Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2457: Tieding Pass

"Luanpo, the powerful airship of the Yuanying Flower God, needs no materials when it is built-----our mountain flower plane, but there are not so many materials."

   Qian Qian said.

   These floating airships on the Flower Plane of Mountain, are in previous battles,

   The flying craft captured by    was re-refined to refine some of the powerful arrays of the mountain flower plane.

   There are many Jindan monks, and their requirements for magic weapons are all high.

   new airships, but dozens of them were built and dozens of airships captured,

   The floating fleet on the flower plane of the mountain, more than one hundred ships.

  "In this battle, it is an ironclad pass, but a Yuanying Flower God is stationed, even if other Yuanying monks come to support,

   These few of us Yuanying Flower Gods are enough. "

  Quin said.

   "We will occupy one-third of this ironclad pass, and we will produce 30 airships. It should be fine."

   Qian Qian said.

  "There will be more battles in the future. Of course, the more powerful aerospace ships of the Yuanying Flower God, the better.

   We, Tianpeng Mountain, crossed Yuanying's catastrophe, and lost a four-diamond flower **** peak monk. How could it be comparable to the powerful airship of this Yuanying flower god. "

  , through the autumn, said with a smile.

"Your prohibition on Mount Tianpeng is strong enough. Four golden core cultivators cross the Nasal Infant Heaven Tribulation, three golden core cultivators advanced Nascent Infant, and lose one golden core. That will need the floating flight of our mountain flower plane. Ship-----"

  Quin said.

  He once asked Tianpeng Mountain for the powerful earth formation formation,

   I got the formation, which is far from the strongest formation used by the Tianpeng Mountain committee.

   "It was originally an elder who crossed the catastrophe, and has been practicing for thousands of years. Of course it is different from the average Jindan monk."

   Xing Cang said.

   There, the committee seat.

   The Red Wolf moved towards Yuan Tie's voice transmission: "It's not about the battle plan, how come we talk about the flying fleet on the plane of Shanhua."

Yuan Tie said: "Tianpeng Mountain wants to buy this Yuanying Flower God's mighty airship. We don't sell it. In the past, if we wanted to buy a powerful soil restriction from Tianpeng Mountain, we couldn't buy it for hundreds of years. In the past, we developed it."

   Tianpeng Mountain wants to buy a flying craft from the plane of Shanhua,

   The four-diamond flower god’s peak-powered airship, as many as there are.

   Yuan Ying Hua Shen's mighty airship, no.

   "Occupy Tieding Pass this time, Brother Jindan, you and I will mobilize three each, and the others, transfer them to Wanlidao."

   said the red wolf.

   "Of course. Wanli Dao became the supervisor of Huduiguan, not the same. Others, let Sky Sword choose one person to come in, and the remaining one will give Wanli Dao.

   Chongtianjian, how to say, is a supervisor. If this priority is not given to him, he will be dissatisfied with us. "

   Yuantie said.

   As the supervisor, his status is different. Even if Yuan Tie and Red Wolf preside over the plane of Shanhua, they have to think about it.

   Tie Ding Pass has not been captured yet, and the number of cultivation places where the spiritual energy converges in Tie Ding Pass, Red Wolf River Yuantie, has probably been determined.

  The combat plan is that the Jindan team will occupy the city wall, and the floating fleet is responsible for dealing with the customs.

   The core committee members of Tianpeng Mountain, at first glance, committee member Qian is not interested in future operations.

   A few people looked at each other and stopped talking.

   Brother Jindan urged the floating airship of Yuanying Flower God to be sent, that combat power is very strong,

   can also fight for a while facing the ordinary Nascent Flower God.

  The discussion on the combat plan is over.

   "This time the Tie Dingguan battle, our monks on the plane of Shanhua will be presided over by Quinn, so I will not participate."

   Qian Qian said.

   "Old money, won't you go?"

   Luanpo said.

   "Luanpao, the one who presides over Tie Dingguan, just a Yuanying Flower God, you can handle it,

   Sending out four Yuanying Flower Gods is more than enough, do I need it? "

   Qian Qian said.

  Queen has advanced to the Yuanying Flower God, this battle can be said to be taken for granted.

  The Qian Qian committee, of course, is sitting on the mountain flower plane and taking into account the overall situation.

   If the opponent has a master, the Qian member can do it.

   Ten golden core monks garrisoned the monks in the foundation period. On the wave plane of this garden, there are specialty medicinal materials and treasures from the place of production.

   Ten golden cores with a floating airship of the Yuanying Flower God level, you can also get some.


   Luanpo said that he still has a follow-up battle plan after he won the iron set.

   The Chief Qian did not go to war. It seemed that it would be more difficult for the Shanhua plane to participate in the follow-up combat plan.

  The combat meeting is over,

   Tianpeng Mountain held a banquet and everyone had a meal.

  Chan Qian and Kui En, Red Wolf, Luan broke back to the plane of Shanhua.

   "Old money, I think he occupies an iron gate, the mountains are broken, and he has the idea of ​​advancing the front."

  Quin said.

   "The opponent has already occupied half of the plane, just our Shanhua plane and Tianpeng Mountain, how much can we advance the front?"

   Qian Qian said.

   "I think so too, if you occupy the Tieding Pass, you can use the airship and Jindan to guard the Tieding Pass.

  Other operations, we don’t need to participate. "

  Quin said.

  Queen didn't want to get involved in a bigger battle, and the same was true for Commissioner Qian.

   The place where ordinary auras gather, but it is used by Jindan.

  If a larger battle is to be carried out, maybe it will be coordinated with the joint committee of the Yuanwave plane,

more complicated.

  Queen, Red Wolf, and Yuan Tie called for Jin Dan to discuss the plan for a definitive battle.

   The Qian Qian committee took the purchased medicinal materials,

   began to refine the pill.

   captured Tieding Pass, this battle is over, he can go to Da Meng Pass to practice.

   Committee Chief Qian wants to come, this battle should go smoothly.

   After half a month, Quinn, Red Wolf, Yuan Tie set off with Brother Jin Dan.

after a few days,

  The waiter came in and gave a hand to Committee Member Qian.

  "The head, they have already occupied Tieding Pass. The Yuanying Flower God of Tieding Pass has been killed by Luanpo.

   The prohibition of Tianpeng Mountain has been arranged. "

   Qiang nodded, and sure enough, Luanpo can deal with the immortal flower **** who has a certain degree of confidence.

   In the sky, the thunder and fire billowed in a radius of hundreds of miles, quickly rushing towards Tie Dingguan.

   In an airship, an image appeared, but it was a red wolf.

   "Elder Quinn, the opponent's airship is twice as large as ours."

   said the red wolf.

   "Our floating airship has been refined like a large-scale protective method, and its power is far more powerful than the average Yuanying Flower God, and it can completely fight."

   An image of Yuan Tie emerges.

   "There is no regular rune, you floating airship, can't withstand the Yuan Ying Hua Shen several times."

  Quin said.

   Yuantie and Red Wolf stopped talking.

   Their three-diamond flower **** peak cultivation base, perceive the rules, no more than ten rules.

   The rules and methods are not powerful enough.

   Refining rule runes, don't even think about it.

   There are three hundred people in the palace of heaven on the flower plane of the mountain.

   I talked about Golden Core Avenue several times in Tiangong Hall by the pond, the foundation-building monks of Tiangong Hall, there are forty newly advanced golden cores,

   There are more than one hundred golden cores, combining the mystery of the fire system and the mystery of the plant system,

   Fire is Taoism, its power is greatly increased,

   Most of these more than 100 golden pills have chosen to join the Temple of Heaven.

   The fire system of Taoism has greatly increased its power, the level of alchemy and refining,

   must be greatly improved.

   This made Quinn sigh, these golden cores are far from the adventurous energy of the money committee members Quinn and the others.

   has been trying to refine the rule runes for more than a hundred years.

   The Commissioner Qian had long taught the mystery of the rule runes to the golden core monks, and it was their task to refine the rule runes.

   So many golden cores, more than one hundred years, and at the same time urging the refining technique, this rule rune, really refined.

   Successfully refined rule runes, but more than forty,

   is just enough to refine a rule flying sword, a rule shield, a warhammer,

   The power can be said to be reduced.

   In this battle, the leader of the Jindan team who rushed into the battle was equipped with this rule flying sword, rule shield, and warhammer. The Jindan monk next to him was holding it. The effect was really good.

   Rule and Taoism reminder,

   The opponent's golden core method was immediately suppressed!

   The leader of the Jindan team led the Jindan cultivator in a charge,

   The sword light crossed the room,

   The opponent's golden core has fallen.

  "Elder Quinn, for more than one hundred years, he refined a rule flying sword, a rule shield, and a rule warhammer. This is the same as those of ordinary masters,

   The magic weapon for refining the Yuanying Flower God is equivalent,

   If you want to equip this airship with regular runes, I think it’s unlikely.

   Yuantie said.

  " To refine a rule rune requires more than a hundred gold cores to shoot at the same time, and it may not be successful if it is refined for more than a year.

   We don't have enough magic weapons for Jin Dan, and it is impossible to equip a floating spacecraft. "

   said the red wolf.

   I'm just a rule flying sword. The golden pills that the Biyou Temple rewarded back then have been refined.

  Quin thought.

   More than forty rules have been refined, and the monks of the Temple of Heavenly Work have made great progress in refining the rules.

  They decided that the magic weapons sold to the outside world should be refined,

  The three hundred golden pills in the Tiangong Hall, fully refine the rule runes,

   At least, in a magic weapon of a golden core monk, there must be a few regular runes to form a simple regular magic circle.

   At least one thousand regular runes must be refined~www.readwn.com~ The golden core monks outside the Tiangong Temple also want regular runes, no.

   This point, the upper level of the mountain flower plane does not care.

   It’s your own ability to refine rule runes.

  Since the foundation building period, the monks began to refine the golden core of artifacts in the Tiangong Hall. For so many years, the refinement was not white.

  The golden cores outside Tiangong also tried to gather more than one hundred golden cores to refine rule runes,

   has been refining hundreds of times without ever being refined.

   Then I realized the difficulty of refining regular runes with ordinary materials.

   "Fire ---- don't leave too far away from the restrictions of the Tianpeng Mountain plane."

  Quin said.

   The Yuan Ying Huashen naval gun mounted on the airship is more powerful.

   It hits farther than the naval guns of those floating ships on the opposite side.


   More than thirty dozens of thick thunder fires suddenly blasted out of the flying fleet!

   In an instant, more than a hundred miles across,

  The sky far away,

   More than thirty huge fireballs suddenly soared,

  The thunder and fire rushed into the sky! Countless fragments of Dao Fa shot towards the surroundings,

   On the three floating ships, the protection method has suddenly collapsed into countless pieces.

   Thunder and fire rushed out of the airship, runes appeared, and explosions continued!

   Three floating ships, hitting bricks, falling down!

   One bombardment has knocked down the opponent's three floating ships! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe, give a reward, and your support is my biggest motivation.)

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