commissioner Qian once thought

Put the monster beasts raised in his own gods into this week's star battle array.

However, this week, the star battle is in a big array, only the soul is needed.

The magic beasts cultivated in these magic weapons are just suitable for the needs of the Qian.

This Canisi, seeing the leopard with tortoiseshell

As soon as he plunged into the star fog, he immediately lost his spiritual connection.

Canisi was frightened and angry

Reaching out and pointing, the golden rhinoceros has reunited.

This golden rhino is the most defensive among the nine monsters on his banner

However, the eight-sided golden mace turned

Has become a world

It seems that there is only one hundred meters of radius, but there are mountains and running water, and the wind is horrible

One volume, this golden rhino has been wrapped in the world

However, the power of this world is not as mysterious as the star fog.

Canisi can still feel that the golden rhino is in this world, and the mountains are rolling over.

The soil turned into mud in an instant, sending out gravity thousands of times heavier, and could not move.

The wind howled like a knife, there were nine big fireballs in the sky, hundreds of fireballs, from these nine big fireballs blasted out

No matter how strong the defensive power of this golden rhinoceros is

Also immobile.

Canisi was shocked and saw the world, just one, and turned into an eight-sided golden mace, just a dozen

Canisi's long banner is rolled, but it can't hold the eight-sided golden mace

I was hit right in front of this eight-sided golden mace


With a mouth open, a flame burst out

After turning over a dozen somersaults, he barely managed to stand firm in the flow of space.

It just feels like the whole body's mana is boiling, unable to operate for a while.

Fortunately, several monks next to him have already pounced on

Thousands of mines, dark, only the soy bean, smashed at the head of Commissioner Qian

Seeing these black bean mines, there are countless huā patterns

Commissioner Qian knew that these mines were very powerful.

No dodge, no evasion

Has rushed toward these ten thousand mines.

"Boom, boom, boom"

The sky is full of thunder explosions, full of evil spirits and fury

As if returning to dàng thousands of miles

The roaring space luàn flows all around, all are lost

I saw several red flames flashing in the thunderstorm full of sky

Like the deepest darkness, the shining dawn.

A swirl of water in the air with a radius of one hundred meters has already been hit by these few red flames.

This piece of water spinning with a radius of one hundred feet is the monk who sent out ten thousand mines

In this one-hundred-meter-square-meter water spin, the space is luàn flowing, no intrusion is allowed, and the spiritual mind cannot detect his position in this water spin.

However, the swirling water that can block the flow of space luàn, in front of these few red flames, is like a piece of paper.

The water in contact with this red flame immediately turned into nothingness

Immediately afterwards, the blood mist splashed for dozens of feet

This four-diamond huā **** has been cut into several segments

A tens of feet of water swirled out, with an incredibly human face in the center

This monk, the primordial spirit escaped, and couldn't believe that those few red flames were so sharp.

The water whirlpool that cannot be penetrated by the space flow, touches these few red flames, and it turns into nothingness.

In an instant, this water spin was about to flee around.

But the space luàn flows like thunder

This is the flow of space, not the flow of water

The primordial spirit enters the space luàn flow, and it will soon dissipate.

At this moment, a figure flew over.

The big sleeves are unfolded, and a hurricane whizzes up from the big sleeves

This water spin is struggling, but the soul, water spin, and the body that has been cut into several sections

Throw towards this big sleeve.

The other cultivators who rushed up in the void seemed to be rooted under their feet, motionless.

This person is amazing

These monks had only one thought in their hearts.

Kanisi was able to become the head of these more than a dozen people, mainly because he had a long banner in his hand, nine monsters, and five of them had only four diamonds.

The display of the long banner is equivalent to a master with six four-diamond huā **** strength.

However, from the start of the battle until now, two monsters have been captured, and Kanisi received a blow and was repelled

A four-diamond huā **** was beheaded

It was just a few breaths.

Upon seeing Chi Da, the Azure Dragon Yanyue Knife in his hand was shaken

Emits endless cold light, hot and cold

At the same time, the verdant mountain peak, with many marine plants growing on it, turned into a big bucket, and has been smashed out

The few people surrounding Chi Dawei are just a flash

A monk was hit by the mountain, and immediately the bodyguard method shattered and splashed, a tumbler turned out, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.

As soon as the purple flame swept, Chi Dawei was already standing next to Commissioner Qian.

At this time, Bro is struggling to support

Fortunately, he still has six shields, spinning around him rapidly

These six-sided shields seem to be made from a fusion of bone and metal

He blocked hundreds of feet of water blades, thunder and fire, fire huā, and six shields, but they were intact.

There is no shortage of alchemists in terms of magic weapons.

There are countless thunders out of hundreds of flame balls

But dodge left and right.

Commissioner Qian waved

The red flame flashed again

A scream

Blood splattered for several feet

A monk who besieged Broad, even though he urged all his strength in an instant, half of his shoulder

It was still beheaded.

Brow's figure flickered, and he was also standing next to the Qian committee.

"By you? Huh?"

Commissioner Qian hummed a few times

The figure flickered, and Chi Dawei, Bro, walked away.

Kanisi is holding a long banner and dare not come forward

In order for the five magic beasts to reach the level of the four diamond huā god

He didn't know how much work

The star fog surrounding the monk is really weird.

In the Void Luàn stream, Chi Dawei looked at Commissioner Qian. He knew that Commissioner Qian came from the White Bone Fortress, not the native monk in the Sea of ​​Ruins.


How many days did Luanpo return to the sea of ​​ruins?

Within a few years, Commissioner Qian estimated

Luanpo will not come to Long mén Inn.

The super plane communication is not available in Dragon Inn.

Under the suppression of the law, the four-diamond huā **** became a foundation monk, not to mention the superplane communication

In this Void Luàn stream, Commissioner Qian could not determine his position at all, let alone talk about superplane communication.

Let's wait for Luanpo to come back.

Commissioner Qian decided.

Several people searched slowly in the stream of void luàn.

In the flow of the void, maybe you can step out of tens of miles in a few steps

Maybe it took a long time to fly a hundred miles away.

Several people trek for several days before they were in the void and saw an island within a radius of several miles.

As if there is an invisible barrier surrounding the island

The soil above is like spar, with hundreds of plants growing like pine trees, verdant and verdant.

This is the void loose.

Some bowls have thick mouths, while others only have thick fingers.

A tree with only a few branches

There are also plants like grass

It is purple-red, like yù.

More than a dozen void beasts are eating these purple-red grasses.

These more than a dozen void beasts have sheep's heads, deer bodies, and eat the paws of animals.

As soon as I saw a few people from the Qian Chief Committee came here, there was a cloud under his feet, soaring into the air, and they had disappeared in the stream of emptiness.

"Heh, there are herbs and sauces here, mortals eat them, their bodies are as light as clouds, but they are of no use to us."

Chi Dawei said.

"Well, this is actually a plant similar to the wind system, which can improve a person's physique into a wind system. However, this kind of grass has a better effect."

Commissioner Qian said, he began to pick the branches and leaves of Void Pine.

Long mén Inn has strict orders

Only the branches and leaves of Void Pine are allowed to be picked, not the whole Void Pine.

Where there are rules

A few members of the Chief Qian will not go to violators to order.

However, there are no rules for this herb sauce

This sauce herb is very strange, growing in the void island

However, it has little effect on refining tools and alchemy.

After collecting the branches and leaves of the Void Beast

The branches and leaves of these void pine are obviously new growth.

Brow reached out to the sauce herb: "Don't you, this sauce herb belongs to me. God knows this sauce herb, when is it useful?"

At this moment, a voice came from the Void Luàn: "Monk, this sauce is useless for you, why do you collect it?

Let us leave this herb sauce. "

This is the lingua franca of the Dragon Inn.

Several human heads, deer bodies, claws of animals that eat ròu, and monsters with five markings on their bodies, have appeared hundreds of meters away from the people.

When did they come, none of these four-diamond huā gods were aware of it.

"Five deer? Are these herbs and sauces your food?"

Chi Da asked curiously about this in the Monster Illustrated Book bought by ~www.readwn.com~.

Five deer did not answer.

"Five deer are hard to catch, they can teleport thousands of miles"

Bro said, in his eyes, the greed is unconcealed.

The five deer stood in the void without speaking.

"A five-sè deer, a thousand best immortal stones."

Bro said.

The five-sè deer did not move, and another five-sè deer appeared thousands of feet away.

Several people swept through their spiritual thoughts, and only then discovered that the original five deer was already a phantom.

Without any space to move, it appears thousands of feet away.

In the flow of this space, it is impossible to catch the five deer.

"Well, these sauce herbs belong to you."

Commissioner Qian said.

"Are there any void islands nearby?"

Chi Dawei asked.

"Yes, there are, at your speed, you will have to walk for another ten days. That is, the island of the void has already floated away."

Wusèlu nodded, and said in a calm tone.

Still walking for another ten days, then, the smelting in the middle of a thousand miles will be delayed?

"Huilong mén Inn"

Commissioner Qian said that Chi Dawei and Bro nodded.



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