Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2956: Treasure hunter

At first glance, it was the flower **** with diamonds surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the flower **** with two diamonds full of flames.

They bowed their hands towards the real man:

"Master Wanzhang."

"You have something to say."

Tan Song said,

With one step, it has reached a hundred meters away,

He and Tanda deduced the fusion of the rules of the plant, soil, and thunder systems,

Although his cultivation is poor,

It's just an auxiliary deduction,


Tanda successfully deduced the fusion of the rules of the plant, soil, and thunder systems,

I gave Tan Song a copy of the rune blended with this rule,

There is a plane stationed in the demon world,

It is not easy to mix different rules without blending.

There are complete rules fusing runes and perceptions,

Decades passed,

Like Tansong, it has successfully integrated the plant system, soil system, and thunder system.

of course,

He merged the successful plant system, the earth system and the mine system rules,

Divine Mind reached its limit,

It can be said,

Before the spiritual consciousness was greatly improved,

Fusion of four rules,

Don't even think about it.


Tan Song was already quite a strong man.

What do you want to say to the diamond flower god, the second diamond flower god,

Really not much interest.

These people finished speaking,

Real man Wanzhang thought for a while,

Talking to these two diamond flower gods,

The **** of flowers with diamonds surrounded by mountains and rivers,

The flame-filled flower **** with diamonds,

Looking towards Tan Song,


Real man Wanzhang came over,

Facing Tan Song voice transmission.

"Master Tan Song. To explore the occupied area of ​​the Devildom.

Are you interested? "


It turned out that they were talking about exploring the occupied area of ​​the Devildom.

"If the treasure is indeed possible,

Of course I am interested.

We are all four diamond flower gods. "

Tan Song said,

This means,

Don’t mention the worse treasures,

Four diamond flower god,

Lots of treasures, herbs. It is useless for the Four Diamond Flower God.

"They were monks in the foundation building period 430 years ago.

Over there, accidentally entered the secret realm,

I only practiced for ten years after I came out.

Demons invaded,

They ran here for four hundred years,

Advanced with diamond flower god,

Of course the perception in the secret realm. Already used up.

When they entered the secret realm, their cultivation base was not high.

Less insight,

Today, they want to enter the secret world again.

Of course, the devil’s occupied area,

Compared to four hundred years ago,

Has been much tighter,

and so,

I said I invite you to go together,

They agreed.

Of course, if you have a cheat book, give them a copy,

Precious medicinal materials,

Divide equally. "

The real man said,

It turned out that these two were originally monks in the foundation period.

Enter the secret realm, get an adventure,

Secret realm,

Can go,

Tanda has been wandering in the area occupied by the Demon Race of the Yuanbo plane for a long time.

I found Kuanglei Mountain,

No secrets were found.

Commissioner Qian has more shadows of golden fruit,

Those treasures are not enough.

Last time Tantian got five five-hundred-year-old ginseng fish.

I gave one to Tanda, one from Tansong, one from Tanshan on the plane of Shanhua,

Commissioner Qian had no share in the other golden fruit shadows on the plane of the Yuanbo.

"Okay---when will we leave?"

Tan Song said,

"In a few days, hundreds of years have passed,

They just roughly deduced where the secret realm might appear,

Need to enter the area occupied by the demons to find. "

after a few days,

A few people gathered,

Surrounded by mountains and rivers, Shanda Zhenren,

Surrounded by flames, Huo Dazheng.

A flash of light,

Flew to Qingcang Country,

A reminder of the escape method,

Has rushed into the mountains,

Several humanitarian law surged,

Protect yourself,

Touch the Dao Fa,

The rocks are separated like water waves,

Sledgehammer Pass is occupied by the aquarium,


Enter the area occupied by the demons,

Terran monks generally like to enter from Qingcang Country.

Three thousand miles in the mountains and rocks.

Escape from mountains and rocks,

It’s not the same as escaping in the air,

Escape three thousand miles,

The escape speed of Shanda and Huoda has slowed down significantly.

Commissioner Qian came from the earth,

Someone can pass through a rock that is one foot thick,

It can already be called a god-man.

Three thousand miles in the mountains and rocks,

How much mana is needed?

"Here. It was here that Real Huo Da and I entered the secret realm."

Shandazhen said.

It's not far from Qingcang Country.

In this plane of comprehension,

Three thousand miles, it’s really not that far,

Several people came out of the rock,

Just came out of a mountain.

There are several peaks in front of us,

Clouds and mist on the mountain,

The stone road is paved along the mountains,

What a landscape painting,


Buildings on the hill,

Has been replaced with a steel building, a fortress shape,

"This is where I entered the secret realm back then,

It was originally from the side of the cultivation sect,

Unexpectedly, the Mozu built the building here. "

Huo Dazhen said,


Hundreds of miles away, just a small comprehensionist,

However, this cultivation school, where can block the demons?

In those days, the real people of Huoda and Shanda,

Is the foundation-building monk of this cultivation school,

Come here to gather herbs,

Only then entered the secret realm.

Speaking, said the circumstances of entering the secret realm.

Tan Song Dao Fa urged,

Did not release divine thoughts,

Hundreds of miles away,

A group of mountains,

Some mountains have become big pits,

Some mountains were blasted off by half,

The ruins are faintly visible.

Half a mountain peak. There are big pits everywhere.

This place. Where else can it be used for cultivation?

Four hundred years of war.

This small comprehension school,

Has long been bombed into ruins,

The place where the aura gathers,

Of course it has been destroyed!


The team cultivated and said,

There is no value here.

"Where is the entrance to the secret realm,

There is a cave next to that boulder. "

Huo Dazhen said,

A monster with a horn on its head.

Came out of that hole,

Turned into a den,

If Shanda and Huoda don’t say,

Where did Tan Da and Tan Tian think of this?

A few humanitarian law reminders,

Escape to the rock,

Encountered a ban,

Tan Song stretched out his fingers,

The prohibition has been removed.

Several people entered the cave under the huge rock,

Divinely reminded,

"It's completely ordinary rock."

Wanzhang Zhenren sighed.

They faced an ordinary stone wall.

It was covered with spots.

Like thousands of ordinary rock caves.

Commissioner Qian established the Zhou Tianxing Star Array for 1,200 years,

How deep is the formation?

It can be seen that these markings are mysterious.


Tan Song wanted to leave here with a few people.

These people returned to the occupied area of ​​the human race,

Come again alone.

"It's already an ordinary rock,

Let's take a look at the next place. "

Tan Song said,

Several people urged to escape,

In an instant it rushed into the cave rock,

Went to the next place,

The next location,

It is a cliff ten miles long.

In the cliff,

There is a canyon,

But a few miles deep,

"The entrance to the record seen in the secret realm at this time."

Several people entered the canyon and strolled around.

This time,

More natural in the canyon,

The entrance gap they learned from the secret realm is not far,

This secret realm is average,

It's better than ordinary Dongfu.

Tan Song thought.

Not every secret realm is incomparable.

A few people left here,

Use the escape method, but escape five hundred miles,

Huo Dazheng spoke:

"Master Wanzhang, Master Tan Song, we have something.

Go first. "

The real man nodded: "Okay."

Looking for treasure outside,

Not found, treasure,

The result of most treasure hunts at this time,

Everyone has nothing to say,

A reminder of the escape method,

Has flew in different directions.

Real man Wanzhang returned to Wanzhang Whip Hall,

Several monks greeted him,

Arched his hand towards the real man,

These are the young men recruited by the great nation,


There has been a foundation period for repairing,

Each is as majestic as a mountain.

"Master, everything is normal in the medicine field."

After the Great War of Zun and Daren, Wanzhangbianguan,

Did not recruit new disciples,

It is these young men who have relied on to do handyman planting medicinal materials.

Although Wanzhang Whip Hall is not a place where spiritual energy gathers,


Mountains where medicinal herbs are grown,

I bought a lot from Daren,


Wanzhangbianguan wants to develop further in Daren,

Don't think,

The master of Darrenzun Wanshan Pavilion is the chief consecration of Darren,

I am a four-diamond flower god,

How can it be compared with the Nascent Soul monk who is the master of the family.


Has a plane committee,

For the comprehension forces that these great benevolent nations already have,

Wanshange dare not do anything,


Various aspects,

It's definitely not as good as before.

These young men,

Peak monk during the foundation building period,

But you can grow medicinal materials,

Take a walk around the market and exchange some items,

and so,

Shanda Zhenren, Huoda Zhenren said a secret realm,

The four-diamond flower god, Wanzhang Zhenren,

Very concerned.

The real man nodded,

Walk into your own practice room.

Cross knees,

In the palace,

The markings on the stone wall appeared,

A reminder of the Wanzhang Zhenren Fa Jue,

These markings began to rotate,

Four diamond flower god,

The level of Taoism is so high.

Has begun to deduct,

Deduced for ten days,

These markings gradually showed a rune,

Don't think this rune,

Easy to come.

This is the Tao method that integrates the cultivation of real people,

Runes deduced by the formations that have been seen.

Real people feel that

This rune,

Represents one's own skills in Taoism, formation and alchemy

The highest level.

A reminder of the real humanitarian law,

Flew in the direction of Qingcang Country again,

Arriving near the border of Qingcang Country,

"Sure enough, there is mystery, if this mystery is really good,

If you advance yourself to Yuanying, there is hope. "

Really thought,

A reminder of the escape method,

It's like last time,

Escape thousands of miles,

When I reached the mountain peak,

He just walked out of the rocks,

In a mountain col in the distance,

There is a cave house opened up:

There are two monks,

Sitting face to face,


The table is full of dishes,

It was a real treat that day,

The specialty in that restaurant.

These two people are the real people of Shanda and Huoda.

"Look, Wanzhang is here,

I just said,

Four diamond flower **** cultivation base,

The deduction of that texture is definitely better than us,

The lines he deduced,

It should be possible to enter this cave. "

Shanda Zhen said,

"Well, they won't come again, from that restaurant,

The dishes I brought out are almost finished. "

Huo Dazhen said,

On the table, the image of the cave appeared,

Real man Wanzhang took out a rune,

Towards the cave with a dozen,

The rune rushed into the mountain wall,

The original ordinary mountain wall ~www.readwn.com~ rippled like a ripple.


But for a moment,

Back to normal again.

Not only was Wangzhang really disappointed,

Shanda and Huoda were disappointed.

"It seems that this pattern is used to deduce the rune,


The Four Diamond Flower God deduced for ten days, but couldn’t deduct it.

We deduced it for hundreds of years,

The same cannot be deduced. "

Huo Dazhen said. (To be continued...)

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