Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2824: Rule knife

of course,

The villa here,

It stands to reason, put a big move,

Destroy with one move!

But, one trick goes on,

Within a hundred miles,


At this moment, I saw that the battle flew,

Walk out alone,

This person is walking in the air,

Step by step,

Whole person,

Like a knife,

Indomitable knife!

Although it is the Yuanying Flower God,


The skill of the sword is so refined.

The combat power definitely exceeds the average Yuanying Flower God,

It's totally possible to fight yourself.

This is the shadow of the Golden Fruit of the Yuan Ying Flower God level of Commissioner Qian,

Majored in deduction of sword technique and sword art.

The original swordsmanship and sword technique of Commissioner Qian,

All re-derived with rule fusion,

It can be said,

Member Qian’s current swordsmanship,

Engraved in the jade slip,

To Jindan,

Brother Jindan can't cultivate,

"It's not that the Yuanying Flower God is not allowed to take action,

It seems that you didn't care about it at all. "

The shadow of the golden fruit says,

"Ten Cangshan wolves, ten were beheaded and six,

Don't find who you are looking for! "

The face in the thunder fire roared.

Suddenly thought,

In case the Yuan Ying master of the Park Wave Plane Committee rushes over,

It's not easy.

The person in front of him is beyond the average Nascent Soul,

Here comes another Yuan Ying,

This face jumped.

Immediately roared: "Stop talking nonsense, make a move!"

Yuan Ying Flower God.

There is no need to cover it.


He is a monk of the Lord Wan Lei God.

How is that?

The vitality of the sky throughout the thousand miles,

Furiously rushing towards the thundercloud,

In an instant,

As soon as he rushed within a hundred meters of thundercloud,

Turned into lightning bolts,

In the thundercloud,

A person appeared,

Holding a sword.

Thousands of Thunder,

Rushed into the sword,

Looking at the knife in the hands of Jin Guozhiying, Chairman Qian,

In this thundercloud, the **** of thousands of thunders, the soul infant flower god,

Not showing up in real life,

Using Taoism,

I definitely can't handle it.

Member Qian Jin Guo’s shadow slowly raised the knife in his hand,

This lift,

The Yuan Ying Flower God of Ten Thousand Thunder Lord felt it.

It's not the sky's vitality pouring into this knife,

Is the whole sky!

As if the whole sky.

Influx towards this knife!

Based on the cultivation base of Yuanying Flower God,

Can only see this kind of image?

The Yuan Ying Flower God of Ten Thousand Thunder Lords was shocked!


The Yuan Ying Flower God of Wan Lei Lord God roared wildly.

The speed of thunder and lightning rushing to this knife,

Suddenly doubled,

This is his full strength Dao Fa urged.

The blade flashed,

Immediately thunder shot,

In the eyes of the **** Yuanying Huashen,

As if the whole world has stopped,

Only the light of the sword,

Yuanying strongman made every effort to urge Dao Fa, Jian Jue,

This is the scene.

In an instant,

Knife light and thunder sword,

Has been touched a thousand times, ten thousand times!

At the level of the Yuanying Flower God,

One hundred thousand thunder swords were fired in an instant,

There was no problem at all.

Thunder Dao Fa,

It was originally one of the fastest methods,


Sword out to ten thousand times,

Thunder Jianguang collapsed,

In an instant, it has turned into thousands of thunder and lightning,

Some are square, some are spherical, some are like swords,

Some are like knives,

Shot around.

Even if the sentence is not good, it is too late to say,

This person thunderly escapes with all his strength to urge him!

The blade flashed,


He felt,

Half of the body,

It has been blown up!

The figure has turned into thunder,

In an instant,

It has been five hundred miles away!


This escape method,

It should be a thousand miles away!

It can be seen that the knife was hit hard just now.

He let go of his mind,

Chasing like a cyan light lightning,

And his thunderous escape method,

Not much difference.


He reminded him of the method,

Thunder surged,

That blue light,

Already cut over!


The Thunder Sword in his hand was bounced!


The head of the Yuanying Flower God flew up.

Fusion of rules in the same system,

Yuan Ying Flower God, who has relatively high attainments,

Yuan Ying rushed out suddenly,

But just rushed out,

The blade flashed,

Yuan Ying has been taken into this war knife,

As soon as I entered the war knife,

A big mountain,

Squeezed down!

Yuan Ying has no body,

But when the opponent's Yuan Ying master urged the magic weapon.

Immediately suppressed by Dashan!

Yuanying master’s baby,

How could Commissioner Qian miss it,


All entered the storage ring of the shadow of golden fruit,

Body shape shook,

The thundercloud is still surging,

But it was shaken a little apart.

With a wave of this golden fruit shadow war knife,

Thundercloud, the vitality of the heaven and the earth gathered, the raging thunder fire,

Take it all in.

This is all mana,

At the level of Jin Guo's Shadow of the Qian Committee,

Can be used,

However, within a thousand miles,

The efficiency of monks’ cultivation,

Only one tenth of the previous.

Needless to say,

Commissioner Qian’s thunder method has improved again,

After doing all this,

Within a hundred miles, everything is still business as usual,

Hundreds of miles away,

But there are many more pits.

The surrounding area is not the territory of the Chief Qian,

Commissioner Qian can't manage that much.

The shadow of the golden fruit returned to the villa,

At this time, there were a dozen figures in the distance,

Lightning swept over,


That villa,

Jin Dan is absolutely afraid to approach.

A turn in the air,

But watched,

A bunch of people in the distance,

Immediately, these dozens of figures fell towards there.

Showing body shape,

A dozen golden core monks, both men and women,

"Master Qiuxian, there are people with the Chunnazhou combat team leisurely

These monks during the Qi training period.

Monk during the Qi training period. "

A monk in a robes of mountains and rivers came forward,

Arched his hand towards Qiuxian,

This person was the golden pill in the city of Huainiao Zhoufang that day,

With the samurai.


Already the deputy captain of the brave team,

The Brave Team is adjacent to the Chunnaju Fighting Team,

He was against the Chunnaju combat team

It's kinder than before.

This said,

The Jindan next to him knew that this was the Chunnazhou combat team,


Not so hostile,


Trained by the committee,

It's really easy to use,

"You are from the Chunna State Combat Team, just now,

What happened here? "

A Jindan wearing a battle armor said,

"There are strong strong fighting,

Seeing them urging the sword light, they went over there. "

Qiuxian said in the direction where the **** of the thunder **** Yuanying Huashen walked.

The direction that the strong Yuan Ying passed,

A crack has appeared in the space!

Jin Dan took a look,

Everyone opened their mouths,

You look at me, I look at you.

The escape light has passed,

There is still such power.

The power of Yuanying Flower God!

"Do you want to catch up and have a look?"

The monk in the armor said just now ~www.readwn.com~ just asked.

Looks majestic,

At this time,

The prestige of just now has been leaked!

Yuanying Flower God fights,

He can't even stop the aftermath,

"It should be fine to go and see."

The monk beside said,

A few people watched and reminded Dao Fa,

Speeding towards the direction of Yuan Ying Hua Shen's escape,

Escape and fly out of a hundred miles,

But saw,

There are already pits on the hillside,

Needless to say,

This is the aftermath of the battle of Yuanying Flower God,

The monks reminded me of Taoism,

Daofa rushed into the pit,

After a while,

Daofa returns,

"Generally a thousand feet deep!"

This said,

Ten golden pills,

Mouth wide open,

The action seemed to have stopped.

They urged the sword art to blow with all their strength!

I don’t know if I can slash it out

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