Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2008: Princess Narcissus

Main text, Chapter 2008, Princess Narcissus

Want Banao Yuanying to help Princess Narcissus advance to the golden core?

This requirement is not easy,

In fact,

Princess Narcissus, the water system cultivation technique is not bad,


The perception of Jindan realm is just that,

Princess Narcissus,

The practice of water system exercises,

It was much higher than the water system technique used for advanced golden core cultivation.

To advance the golden core, you must first understand the golden core realm to a certain level.

Realm perception is high, come to temper one's own mana,

My mana is tempered well,

Started to condense the elixir.

When the golden core is condensed, it can trigger the golden core catastrophe.

Can't trigger the golden core catastrophe,

Like those monks who practice the core of Taoism,

The condensed golden core,

It is the core of the more complicated Taoism.

These three steps, each step must reach a considerable level,

From the Fangshi,

You can buy Jindan at a high price.

But this is only the beginning.

"Well, I will talk to Master Banao."

Feixiajian said,

He came here as an offering,

Isn’t it just for the spiritual gathering place,

Medicinal materials provided by Fen Dao Country?

The emperor said,

Then tell it,

Feixia sword came out of the capital of Fendao Country,

A reminder of the escape method,

Flew towards the villa of Banao.

The diamond flower **** is good,

Thousands of miles,

A cup of tea time has flown,

Entered Banao’s villa,

Let's talk about things,

"Princess Narcissus, what's your status in the royal family?"

Banao said.

It seems to be more vulgar,

Actually want to deal with the outside world,

You have to talk about this,

"Although it is far,

but. The master of Shuixian County has good qualifications for practicing water system exercises.

The royal family of Fen Dao country pays more attention. "

Feixiajian said,

He also remembered when he cultivated in the past,

How many talented monks you know?

That memory is too far away,

It seems a little ethereal.

"I have a golden pill here, and I will drive this golden pill into the Dantian of the Narcissus Princess.

Helped her refining, she followed the Taoist book,

Condensing the golden core again, you can immediately survive the Yuanying Heaven Tribulation. "

Banao said,

The tone is so light.

Feixia Jian's heart tightened,

this. But the three swords slashed the four-diamond flower god's pinnacle,

He waved,

Own golden core,

It will become what he called the golden core,


Feixia sword arched her hand.

Turned around out of the villa,

Flew towards the capital of Fen Dao country.

Entered the palace of Fen Dao Kingdom,

Let's talk about it.

The emperor of Fen Dao Country is overjoyed,

"In this way, in three days, please come here for Lord Banao.

Xia Dian can be cleaned up in three days.

The other two places that Master Banao wanted,

He came over and said,

Handle it now. "

After three days,

At the gate of Fen Dao,

The brigade has already gathered.

There are civil and military.


someone said,

Escape from the horizon appeared.

But it's so quiet,

In an instant,

The blue light has reached the capital of Fen Dao Country from the horizon,

Fell towards the capital of the country of swordsmanship,

Escape the light.

Banao and Feixia swords have already appeared,

Feixia sword,

Everyone knows,

Needless to say,

The one beside,

It’s the legendary Yuanying powerhouse,

Several civil and military officials,

Step forward immediately,

Hand over to Banao,

Warm welcome,

Banao nodded.

"You don't need to be polite."


Entered the hall with Feixia sword,

Immediately, a waiter greeted him,

"The Emperor and Princess Narcissus,

Already waiting in the inner hall. "


Lead the way ahead,

Banao and Feixiajian entered the inner hall together.

In the inner temple,

The emperor of Fen Dao, sitting with a girl in white,

A white dress, blue lace,

Willow leaf eyebrows, crooked eyes,

It's a beauty.

Seeing Banao coming in,

He bowed his hand towards the emperor of Fen Dao Country,

"Princess Banao, I have seen the emperor."

The emperor of Fen Dao country stood up,

Hand over,

Smiles all over his face,

"Princess Banao can come here,

It is our honor. "

Real Man Pan Ao reached out and took out a golden pill.

As soon as Jin Dan came out,

The cyan water waves seemed to overflow the whole hall,

People in the whole hall,

They all feel like they are in a big river.

This is Jin Dan?

Don't talk about the emperor,

The attendants in these halls,

Everyone's eyes shine!

In the eyes of these mortals,

This is the difference between Xianfan.

How many people have seen immortals in the world?

Banao stretched out his hand,

This golden pill turned into a light,

Has rushed into the pubic area of ​​Princess Narcissus,

Immediately, the golden pill was in the Dantian,

Has turned into a magic power,


The mana rushes towards the hundred skeletons of the Narcissus princess,

Water waves are like flames,

Charged three feet from this Narcissus princess!

Oh, this Jindan, Banao turned over for a long time,

Turned out from the corner of the storage ring,

Seven-Rank Golden Elixir,

The monks below the seventh grade golden core,

Banao doesn't like it at all!

However, the cultivation base of this Shuixian Princess,

Seventh-Rank Golden Core has already turned him into mana,

She can't stand it,

Continue like this,

The mana of this golden core,

Will draw a lot of body soon,


It is necessary to recondense the golden core according to her cultivation technique,

It may condense at most Nine-Rank Golden Core.

Princess Narcissus runs his magic trick with all his strength,


The method of Princess Narcissus,

It is impossible to control such a powerful Jin Dan mana,

"Run according to your practice!"

Banao said,

Reach out a little,

A clear light covered Princess Narcissus,

The rushing mana like a flame,

Calm down immediately,

Like water.


Princess Narcissus can use these mana,

Run according to your own practice,

Regrouped again,


These mana,

And the mana cultivated by Shuixian Princess himself,

Is already relatively close,

Princess Narcissus is done,

It was past evening.

"You can condense the golden core by tempering these mana to the corresponding perfection,

Feixiajian knew. "

Banao said,

Did he guard and watch Princess Narcissus condense the golden core to survive the golden core catastrophe?

None of the Qian's children have this treatment.

"Tomorrow, Master Banao can accept Xia Dian,

Please go to the banquet. "

Said the emperor of Fendao Country.

The waiter took Banao to the hall,

The emperor of Fen Dao country looked at Feixia Sword,

Feixia sword arched her hand: "Congratulations, the emperor, Princess Narcissus, up to one and a half years,

You can condense the golden core! "

The emperor of Fen Dao Country let out a sigh,

The expression on his face relaxes~www.readwn.com~Occupied by the demons, but Zhantianguan,

Can change a Jindan monk, from the royal garden of three hundred miles. "

It seems that if this Princess Narcissus cannot condense the golden core,

Three hundred miles of royal gardens,

The emperor is also reluctant.

Feixiajian thought.

With a hand over, went to the hall for a banquet.

This feast,

Of course it is luxurious and refined,

Finished the banquet,

the next day,

The palace attendants came,

With Banao,

Go to the Summer Palace in the Royal Garden,

This summer palace,

It is four hundred miles away from the capital of Fendao Country.

Banao arrived at Xiadian,

I wanted to say,

Where does the royal family of Fendao Kingdom want to build a new summer palace,

Move this summer palace over by myself,

But at first glance, all kinds of luxurious and elegant decorations,

I didn’t take away all kinds of paintings and crafts,

Three hundred lixia temples were given,

Many of these paintings and crafts.

Maybe, there is the treatment of the garden wave plane.

——Reproduced from Zero Point Reading

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