Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1876: Difficulties

m reminds book friends to pay attention to rest their eyes, Chapter 1876

"You still belong to the Dragon Inn, you don't have the same meaning"

Listening to the fading voice, it turned into a bang, and Committee Member Qian knew that it was another war.


A thin monk with no nose, only a triangular mouth, greeted the figure of Commissioner Qian one by one, raised his hands, with webbed fingers between his five fingers.

However, Commissioner Qian ignored it.

"It's difficult to cast the world, why, you know him."

A monk from the Dragon Inn said, with long flaming hair, deep eyes and high nose.

It turned out that it was with Kanisi, the ruins sea monsters encountered in the space flow were difficult to cast.

And Chi Da for knowing,

It is difficult for Shi Jie to hover this shield around his body,

Like water b flowing, there is golden light,

A crimson paw volleyed,

Like the claws of a velociraptor magnified a thousand times,

The space is distorted. If you look closely, there is nothing in the paws.

Scarlet with only blood,

Tear the sea, roar like thunder


In the loud noise like a huge thunder,

Golden light bursts, and the surface of the shield like water is like a volcano, with fragments bursting.

However, as Crimson's paw swept past,

The fragments that burst only reached a height of several feet, and then grew back

Did Shi Jie use such a good magic weapon?

In the distant sea, Commissioner Qian, who turned into a ball of seawater, flashed with surprise in his eyes.

Taking a closer look, it turns out that

There is already an apprentice sign on the robe of Shijienan

It turned out that Shi Jie Nan also became the apprentice of the Dragon Inn.

The one who issued this blow was a monster in blood red armor.

The head is like a prawn with horns,

On the shoulders of the armor, the shape resembles a skeleton.

The upper body armor is like a rib, with blood-red bone pieces and a battle skirt with leaf armor.

Seeing the effect of a single blow, there is no such thing in an instant.

He let out a fierce howl, obviously astonished.

It turned into a blood-red phantom, swimming quickly in the battle.

Shi Jie Nan had the opportunity to reply: "Oh, this is the group who entered the Dragon Inn from the sea of ​​ruins with me."

The Dragon Inn knew that among the monks who entered the Dragon Inn from the sea of ​​ruins, a piece of plant crystallized equipment was released, which led to the Taobao Taobao.

However, I know that this piece of equipment belongs to Committee Member Qian, not much.

"It's hard to do it, it seems that your greeting is useless at all."

The monk who fought side by side with Shi Jie Nan laughed.

at this time,

A group of scarlet flames burned under their feet,

It's like burning blood.

The flame burning speed is very fast,

So, despite the barriers,

At the same time, the two felt that the blood flow in their feet seemed to have stopped

I don’t know what the monster is this spell,

It does not matter,

Because the blood-red figure has suddenly appeared in the sea above,

Two hundreds of meters long with scarlet shadows,

Has already paid close attention to the head of the difficult contract partner

It is conceivable that if this catch is caught, it will immediately end with the destruction of the soul.

Difficulties in the world and companions, immediately urge the magic weapon

However, they were caught in the footsteps and let their posture slow down,

The claw shadows became hundreds, thousands


The defense of the magic weapon was broken in an instant


Yelling at the same time

At this moment, I saw hundreds of purple and golden awns whizzing

Said it is a thin awn, only relative to the claw shadow that is hundreds of meters long.

Each ray of light is full of the thickness of a teacup, surrounded by countless lightning flashes on it, revealing a horrible atmosphere that makes one's heart palpitating.

Hundreds of purple and golden thunders roared,

Just one turn, one turn

Thousands of blood-red claw shadows, when they touched these thunder lights, they burst into blood fragments.

Thunder, always the nemesis of these dark spells.

Hundreds of thin awns rose at a very high speed,

Towards the upper waters,

The blood-red figure rushed.

It's like a school of extremely fast fish, chasing their prey.

The blood-red figure made a strange whistle,

A blood spot appeared all over his body, covering a range of tens of feet.

Then, another claw shadow came out,

Amidst the rumbling, the thunder roared,

These hundreds of fine awns are actually overwhelming.

The momentum kept, with a twist, this claw shadow has been turned into fragments,

Hundreds of thin awns have suddenly penetrated into the blood spots of tens of meters,

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom,"

Like dozens of thunder, exploding at the same time

The blood spots of dozens of feet have been blown to pieces.

There was a strange whistle,

A blood-red figure pierced through the blood spots in an instant, already hundreds of feet away

Difficult to deal with the world, quickly mobilize to resolve the blood energy of the invasion.

Member Qian’s figure appeared before Shi Jie Nan.

One hand

These hundreds of purple and golden awns turned into grass stems and fell into the hands of Commissioner Qian.

With a grasp, he has entered the sacred mansion of Commissioner Qian.

Commissioner Qian was very sorry that more than a hundred purple gold thunder thorns came out, and he couldn't catch the blood shadow. This monk was really strong, a bit like the way of an abyss monster.

"It's difficult to cast the world, it was you who said hello to me?

Are you not following Canisi? Why is this here? "

"I have joined the Qiuyu League now, and I am also an apprentice. I just thank you very much."

Shi Jie Nan is originally a monster in the sea of ​​ruins, so he can recognize it naturally.

That is more than a hundred purple and gold thunder thorns, all of which have been refined into magic weapons.

Compared with the original purple thunder thorn, its power is much better

It seems that this companion of Chi Dawei, the refining technique is no longer the same.

"Oh? Qiu Yu League? What does it have to do with Qiu Yu Pavilion?"

Commissioner Qian Qiu Yuge bought a lot of refining techniques.

"Autumn Yumeng is a craftsman's workshop for refining tools, and Qiu Yuge is a shop."

Shi Jie is difficult to say.

"Oh, I see."

Commissioner Qian nodded ~www.readwn.com~ This is not surprising.

"Canisi is not looking for a way to get the teleportation formation, how is he progressing?"

This is the question that Commissioner Qian wants to ask.

This time, Shi Jie difficult answer, changed the way of sound transmission.

"Your Excellency, after I joined the Autumn Rain League, it was not the same way with Kanisi and others, but I heard,

Kanisi's men sighed in the trench, and they found some special refining equipment, Kanisi, very close to the super teleportation array. "

It can be seen that Shi Jienan is a smart person.

After driving the Autumn Rain League, he drew a distance from Canisi.

That's it.

Commissioner Qian's face remained unchanged, and he nodded towards Shijie Difficulty.

The body shape has turned into a long rainbow,

Wherever I go, the sea is like air,

In the blink of an eye, it's already more than ten miles away

After hearing this news, Commissioner Qian felt that he had to return to Tianpeng Mountain quickly.

A coat of arms on the wall,

A ray flying in a giant star is the kind of ray like a big bat.

The same as a few years ago.

Commissioner Qian came directly to the town’s main mansion and brought a message from Anlu Village to the settlers.

Then, toward the town of Banbei, hurried away.

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