Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2657: Contribution point

   What Baihu said,

   is a book he can’t understand,


   said to the second diamond flower **** who is chasing wave knife,

   This is the essence of Taoism. ..

   blue bull, red wolf,

   successively talked about the Taoist books that I didn’t understand,

   Chasing wave knife to consider, explain,

   Half a month passed.

   Baihu, Red Wolf, and Lanniu's words in Taoist scriptures have mostly been answered.


   mountains, water, plants,

   suddenly rushed from the body of the chasing wave knife,

  Mountains, water, and plants seem to be in mysterious fluctuations.

  In an instant,

   A huge force suddenly came out.

   The fire badger, the white tiger, the red wolf, and the blue bull were shocked at the same time!


   in the loud noise,

   They were pushed onto the rock wall by a huge force,

   Jindan repairs,

   doesn't seem to have much resistance.

   The deduction of the three series of mysterious chasing wave swords takes a step further.

   "This person has more benefits than us."

   The red wolf looked at the white tiger and the blue bull,

   found, they looked over,

   In the eyes,

   is the same idea.

  "This time it’s good to discuss Taoism.

   Do you have any new insights? "

   chased the wave knife and said,

  A few people shook their heads together "Then, don't pass it."

   The fire badger has played a trick,

  Guanghua flashed in the middle of the cave,

   Several people were moved out of the ban.

   Chasing wave knife with fire badger,

   step on,

   is more than one mile away.

   Just a while,

   has crossed a mountain and disappeared,

   "This person is a master with a diamond flower god."

   Lan Niu said.

   "Anyway, my team has a lot of thoughts,

   What we said is just an incomprehensible part.

   The part I've read before, contrast with the one explained this time,

   It can be said that the team has made great progress in understanding the Karma realm. "

   Baihu said,

   Red Wolf nodded: "Who makes our cultivation base fall behind the opponent.

  The content in these books,

   After decades, we may not be able to comprehend it. "

   Lan Niu nodded: "Exactly,

   I can’t understand this book, my cultivation cannot grow,

   Everything is in vain.

   It’s best to go back and practice Taoism. "

   The monster nodded,

   Once you advance to the Golden Core Realm,

  The pursuit of monsters and humans is similar,

   Three monsters,

   a few prances,

   has crossed a big mountain.

   The wave chaser took out a red talisman,

   A kind of red stone, the price is not high,

   is suitable for storing information,

   refined from the mountain flower plane,

   Fa Jue,

   has put the white tiger, red wolf, blue bull

  'S Taoism content,

   is poured into this symbol.

   took out another talisman,

   put a sticker on this red stone,

   on this rock,

   seems to be printed with a symbol,

   This talisman can only be unlocked by the elders of the mountain flower plane.

   "Follow me to Tiedingguan,

   This is the residence of our martial arts. "

   said the fire badger of the wave chasing team.


   Huo Badger has never been to Tieding Pass once,

   But I heard Chaibodao said,

  He is from the plane of Shanhua.

   chasing wave knife and escape light together,

   has rolled up the fire badger,

   turns into a long rainbow,

   hurriedly towards the sky.

   half a day,

   has landed in a valley,

   "Come into the spirit beast bag. You can also see outside."

   said after the wave knife.

   The fire badger is unhappy,

   But, Dao Fa reminds me,

   turned into a flame,

   has rushed into the spirit beast bag.

   A reminder of the way of chasing waves,

   has rushed into the mountain,

   fast forward in the mountains.

   went hundreds of miles in the mountains. The wave chaser stopped in the mountains,


   The stars shine from the mountains. ...!

   Chasing wave knife took out a jade card,

   flashed towards the stars,

  "After the wave knife, I haven't seen it for a long time.

   Your little shop is very well opened. "

   Zongbianhan's voice came over, smiling.

  He was at Tieding Pass, presided over the exploration of the Yuanbo plane,

   Compared with chasing wave knife, life is much more comfortable.

   "I'm here to hand in the martial arts contribution point."

   chased the wave knife and said,

   I used to do research under Zongbianhan,

   Now, I don’t work under Zongbianhan,

   Zongbianhan mocked a few words as normal.


   said after chasing wave knife,

  He came to hand in the martial arts contribution point,

   The stars flashed,

   The wave chasing knife has appeared in Tiedingguan,

   In the starlight formation controlled by one side of the mountain flower plane,

   The wave chaser walked out of the starlight formation,

   Inside the star formation,

   a fortress,

  Zongbianhan is sitting in the fortress.

   Iron Dingguan,

   The golden core monks obtained from the flower plane of the mountain are limited in training seats.

   It is impossible to send a lot of golden pills over,

   The side is cold,

   also have to be on duty.

   chased the wave knife and walked towards the hall,

   all over the landscape,

   Green mountains and green waters, beautiful scenery.

   Zong Bian Han is stunned!

   The cultivation base of the chase wave knife,

   is already on par with Zongbianhan!

   I haven't seen you in ten years.

   chasing wave knife into a hall,

   Meng Dali is working inside.

   The chasing wave knife arched his hand towards Meng Dali.

   "Brother Li, I'll hand in the sect contribution points."

   Meng Dali nodded: "Okay, let it go."

   Next to Meng Dali,

   has a bookshelf,

   There are many intervals on the bookshelf,

   on the interval, write these names one by one,

  In the interval,

   has put something,

   is either a jade symbol or a box,

  , all runes are pasted on it,

   chasing the wave knife,

   In this interval marked Ang Tian Hammer,

   put a box,

  The stuff inside,

   is the sect contribution point handed in by Ang Tian Hammer,

   Chasing Wave Knife took out his jade card again,

   sway towards this interval!

   There was a ripple shaking at intervals marked with the name of the wave chaser,

   interval has been opened,

   The wave chaser took out the red rune,

   put it in,

   I took a jade charm and flashed it,

   Prohibition of closing.

   This is the contribution point of handing in martial arts,

   Meng Dali must watch before it can proceed. To collect these sect contribution points,

   is Elder Quinn himself!

   The chasing wave knife arched his hand towards Meng Dali.

   "Brother Meng, goodbye."

   Meng nodded vigorously.

   "Chasing wave knife, you are too far off.

   Me and you, who and whom. "

   Meng Dali said,

   The wave chasing knife has reached the second diamond flower god, U U reading www. uukanshu.com

   The practice is progressing well,

   Meng Dali wanted to win the wave chaser.

"of course."

   chased the wave knife and said,

  "The three-color spiritual roots of the mountain flower plane have been able to produce some auras.

   However, it is good for cultivating plant mystery. "

   Meng Dali said,

  "Ah, Master has cultivated these three-color spiritual roots for thousands of years.

   I finally gained something. ".

   said after the wave knife.

  "Yes, but this kind of aura is not needed by the master,

   is cheaper for those disciples. "

   Meng Dali said,

   Meng Dali sighed,

  This condition,

   Compared with the time when the mountain flower plane was established,

   can't be compared at all.

   I remembered the monk who worshipped the mountain flower plane first,

   There are some who can’t advance to the golden core at the peak of the foundation stage, and they are sitting

   If there are today’s conditions,

   They advanced the golden core,

   is not a problem.

   walked out of Meng Dali’s office hall, not seen in ten years,

   Chasing wave knife felt,

   It seems a bit strange here,

   Chasing wave knife advanced second diamond flower god,

.Life span of two thousand years.

   But, I haven’t seen you in ten years,

  The golden core monks who came here to practice,

   has changed a stall.

   Not to mention the monks in the foundation period.

   has its own spiritual gathering place,

   This is true.

   chasing wave sword while walking outside, thinking.

   If you don’t follow Tiange Dao to become an official,

   There is no such opportunity.

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