Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2770: Brave mountain war

The arrows fired by hundreds of bow and arrow beasts,

For 1,500 camels,

It can be ignored.


An arrow hit the middle of several charging camels,

The soldiers on the camel beasts were disdainful,

This level of archery?

A hundred camel beasts could not stop the charge!

The brave army is missing,

These Chunna State Fighting Team,

It's just not reliable.

My own thousand and five hundred camel beasts,

Can already defeat the opponent,

Lay the victory today.

A bow and arrow shot among several camel beasts,


In the loud noise,

Blasted a fireball that made a radius of ten feet,

The explosive force is like a wave,

Spread to the surroundings.

A few camel beasts,

Has crashed down.

Hundreds of arrows exploded at the same time,

The entire front team of camel cavalry,

All seemed to be shrouded in flames.

"Wh, eh, eh—"

The archer shot several times in a row,

Some camels stepped on the fallen camels,

Crashed down.

The knight on the camel came out suddenly.

Towards the chaos!

Not as fast as a camel beast,

Ordinary warrior,

In this battle,

The effect is too limited.


Five hundred camels,

Rushed out of the opponent's formation,

The camel beast urged,

In an instant, he rushed over,

The blade flashed,

The speed of the camel beast and the full swing of ordinary warriors,

The standing great power can't stop it at all.

A thunderous crash sounded.

Head and blood,

Soaring into the sky.

As if for a few moments,

The camel team in Chunluo Prefecture has already rushed past the position of the great country camel team.

Although respecting the camel squad of the big country,

Three times more than them!

Take the lead.

The knife is very delicate,

One cut and one spin, as if extremely precise,

It seems so wonderful.

Regardless of the great camel cavalry rushing over,

Camel cavalry standing in battle,

Fight with the sergeant on this camel beast for a round.

Immediately his head soared into the sky.


This camel beast,

So he rushed into the ranks of thirty people from the great nation.

"This man is brave and brave—"

Next to him, a few camel sergeants riding in Chunluozhou hesitated.

A few of them,

Can already be said to be a forward,

This soldier.

Forward than forward!

In an instant, I saw a circle of blade lights flashing!

On the body of the Chunluozhou knight,

Already hit a knife.

The light of the knife splashed with sparks,

A mark on the battle armor.

This soldier in Chunna Prefecture has a face like iron,

A backhand cut,

Head flying!

"It's no wonder this person is so daring, a treasured armor."

These cavalry from Chunluo Prefecture. Shining in the eyes.

In the world of monks,

Such a treasure,

Not uncommon.

To conclude,

This cavalry has joined for less than half a month,

Not familiar with them,

Of course they will not rush into the opposing team.

Up to a few people,

This person will be finished,

These young and young people of the Chunluozhou combat team.

Although they were young and strong before,

but. Training together for a few years,


They saw,

It's a big deal.

And tactfully like a river in the mountains,

Like white clouds rising in the mountains,

Violent, continuous, ethereal,

It seems to be perfectly unified.

"This man's martial arts attainments far exceed those of us."

These young men were shocked,

They are at the core of cultivating the earth system sword technique.

Seeing to be an advanced training period,

Already can be regarded as half a monk.

"Yes, let's go up."

Less than half a tea time,

Over thirty people have been killed by this person in half!

These young people in Chunluozhou,

The leader said immediately.

Go up now,

Can give a good,

A few young and strong urge camel beasts,

Pounced up.

Half step into the Qi training period,

Cross the sword!

The heads flew up.

The soldiers of the great nation urged,

The camel beast ran to the side.

"This buddy is so brave, where did you do things before?"

Qingzhuang, who took the lead, gave his hand to the cavalry.

"My three-diamond flower god, do you need your help?"

This man thought,

However, he still succumbed: "I used to be a trader."

This person is exactly the three-diamond flower **** that Qian's newly exchanged.

Commissioner Qian thought,

These juniors,

In the garden wave plane. One person only needs to accept one plane evolutionary fluctuation.

With this experience,

You can use other planes to join the battle.

The two sides are about to continue talking.


There was a howl,

As if resounding through the entire battlefield!

These young people in Chunluozhou,

Shaking for a while,

Someone has fallen from the camel beast!

The three diamond flower gods looked at the infantry formations on both sides.

The sword and shield soldier of Chunluo Zhou who rushed to the front,

But in an instant,

It has been chopped down!

Blood spattered,


The protective Taoism blessed by the Jindan monks,

Just different.

Some young people in Chunluo Prefecture were chopped several times,

Wake up,

Suddenly jumped up,

Slashed over,

The other party is already flying!

Of course, these people,

All of them are young people from Chunluozhou who survived the last battle,

The core of the earth system Dao Fa that I cultivated is already relatively strong.

Half step into the Qi training period monk,

The Jindan monks have blessed the protective Taoism,

Was chopped a few times,

Blood spattered.

It became more and more violent.

Those newly recruited sergeants,

Be beheaded long ago,

Respect the soldiers of the great nation,

Rushed forward.

In the miserable howling,

A rain of blood spattered.

"Oops, the soul method I blessed is not an opponent of the main divine method!"

The three-diamond flower **** master who came by the Yuanba Plane Committee,

That's the big change in his face!

Of course, the soul dharma that he blessed has an induction,

The opposing howler screamed together.

This astral fluctuation,

Across the battlefield,

The soul dharma blessed by myself

For this fluctuation,


This hindrance.

About a tenth of an instant,

In a tenth of an instant,

Three diamond flower god, enough to cut thousands of swords,

Half a step into the Chunluozhou young monk during the Qi training period,

Recovering from astral fluctuations,

See the battlefield clearly.

Cut out the sword in his hand,

A few moments are not enough,

Just these hours,

The front rows of swordsmen and shields in the Chunnazhou combat team,

Has been broken,

Zun Daguo soldiers advanced bravely.

"Forward Camp, kill those howlers."

The school officer immediately issued the order.


A team of hundreds of soldiers respecting the great nation,

Charged towards the howlers of the soldiers of the Great Power.

In an instant,

Blood flying between.

Although dressed as an ordinary soldier,


Has approached the howlers,

A reminder of a hundred people's sword art,

One after another Jianqi.

The howler blasted towards the great nation.

The sword energy emitted by the monk during the Qi training period,


Already more than half of the arrows,

Howler, can't take care of the astral dharma,

Sword and shield in hand,

Stopped at the sword energy that blasted over!

Although the combat power of Soul Dao Fa,

Far beyond the average training period,


The combat power of their bodies,

But there are not too many monks in more than half of the Qi training period.

Soul and body are fully improved,

They are not a direct biography of the **** temple of the soul chaser.

The original biography of the temple of the soul chaser,

May enjoy this treatment,


These other monks of the main **** plane,

It is absolutely impossible to enjoy such treatment.

There was a bang!

The ten or so howlers in the front,

Has been blown to pieces!

Everyone is also a monk during the Qi training period,

Once unable to stop the opponent's urging sword tactics.

Immediately die!

The back row of the Chunnaju combat team rushed up.

In a bang,

The shout, the sound of the sword cutting into the armor and the body,

The splash of blood,

As if there are thousands of knives waving!

Just a few moments,

Three hundred people are already half down.

The three-diamond flower **** on the Garden Wave plane fully deduced the soul fluctuations of the howler.

His face is like iron,

The soul dharma issued by these monks during the Qi training period,

There are several places,

Bi's own soul dharma,

In terms of fluctuations,

It seems to have expanded a bit.


Just these few fluctuations,

But it can easily break through one's own soul protection,

The three-diamond flower god’s palace is running at full force,

I want to deduce these fluctuations,


He found,

With the fluctuation of the three diamond flower god,

Want to repeat these fluctuations,

It seems more difficult.

Three hundred spring Luozhou fighters rushed up again.

The blood seemed to splash into the sky.

The front line of Chunnaju fighters,

This is stable.

Three rows of Zun Daguo soldiers rushed up.

Shouting wildly, his face deformed,

The soldiers of the Chunnaju Combat Team are really strong,

Ordinary soldiers are not opponents,


Another howling came over,

The soldiers of the Chunnazhou combat team shook suddenly.

Zun Daguo soldiers cut with a knife,

"Puff, puff, puff—"

However, a dozen or so soldiers of the Chunnazhou combat team fell,

The other soldiers have been injured in many places,

The howler was howling,

Respect the soldiers of the great nation,

Only then can we obtain a temporary advantage,


The soldiers of the Chunnazhou combat team slashed violently.

There was a muffled sound of the sword cutting into the body.

The two sides fell down again.

"The soldiers fought violently, and the influence of the Soul Dao Fa team was reduced.

If these howlers are monks in the foundation period or higher,

This effect is hard to observe. "

A soldier from Chunluo Prefecture swung his sword lightly,

The opponent's head flew up,

Voice transmission to the Chunnazhou combat team in the distance.

"Shut up, the battlefield is not the place to say this."

The voice of Commissioner Qian came over.

These juniors from the Qian family are really worried.

"This time, some brave soldiers were really recruited."

Next to the school officer,

A team is talking.

However, the faces of him and the school officer were as iron,

The casualties of the Chunnazhou combat team and the casualties of the soldiers of the Great Kingdom,

It's close to one to three.


These school officers and teams are not happy.

Many casualties,

Half step into the Qi training period,

Step into the Qi training period,

In the battle of mortal nations,

This is considered a strong combat power.

Lost here,

Let these teams be with the school officer,

Why don't you feel bad?


After the last war,

Recruited sergeants,

But there are some brave people.

Several of them,

The resistance to Soul Dao Fa is very strong.

These people are just the children of the Qian family.


They are in the battlefield, like an island,

Although fighting hard,

But ~www.readwn.com~ the soldiers of the great nation have rushed up one after another.

The children of the Qian family,

I had to retreat towards my own base,

All are the pinnacles of innate warriors, it’s not easy to kill the entire army of the great nation all the way,

Of course it is best to return to your own base.

"The brave army hasn't arrived yet?"

Said the three county lord.

A team is arching its hands and responding to the three county owners.

"It's almost sixty miles, and I'm rushing over." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m .read.)

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