Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2386: Instant contention

Thanks to this exploration mission,

Wandering Knife holds a few magic weapons in his hand, all of which are the best.

All mountain flower plane fabrics are sold externally,

He has a big net, a shield, a flying sword, a probe mirror, some thunder and fire,

These thunder and fire are so powerful that they cannot be used here, otherwise, the fruits will be gone.

This growing net is refined with a variety of precious materials, and has more than ten kinds of starry sky, earth, water, and water.

Just use this big net to deal with these four diamond flower gods,

For the other gold cores, shields, flying swords, and probe mirrors were enough to deal with.

He deduced the direction and speed that these Golden Core cultivators might jump out.

This valley appeared in the mansion,

Several silhouettes threw out from the hiding places of the golden core monks over and over again,

Wandering Knife thought, thought so,

Really want to fight, not so easy to deal with.

It seems that, unlike what I thought, it is not easy to get this plant.

Whether you can smoothly advance to Yuanying, maybe it depends on this time.

The big head elder has also practiced the rules of Taoism, and the Yuanying Heavenly Tribulation has passed, but it may take tens of thousands of years to integrate several lines of mysterious rules.

During the battle, the Nascent Soul Flower God, who can't integrate different rules, Master, has already killed a few!

Commissioner Qian gave the Taoist book to Quinn, Xuan Qianhe, Wandering Knife, and Ang Tianhammer for enlightenment.

Xuan Qianhe discovered that some notes on Taoism in Taoism

Although I understood it, I couldn't cultivate to that level at all!

If you can get fruit from here,

Cultivate the Taoist book given by Chairman Qian to Consummation. in this way. The grasp of Du Yuanying's catastrophe. Must increase a lot.

Reading this book, even Quinn has to practice, you know the power of this book.

For a time, the thoughts of the wandering knife became a bit misty.

There is no such tension in the battle at the Zhanhuoguan and Huduiguan.

A few days passed, in this valley. The insects are screaming, the luxuriant summer,

Suddenly, the color of those fruits began to change, becoming more reddish, and an aroma came out from these fruits!

In the distance, the roar of a beast has been heard.

This fruit is ripe!

"Huh, huh, huh!"

A few figures. At the same time rush out from the hidden place!

Except for the wandering knife, everyone was taken aback!


A big net. Flying out of the wandering knife, in an instant, it has turned into a landscape, and the landscape is shining with stars.

Facing the four-diamond flower god,

Urging the big net, the Wandering Knife issued another sword light, profound and profound, and slashed towards the three-diamond flower **** diagonally opposite.

The Wandering Knife Technique urged it with all its strength and rushed towards the plant,

Starlight escape method can be said to be the fastest escape method among various escape methods! .

Wandering the knife rushed to the plant money, grabbed at a fruit,

The other monks who rushed over, the nearest one was more than ten feet away from the plant!

Of course, this is more than ten feet away, for a few tenths of an instant,

Has rushed over and grabbed the fruit next to it!

The sword light flashed and changed in an instant!

This Jindan monk shrank his hand!

The wandering knife flicked and grabbed another fruit in his hand.

This Jindan monk, but with the diamond flower god, even if he competes with the Wandering Knife, he is not an opponent of the Wandering Knife!

Another figure rushed over and grabbed the fruit a little further away!

But it is a peak monk with a diamond flower god!

The Wandering Sword Art urged, the starlight flashed, and it was already slashed at the monk!

The peak monk with the diamond flower god, the sword light has not yet arrived, this monk already feels as sharp as a mountain!

If he insists on a sword and wins this fruit, he will probably suffer a heavy blow!

This monk flashed to the side!

The wandering knife leaped vertically, and grabbed another fruit in his hand.

In the distance, the four-diamond flower **** slashed out dozens of swords,

The big net sent by the Wandering Knife has been opened!

Without the divine mind control of the wandering knife, where can this big net hold the four diamond flower gods,

The four-diamond flower **** with this short hair flashed in his figure, already grabbing a fruit,

The three-diamond flower god, the sword art was shaken, the sword light shot into the sky, and the flying sword shot by the wandering knife was shaken away!

Fa Jue urged with all his strength, turned into a phantom, and also grabbed a fruit!

The four-diamond flower god's figure flashed, rolling towards the last fruit, but it was empty!

The last fruit has been taken away by the Wandering Knife!

In this way, a few Jindan cultivators rushed out together!

But within a few moments, the Wandering Knife took four fruits,

Four diamond flower god, three diamond flower god, each take a fruit!

The Four Diamond Flower God is angry and jealous,

The monk who ran from where was not only a powerful magic weapon, but it seemed that he already had a four-diamond flower **** mid-term cultivation base!

But where is he willing to let him?

Fa Jue urged, a roar, like a thunderstorm: "Bring the fruit"

The sword light rushed and turned into tens of thousands of huge boulders. The flame burned on the boulder and blasted toward the wandering knife.

Wandering Dao's figure shook, where he stood, thousands of huge rocks exploded like a huge thunder!

This plant has been blown to pieces!

The wandering knife shook its body, already several hundred feet away, and grabbed the big net!

Fa Jue urged, the flying sword that was hitting towards the three-diamond flower **** had spun around the wandering knife quickly!

This short hair with four diamonds, the **** of flowers, stepped,

He had only experienced the power of this big net just now, as if it was like a mountain, and it was anti-virus surging, and it seemed to have an indescribable depth, and the big net was covered in a distorted space.

He cut dozens of swords, and then cut the big net open.

This is because the other party didn't use his spiritual mind to control this big net.

If the Wandering Knife manipulates this big net~www.readwn.com~ with divine mind, he will get a hit!

The four-diamond flower god, the footsteps, the three-diamond flower god, the peak monk of the one flower god, even more dare not go forward.

The Monk Flower God looked at each other, and flew towards the distance after a pause.

With the four-diamond flower god, the three-diamond flower **** is here, they don't think of any benefit.

The Four Diamond Flower God looked at the Three Diamond Flower God, but the Three Diamond Flower God stood there, not retreating.

"It's you? Did you find this plant too?"

The Four Diamond Flower God said,

He met the three-diamond flower god, although his cultivation is not as good as him, but his martial art is tougher than his four-diamond flower god.

"You can come here, and I can come here too!"

Three Diamond Flower God said.

The Wandering Knife has taken out a shuttle-shaped magic weapon, and the shuttle-shaped magic weapon has become bigger after the tactics.

The wandering knife body moves towards the shuttle-shaped magic weapon for one stop!

The shuttle-shaped magic weapon flashed, and the flame rushed!

Fly to the distance.

The four-diamond flower **** river and the three-diamond flower **** figure reminded,

I caught up, but half a tea time has been chased for more than a thousand miles!

The fusiform magic weapon has disappeared.

The three-diamond flower **** glanced at the four-diamond flower god, his figure swirled, and he flew away!

A few days later, in a valley a few hundred miles outside the Red Hairpin Villa,

A figure rushed from the mountain, took a look, has walked into the valley,

Qiuxian is standing.

Waiting for the next chapter...

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