Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2788: messenger

Then, Commissioner Qian began to sweat.

But it rains five hundred miles around,

Judging from the supernatural powers and magic weapons of the Chief Qian,

This is nothing at all!

Don't think,

Only a few years later,

The four-diamond flower **** who chased the soul of the main **** came to check.

This good thing,

How hard is it?

"This, just deduce the rune from the statue."

Member Qian said.

"That's, it's good to take it first.

These things are too far from the gods,

Relatively speaking, the monks of the soul chaser are on the wave plane of this garden,

Don't dare to be too presumptuous. "

Qing Qiu Zhen said.

"Well, the cultivator of the soul chaser dare not presumptuously on the plane of Yuanbo,

In this way, we get this rune, which has many uses,

The risk is small. "

Commissioner Qian said,

I began to comprehend this rune.

Of course, the comprehension of the shield phantom is also going on at the same time.

The soul dharma book of the four diamond flower gods,

The insights of ancient monks about Soul Dao Fa purchased from various places,

There are a lot of things that formerly, Committee Member Qian did not understand,

In the process of understanding this rune,

Deduced a lot of mystery.

"This Soul Profound Reality turned out to be like this---"

Commissioner Qian exclaimed.

With this rune,

As if rushing down from a height,

The soul of some ancient monks,

It used to be very mysterious.

Suddenly deduced it.

The value of this rune.

Commissioner Qian said,

Commissioner Qian, in terms of soul,

Originally accomplished.

Some of the Soul Dao Fa books and the soul Dao Fa in the jade slips of ancient monks,


Commissioner Qian didn't understand either.

Frankly speaking,

The book of Taoism purchased from the plane of Shanhua, the jade slip of the ancient monk,

Several Yuanying Flower Gods on the Mountain Flower Plane analyzed with all their strength,

Who can practice smoothly,

It's just a part.

Even if committee member Qian,

Shanhua plane deduced the exercises,

He can't cultivate all,

Shadow of Golden Fruit,

Cultivation is completely different from the body. There is no connection method.

The perception of the ontology. Can't help much.

This progress is slow,

The cultivation progress is similar to that of ordinary monks.

Pass this rune. Commissioner Qian also promoted a part of the mystery of soul and Taoism.

In terms of the progress of Soul Dao Fa practice,

Commissioner Qian has made a lot of progress,

Quite ordinary Jindan to the diamond flower god,

The cultivation progress obtained.

For this gain,

Already satisfied.

Looking out the window,

A patch of verdant green, green hills in the distance, hazy, as if echoing the spring scenery.

This deduction, a few months passed.

It's spring again.

The information came,

The evolution of the howlers and the evolution of the Chunnaju combat team are almost complete.

It's going to start again.

Commissioner Qian thought.

On this day, in Luanhe County,

Two monks came in,

One man and one woman,

At first glance, the whole body is like jade,

A faint brilliance comes,

His eyes are deep, like a starry sky,

The monks in the foundation building period knew it was powerful,

Jindan master!

These two walked into Luanhe County,

one look,

"This county official is stable,

However, when it comes to prosperity, compared with the state capital and Doucang County,

Not far. "

Said the female monk.

"College Qiuxian, you care about this with leisure,

I think you’ve been a big-time celebrity for a long time,

The county magistrate here is already pretty good.

Hurry up and finish this magistrate,

Transferring away is serious. "

The monk next to him sneered.

"I'm like Mr. Xu, idle clouds,

Walking around, so knowledgeable. "

The female monk said,

This female monk,

It is Qiuxian,

Jin Dan next to,

But it is Mr. Xu.

"Are you mocking me as a casual cultivator?"

Mr. Xu was furious.

He had an adventure,

But it's alchemy,

So, as a casual repair,

But can practice until the beginning of the deduction of the fusion of different mysteries,

Once the deduction of the fusion of different mysteries is done,

Immediately is the **** of flowers with diamonds.

"Where, I admire Mr. Xu."

Qiuxian said.

"I'm not like others, I don't grow much in my cultivation base, but my temper grows bigger."

Mr. Xu said strangely.

Although Qiuxian is more and more reused by the three princesses,

This talks with the prefect of Luanhe County about using Luanhe County as the military camp,

Not send Mr. Da over,

Send myself and Qiuxian over,

Isn’t that Mr. Kanda is of Cangshan School,

This credit,

To Qiuxian?


Qiuxian’s skill,

But not much growth.

Mr. Xu saw the integration of different Taoist mysteries,

Great progress,

How can one be ridiculed by someone who is far less powerful than yourself?

Immediately replied,

Qiuxian heard,

I couldn't say anything to refute.

Monk, cultivation base, tactics reminded,

Everyone knew immediately.

The three princesses are the core of Tao Fa practice,

Although the core of Taoism practiced by the three counties,

More mysterious.


The three princesses are not practicing Jindan Avenue,

Of course there is no exercise for Qiuxian,

Over the Red Rock Mountain,

Jin Dan, a maid,

Not a true disciple ordered by Hongshishan,

Although advanced Jindan,

Seen by Hongshishan as accident.

Qiuxian advanced golden core,

However, the perception of Taoism,

Really average,

I want to obtain the mysterious Taoist book from the Redstone Mountain School,

not easy,

Qiuxian was angry,

Not talking to Mr. Xu,

A monk walked towards him,

Quickly walked towards outside Luanhe County.

Mr. Qiuxian and Xu were surprised!

This person's eyes are cold and cruel!

"Where is the golden core, it may be the **** of flowers with diamonds."

Mr. Xu said.

"With diamond flower god,

It doesn't seem to be any golden pill in the celebration of Huaniao Zhoufang City. "

Qiuxian was surprised.

"Maybe it's a casual repair. There are more and more monks coming here."

Mr. Xu said.

Mr. Qiuxian and Xu crossed the corner,

It is the county government of Luanhe County,

Qiuxian gave his greeting to the past.

Looking at the government officials in Luanhe County,

The colonel of the Chunna State Combat Team.

The school officer has the same rank as the county official.

The servant nodded,

Go in and report.


Mr. Xu gave the past an ingot of silver.

"I don't even know how to give the door bag, so I went out for a run."

Mr. Xu disdain.

"Uncle Xie—"

Looking at the yakuza,

Nodded towards Mr. Xu,

Said thank you,

Qiuxian is even more hot.

However, obviously,

It is the rule to give door bags,

Qiuxian breathed a sigh of relief.


No Mr. Paida came with him.

If Mr. Paida comes with himself~www.readwn.com~Mr. Da is even more powerful,

This credit,

Most of it must be taken away by Mr. Da.

The three princesses really took good care of themselves.

Task to this messenger,

It is a golden core in itself,

To whom this credit is given,

Not just a word from the three princesses.

After a while,

This yaman came out,

"The county magistrate is in the lobby, please come with me."


Walked towards the lobby,

The three county lord He Xu walked into the lobby,


Sitting on the seat of the county magistrate with an official look,

Mr. Xu bowed his hand to the county official,

"I have seen the magistrate."

But saw,

Qiuxian doesn't move.

Mr. Xu was very upset.

Don't even understand etiquette, be a messenger?

Looking at Qiuxian,

With a shocked expression on his face, he said: "Wandering knife, it's you---"

Does Qiuxian know about the magistrate of Luanhe County?

Mr. Xu looked at the magistrate,

The awkward smile on his face.

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