Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2512: Channel Blood War

A reminder of sword art, a backhand sword,

More than a thousand sword lights shot out like lightning,

Fire red with cyan, green with water, yellow with cyan,

Beautiful and mysterious, but howling like thunder,

The dozen or so monks used all their swordsmanship and magic weapons,

Like a boulder, like a big wave.

With the touch of these sword lights, it shook immediately!

Every sword light, but with a thick fist and a length of one foot, to them, it was like a mountain.

The huge boulder shook like a big wave, exploded, and screamed in disbelief.

The Dao Fa released by the Flying Sword Magic Treasure can easily explode!

Ordinary Jin Dan's Tao law, magic weapon, can not stop the fluctuation of rules.

Several cultivators have suddenly burst open, and flesh and blood are splashing everywhere!

The remaining guards looked at the passage,

You look at me, I look at you,

Wandering around the sword and Xuan Qianhe, the Ang Tian hammer rushed over a hundred meters, a turn,

Another group of patrolling monks rushed out of the cave a few tens of meters away.

In the passage a few feet wide, even the sword tactics do not need to be triggered, and there is no need to make mysterious changes.

Sword Jue urged, sword lights of various colors rushed past like raindrops.

This is the same as fortress battle,

The pair of patrolling cultivators urged the sword light to block.

A muffled explosion sounded,

Several monks rushing in front, together with the magic weapon and flying swords, have suddenly exploded.

The whole person has turned into flesh and blood, splashing the cave wall.

The remaining sword light, although its power has been reduced. The monks behind have been blasted back again and again. The sword tactics are scattered.

Three sword lights flashed. Rushed through them.

The sword light flashed, like a sparkle from the farthest starry sky,

Three sword lights rushed out more than one hundred feet, and a turn was gone.

These patrols stopped at the monk, like a statue,

Various expressions appeared on their faces. Or surprised, or can’t believe it, or rushed towards the cave wall,

I want to urge the escape method and enter the prohibition,

The action of the sword is still maintained, either turning, or cutting, or turning.

Then, "Boom. Boom, boom"

It suddenly exploded into flesh and blood!

The three rushed out more than a hundred meters,

Another group of monks ran over,

One of the cultivators, with a shining sword and an angry face, was the real Canglu.

He invited masters of various martial arts to come here,

At least, the defense of this cave is tight, and there are many Jindan masters, which left an impression on the master elites of various sects.

Suddenly, someone broke into the medicine garden and killed several Jindan masters!

How does this keep his prestige?

After talking about the Great God Nuowei for a long time, this time, everyone at the banquet looked at the real person Canglu with the eyes of a theater.

Master Canglu was furious, and greeted him, many guards followed, brought masters, and rushed over.

The circling knife roared: "Cut"

Ang Tianchui smiled: "Okay, teach Master Canglu a lesson."

A reminder of the three swords!

The speed has been urged to the limit, in an instant, the cave wall, a group of cultivators who rushed over, the sword light and magic weapon urged by the opponent, in an instant,

As if turned into countless lights and shadows!

The group of monks who rushed over,

I saw that the three cultivators who rushed over had turned into countless sword lights in an instant.

The entire cave wall is filled with thousands of sword lights,

Only a few feet wide passage,

Only the monk rushing to the front can block the sword light,

Although there are many people brought by Master Canglu,

For a while, unable to take advantage of this advantage,

Along with the real person Canglu, the cultivators who rushed in front urged the magic weapon and sword art.

All kinds of mountain waves, rolling around the whole body,

Most of the cultivators who rushed over were unable to distinguish the true bodies of the three cultivators from these thousands of sword lights.

However, a four-diamond flower god, the sword art was urged, turned into a blue sword light, and turned to the side of the real person Canglu,

With a loud shout: "Canglu be careful"

These four diamond flower gods are among these rushing monks,

The highest cultivation base,

Opposite these three monks, the sword art was urged and turned into thousands of sword lights,

He probably guessed that the main attack direction of these three monks was the real Canglu.

Although he shouted at the real Canglu, he was not sure in his heart. Holding the shield, he had urged the phantom on the shield to the maximum!

The three cultivators that the other party rushed over, each one's cultivation base was no worse than his own.

Bi-color sword light slashed towards the thousands of sword light!

Suddenly, a shield appeared, blocking the blue sword light!

The four-diamond flower **** felt that he was like an ordinary person, chopped on a big mountain!

The mountains are magnificent, towering, ordinary people have a sword,

However, he chopped down a few pieces of rubble, but shocked himself!

Damn, this magic weapon is stronger than their sword art.

The four diamond flower gods were surprised, but a little angry,

Real Canglu is in trouble,

Sure enough, as soon as the sword light struck by the sword light river of Master Canglu, it suddenly vibrated and shot.

A few tenths of an instant sword,

A few sword lights had already rushed forward suddenly, slashing towards Master Canglu!

"Chih, chick, chick"

A few swords had already been hit in Master Canglu!

Upon hearing this "chi, chi, chi" sound, the four diamond flower gods were surprised again.

This is already a manifestation of the high concentration of Daofa fluctuations!

Compared with the sword light that was cut out with a single sword, it was like a huge thunder explosion, and the power soaring to the sky,

These "chi, chi, chi" sword lights are absolutely more powerful,

It is definitely not a problem to blast a mountain with one sword.

The four-diamond flower **** sword light swirled around the shield and slashed towards one of the fiery red sword lights.

I don't know what the armor is on Master Canglu?

These four diamond flower **** thoughts flashed,

"Boom, boom, boom"

The armor on the real Canglu ~www.readwn.com~ exploded like a huge thunder!

The thunder fire rushed, and there were already several large holes in the armor, but in the large holes, there were mysterious magic elements rotating!

In several big holes, and in three big holes, blood burst out!

Several sword lights, at the same time, slashed the real person Canglu, Wandering Sword, Xuan Qianhe, Ang Tian Hammer, who originally thought this sword,

Will smash the real person Canglu with magic weapons!

However, there were only three swords that slashed Master Canglu, which cut through the armor of Master Canglu.

The other swords did not cut through the armor of the real Canglu!

Master Canglu was cut and flew towards the cave wall.


A big hole several feet deep has appeared on the cave wall,

In the innermost part of the cave, Master Canglu was already distorted and unable to move.

"This piece of armor is really strong, and it's no different from the ten thousand heavy armor on our body."

Wandering knife said.

This sentence was only ten thousand words, and I saw a group of monks rushing over with Master Canglu,

Already roared, rushing crazy!

Sword Jue is fully urged, only offensive, regardless of defense!

An Ang Tian hammer dashed his shield, thousands of sword lights had been blocked,

With a wave of the warhammer, a gold core was hit by the warhammer! (To be continued...)

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