Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3117: Shuohe

Commissioner Qian and the shadow of Jin Guo,

Did not get a powerful Taoist book,

Relying on the outer pill to reconcile the fluctuations in the rule deduction is more reliable.

Iron Horn Junior High,

Some herbs,

Ordinary mortals planted,

One is a radius of tens of miles?


Iron Horn Middle School,

The planting area of ​​medicinal materials has been several thousand square miles,


Process it yourself,

Ordinary medicinal herbs,

Both can refine very precious materials.

In the Lion Pan Mountain,

Some herbs,

That Yuanying Monster Beast looked at.

Banqin took the pill,

Start practicing.

After taking the refined pill this time,

I have been practicing for five years.

The training effect has improved a bit,

Banqin thought.

this day,

A few escape lights,

Flew from the sky quickly,

In an instant,

Has arrived at a manor,

This manor,

One hundred square miles,

Around the manor,

With walls,

A wall with a radius of a hundred miles,

All piled up with boulders.

On the boulder, there are seal-carved formation runes,

Mana flickers from time to time,

The escape light fell towards the front of the manor,

Sword appeared nine days, Laishan, Feixia sword came,

"Piaoyijian, have a good life here."

Laishan moved towards the manor,

"At the manor, good style---"

Jian Jiutian said,

A hundred years have passed.

Jian Jiutian is still the pinnacle of the Four Diamond Flower God!

"Sword nine days. Laishan. Feixia sword,

Come here today free. "

Piaoyi Sword walked out with a smile,

Reach out,

The ban has been opened!

"You are developed, we old friends come and have a look."

Laishan said,

"This is also called developed, a place where the spiritual energy for golden core cultivation can gather!

You have already.

A manor with a radius of a hundred miles,

Your manor houses add up.

No less than a hundred square miles below the circle. "

Piaoyijian said,

Years of association,

Who doesn't know who.

Several people said,

Walk along the stone road in the manor,

Sit in the living room.

"Tiejiao Country here produces green flame grass in the rocky pool,

Can you help us buy some. "

Tan Shan said,

Jian Jiutian nodded,

"Green flame grass is a medicinal material,

We wanted it long ago. "

"Who knows that Luanshitan is the demon soul flower **** occupies,

Qingyancao is so easy to handle. "

Said the elegant sword.

The master of Queyue Mountain built this Ge Tiejiao country,

The territory of the Yaozu.

Whether on land or water,

As it is.

The monks of Iron Horn,

Want to get the green flame grass,

It's not that easy.

"I used to think of chaos in the rocky pool, maybe fighting the demons,

Today, it is the Iron Horn country,

It should be much better. "

Laishan said.

"In this way, I will go with you."

Piaoyijian said,

He Jian Jiutian, Feixia Jian,

Out of the manor,

A reminder of the escape method,

Fly towards the chaotic stone pool.

Flew more than a thousand miles,

Saw a pond,

Fifteen li,

There are a few kilometers of rocks nearby.

Connected to a river,

This river is three miles wide,

The current looks like there are many swirls and waves,

"This is Shuohe,

The chaotic rock pool, fifteen miles vertically,

Three hundred feet deep!

The Yuan Ying of the Demon Race in Luanshitan,

It is the master controller of Shuohe, which is three thousand miles in radius. "

Piaoyijian said,

A big river like the Lotus River,

Yuan Ying Flower God can govern 1,500 miles,

Shuo River, an ordinary river,

Yuanying Flower God can manage three thousand miles!

Reach out!

A wave surged,

These people stood up towards the waves,

Go to the depths of the chaotic rock pool,

Just walked tens of feet

A whirlpool of ten feet long,

The waves that stood up against a few people blasted!

There was a loud noise,

The waves of a few people standing turned into a thousand waves of water!

Jian Jiutian reached out and pointed,

This wave,

Only then regrouped.

"The aquarium is in the water,

Power can be increased several times,

Sure enough. "

Jian Jiutian said,

Just before the water whirled!

He is the Four Diamond Flower God,

The standing waves are opened,

Secretly surprised!

"You four-diamond flower gods are pretty good,

What are you doing here? "

There was a voice,

Like thunder, full of majesty.

A few four diamond flower gods,

Occupies more than a water house.

"This is the Nascent Soul of the Water Palace."

Jian Jiutian and Laishan, Feixiajian sound transmission.

"I am the Piaoyi Sword of the Tiejiao National Captain,

Come to buy some green flame grass. "

Piaoyi sword took out a jade medal,

Immediately, there was a wave of fluctuations in the water,

Revolving around the jade card.

"Yes, it is the captain of the Iron Horn Country."

Tiejiao State was founded,

These four diamond flower gods were given to a captain,

Yuan Ying Flower God, gave it to a general.

Of course, just put a name.

At this time,

Several people can already see,

On the rock wall in the middle of this rocky pool,

There is a gate,

This water mansion,

In this rock wall,

The people in the water mansion thought,

Lieutenant of Iron Horn,

Extraordinary people,

Usually it’s a flower **** with diamonds,


I can give you five green fire grass,

One million middle-grade immortal stone. "

The voice in the water mansion came out.

"That's good" said Piaoyijian,

Said to the people nearby,

"One person brought out two hundred and fifty thousand middle-grade immortal stones."

"The five middle-grade immortal stones are too few.

At least thirty? "

Laishan said.

"Not bad.

Besides, it's a bit expensive. "

Jian Jiutian said,

Feixiajian did not speak,

He has been to Xiadian several times,

There are many precious medicinal materials in Xiadian.

"What do you think mortals eat at this time,

Say thirty is thirty? "

The voice in the cave was furious,

A wave of water hit,

Ten feet long.

With a bang,

These people think,

As if ten big mountains came over,

With a bang,

Has been beaten out of Ranshitan!

Laishan was furious,

Sword Jue urges,

Bounced towards this chaotic stone pool,

Jianguang Hongru in the chaotic stone pool,

But thirty feet,

As if bound by thousands of great powers.


Jianguang burst out.

In the rocky pool,

The water waves splashed three feet!

Several people were shocked together.

Four diamond flower **** and one sword,

A mountain was cut open,

Sword towards this chaotic stone pool,

But the water splashed!

Monks in the Qi training period,

Slashed a sword towards this pool,

Able to make waves!

Looking at this chaotic stone pool,

Fifteen li,

In front of these four diamond flower gods,


At this time,

With a sense of denseness,


In the splash of waves,

There is already a person standing on the rocky pool,

Looking towards Laishan,

The eyes are like electricity.

"So bold!"


Take a palm towards Laishan!

In an instant,

The water swirled,

Has been blasted to Laishan,

A reminder of Laishan Sword Art,

Slashing towards the water,

In an instant,

This water spin has already hit this Laishan’s body protection method,

There was a thunderstorm!

This Laishan, the way of protecting the body,

It turned into thunder fire and shot out three hundred zhang!

In an instant,

Laishan was beaten to fly,

Tumbling and rolling,

Turn a few miles away!

This person just turned around,

Back to Luanshitan Water House,

These people just flashed,

Arriving next to Laishan,

Laishan Pan is doing luck,

Sat for a long time,

The exercise urges dozens of turns,

Only then stood up,

"Awesome, worthy of being a strong man who occupied three thousand miles of Shuohe."

Jian Jiutian looked serious,

Just a palm,

To fly Laishan,

Laishan Four Diamond Flower God,

Sword Nine Heavens and Four Diamond Flower God Peak,

Jian Jiu Tian is the same.

A few humanitarian law reminders,

Leaving Luanshitan.

"Able to manage three thousand miles of river water,

How strong is Sanqianli River's water mana? "

Piaoyijian said,

Come forward by yourself,

You can already buy five green flame grass,

These people are even more,

Piaoyijian felt unhappy,

At the demon king in the chaotic lake,

A palm flew Laishan,

Piaoyijian is even more unhappy!

Having said this,

Back to the manor with Jian Jiutian,

Piaoyi Sword said nothing.

Jian Jiutian looked at Laishan,

Laishan's face was sorrowful.

After drinking tea for a while,

"I'll go back to the cave mansion first."

Laishan said,

"Well, let's go back first,

The green flame grass matter,

Think of a solution later. "

Jian Jiutian said,

He is the pinnacle of the Four Diamond Flower God,

Alchemy is higher than others,

Green flame grass,

He is really needed.


Floating Sword nodded,

Jian Jiutian, Laishan, the drift sword came out of the manor,

Body shape,

Speeding in the direction of Fen Dao Country.

Banqin looked at the water mirror,

Hongge Mountain,

How far is it from Luanshitan,

A thousand miles,

A small river flowing through Hongge Mountain,

It flows into the Shuo River.

Knowing that one person has captured the strongman at Xiehe Pass,

Station in Hongge Mountain,

The small river that flows through Hongge Mountain,

A few hundred miles near Hongge Mountain,

The Lord of Ranshitan did not send aquatic people over,

Yuanying strongman of Luanshitan,

But know,

The highest hand of Xiehe Pass,

Although I don’t know how many rules are integrated,

But it was sent by the Plane Master Hall,

Was cut with a sword by this Honggeshan strongman!

The three-diamond flower **** plant demon that occupies hundreds of miles of rivers,

This only went well.

Jian Jiutian has the land of Paradise Kingdom on his body,

Want to advance to Yuanying,

It's not that simple.

In the air, three escape lights flew out of Tiejiao Country,

Slowed down,

"This chaotic stone pool is so high-level,

We want to find the spiritual energy gathering in Shuohe to practice,

It's not easy. "

Feixiajian said,

"Don't look at it,

The demons have occupied here for thousands of years,

People live well differently. "

Jian Jiutian said.

It turned out that these people wanted to come to Shuohe to find a place where the water system aura gathered.

Banqin practiced for another fifteen years,


The progress of the integration of the five series of rules,

Really slow!

The jade slips of ancient monks that can be collected on the mountain flower plane,

The mysterious book of Taoism,

I've seen Banqin,

At the level of Banqin,

Among these jade slips,

For the explanation of Taoism,

All the rules have been deduced!

But the rules merge,

It's really not easy anymore.

Banqin thought,

It’s better to practice on the sea on Wandao

It’s relatively simple to go to Wandao Sea,

Flew fifteen thousand miles along the Shuo River,

It is already Wandaohai,

Banqin's body shape is reminded,

In an instant it has reached the sky over Shuo River,

Flying quickly along the Shuo River,

Half tea time,

It's time to see the sea and sky,


Banqin watched the tide rolling,

I think ~www.readwn.com~ is right to practice here.

Step into the tide,

In the tide,

A flower has appeared,

The petals are so heavy,

Bright as the sky!

Into the sea,

There are often strong winds.

Banqin began to practice,

I don’t know how long I practiced,

this day,

A few monks,

Flew from inland,

Flying along the tide,

From a distance,

The tide rolls, the raging wind blows,

There is a flower on it,

One foot radius,

There are monks sitting cross-legged on it,

Really like a fairy!

"This flower really should only be in the sky."

They admired the flowers who were sitting and practicing on the piano,

"This flower must be a baby."

One of the sisters said,

"Princess Narcissus, this flower,

It’s more vivid and moist than the lotus magic weapon of Hanlian School,

You know at a glance,

Is a magic weapon for strong men. "The person next to you said. (To be continued.)

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