Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2971: Lava Fort

Entered the manor,

Is the stone road,

Beside the stone road,

Planted with medicinal herbs,

Take a look at these herbs,

The Doucang faction in Doucang County has been formed for more than 100 years.

Planted herbs,

More than in this manor,


Far inferior to the quality of the medicinal materials in this manor.レ;思♥路♣客レ

at this point,

This day the planting technique of the county magistrate,

Better than everyone in the Dou Cang faction.

Walked a mile,

Into a corridor,

Walked half a mile from the corridor,

Ang Tian Chui is already standing at the door of the living room,

Hand over to Zhan Kuang:

"Master Zhan Kuang, please--"

What he said here,

It is the official title of Zhan Kuang, the master is thin.

Zhan Kuang handed over:

"I met at the Guanzhou banquet that year,

Don't know Master Skyhammer,

Such a master. "

At the Guanzhou banquet that year,

Zhan Kuang is the identity of Dou Cangzhou's lord Bo.

Zhan Kuang felt,

if we assume,

Fighting crazy about a mountain,

Ang Tian Hammer,

Like a mountain several times high,

"I saw Tan Song more than a hundred years ago,

Tan Song has the cultivation base of the four-diamond flower **** peak,

Today, I saw the sky hammer,

The sky hammer has the four diamond flower **** cultivation base!

Able to fight a cup of tea time under the attack of Yuanying Flower God,

How come there are so many masters! "

War crazy thinking.

Ang Tian Hammer and Zhan Kuang sat down,

Serve tea,

"I think. The officialdom is pretty good.

least. It's easy. "

Ang Tian Chui said,

Ang Tianchui has been an official for decades,

When Zhan Kuang came,

He just said one sentence,

I don't want to blend in with the cultivation world of Yuanbo plane.

"Heaven's hammer, the battle of the sword mountain,

The deputy master of Wanshan Pavilion was injured, Lord Tianhammer and your companion.

The wave plane of Megatron Park. "

Zhan Kuang said,

This means,

I am not coming,

Who will let you behave yourself?


I don’t want to be with the owner of Wanshan Pavilion,

Who told Master to find the baby?

But then again,

Like the Sanhua school of Shanhua plane,

It is quite difficult to obtain high-level Taoist books.

On the treasure hunt,

Do not rely on the sword in the hand.

What can you rely on?

Ang Tian hammer stopped talking.

"The demons have set up several lava forts on the plane,

In order to train the general demons.

These lava castles will have an impact on the aura of the plane,


The Plane Committee decided,

Summon the monks of various martial arts to destroy these lava castles.

The fire sect and Wanshan Pavilion have already received the call,

of course,

Casual cultivators must be recruited. "

Zhan Kuang said,

Lava Fort,

But set in the depths of the ground occupied by the demons.

Needless to say,

Demon masters must be gathered,

Want to destroy the lava castle,

It is quite dangerous.

Zhan Kuang thought,

Say it myself,

Ang Tian Hammer always has to ask himself some practical situations.

"How much influence will the Lava Fort have on the aura on the wave plane of the garden?"

Don't think,

Ang Tianchui is concerned about this issue.

"This, I don't know how big the specific impact is, but it definitely has an impact."

Zhan Kuang said,

"This, the Plane Committee,

May call you to participate as a casual repair,

Act with those big sects. "

Ang Tianhammer smiled:

"The soul chaser of the Zhuhuo school,

The cultivators of the Ten Thousand Thunder Lord God in Wanshan Pavilion were all called up,

I am a casual cultivator,

What is it,

How many middle-grade fairy stones to replenish mana? "

The master of the area occupied by the devil,

It is of a level equivalent to that of the deputy chief of the Wanshan Pavilion.

How to say,

An organization that controls a plane,

It can’t be too bad,


Even if Ang Tian Hammer participated in this action.

He can easily exit from the lava fortress,

of course,

Those teammates who put it together,

Ang Tian Hammer does not care,

Before starting the battle,

Who knows who these teammates are?

It's just a bunch of cannon fodder.

"If you can serve as an offering to the Doucang faction,

I can arrange you to fight in a weaker lava castle. "

Seeing Ang Tian Hammer so calm,

Zhan Kuang stated his conditions.

"No need, arrange how many fairy stones to supplement mana."

Ang Tian Chui said,

Seeing Ang Tian hammer,

Proposal to myself,

Not interested at all,

Zhan Kuang frowned.

"Arrange a million middle-grade fairy stones."

Zhan Kuang still said,


Ang Tian hammer nodded,

In fact,

In battle,

The celestial stone still supplements the effective items for battle,

‘If you don’t offer worship to our Dou Cang faction,

In that way, the distribution of the team is by the real person He Miao.

That fat guy was originally from a big school,

Very hard to talk. "

Zhan Kuang said,

"This, don't worry,

In this operation, can you get Taoshu rewards from the Garden Wave Plane? "

Ang Tian hammer asked,

"Well, there are these books,"

Zhan Kuang said a few books,

Ang Tian hammer listened.

These books, I know almost half of your content,

The Garden Wave plane these years,

Not for nothing.

As soon as the simplified version of the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array was established,

High-quality materials can also be refined,

These books,

The quality of the large-scale goods is relatively high.

one after another,

Replaced some of the broken pages in Taoist books.


Ang Tian Chui said,

This said,

Zhan Kuang has nothing to say,


This is Zhan Kuang’s view of Ang Tian Hammer,

Facing someone whose cultivation base is higher than himself,

The medicinal materials planted are much better than Dou Cang Pai,

Zhan Kuang found,

I can't offer better conditions myself.

Zhan Kuang stood up,

Arched his hand towards Ang Tian Hammer:


Ang Tianchui stood up,

A hand over: "No delivery-----"

Zhan Kuang walked out of the villa of Ang Tian Hammer,

Ang Tian Hammer urged the communication circle,


The image of Tan Tian emerged.

"Master, the subordinates of Rain in Front of the Mountain, Zhan Kuang, came to me---"


Jiang Zhan Kuang came to him and told him again.

Tan Tian talked about tea,


"Oh, ten thousand heavy armor and ten thousand shields,

Refining the rule rune,

Take a trip to the lava castle,

Escape should not be a problem. "

Tan Tian said,

Tan Tian didn't regard this incident as the same at all.

There is already an ordinary Yuanying Flower God battle power.

Should Tan Tian be protected?


Ang Tian Chui said,

"If it rains in front of the mountain, you treat it as a normal monk,

In fact, it is true. "

Tan Tian said,

"Yes, I got it."

Ang Tian Hammer opened the communication circle again,

Speaking of Wandering Knife,

"Sky Hammer, those thousands of miles of sword light in the Fanhuadong Mansion back then,

Something should have been achieved,

Really urged it out,

The deputy pavilion master of Wanshan Pavilion, you can fight back alone. "

Wandering Knife said lightly,

Back then, Fanhuadongfu,

They did not go in vain,

That Wanli Jianguang,

Ang Tian Hammer, Wandering Sword, Xuan Qianhe, all have considerable attainments.

This is Ang Tian Hammer, Wandering Knife, Xuan Qianhe's tricks!

"That kind of sword, the mana of my whole body, can only urge three swords."

Ang Tianchui said.

"The cultivation is not perfect enough,

After the cultivation is completed, you can survive the Yuanying Heaven Tribulation.

Don't worry~www.readwn.com~ This way, I can't stop sending a message to me and Xuan Qianhe.

I want to drink some soup from the area occupied by the demons,

It is impossible not to fight. "

Wandering knife said.

"Indeed, good--" Ang Tian hammer nodded,

After half a month,

Ang Tian Hammer’s communication array sounded,

Is a war mad,

Let him gather in Qingcang.

The battle is about to begin.

Ang Tian hammered out the circle,

Body shape,

Flew towards Qingcang Country. . )

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