Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2759: Search for lost soldiers

The remaining soldiers made a bang,

Flee to the surroundings.レm♠思♥路♣客レ

These Qi-training monks of Daren Kingdom, innate warriors,

Not interested in these soldiers,

They accelerated the pace,

Rushed towards the Ku Mansion in Ren County,

Although it is a county's Kufu,


There are also benefits,

Some treasures were found in it, not necessarily.

These monks rushed into the county office,

The county government had long since disappeared.

Decorated by Ren County,

Not the main force.

The monk who rushed in front of the foundation-building period waved his knife,


The gate of the library has been cut open,

Although it is a county's library,

Let these monks in the Qi training period,

I feel a little bit overwhelmed.

Commissioner Qian rushed out suddenly.

A few steps,

Deposited classics,

Already appeared in front of Commissioner Qian.

Commissioner Qian waved,

These classics are placed in the initial storage bag.

The cultivation world has a history of so many years,

Among these libraries,

There are old magic weapons, or they are collected as handicrafts,


Commissioner Qian did not want to release too strong spiritual thoughts,

of course,

The things in this library,

Commissioner Qian can't take all.

Just take these classics,

Just be able to pick up the leaks,

It's fine if you can't pick up the leak.

The cultivation base is high and the mentality is good,

There is no need to fight for a little possible gain.

But seriously,

Those possible magic weapons.

Commissioner Qian generally looks down upon it.


Ten or so cultivating cultivators rushed in in a whirlwind.

They see.

The training monk in the armor of the brave team,

He is moving into the storage bag with everything that can be loaded.

The quality of these things,

Is it the old magic weapon,

Put it in the bag first.

These monks quickly rushed towards the treasury house,

Adventurers, don’t have the time to be wordy,

Just saw,

A stack of classics.

Was taken by a congenital warrior peak cultivator into the storage bag,

These low-level magic weapons of storage bags get better and better.

The jīng divine power of the innate warrior can also be opened.


There can be a lot more goods.

Peak of Innate Warriors,

This innate martial arts is not practiced for nothing,

Always get some medicinal materials, or good things they can’t use,

These cultivating cultivators grabbed the thing next to them,

Join this brave team.

Compared with the recruitment of the Plane Committee,

The benefits are even less. The rules have become stricter.

Qi practicing monks came out of the library,

The captain of the brave team,

Entered the county office of Ren County,

Sit down towards the lobby.

"Receive the team---"

The captain passed the order.

Immediately a member of the brave team came in with a gentleman,

"Captain, this is the gentleman of the county magistrate of Ren County."

This gentleman gave his hand to the captain:

"My lord, please forgive me."

The main force of the Zun team withdrew to the state capital,

The county magistrate of Renxian still mobilized hundreds of young men.

Don't think,

Less than half a day,

Most of them have been beheaded.

County magistrate of Ren County,

Has gone missing,

His husband,

Didn't run away yet,

The brave team has rushed in.

"This Darren, how many places are good to produce?"

Said the brave captain.

This one,

Mr. familiar,

Speak out immediately.

A monk during the foundation construction period came forward,

"Captain, if these products are the property of other monks,

We can't afford it. ‘

The captain of the brave team waved his hand.

"Those properties may be related to other gods,

After so many years, it is generally known.

We come here, don’t we get any benefits,

Come. "

A few cultivating monks next to him came forward,

Hand over,

"You go to these places, these places, there should be no strong background,

It is an ordinary squire.

Go after the defeated soldiers and prevent them from disturbing the people. "

Said the captain of the brave team.

These monks in the Qi training period,

Each eyebrow smiled openly.

This Daren County Library House,

A few of them did not catch up,

All recruited gas trainers,

At present in the library, who will let anyone?

Of course, it is the rules of adventurers.

Hands are fast, but hands are slow.

It is the right of the occupier to chase after the defeated.

This can't come according to the rules of adventurers,

Who has a good relationship with the captain of the brave team,

This way to get rich,

Of course who will be sent,

It's the same everywhere.

Going to these manors to pursue the defeated soldiers,

Rest for a few days and march into the state capital.

The brave team just wanted to capture this state adjacent to Noori State.

Half a day,

A rush of footsteps came,

"team leader----"

A cultivating monk came over,

Went to the captain of the brave team.

"We want to get in and out of the manor,

I didn’t think that no one came out on the manor,

Hundreds of thunder and fire blasted over,

Our team, I came back alive alone,

The others were hit by the thunder,

Has been broken into pieces! "

"Where are the monks, there are monks in the manor, just say it,

Urge Dao Fa! "

The captain of the brave team was furious.

The brave team recruited and trained for three months,

The formation of Qi training period monks and innate warriors cooperated by the Plane Committee was launched.

A little discerning,

You know at a glance,

This brave team has a lot to do with the plane committee.


The formation of this manor,

It must be amazing.

He opened the communication circle,

Talking to the communication circle,

"Come on, take three teams and go to the manor!"

The captain of the brave team said,

Ren County captured in half a day,

How can it be in front of a country estate,

Lost face.

With that said, the three teams immediately assembled,

Follow the captain of the brave team,

Ran towards the manor,

In order to let the whole county see the majestic military appearance of the brave team,

The brave team is not a mob.

These three teams are running forward.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!"

This voice,

The entire Ren County was shaking endlessly.

After a long time,

The three teams have already seen the manor,

"Oh---oh my god, this is not a simplified version of the Zhoutian Stars?

Commissioner Qian stayed,

For a long time,

This is his own manor.

He hit his subordinates.


These forces, take oil and water outside,

There is no report where the aura gathers.

Commissioner Qian, the head of the mountain flower plane,

Just as confused,

Who built this manor?


Looking at the simplified version of Zhou Tian’s star battle,

Although it has only been established for a few years,

Ordinary Jindan,

Don't want to go in!

"The owner inside, come out...

You and I have never known each other, how dare you be cruel next time! "

The captain of the courageous team during the foundation period roared wildly.

"Never knew---Your helper came to eat with me,

I didn't invite him over.

During the foundation building period, dare to be so awesome. "

There was disdain in the voice from inside!

There was a voice from the shadow of Jin Guo who stationed here~www.readwn.com~Commissioner Qian thought,

Just saw,

Over the manor, the space moved for a while!

Hundreds of flame sword qi shè came over,

It is red like lava, and the temperature is high,

Crystal clear like crystal,

It can be seen that it is not a common fire,

Condensing this flame flying sword is so high!

Has condensed these flames like crystals,

The monk during the foundation building was surprised,

This sword can already be regarded as a sword with all his strength. T! .

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