Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2937: Misty vs. Fury

"A few years ago, Tan Tian brought it from the Devil's Hammer Rock plane

Ancient clock magic weapon, rune refining with four rules fusion,

It seems that the structure and this structure,

Kind of similar. "

Several series of rule rune refining magic weapons, once contracted,

It's almost like ordinary substances,

It looks like

Better than normal jade.

If you haven’t seen that ancient clock magic weapon,

This jade beast,

He really couldn't recognize it.

Said the monk.

"However, Tan Tian went to Kuanglei Mountain."

The golden fruit shadow of Commissioner Qian,

Three diamond flower **** cultivation base,


Insights in the mystery of Taoism and rules,

Far more than the average Yuanying Flower God,

They go to the place where the spiritual energy converges,

Not the realm of sentiment,

It is the place where the spiritual energy gathers as soon as possible,

Improve your own soil system or water system rule rune,

Of course, a monk cultivates at least a few places where spiritual energy converges,

Carry out insights into the earth system and water system rule runes,

I have quite a sense of the place where the spiritual energy gathers.

To reach a certain degree of consummation!

You can immediately advance to the Nascent Soul,

and so,

The rune of its own rules has reached certain completion,

Before entering the realm of Yuanying Flower God,

Won't go to Kuanglei Mountain,

Since it is a treasure of rune refining that may merge several rules,

of course,

This monk played a series of magic tricks,

Hit this jade beast carving,

This is a very mysterious rule and magic trick.


He played three thousand magic tricks.

One day has passed,

This jade beast carving method,

But it seems that there is no shaking!

In the formation, there seemed to be people shaking,


But the flame burned again.


These figures turned into pale liquid in the flame.

This is Soul Night.

At this time,

In the formation, a wine jar appeared,

In the mysterious pattern of the wine jar,

Has a pale liquid,

This is the soul fluid refined from the souls of those thirty people yesterday.

Of course, the memory of this golden core monk,

Sent it up,

Although the shadow of the golden fruit is cloned,

However, he practiced the method of strengthening the soul.

His own astral attainments are not high,


Commissioner Qian’s lineup,

More and more mysterious,

Not to mention all-encompassing,


Automatically refine the soul,

It is completely possible to extract memory.

It turned out that this golden core monk, holding this jade carving,

Used as decorations.

He drank this astral fluid,

His four-diamond flower **** cultivation base,

The golden core of the golden core monk, the soul,

It is quite supplementary to his divine palace.

In the palace, hills and hills appeared,


He moved for a while,

Reach out,

The image appears,

In the sky,

A cyan escape light,

Cut through the sky in an instant,

Flew over here!

Escape the rainbow,

There seems to be ten thousand swords in front,

Surging like a cloud!

Four diamond flower **** monk.

Escape is hundreds of miles away from this house,

Powerful mind,

Has come like a big wave,

Fell towards the mountain,

It's only a few dozen miles away from this house.

Bring out a magic weapon,

Dao Fa urges,

The magic weapon releases brilliance,

Towards this house,


Now, this person's Taoism is quite developed.

The monk thought,

Has left the room,


In the cyan sword air, one person appeared,

His face is like iron, his eyes are like ten thousand years of ice,

Sword Jue urges,

The sword light is like a shining rainbow,

With tens of thousands of swordsmanship,

Three percent in an instant,

Has crossed dozens of miles,

Cut towards this house!

Three percent in an instant,

Urge the sword light to cross dozens of miles,

For the Four Diamond Flower God,

This is already a full urge,

For the four-diamond flower **** summit,

Not to say,

This kind of speed can be in an instant,

Over thousands of miles!

The Four Diamond Flower God is thousands of miles away from this speed.

In the house,

Another cyan sword light rushed out,

Compare the two,

The cyan sword aura of the coming people,

Furious and violent!

As if there was an aura of ruining the sky in an instant,

This sword light rushed out of the house,

Mysterious and deep,

Even more with a kind of ethereal charm!

Originally, the immortal came to urge the sword qi and cut towards the house,


The misty blue sword light in the house slashed over,

Every sword qi urged by someone here,

All were bombarded by this ethereal sword aura!

Thousands of sword auras, every sword aura, is so misty

The cyan sword qi urged the sword qi to hit,

People are shocked!

Able to advance to the Four Diamond Flower God,

I don't know how many battles have passed!

This is a trick to fight against ten thousand swords,

The opponent’s attainments in sword arts,

Already far better than myself,


It is the profound knowledge of both sides,


In a thousandth of an instant,

The Taoist knowledge of both parties,

The results have come out,

Thousands of sword auras urged by this person,

Most of them were shattered by the opponent's sword aura!

The sword light rushing out of this house,

The profound attainments far surpass these four-diamond flower **** monks,


The sword qi of the coming people,

Can't compete with the sword energy rushing out of the house,

And, the difference is so big.

Take out the magic weapon. Exercising a wide range of Taoism.

It's just as hard to win!

In this house,

With such a master,

This figure had a meal,

A shield burst out,

The powerful Taoism manifests thousands of mountains,

Revolving around this monk,

The monk's figure reminded him,

Has been hurriedly towards the origin.


Misty sword light,

Really like a flying fairy,

"Boom, boom, boom---"

Thousands of heavy mountains released by the shield shot and splashed.

The demon monk can't fly fast at all.

Only escaped three hundred miles,

The fragments of the mountains shot,

On the shield,

Deep sword marks have appeared!

The attack power of this person.

How is it similar to the average Yuanying Flower God?

This demon monk was shocked,

Own cultivation. Already close to the peak of the Four Diamond Flower God.

Don't think,

A battle,

It can only be resisted.


The sword light is like electricity, like thunder outside the sky,

The shield exploded,

This sword,

That mana is as strong as the sea!

"This flying sword is so strong!"

The four-diamond flower **** of the Mozu is shocked,

Feijian’s mana is the real Yuanying Flower God’s mana,

His shield, the thousands of mountains released,

As if there are thousands of miles away,

Battered by this sword!

This is a combination of profound fusion,

Mana, a sword of formation!


He reminded him of the method,

There seemed to be a tenth of blood burning all over the body,

The whole person has been wrapped in a blood-red flame,

This blood red flame,

In an instant,

Turned into a long rainbow,

A thousand miles away!

The power of the burning of essence and blood,

Let his escape speed,

Increased several times in an instant,

Commissioner Qian’s reminder of the Shadow of Golden Fruit,

Turned into a cyan long rainbow,

The entire sky seemed to recede rapidly,

Seeing that the blood-red escape light is hundreds of miles away,

Can already be seen from the horizon,


Has flown fifteen hundred miles,

"This method of escape is really awesome."

Member Qian Jin Guozhi said.

A reminder of the escape method,

It's dozens of miles away from this **** red light,


A big barrier has appeared before,

This demon monk gritted his teeth,

The blood in the body is urged again,

In an instant,

The speed of escape increases again,

Rushed into the ripples in the air,

This is already the scope of the Daguan formation.

A misty blue light meal,

one look,

Close the wall, it says Baijiaoguan!


Has flown nearly three thousand miles,

It is indeed Baijiao Pass,

Commissioner Qian’s Jin Guo Shadow Escape Method urged,

Flew towards the road,

Only halfway through,

The communication circle sounded.

one look,

It's Tanda: "Board crazy! How to get to Baijiao Pass,

We were talking about Dao Fa just now,

Seeing fast approaching with escape light,

I thought it was Yuanying Flower God,

one look,

I realized that it was the Four Diamond Flower God who used the blood escape,

Reached the escape speed of Yuanying Flower God! "

The formation of Kuanglei Mountain,

The Yuanying Flower God escapes far away quickly,

I knew it immediately,

Compared with the simplified version of Zhou Tian Xingdou in the Mansion House of Jin Guo Zhiying Board of Commissioner Qian,

More powerful.

Tan Da has a look at the urging circle,

Monks chasing,

It's a fanatic!

"That's it."

The board's slow flight speed,

Tell the story of the matter again.

"Oh, I see, that demon four diamond flower god,

Although it is close to the peak of the Four Diamond Flower God,

This blood escape used at least two tenths of his blood,

It has to be penance for ten years, not enough to recover,

Otherwise, there are powerful medicinal materials. "

Tan Da said.

"It's just a four-diamond flower god, not worth talking about.

Board mad, your runes, reach Consummation as soon as possible,

I'm going back to the mountain flower plane. "

Tanshan said.

"I got a jade carving, as if it were the same as that ancient clock magic weapon,

Manufactured by the method of combining several rules,

Take a look and see if you can find the baby. "

Board Mad said,

Take out the jade beast carving,

Dao Fa urges,

The jade beast carving has been sent over,

Commissioner Qian’s communication array,

It has a transmission function,

It is not comparable to a general communication array.

On the Tanda Communication Array, Guanghua flashed,

The jade beast carving appeared,

Immediately, Honolulu, several people from Tanyuan,

All came over and watched,

Integration of three rules,

Mana reminder,


The shadow of the golden fruit fused with several rules,

It’s not divine mind that is motivating,

It is the fluctuation of mana!

"Yes, it's the same material as that ancient clock magic weapon.

This kind of item, there is no urging circle,

We can't urge it.

Is a magic weapon, or an object,

It's hard to say. "

Tan Tian said,

"It's refined with four series of rules and runes,

It’s impossible to practice watching,

At least, it should be a magic weapon! "

Tan Shan said,

"We are urging to try the method."

Tan Tian said,

Shaking his hand,

In an instant,

Has changed thousands of gestures,

For thousands of years on the plane of mountain flowers,

The collected tricks of urging magic weapons,

How many?

But a cup of tea time,

Tan Tian has transformed thousands of methods and techniques!


This tens of thousands of methods,

Hit this jade carving,

This jade carving,

There seems to be no reaction at all!

In the evening,

Hit this jade carving technique,

There are already a hundred thousand times,

The jade carving didn't respond at all.

"The producer of this jade carving is of very high standard!"

Tan Shan said,

These 100,000 tactics,

It is enough for ordinary Jindan monks to fight for a year~www.readwn.com~ One hundred thousand methods can not urge this jade carving.

The shadows of these golden fruits,

Lost interest in this jade carving!

How many treasures are there in the world?

There is no time to spend too much time around a treasure.

They are just a fusion of three rules,

From the real strong,

Far away,


The communication of the board mad is here again,

"Here is the Yuanying Flower God,

Who of you came here and chopped it off----" (To be continued...)

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