Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2740: Here comes the character again

"I'll try."

The man in his thirties stood up,

Took his own stick,

Give this attached mage.

This attached mage,

Take out a talisman and shoot at this stick!

Fulu turned into a water wave,

Take a shot at this stick,

This water wave, in an instant,

Has rushed into the stick.

This 30-something person took the stick,

Looking at this stick,

This stick is a bit watery.

He took out thirty copper coins,

The guardian who dresses up this trader.

The effect of this stick, but I have not tried it,

Those in their thirties,

Has been promoted to these young and strong leaders,

He gave this money,

These young men took their clubs and came over,

The attached mage affixed talisman to them.

Half a day,

More than fifty young and strong clubs,

It has all been dealt with.

The enchanter nodded towards them,

Out of the hall,

Step into the darkness.

The sound of footsteps disappeared quickly.

The hall in the country, ten steps outside is already a field,

From this hall, a stone outside,

A young man with a stick,

Walked to the stone,

Hit the stone!


Not loud,

The whole stone was turned into a dozen pieces!

"Your skill has tripled?"

The young man in the hall was shocked.

I only fought with Wan Shan Ge yesterday,

How much skill do you have,

Each is clear.

"That's impossible. This Talisman. It's really good."

Said this young man.

"All right."

The middle-aged man shouted.

But, trembling all over!

"The role of Taoist talisman is limited.

Tomorrow, the people from Wanshan Pavilion will come over and use it again. "

Finished speaking out loud,

"God bless you, I met a nobleman."

"It's not meeting the nobles, in the past few years,

The bamboo and rattan of the last year seem to be suddenly valuable. "

Said this thirty-something.

"I'll talk about it after the Wanshan Pavilion."

The middle-aged man said.

"Although these three thousand years of bamboo and rattan. We can't use it,

However, this Wanshange, the bid is too low. "

Said the young man next to him.

"It's not as good as the fairy gate, looking at the baby is not useful."

Said the man in his thirties.

far away,

The chasing knife pouted.

These three 3,000-year-old bamboo vines,

The quality is not as good as the bamboo and rattan planted in the county government.

If used for refining,

At most, it can be refined into a magic weapon of average quality that can be used by monks in the foundation building period.

People at Wanshan Pavilion bought these three bamboo vines,

Cast a magic circle on these three bamboo vines.

With various spells,

These three bamboo vines have the possibility of further evolution.

The people in Wanshan Pavilion just came over at this point.

The bamboo and rattans in the county office are much better in quality than these three 3000-year-old bamboo and rattans.


Jian Xuantian and Ang Tian hammer all cast plant spells,

Really rapid evolution,

Just that one bamboo rattan.

These three 3,000-year-old bamboo vines,

The people of Wanshan Pavilion bought it,

Cast evolution spells on these three bamboo vines,

It may not necessarily produce evolution.

The next morning,

The winter sun shines on the hillside,

Yesterday’s more than fifty young men have lined up,

Far away,

A group of people came over leisurely.

Hold the stick in the same hand.

The Battle of Chunnaju,

Daren’s control is stricter,

Fighting with swords was immediately suppressed.

The group looked at the young man in front of the hillside.

"Yeah, I didn't play enough yesterday, I want to continue playing today."

One person said in disdain,

Although Wanshange, to them, teaches some of the most common techniques,


Far from being comparable to these young men.

Otherwise, these people gathered in Wanshan Pavilion?

"Then you come here."

The man in his thirties shouted loudly.

The opponent sticks in one fell swoop,

With a loud shout,

Rushed up,

The young men raised their clubs,

Smashed down,

"Peng, Peng, Peng"

People from Wanshan Pavilion,

Just feel that

The great power of one,

Rushing from where the opponent’s sticks came,

Like a big wave,

These mountains are green and strong,

How could this kind of martial arts skill?


Shaking the stick in his hand,

It is necessary to resolve this wavelike distance,

Wanshan Pavilion’s martial arts are definitely more powerful,


The force of this big wave,

As if with a sharp edge like a blade!

The real power urged by the people of Wanshan Pavilion,

To touch these waves vigorously,

Explode immediately!

The people at Wanshan Pavilion,

The clubs have been discounted,

The young men urged,

The stick urged it to be sent and smashed it down.

"Puff, puff, puff, puff."

Screams sounded.

There are already several people who have suffered serious injuries,

One person was already lying down.

"Fight, get back yesterday's scene."

These young men shouted,

Immediately rushed up.

The two sides cannot say fighting,

Far from having the organization and formation of the army.

Can only be said to fight in groups.

Sticks are flying everywhere,

Puffs, screams,

But half tea time,

The people in Wanshan Pavilion yelled,


Set up companions,

Retreated in the direction of Wanshan Pavilion.

But after walking ten miles,

Has arrived at the Wanshan Pavilion construction site.

A manager,

Walked up.

"What's wrong, so embarrassed?"

A strong man,

Quickly salute to the steward.

This time the embarrassment is serious.

Even the young and strong in these villages can't help it.

"Just take care. Their clubs. Power increased,

I hit it with a stick, and I made a decisive move, and I couldn't stop it. "


Tell the story of the fight again.

"The stick is attached to the law."

The man in charge frowned,

He is a monk during the Qi training period, of course he knows.

The sword is already in his hand.

But when I think about it,

The master in charge ordered,

If a monk intervenes,

Let them be cautious.

I remembered the killing in the Xuansheng County branch a few years ago.

"I'll go to the branch and report to the manager."

In Xuansheng County Branch,

The steward listened to the report.

"Again, the monk attaches a law to the stick?"

This manager is furious!

This sword is gone,


In Xuansheng County, no one dared to fight against Wanshan Pavilion.

Don't think,

Another popped out.

If those three three thousand years of bamboo and rattan.

Don't take it up,

What should I do with my own contribution points?

He bought a copy of Golden Core

Obviously, a golden core insight,

Not enough to condense the elixir,

Either aptitude, or wrong technique.

This situation is more common.

Brother Jindan is different from Jidan,

Some monks with average qualifications,

Take a few pills of Zhujidan,

You can build a foundation,

Jindan sentiment,

Some people’s perception of the golden pills they bought,

There are already ten copies,

Condensed the golden core,

It's not that it can't attract the golden core catastrophe,

It is only half of the Golden Core Tribulation,

Jindan has been unable to accommodate the input of world information.


These three 3,000-year-old bamboo vines were sent up,

The celestial stones and medicinal materials distributed by the main hall,

It should be enough to buy most of the golden core insights,

Collect some by yourself,

You can buy a copy of Jindan again.

I wanted to keep the price down, so I got more in my bag.

"follow me."

He stood up.


Said the monk during the Qi training period.

In front of the valley,

The young men saw,

The people from Wanshan Pavilion are here again,

But surrounded by a camel beast.

This camel beast ran before the young man,

A man dressed as a fat squire,

The camel beast has been dropped.

"My supervisor is here?"

The middle-aged said,

Stood up,

He bowed his hand at the squire.

The supervisor of Wan Shan Ge,

That's the person who dealt with the county magistrate and Lord Bo.

How can you deal with young people in these villages?

"If you find someone to attach a law, it's awesome?"

The director of Wanshan Pavilion said,

Without taking out weapons,

Body shape flashed,

The chubby figure, like lightning,

A palm towards a young man,

This young man is really in his thirties,

The club turned,

Smashed past,

Looks a little fat hands,

A catch,

Has grasped this stick in his hand,


A wave came from the club,

This chubby hand shook a few times in a row!

One mana, one shake,


This young man in his thirties,

Just feel that

A strong blast came,

The whole person flew out,

This stick has been grasped by Wanshange's supervisor.

Chasing wave swords, the talisman given to them,

Of course it will not be so strong that it can hardly shake the base-stage monk's peak.

Looking at the manager of Wanshange,

The talisman on this stick is simple,


The mana contained in this talisman,

Based on my own cultivation,

Can't detect the mystery at all!

Why is there a master here again!

The steward was angry,

A whip leg,

The shadow of the legs flashed,

"Boom, boom, boom---"

Just saw,

One after another silhouettes, one after another,

All are young people in the village,

Flying up and down again.

In a short while, more than fifty young men,

All were hit.

However, these young men rolled,

Stood up again.

I found that I didn't suffer much injury.

"Are you the mayor?"

The steward of Wanshan Pavilion,

To middle-aged people,

The middle-aged man nodded.

"I am the mayor."

"In this way, I will give you four hundred thousand dollars!

These three bamboo rattans, you transport them to the largest market in Daren,

At this price, it takes a lot of effort to transport it by yourself. "

The steward of Wanshange said.

The head of the township nodded when he heard it, "That's good."

As soon as the steward of Wanshan Pavilion came,

There are many people here,

The same is not an opponent.

It's not bad to be able to increase one hundred thousand dollars.

This bamboo and rattan is not a precious material.

"Okay, come here, that golden ticket will come."

The steward of Wan Shan Ge said,

Immediately, someone stepped forward,

Take out a golden ticket,

The head of the township took a look,

Four hundred thousand dollars.


The steward of Wan Shan Pavilion waved his hand,

People from Wanshan Pavilion rushed up,

Start transplanting.

The people in Wanshan Pavilion know now,

Building facilities, but an auxiliary,

What the manager really wants,

Are these three bamboo vines,

Until the evening,

The transplanting of these three bamboo vines is completed,

The steward of Wan Shan Ge,

Take out a storage instrument,

With a reminder of the method, the three thousand-year-old bamboo and rattan ~www.readwn.com~ have been collected into the storage artifact.

These sticks,

The steward of Wan Shan Ge,

Of course, I have to go back and study those few.

one look,

A pool of water under a few sticks,

The steward of Wan Shan Ge,

With a stick, I looked and looked again with my spiritual mind,

The whole stick,

It is the same as ordinary bamboo and rattan products,

"What a high water system."

The steward of Wan Shan Ge said,

He has heard the young people in the village shouting,

Like their clubs,

Fu Lu's effectiveness has disappeared.

There is a piece of talisman,

Even though I have the power of Wanshange branch, I have to pay 100,000 more money,

Satisfied the people in this village,

This matter is resolved.

The steward of Wanshan Pavilion stood,

Looking in the direction of Xuansheng County Office,

"Here is another awesome character."

The branch manager of Wanshan Pavilion said in his heart.

However, there was no expression on his face,

"Go, have a banquet tonight!"

Said the steward of Wanshange branch. (Unfinished

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