Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2998: A Chong

"Fang Zhengzhi, this time on the expedition, you are sure to advance to the Nascent Soul.

Then get longevity and still stay in Earth Flame Palace? "

Cambran said,

"Cambran, we entered the planet Earth,

Earth Flame Palace is already a medium-sized martial art of Tianyang Star.

After so many years,

Earth Flame Palace, no worse than your everyone praises the Chamber of Commerce,

If I can advance to Yuanying,

In the sky earth star, it can be regarded as a personal thing,

Appointment as an elder is not a problem,

It is also possible to continue further.

Go one step further and that is the deputy head. "

Fang Zheng said straightly.

Cambran sees Fang Zhengzhi has my dad’s advanced elementary infant,

The mystery of this flame,

I also feel it.

Don't think,

Fang Zhengzhi was unwilling to come to the Everyone praise Chamber of Commerce in Cambran,

Elder, vice president,

Can Cambran give him?

"Cambran, if you can merge the four elements of water, earth, gold, and fire,

Refining tools, alchemy skills are greatly improved.

When the time comes, the spirit pill will keep some for me. "

Fang Zheng said frankly,

"of course."

Cambran turned around.

"Old money, this time, you must have gained the most."

"Damn, how many powerful demons want to enter these three thousand li flames,

Were killed by me,

Why don't you say this? "

Commissioner Qian smiled.

This time,

The four systems of fire system, water system, soil system and light system have made great progress.

The plant is mysterious,

This monk is really not good at it.


Engraving of the Yuanbo plane from the temple.

I gave Qiu Zhenren a rune that combines light and plant systems,


Fusion of five rules,

Within a hundred years,

There will be great progress.

Can make such progress,

Save money for thousands of years,

Commissioner Qian is really satisfied.

Several people entered the teleportation array.

Smoothly returned to the plane of heaven,

"I heard that the celestial book is rich in products, so I will go to the celestial book's noodle market."

Commissioner Qian said,

"Well, let's go back to the ancient grass plane."

Cambran nodded.

Commissioner Qian urged the communication array,

A Chong’s figure emerged,

"Old money, long time no see,

The medicinal materials you planted on our Cangqing Mountain.

really not bad. "

Commissioner Qian had asked A Chong to draw some hillsides and valleys to grow medicinal materials.

Planting technique of mountain flower plane.

Of course, these demon cultivators are not comparable.

Hundreds of years have passed,

The quality of these medicinal materials is a fraction of the quality of the natural-grown medicinal materials for hundreds of years.

"You can change those chalcedony if you want,

I talk to them.

Do you have a lot of chalcedony,

How much to collect,

Yuye is even better. "

Commissioner Qian said,

The four systems of fire system, water system, soil system and light system have made great progress.

Know more about the benefits of treasures like chalcedony and jade liquid.

"Do you use it yourself?"

Of course you can get the biggest discount. "

A Chong,

These few to be repaired established Cangqing Mountain,

Hundreds of years have passed,

All the schools in the school are clear,

"Thirty thousand catties of ten thousand years of profound cold iron."

Commissioner Qian said,

There are many chalcedony in the plane of heaven,

Ten thousand years of cold iron, fire copper and other minerals are general.

A Chong had a meal,

Yuan Ying Hua Shen's understanding of Xuan Ao is constantly perfect.

New progress has been made in the perception of Xuan'ao,

Must be refined into runes,

Practice into the magic weapon.

Some babies,

It needs to be refined by Yuanying Flower God himself.

Impossible to all magic weapons,

They are all refined by Qian Qian,

"Old money, we have been friends for many years,

The chalcedony in my hand is not enough. I will adjust it for you elsewhere. "

A Chong said,

After a day,

In a mountain,

A flash of light in the sky is like electricity,

Go here!

A Chong's figure appeared,

one look,

Commissioner Qian came over,

"Old money, these years, come to the plane of heaven to find

There are more and more demons and human monks in Chalcedony,

The price of chalcedony and jade liquid has risen,

These 30,000 catties of ten thousand years of profound cold iron,

I will give you one catty of ten thousand years of profound cold iron for 1.3 catties of chalcedony,

How about three catties of ten thousand cold mysterious iron, one catty of jade liquid? "

As soon as Commissioner Qian stopped listening,

He Shanhua plane monk reported it,

Some discounts,



There is an extra jade mountain on the hillside,

It looks as warm as jade,

In fact, it is Wannian Han Xuan Tie,

A Chong looked at it piece by piece.


Took out a jade bottle,

To the committee member Qian,

Commissioner Qian took a look,

There is space in the jade bottle,

Like a pool,

All are the best chalcedony, jade liquid.

A Chong collected ten thousand years of profound cold iron,

Commissioner Qian received chalcedony,

"A Chong, the cultivation is progressing well.

What is the plane of heaven over the years?

If you clash with the demons,


The general Yuanying flower god,

I deal with it, it is not a problem. "

Commissioner Qian said,

A Chong demonstrated this escape method,

Although it is a mysterious Taoist method,

However, in some respects,

There are already regular fluctuations,

Of course, it is not complete.

It can be seen that these people have collected a lot of high-level Taoist books in recent years.

Gradually, practicing Dao Fa has realized some of the rules.

The site of Cangqing Mountain,


In the territory of the demons,

I really need the help of the Qianjin Committee,

Where chalcedony is produced,

Some total profit sharing.

The five rules of the Qian Da committee are integrated.

There has been considerable progress.


A good baby like Wannian stalactite,

He couldn't make it,

Not to mention the higher quality chalcedony, jade liquid.

"Just those things,

Human race, demons, demons. Conflicts are generally for the treasures of the plane of heaven,

The big battle is gone. "

Commissioner Qian nodded.

This answer,

Really more refined.

Talked with A Chong,

Dao Fa urges,

Flying towards the distance,

In fact,

There are not many places where the aura of the fire element on the plane of heaven gathers.

This fire tree,

After passing through that cold rock plane's powerful and powerful perception law.

That is definitely different,

maybe. This spiritual root,

May become the strongest fighting root of the Qian committee?

This kind of spiritual root,

It is equivalent to a powerful monster,

In this way, Commissioner Qian thought,

The Ruixian plane is larger than the heavenly earth, with a radius of more than 100,000 miles.

Commissioner Qian found a good place where the fire aura gathers.

Five hundred miles from the border of the occupied area of ​​the demons and humans!

This kind of war between demons and humans,

A few hundred miles,

There are not many mortals,

Find the place where the aura gathers,

Take out the map and remind you,

This place where the fire element aura converges is occupied,

Commissioner Qian thought,

Body shape,


Has spanned thousands of miles,

A mountain villa,

Between the hillside jungle,

It looks elegant and delicate.

Commissioner Qian fell towards the villa,

Over the villa,

The ripple flashed,

Commissioner Qian has entered the villa,

In the villa, one person immediately came out,

Nodded towards Committee Member Qian,


This is the shadow of the golden fruit of Commissioner Qian.

"This time I ventured into the devil world and gained something.

How is your cultivation? "

Commissioner Qian said,

"My cultivation base has been a fusion of the mystery of the plant element and the mystery of the earth element."

The shadow of the golden fruit says,

Into the living room,

Commissioner Qian told the story of this adventure on the Cold Rock Plane.

Then, talking about the mysterious runes,

After three days,

The tactics taught by the monk,

Brings the insights of Qian Qian,

This is the end.

"Well, there are really strong people in this world who have sentiment laws.

What you said these three days,

I merge the rules of fire,

This year can be successful. "

The brilliance of the golden fruit's body is lingering,

The peaks in the Dharma,

A lot of mystery has changed.

"In fact, the rules I deduced

Many changes can be made to the runes.

Those chalcedony, jade liquid, you’d better use it only after you advance the three-line rule fusion,

Better results. "

Commissioner Qian said,

The book plane of this day,

Produces chalcedony, jade liquid,

Of course, it will place the shadow of the Yuan Ying Jin Guo of the Chairman Qian,


The three-line rule is mysterious,

How can there be such a good integration?

The teleportation array flew toward the plane of the heavenly book,

From the plane of heaven to the plane of Ruixian,

To go through several planes,

After several days,

Commissioner Qian just stepped out of the teleportation array on the Ruixian plane.

Body shape,

Flying like a Jindan brother,

After a long time,

On the mountain, the county on the plain,

Getting sparser,

This is close to the border between human race and demons,

Near this border,

The demon patrol may fly over at any time,

Commissioner Qian flew towards a villa,

The ripple flashed,

Has entered this villa.

Another monk came out,

Nodded towards Committee Member Qian:


The cultivation of the shadow of the golden fruit,

Only four diamonds at the top of the flower god,

Is in the process of perfecting mystery,

"Banao, I had an adventure in the Demon Realm this time, I will tell you,

You advance to Yuanying as soon as possible. "

Commissioner Qian talked about his adventures on the plane of Lengyan.

I began to talk about the shadow of the golden fruit,

Said the same for three days,

This is the end,

"This place where fire aura converges,

There happens to be a branch that allows ordinary Golden Core monks,

The shadow of the golden fruit,

Ordinary Jindan,

The place where the spiritual energy that can be used for cultivation gathers,

Commissioner Qian used it to plant trees.

Commissioner Qian and the shadow of the golden fruit walked to a room in the manor,

This room,

It's a slope,

There is a futon for training on it,

Commissioner Qian shook his hand,

Take out the spiritual roots,

It is already ten feet high, one and a half feet thick,

"Old Qian, the battle root of Biyou Temple,

It grows to this size, and it is already like jade.

How does this spiritual root look better than ordinary trees.

It looks like a gem of average quality.

It looks rough. "

The shadow of the golden fruit says,

"I don't know, I was comprehended by the strong man for a year of law,

That's it. "

Commissioner Qian said,

Put this tree away,

The root system of this tree stretched quickly,

After a while,

As if growing here for ten years,

Commissioner Qian’s current manor,

Generally, Zhou Tian’s star formation is not visible.

Has a planting array layout,

But it’s completely the same natural conditions as the plane,

The understanding of the rules is deepening,

Commissioner Qian’s estate,

Implantation seems to return to the basics.

Commissioner Qian planted this tree well,

Body shape shook,

Has flown into the air,

From a distance,

A tree like an ordinary gem ~www.readwn.com~ has a height of ten feet,

It is still more conspicuous.

Commissioner Qian returned to the plane of the garden wave,

First combine this method with Tanda, Tantian,

Tan Song talked about it.

Began to practice the magic tricks obtained on the plane of cold rock,

Such a mysterious technique,

It is certainly impossible to cultivate successfully in one year.

After a year,

Commissioner Qian’s communication array sounded,

At first glance, it was Banao.

"I have passed the Yuanying Heaven Tribulation." (To be continued...)

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