Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3120: White jade sea cucumber

., for you.レ;思♥路♣keレ Banao urged Banqin’s communication array,

Banqin, Tanda walked out of the plane teleportation formation of Xiadian.

Daoxian Lianfeng cultivated for three years,

Banqin returned to Xiadian,

"I have some insights, but it doesn't help me to integrate the wind rules."

Practiced for three years,

The integration of rules is just a little bit progress,

Banqin came out of Xiadian,

Body shape,

I arrived at Hongge Mountain first,

Commissioner Qian and the shadow of Jin Guo,

I have practiced in Xianlian Peak for over ten years,

For the fluctuations that can be used on plants,

There has been some progress,

These fluctuations,

Of course it is applied to the planted medicinal materials.

After using the medicinal materials of Hongge Mountain, the evolutionary fluctuations,

Banqin flew towards the entrance of the Hehua River,

This time,

At the mouth of Shuohe,

Already practiced almost.

Go to the estuary of the Hehua River and practice.

I have been practicing for six years,

The plant demon urged the communication circle,

"The medicinal materials of Hongge Mountain,

Has evolved,

In the past six months, there has been no new evolution in medicinal materials. "

The plant demon said,

Banao physique urged,

Flew towards Hongge Mountain,

Cultivating at the mouth of the Hehua River for six years,

The rules of Banqin merge with fluctuations,

But there is a little improvement.

Banao entered Hongge Mountain,

Take a look at those medicinal materials,

Not only does it look moist,

There is a deep feeling,

After reading the medicinal materials of Hongge Mountain,

Banqin let the plant demon cook a table of dishes,

Take out the wine and drink,

In fact,

I practiced at the mouth of the sea for decades,

Banao’s five-system rule fusion cultivation base,

There has been some progress.


The speed of cultivation,

It has slowed down.

This medicinal material has produced a new evolution,


Continue to grow for fifteen years,

It can be compared with 300-year-old medicinal materials from the outside world,

Medicine is more complete.

This wine was only half drunk,

There was a wave of ripples in the star battle of Zhou Tian,

Tan Da came in,

"The Immortal Lotus Peak, my comprehension has been very difficult to progress.

Are there any better fish here,

I grab some and go back to tonic. "

Tan Da said.

Tanda is a combination of plant, soil, thunder and fire rules.

Same as Banao.

Is deducing the rules of the fusion water system,

Although the shadow of the golden fruit can incorporate different rules from that of the Qian,


Between these different rules,

It's mysterious.

Thunder system, fire system rules have great fighting power,


The shadow of golden fruit is half plant,

If you want to continue to merge the rules,

It is necessary to integrate the water system rules.

In fact,

The main body of Qian Yuan,

This time the fusion of mine rules was successful,

Will not integrate the gold rules immediately.

Generally, it is a fusion of cloud rules and shadow rules,

This will integrate the gold rules.

For fish in these water systems,

Long, nourishing,

Need more.

"White jade sea cucumber is good. Gentle and nourishing."

Banqin also talked about several kinds of fish that are more tonic.


Generally more than a hundred years old.

White jade sea cucumber,

Here and in nearby planes,

The white jade sea cucumber from the plane of Ruixian is the best.

The demon king’s pet white jade sea cucumber for three thousand years,

Tan Da and Banqin, just grab a few hundreds of years old.

Tan Da and Pan Ao,

Out of Hongge Mountain,

Body shape shook,

Flew towards the sea.

"Hundreds of years of white jade sea cucumber,

Three thousand miles on the shore is more,

Continue towards the deep sea,

There are not many white jade sea cucumbers. "

Although as a monster,

White jade sea cucumber,

The same can go to the deep sea.

Tan Da and Banqin,

Fell towards the sea,

The sea water immediately turned into crystal,

To escape into the sea,

How did Tanda and Banqin cultivate,

A show of divine thoughts,

Has expanded thousands of miles,

Step on,

Body shape like electricity,

Has reached a brightly colored mountain,

In the mountains,

Strange rock saga,

With all kinds of plants,

A lot of fish are swimming here.

Sea cucumbers eat grass and fish.

Banqin reached out and grabbed,

Several white jade sea cucumbers have been caught,

"These white jade sea cucumbers are five hundred years old.

It's not very useful for you to hold it in a bad year. "

Tanda nodded,

Collect these white jade sea cucumbers.

"If you want to catch tonic fish,

The demon swam slowly, but it was too fast to escape. "

Banqin said.

There are really too many fish in the sea,

Such rules merge strongmen,

It is impossible to rely entirely on divine consciousness.

"Okay, I practiced for a long time,

Look at the sea easily. "

Tan Da said.

Take out the white jade wine table,

Wine glass, took out another table of dishes,

Slid towards the table,

Tan Da and Banqin were sitting on the waves,

Move forward slowly.

Collect some water system materials,

Walk towards the next place where white jade grows.


Banqin reached out his hand,

"Look, five miles away, a few nourishing fish are coming.

Reach out and grab,

These fish,

Has reached Banqin,

"This has been grown for one hundred and fifty years,

It's good for cooking. "

He said,

Master Tan received the fish into the storage bag.

From here to where the white jade sea cucumber grows,

Need to walk more than a hundred miles,

Where did you go

Banqin reached out and grabbed,


The white jade sea cucumber has arrived,

"The white jade sea cucumber is not as good as the white jade sea cucumber last time ---"

Banqin and Tanda were talking about white jade sea cucumbers,

There is already a person riding the waves,

Galloping from a distance,

A spear in his hand,

But not close,

Shouted at Banqin and Tan,

"Humans, come here to catch five hundred-year-old white jade sea cucumbers.

Put down the white jade sea cucumber------"

The 500-year-old white jade sea cucumber is better than the 500-year-old snow cucumber,

Red ginseng is even more precious!

Some effects.

500-year-old snow ginseng, red ginseng does not.

"There are more than one aquarium, five hundred-year-old sea cucumbers,

Everyone is watching. "

Banqin said,

Reach out,

A water flower,

Exploded in front of this person,

In the sound of a huge earthquake,

The man bent his spear,

The battle armor suddenly shè.

The figure rolled out several miles in the water,

Stand up,

Body shape,

Flee towards the distance.

A monk with a diamond flower god,

For Banqin and Tanda's cultivation base.

It's really not worth mentioning.

"It's been a long time since I felt that leisurely."

Tan Da said.

Take out the snow fruit wine and drink,

"Looking at the colorful, drinking snow fruit wine,

This is what the fairy enjoys. "

Banqin said,

"I practiced in Xianlian Peak for several years,

It can be compared to our hundred years of cultivation.

I only have this idle time today. "

Tan Da said,

"For the ontology. Xianlianfeng has practiced for several years,

It can be compared to a hundred years of cultivation.

The distance from the fusion of six rules,

It is still quite far away.

However, the six series of rules have been combined for a hundred years,

That power can be said.

It is quite powerful. "

This said,

Tan Da and Banqin,

They all laughed.

Commissioner Qian has already visited several planes of the main **** of the Thunder system.

Distance fusion rules of thunder system, fusion of rules of six systems.

Still relatively far away.

Was talking,

A few miles away, the waves rolled,


Into a human form----,

A three-foot-long white jade sea cucumber appeared next to it,

Facing Tan Da and Banqin,


More angry,

"Where is the master, run to me to catch the white jade sea cucumber?"

It was the demon king who fought with Thunder Fire Sword and the others.

Banqin reached out his hand,

Under the water waves that the Demon King stepped on,

A thousand-weight flower appeared,

Structured by sea water,

It looks like

But there is an indescribable crystal!

A few feet in radius,

Wrap the demon king and the three-foot-long white jade sea cucumber!

"This magic is used to offer treasures—"

The Demon King said disdainfully,

Looking at the two from a distance,

With a white jade table,

There are vegetables on the table,

Thought it was a great master!

That thought,

Use this spell,

This spell,

The aquarium city during the foundation period.


The sword light in his hand flashed,

Cut towards this flower!


Like a huge thunder!

The flying sword in his hand, thunder and fire burst out,

A flying sword appeared,

There are already gaps on the flying sword,

This huge flower made of sea water,

But it is still crystal clear as jade!

far away,

Many aquatic monsters even open their mouths.

King of Shenwu,

Was banned by one trick!

"I have some pills here, take it."

Tan Da reached out and pointed.

A few jade bottles flew over,

of course,

Lion and scorpion common medicine,

Banqin reached out his hand,

This flower turned into sea water,

The demon king put away the pill,

A reminder of the escape method,

Fleeing away in a flash,

There is no trace.

Looking at the white jade table,

The table full of dishes gradually goes away,

The Demon King suddenly remembered,

The mana of this splash,

The monk who practiced at the mouth of the Shuohe River,

More similar,

The monk at the mouth of Shuohe practiced,

I've seen it a few times far away,

When the flower of Shennianhe touched,

Spiritual thoughts were swallowed by the flowers,

This is the shadow of member Qiang He Jinguo,

The power of the plant Taoism practiced,

At the battle today,

This monk,

With such power!

After more than a day,

The Jindan of his men came,

Those two strong human beings,

Caught more than forty white jade sea cucumbers,

I caught more than 100 tonic fish,


The Demon King said,

Tanda returned to the Yuanbo plane,


At the mouth of the Lotus River,

Continue to practice.

After more than ten years,

This year,

Banqin went to the estuary to practice,

It's been another hundred years!

this day,

Escape light fell towards the Xianlian Peak,

People appear,

Beautiful as a fairy,

At first glance, it was Bi Xiu.

But at this time,

Bi Xiu's pretty beauty is slightly wrinkled,

Looking at these mountains,

Complex eyes,

Take out a jade medal,

Reach out,

In the mountains,

A jade card appeared,

A brilliance appeared on the jade plate,

Point towards this mountain,

In the mountains,

A stone road appeared,

Bi Xiu walked on this stone road,

But the speed of walking with ordinary people,

Not much faster,


Mustard feel,

The majesty and grandeur of the surrounding mountains,

It seems to have the power of ten thousand mountains,

You can come over immediately!

The Baicao faction’s mountain guarding formation,

After thousands of years of continuous improvement,

Compared with this mountain,

Not much stronger?

This is the true strength of Banao?

Today, Bi Xiu is here,

Princess Narcissus,

Has advanced to the second diamond flower god,

Life span, two thousand years!

However, Princess Narcissus,

This time,

Did not go to Fen Dao Country to set up a banquet to celebrate,

He called Bi Xiu to Xianlian Peak to have a meal.

Able to advance to the second diamond flower god,

That is already a legend among mortals,

Princess Bi Xiu came out of the formation,


A waiter came over,

Please Bi Xiu to the banquet.

This is a monk during the Qi training period.

Bi Xiu followed,

To the main hall in the other courtyard,

In fact,


The residence of Princess Narcissus~www.readwn.com~ but there is a hall,


It’s similar to the homes of ordinary wealthy people,

Princess Narcissus came out to greet.

Entered the hall,

Said to be the main hall,

But one and a half feet tall,

More luxurious.

Princess Shuixian and Bi Xiu sat,

The waiter started serving dishes,

"Some dishes, brought from the capital,

Here, various conditions are general. "

Princess Narcissus said.

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