Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2951: Biyuanhai Town

   "This matter, I'll take a trip to Biyuanhai."

   Tantian said.

   "Thank you, Master." udu@org

   Ang Tianhammer said.

   sent over the image of the golden core of the Su Xue school,

  Biyuanhai has the power of transforming gods,

   like this,

   Despite Biyuanhai’s conditions,

   is much better than the snowfield,

   There are many products,


  Foundation monk,

   entered the Biyuan Sea,

   generally a few hundred miles from the shore,

   Activities where the water is not deep.

   slightly further away,

   is the area where Brother Jindan dare to move.

   A few hundred miles, for the Golden Core monk, it was just a few moments.

   Tan Tian urged the communication circle of the Qian Da committee body,

  "Help bring out that Suxue faction that Jin Dan,

   is not difficult, by the way,

   Grab some ginseng fish, the golden pill of Suxue School,

   was caught by Yasha because of the discovery of five-hundred-year-old ginseng fish. "

   Tantian said,

   It seems,

   Ginseng Rongyu has a great effect on Commissioner Qian’s Golden Fruit Shadow.

  "Okay, the ginseng and mushroom fish have a range of tens of thousands of miles,

   is almost as big as the mountain flower plane,

  Mountain flower plane, it is impossible to dig a hole with a radius of tens of thousands of miles,

   Raise ginseng and mushroom fish. "

   Member Qian said,

   Even if you can dig a pit with a radius of tens of thousands of miles,

   various conditions,

   can be the same as Biyuanhai?

   In fact,

   Mountain Flower Plane focuses on various precious plants.

   many spiritual things,

   Mountain Flower Plane is not cultivated under this condition.

   Tantian's mind moved,

   has been out of the pattern cover,

   Body shape reminded,

   flew in the direction of Biyuanhai.

  Biyuanhai, each with a length of tens of thousands of miles,

   A total of 300,000 square miles!

   Biyuanhai is rich in products,

   want to find ginseng fish,

   is entirely by luck.

   flew a cup of tea time,

   can already see Biyuanhai,

   is like a cloud of clouds,

   has rushed into the sea,

   In an instant, it turned into a splash.

   walked in the sea for thirty miles,

   has found a humanoid monster, but it is a fish monster,

   in battle armor,

   On the battle armor, he brought the Water Dividing Technique.

  "Good equipment, better than Kunwenjiang,

   is really much better. "

   The waves of Tantian turned into a flash,

   This fish monster feels that the waves in front of him are changing,


   Tantian knows.

   The closest to this shore,

   is stationed in a town with Yasha,

   is a thousand miles away.

   Yasha, at least he was a flower **** with diamonds.

  The waves ran for thousands of miles in the water,

   The magic power of the whole body, some Jin Dan power,


   There is no advanced golden core,

   Monsters whose mana cannot reach the realm of Jin Dan,

   saw more than ten.

   It is no wonder that the Shui Clan dare to fight the Demon Clan in the Battle of Sledgehammer Pass.

  Practicing general water system Taoism,

   The aquarium has a life span of several hundred years,

   in this ocean,

   can constantly absorb water mana,

   can reach the power of Jindan.

   drove thousands of miles in the water.

   A mountain in the water,

   a semicircular shield on the mountain,

   is about ten miles,

   In the shield, there is a small town,


   is similar to a human town.

   This shield seems to have water system mana like a big river,

   turned into various runes and surged.

   A spray touched the shield,

   seems to melt into this shield,

  In an instant,

   The waves have entered this town,


   has turned into a carapace full of water monster,

   walked thirty feet,

   has already embarked on the paved road,

   A water monster came to face him,

   The water monster transformed into Tantian greeted him,

   "Excuse me—"

   Tantian said,

   The water monster immediately told the barracks where the garrison led by Yasha was stationed.

  "Those who came to Biyuanhai to search for treasure, monks of monsters,

   is generally closed in a building next to the barracks. "

   The aquarium said,

   Tan Tian nodded,

   walked towards the center of the town,

   along the way,

   planted some trees,

   But the leaves of trees are like algae.

In the shop next to   ,

   are all aquariums,


   Human races are no longer allowed, land monster races come,

   Inside the shop,

   But generally there are various goods sold on land.

   walked into an alley,

   Tantian figure flashed,

   as if walking into the wall beside,

   did not release spiritual thoughts,

   is visualizing the appearance of the Suxue School Golden Pill,

  In an instant,

   Tantian stepped,

   Everything in front of me is like illusion,

   Tantian passed by here,

   out of the building,

   is a small room,

   sat a monk,

   wears equipment,

   There are dense runes carved on this instrument,


   This person's cultivation has been banned.

   This person faces the door of the room,

   is a wall of water,

   In the water wall, there are thousands of waves spinning,

   These are mines connected to the entire town’s prohibition!

   in the opposite room,

   There is a monk,

   looking at people in other rooms,

   yelled: "Tell me, why is the ginseng fish so hard to find--"


   people in other rooms,

   For this monk’s question,

   Say nothing.

   This monk’s body,

  文 is decorated with the mark of the fire school.

   caught a 500-year-old ginseng fish,


   can sell millions of middle-grade immortal stones!

  How could I say to Jindan who I don’t know,

   This golden pill is from the Zhuhuo school,

   is a person from the soul chasing main god,

What about   ?


   This room of Su Xue Sect Golden Core,

   The wall ripples.

   came out alone,

   The monk who Suxue photographed was shocked,


   But the prohibition connected to the walls of the whole town!

   For this monk,

   is like an ordinary stone.

   "I was sent by Wanli Yunxia. Take you out."

   said the monk.

   The golden core monk is overjoyed,

   saw it,

   The monk who came in,

   reached out and pointed,

   The utensil on this Suxue Sect Golden Core monk,

   separated immediately.


  The golden core monk of the Zhuhuo school:

   "Hey---Your Taoism is good."

   With his cultivation base,

   can only see the forbidden tools of the Suxue Sect Golden Core monk,

   separate by itself.

  " I don’t see that the Su Xue School is not well known,

   The monk is very good. "

   The golden pill who thought about the fire said,


   The entire building.

   suddenly released great brilliance,

   There are rotating waves at the door of the room,

   all turned into spheres one inch in size,

   shows various colors.

   This has turned into thunder.

   This is forbidden to be fully launched!


   A big tremor seemed to come from far away,

   "Someone attacked the protective array."

In the room next to   ,

   A monk said,

   This is a protective circle against the town.

   makes a loud noise,


   Several monks walked in,

   looked at the appearance,

   are all aquariums,

   Although he was a monk in the foundation period,


   rushed in,

   arrived at the room of the cultivator monk,

   said to the golden pill of the fire sect:

   "You think the fire school is really powerful.

   Here comes the Yuanying Flower God,

   just attack the defense formation. "

   has a face full of flesh,

   The aquatic man with a carapace next to it said,

   reached out and reminded,

   A magic trick hits the water wall of this fire-raising gold core.

   The Water Wall Mountain Management Division thundered!


   On this fire-raising school golden core,

   banged straight.

   The body of the Golden Core of the Fire Sect,

   The battle armor had already cracked,

   This was injured in the battle with the patrol,

   was bombarded by this thunder,

   is already covered in flesh,


   fireworks burst out from his body,

   there are a few aquariums next to the base-building period,

   One person urges to send a tactic,

   a few thunder and fire!

   The fire-raising golden core was hit a few times!

   These few aquariums during the base-building period,

   This is walking in the corridor,

   shouted at the monk in the room:

  "Listen to me,

  The monks from the Zhuhuo School of Soul Chaser,

   soon a master will feel that

   You guys stay well! "

   With these monks patrolling,

   Tantian is not good to take this Suxue cultivator away,

  Standing in this room of Suxue School Golden Core,


   A loud noise like a thunder,

   Shock tight!

   In less than ten seconds,

   In the loud noise,

   A scream came from a distance!

   So quickly broke the ban in this town.

   The human race in the building, the demons on the road are happy,


   broke the prohibition in this town with Taoism in ten moments,

   This is the cultivation base of Yuanying Flower God,


   stationed at Zhuhuoguan,

  The Yuan Ying Flower God, who is the soul chaser, is the head of the Zhuhuo School.

  The head of the Takuhuo faction is here?

   Tan Tian think about it,

   the soul-chasing soul-champion’s soul,

   was killed quite a lot by Committee Member Qian and Jin Guozhi,


   Qian Qian and Jin Guo Zhiying have a star battle array of Zhou Tian,

   Soul Dao Dharma attainments are also possible,

   once shot,

   Dao Fa exhibition,

   can take all his breath,

   includes soul fluctuations,

   is projected onto the distant starry sky.

  The soul chasing master **** monk,

  If the level of attainments in the space and Taoism is average,

  Don’t even think about what to do with the Chairman Qian and the shadow of Jin Guo,

   Others confronted the soul chaser monk,

   is not so easy to deal with.

   the same plane,

   Although there are strong water system restrictions,


   The Nascent Soul of the Fire School,

   still arrived soon.

   "The master rushed over."

   The guard at the gate of the building shouted,


   The shouting seemed to stop abruptly!

   A wave of fluctuations spread throughout the building!

   The human monk, the monster monk in the building,

  Some people have shinning shields of various colors,

   This is to stimulate the soul magic weapon,

   There is no soul magic weapon,

   or the soul magic weapon seems to be not strong enough,


   has fallen down.

   A figure floats in,

   I arrived at the room of the fire cultivator,

   With a palm, he banged towards the water wall,

   The water wall exploded,

   This person goes in,

   is continuously urged towards the golden core of the fire-raising school,

   prohibit the opening of the appliance,

   This golden pill of the fire-raising school restores his skills,

   but at least ten moments,

   this person,

   Isn’t it the head of the Zhuhuo school,

   The Yuan Ying monk who chases the soul of the main god?

   He turned around,

  Looking at the monk of Su Xue School,

   On the monk of Suxue School,

  There is a shield~www.readwn.com~ which can protect the Soul Dao of Yuan Ying level,


   The head of the fire school was surprised,


   He is not a good person to release everyone,

   After ten moments,

   The golden core skills of the Fire School are restored,


   The head of the fire sect,


  1 volume of Taoism,

  With this golden pill from the fire sect,

   speeding out of town,

  In an instant,

   has left this town,


   Once out of the protective shield of this town,

   is like sea water like a mountain,

   has been pressed down,

   Of course, the head of the fire-raising school, Dao Fa reminded him,

  The shield appeared,

   With this golden core,

   Like lightning, rushing toward the sea.

far away,

   In a wave,

   Tan Tian brought the golden pill of Su Xue school,

   also rushed out of town,

   rushed towards the sea,

   Tan Tian looked into the distance,

   The golden core monk of the Suxue School,

   Where did the five hundred-year-old ginseng fish found,

   haven’t asked yet,

   Send this Suxue school's golden core first to the Suxue school.

  At this time,

   A sword light flashed!

  As if above nine heavens, thunder ran across the space,

   Jianguang passed by,

   The whole sea separates!

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