Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2963: 10 times the harvest

   "This, has been taken away."

   The shopkeeper has a high price,

   There was a pity on his face.

   "Who took it away?" www!ttzw*m

   Ang Tianhammer asked.

   Tan Yuan has used the four-diamond flower **** for decades to advance Yuan Ying,

   That is the relatively complete rules and principles taught by the Qian Dao Committee.

   Ang Tian Hammer has been in the Four Diamond Flower God Realm for two hundred years,

   He and Wandering Road, Xuan Qianhe exchanged the Yuan Ying Hua Shen Tao Book from the Mountain Flower Plane,

   Follow the step-by-step practice in the Yuanying Flower God Book,

   The edge knife of Tianpeng Mountain,

   It’s not that I have practiced for three thousand years before I have survived the Yuan Ying’s catastrophe,

  The Commissioner for Money rarely collects specific items,

   So, this time,

   Ang Tianchui runs an antique shop in the state capital and county by himself.

   three months,

   collected a lot of poem cards,

   Tantian came over,

   asked him to continue collecting poem cards.

   I heard that this treasurer has poems,

   has been taken away.

   Ang Tianhammer hit a magic trick towards the shopkeeper,


   took away the image of the monk of the poem,

   has appeared in the hands of Ang Tian Hammer,

   Dao Fa,

   In the hands of Ang Tian Hammer,

   has shown the image of this person,

  "Five-Rank Golden Core monk, it seems,

   The monks who bought these poems,

   really a lot,

   turned out to be leaving in the morning. "

   Now, it’s already afternoon,

   Ang Tian Chui said,

   Dao Fa,

   figure flies across the air,

   Fast as lightning.

   a cup of tea time,

   has flown more than three thousand miles.

   fell towards a mountain.

   This mountain. Three hundred miles in radius,

   has the same beautiful scenery,

   surrounded by mist,

  The ancient trees are vigorous, and various medicinal materials are green or in full bloom.

   Ang Tian Chui looked from a distance,

   some medicinal materials,

   is not only precious,

   The year seems to be the age of the same medicinal materials planted on the plane of mountain flower.

   said so.

   These three hundred li cave houses,

   has a history of at least 1,500 years,

   Now, the demons occupy half of the garden wave plane,

   can have these many precious medicinal materials,

   I looked at this mountain,

   says: Lexianshan.

   turned out to be the mountain of the real Lejian,

   Ang Tian hammer knows,

  Lejian real person,

   is on the plane of the garden wave.

   is considered a master.

   Ang Tianhammer urged the communication circle,

   Tantian's figure emerged.

  "Master, I used Taoism to track down a monk who took a poem card,

   entered Lexian Mountain. "

   Ang Tian Chui said,

  "In this way, Lexian Mountain, Xuangu Sect, Fire Sky Striker Mountain monks are looking for poem cards,

   You can not conflict with them,

   Things other than this poem,

   You decide on your own. "

   Tantian said,


   Ang Tian hammered his hands.

  In this way, Master knows that Lexian Mountain, Xuangu School, and Fire Sky Striker Mountain are looking for poems.

   Maybe, I have cooperation with them.

   Yuanying Flower God’s circle,

   As expected, the Four Diamond Flower God cannot easily enter.

   Lexian Mountain,

   Le Sword, Fire Sky Striker, Xuan Gu sitting,

   Fire Sky Striker hands,

   is holding a poem card,

   The poems on this poem,

   is the same as the seal carving in that secret realm.

  "Forty golden cores were dispatched, the state capitals of mortal countries,

   County Pass came,

   just got a poem card,

   How many pieces of these poems are there,

   didn't know at all.

   want to find the remaining poem cards,

   may be more difficult. "

   Fire Sky Striker said,

  Like this looking for antiques thousands of years ago,

  For ordinary people,

   Ordinary talents can wear this kind of poem to enjoy.

   is all errands and luck.

   Jindan and Yuanying are not much different.

   "Get this poem card, really show it to the old money."

   Xuan Gu said,

  "Xuan Gu, the three hundred li secret realm,

   is actually part of Wolfhammer Mountain,

   take away that secret realm,

   This seal-cut image,

Will    be displayed,

   is hard to say. "

  Don't talk about the monk of the god,

   Tianxian can’t create a nice mountain range,

   "Well, go to Wolfhammer Mountain."

   Le Jian said,

  A few of them,

   The teleportation circle was set up on Wolfhammer Mountain,

   can go directly to Wolfhammer Mountain.

   walked out of the hall,

   went to the teleportation formation of Lexian Mountain,

  The space scene sè flashed,

   has arrived at Wolfhammer Mountain.

   "Old money, we found a poem card."

   Xuan Gu said,

"it is good."

  The figure of the Commissioner Qian, has been from the mountains dozens of miles away,

   stood beside them,

   A few people took a look,

   Only three months of work, the old money is a little different.

   This is the real old money body,

   Tan Tian and the other ten or so primordial-level Jin Guo Ying,

   is sitting in the palace of the Commissioner Qian.

  The golden pill of the mountain flower plane of Huoluoshan,

   searched for a few months,

   the poem cards found,

   does not match the poem on this seal carving.

of course,

   These poems were collected by Commissioner Qian.

   Several people entered the secret realm before the seal cutting,

   This time True Man Xuan Gu has put this poem on

   lines deduced as runes.

   put a dozen on this seal,


   The thirty thousand miles of rivers and mountains turned into sword lights and flew by again,

   this time,

   Several Yuanying Flower Gods are fully comprehending,

   passed in an instant,

  This video ends,

   A few people Yuan Ying Hua Shen,

   are quite satisfied.

   Xuan Gu, Le Sword, Fire Sword flashed these people,

   went back to his resident's perception,

  Wolf Hammer Mountain has a gathering place for the spiritual energy for Jindan training,


   stay here to practice.

   But it is possible to face the battle with the demons.

and so.

   Xuan Gu, Le Sword, Fire Sword flashed a few people,

   Around the seal carving in the secret realm,

   set up his own magic circle.

  The battle with the demons,

   Give to the old money,

   A few of them took the advantage and returned to their resident for meditation.

   This is for them.

   is the one you like to see.

   Qian Qian sits down,

   In the God's House,

   Nineteen figures sitting side by side,

   feeling and deducing together,

   just now,

  The Qian Qian committee got a total of twenty insights!

   A copy of the main committee member

   nineteen copies of the shadow of the golden fruit,


  The shadow of the golden fruit of the Qian Yuan committee,

   has the level of Yuanying Flower God.

   There are already nineteen people!

  Maybe Le Sword, Fire Sky Striker. True person Xuangu also has a clone,


   Yuanying level clones, there should be none,

   The physique of the clone is different from the real person,

   Not even as good as ordinary monsters!

   cultivate to Yuan Ying,

  The Taoism, medicinal materials, and spiritual things needed are several times that of the body!

   Fire system, water system, clone,

   Compared with the shadow of the golden fruit of the plant system,

   The progress is slower in practice.

and so,

   From this video, Commissioner Qian,

   The sentiment is at least ten times that of these Yuanying Flower Gods.

   Three more months passed,

   For the masters of rules fusion,

   deduced for a few months,

   It’s about the same time as ordinary monks drinking.

   is like a sword that shocks the sky,

   Can’t let the Qian Da committee advance to become a monk,

  There are so many Yuan Ying Jin Guo Ying communicating,

   But let the Commissioner Qian and the shadow of Jin Guo merge in the rules, the swordsmanship,


has seen an increase.

  "Seriously, the artistic conception of this sword,

   In some respects, it does not exceed the rune given by the gods that merged the rules of the water and thunder systems


   There are some rules fusion aspects,

   is not much higher than the rune we deduced.

   However, the rules are more integrated. "

   Tanda said.

  Chairman Qian and Jin Guozhi nodded together,

   "It is true,

   Shield phantom of Nadun County, Canyon Villa,

   Compared to the phantom of the magical soldiers of Warhammer Villa,

   This 30,000-mile sword shadow,

   But there are many types of fusion rules,


   is quite powerful,

  The level of rule deduction,

  Some aspects,

   is not much higher than us. "

   Member Qian said,

   "Ontology, how about the integration of the five rules?"

   Banxian asked Qian.

  "There are the spiritual veins of the Qingxu Upper Profound Water System and the Biandan Mountain.

   Qingxu Upper Profound Water Spirit Veins with similar qualities, Fire Element Spirit Veins,

   It took 300 years to deduced the fusion of the four series of rules!

  Five series of rules fusion,

   is definitely not less than three hundred years,

   very early. "

   The main committee member said the money.

   On this day, a escape light flies from a distance,

   is thirty feet wide and a few miles long,

   Thunder and fire surround like monsters,

   Obviously, I have a diamond flower god,

   fell towards Wolfhammer Mountain!

   his mouth twitched,

   shouted towards the protective circle of Wolfhammer Mountain.

  "Lord of the Wolf Hammer Mountain, Lord Guan Shanhuo has a birthday,

   Come and get the invitation! "

   said he came to send invitations,


   is like coming to a banquet,

   "Tan Song, go get the invitation."

   Tan Song has a vertical figure,

   The committee member came to the door,

   turned into a demons,

   has arrived, before the battle,

   The formation flashed like a ripple,

   The messenger saw Tan Song coming out,

   "Master Shanzhu is out, I will accept this invitation."

   The messenger gave the invitation to the past,

   Tan Song turned around and left.

   "Yeah, you are not polite—"

   The messenger boss is unhappy.


   Tan Song turned around,

   took out a magic bag,

   The middle-grade immortal stone is shining inside.

   "Don't blame the messenger."

   Give this magic bag to the messenger to the past.

  The messenger took a look,

   "Only one thousand middle-grade immortal stones."

   But, the Lord Wolfhammer went out,

   But it is impossible for me to care about things below.

   See what items you prepare for Wolfhammer Mountain.

   the messenger said in his heart,

   turned around,

   flies away.

   Tan Song returned to the main hall,

   Tell everyone,

   It turns out that this wolf hammer mountain is on the edge of Baijiaoguan,

   is more than a thousand miles away from Kuanglei Mountain.

   There are a few places where the spiritual energy of Jin Dan practiced,

   can occupy this place,

of course,

   Go to Baijiaoguan Pass Master, where the deputy Guan Master visits is indispensable.

   "These thirty thousand miles of sword light, we will see it again.

   In fact, the fusion of those multi-line bones is quite complicated,

   It's not that this sword energy can be deduced. "

   Tanda said,

   "Well, these 30,000 li rivers and mountains have turned into sword light,

   In fact, it is more useful to Fire Sky Striker, Xuan Gu, and Le Sword.

   It seems that ~www.readwn.com~ they have hope to break through different rules and merge.

   Rain before the mountain can't do this. "

  Tanshan said,

   The nineteen shadows of golden fruit are different when they are together.

   Every Golden Fruit Shadow is good at different ways.

  'S comprehension of these thirty thousand li sword shadows,

   is also different.

   The harvest is ten times that of a single Yuanying Flower God,

   The cultivation base is higher than Fire Sky Striker.

   I watched three times,

   is equivalent to watching the Fire Sky Striker Yuan Ying Flower God forty times,

   In fact,

   can open the poem of this secret realm,

   It must be forty dollars.

   All that can be felt is the shadow of Chairman Qian and Jin Guo

   can be done in a hundred years,

   The cultivation of the gods in the transformation stage,

   probably has a score,

  "This is the benefit of having a faction on one plane for many years,

   is not comparable to adventurers who wander around.

   Yuanying’s cultivation level is also the same. "

   Member Qian said,

  The character of the rain before the mountain,

   is better than Xuan Gu,

   However, the advanced level of different rules fusion,

   must be Xuan Gu,

  "Back then, Shenren Dongfu,

   is definitely higher than the cultivation base of the **** transformation stage, but,

   When we entered the cave of gods,

   The body is no more than four diamonds,

   I don’t feel much,

   That lotus,

   Don't refine magic weapons yet. "

   Tanshan said. (To be continued

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