Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2729: Blood battle evolution

"The worship sword art of the soul chaser refuses to,

Daofa weapons are used too much, and the Plane Committee will definitely interfere. "

Said the man next to him dressed as a school official.

"It seems that the worship of the soul chaser god, I don't want to turn my face with the plane committee."

Said the school official who spoke first.

"The main **** is not the main soul chaser,

A few years ago, the altar was set up here. I heard that it belonged to the Lord God of Huola.

A master of Yuan Ying. "

They said,

Another wave of soldiers from the great power rushed over,

The speed of running, in an instant,

Has caught up with the camel beast.

A shield in one hand, a knife in the other,

In an instant, a few camps that had already rushed forward,

Without the protection of Taoism,

A camp a few feet high,

For their innate masters,

As if walking on the ground.

The soldiers in the camp roared,

This kind of close combat is the main content of their training for several years.

It is what they are good at.

Cut out with one knife, the knife is like wind and thunder.

The opponent’s shield is one block,

Able to charge with a shield,

Of course, this shield cannot be a big shield,

Immediately dropped in the air,

"Boom" Ran a loud noise,

Deep knife marks appeared on the shield,

The knife on the side swept away,

Immediately there was a scream,

Splashing blood!

More than forty people leaped high,

There are only a few people who can stand firm on the camp.


Already beheaded the opponent,

To stand firm on the camp,

Immediately there were a few knife lights, with the sound of wind and thunder,

Pounced up.

Immediately know the strongest among these few cuts.

The shield spins,

The knife smashed away,

In an instant, the scimitar in his hand swept away,

The other party has already donated blood!

The shield is another block.

With a bang,

The light of the knife that had been cut was blocked.

The machete in his hand cut out one after another,

Sparks spattered in an instant!

Can fight in such a small space.

They are the strongest fighters in the barracks!


In a few moments, it has been unable to support,

In the roar, he cut out with all his strength,

Leap towards the camp!

Retreated in the direction of the main formation,

one look.

This wave of charge.

One hundred people.

There are less than thirty people left.

The school officer of the great country, the team is upright, and his face is ugly.

There is no Taoist arrow,

These young and strong people in the hall,

The fighting power is stronger than they thought!

The team is standing up,


"Follow me!"

Immediately. Over a hundred people,

Charged up towards the camp.

On the camp,

But the wounded, the dead, were carried down.

The intact, the lightly injured cannot retreat,

There are new young men coming up,

Stop next to them!

I have also trained in Wanzhang Whip Hall for several years,

Personal level, luck, various factors,

Some people stand well,

Some young and strong in a few moments,

Has fallen.

In the shout,

There are already dozens of figures leaping high,

The knife in his hand carries wind and thunder,

Has been killed suddenly!

On the camp,

Muffled, sparks, screams,

Do it again!

Once it reaches the level of innate warriors,

Thousands of knives have been cut in an instant!

The cultivation base of the innate warrior can continue to produce swords,


So fast,

Everyone's martial arts have not reached perfection.

But in an instant,

The blood donation limbs are flying.

Several figures jumped out of the camp,

There were knife marks on his body and blood was splashed.

On the camp, another corpse fell.

Once you reach the realm of Innate Warriors,

Like this kind of battle,

There are warriors everywhere, sword light,

The victory was only ten moments.

Commissioner Qian thought,


This is more violent and miserable than the average cultivator's adventure!

The average cultivator,

The melee only started when I saw the treasure.

The young men in this camp,

Some have shot arrows against camel beasts until now,

I have already managed several waves of attacks from the opponent,

Although protected by the camp,

If an ordinary sergeant,

At this time, he was already exhausted.

It's no wonder that those who cultivate in the foundation stage are not willing to participate in this kind of battle.

How much mana can a monk during the foundation period have?

To maintain the defensive magic weapon, but also to maintain the flying sword mana output,

In this melee,

How long can it last?

This camp,

From the start of the Camel Beast Archery Team to the current few young men,

It's not easy already.

Commissioner Qian thought,


County Yazhong of Xuansheng County,

On that mutated bamboo vine,

A mysterious and obscure wave moved,

The main body of Qian Yuan,

It is already quite slow to comprehend that big shield phantom.

Therefore, the body separates a part of the spirit into the evolution of Xuansheng County

On the bamboo cane.

The enlightenment of evolution runes has a considerable effect on the spiritual root fruit of the mountain flower plane.

Since the team’s Mullard’s comprehension progressed slowly,

Of course, the understanding of the evolution of bamboo and rattan in Xuansheng County should be strengthened.

If it weren’t for the spirit of Commissioner Qian,

There is already a level of integration of the four rules,

It is impossible to find the mysterious and obscure fluctuations rushing out of this mutated bamboo vine.

Tantian's divine mind couldn't find this fluctuation either.

This fluctuation rushed out of the bamboo and rattan in evolution,

It seems to be integrated with the whole world.

Based on the improvement of Qian Yuan,

Can only barely detect,

In the tens of thousands of fluctuations between heaven and earth,

This wave,

In a mysterious way,

Spanning thousands of miles in the air,

Rushed into the camp of Chunluozhou combat team,

Rushed into the young and strong bodies standing on the camp,

These young men started from shooting arrows against the Camel Beasts.

Several young men who have been fighting until now!

This flying wave must be an evolutionary wave!

Commissioner Qian could not understand,

Based on the improvement of Qian Yuan,

I just feel that it is mysterious and mysterious!

Evolutionary fluctuations, can this be done?

Commissioner Qian stayed

This evolutionary fluctuation, flying out of this evolutionary bamboo vine,

It was originally mysterious,

Flying in the air,

Was affected by the entire plane again,

It can be said,

Become more mysterious.

Commissioner Qian can be sure,

These people have obtained great benefits,

Affected by the entire plane?

Commissioner Qian thought,

Another wave cut away,

More than a hundred soldiers from great nations stormed up,

Knife light, loud noise, blood suddenly splashed,

These young men who were swept in by the wave,

After this battle,

Only one person left!

It’s an ordinary human figure,

The battle has been going on for most of the day,

Respect the army of the great power,

It’s already started~www.readwn.com~ Commissioner Qian,

Most of this person’s team was killed,

The people who came down from the camp said,

Who will continue to play tomorrow,

It’s another team,

It would take a few days for this man to go to war.

This person ate,

Back to the camp,

Immediately operate the core of Dao Fa and start practicing.

Commissioner Qian’s spiritual thoughts followed.

The core of this man’s Taoism began to operate,

After a long time,

In the ground under your feet,

Very pale yellow mana, the power of the earth,

Began to gather towards this person,

Commissioner Qian was surprised.

These young and strong train the core of Taoism,

Member Qian is clear.

Based on their cultivation,

Run the core of the debut method, although you dog absorbs the power of the earth,

I want to make the absorbed earth mana show a very light yellow mana,

Ever since I ate, the sky is still light,

At least practice for most of the night!

To appear this pale yellow earth mana,

How long have you been practicing now? (

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