Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2129: 0 Jun Sword

Banao physique urged,

Flew towards the plane of teleportation formation,

Practice here,

It has been a hundred years.

In the depths of Pandian Mountain,

There may be a lot to explore,


Banao is about to return to the Ruixian plane first.

Arrived at the plane of teleportation array,

Like an ordinary walker,

This time,

after a few days,

The plane teleportation array began to urge.

After ten days,

Banao walked out of the teleportation formation on the Ruixian plane.

Body shape,

Fly towards the country of Fen Dao,

Arrived at Xiadian,

Banqin come over,

"It's a hundred years as soon as I go-

When it comes to combat power, I am far from your opponent. "

Banqin said,

Banqin is the same as Banao,

They all deduced the fusion of the five rules,

See you with Banao,

Banao’s combat power,

I have exceeded myself a lot!

"This time the harvest is not small, let me talk to you---"

Banao and Banqin talked about the matter,

Reach out,

A wave,

Passed on,

It is the perception of Banao's practice.

The piano plate is made,

after a few days,

Banqin realized Banao’s practice,

Read it roughly.

Fusion of five rules,

It's already this huge.

Fusion of five rules,

At different levels,

Banao’s cultivation base is higher,

Fusion of rules. The perception of Taoist cultivation,

New insights.

Banqin takes a few days to finish watching.

Not to mention cultivation.

Is deducing a strong man with the integration of five rules,

In an instant, you can read hundreds of mountains!

Banqin opened his eyes,

"It seems that those three pictures,

Need to find the body,

Ontology deduces the fusion of six rules,

There should be more sentiment. "

For Banqin.

The waterfall is good,

It’s not a place where the mystery of the wind system is integrated,

Ruixian faces the entrance of several rivers,

Shuo River, Lotus River, Fangcao River,

Banqin feels pretty good.

To the Pandian Mountain plane,

Let's talk about the integration of the five rules of Banqin.

Banqin returned to the estuary of the Hehua River to practice,

After half a month,

Commissioner Qian's figure appeared from Xiadian's super plane teleportation circle.

Walk into Xiadian and sit down,

Banao greeted and served a good table of dishes.

Open the snow fruit wine.


Eat while drinking.


Pan Ao talked about the Pandian Mountain plane,

Banao nodded,

Reach out,

My own perception.

Has been transmitted.

Commissioner Qian began to practice,

This practice.

Commissioner Qian seemed to have become a continent,

Towering mountains and rushing rivers,

The plants on the hills are shaking,

Blasted cyan thunder, flame thunder,

Straight into the sky,

The river is rushing,

The big wave surged,

Turning into black thunder, rushing straight into the sky,

Cyan Thunder, Flame Thunder, Black Thunder blasted in the air,

Thousands of lightning spattered,

Thousands of lightning gathered in the air,

Only then did a faint green thunder appear.

This is the level of integration of the six-system rules of Commissioner Qian.

After a year and a half,

There was a thunder,

There was a wave of ripples inside the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation,

Expanding towards the stars,

Commissioner Qian then stood up,

Nodded: "Yes, I will go to the Pandian Mountain plane."


A hand,

Commissioner Qian’s cultivation experience,

Already flying towards Ban Ao.

Banao took a look,

"Your cultivation experience is enough for me to understand for fifteen years!"

Commissioner Qian gave Ban Ao’s insight into his practice,

It was just a newly added part of Commissioner Qian's visit to the plane of the main **** of the Thunder System.

Enough for fifteen years of comprehension,

This is the huge integration of the six rules!

"This is the small town where I teleported from the Pandian Mountain plane,

Get the item,

You take it and see. "

Banao said.

Commissioner Qian walked out of the Summer Palace,

Body shape,

Flew over to the teleportation array of the Demon Plane main hall on the Ruixian plane,

At this time, Tan Da and Tan Tian,

Walked out of the plane teleportation array.

"Look at what rules the body understands?"

Tan Tian said,

After ten days,

Commissioner Qian stepped out of the teleportation array,

Looking in front of you,


This face,

Relatively barren.

Some plants in the devil world,

Commissioner Qian met on the plane of Yuanbo and the plane of Ruixian,

Transplanted here,

The growth is not as good as the Garden Wave Plane, a fraction of the Ruixian Plane.

In fact,

The Demon World will transplant these plants to other planes,

Most have some value,

Commissioner Qian picked some plants for refining.

Based on the improvement of Qian Yuan,

The plant is in the hand, the mana is turned,

Immediately refine into various ingredients!

The pill furnace used in Bixia Hall was refined for the first half month,

Much better.


The effect of these plants,

It is just a fraction of the plane of the garden wave, the plane of Ruixian.

Commissioner Qian reminded him of his stature,

Fly towards the dwelling of the monster beast,

Lightning can't describe the speed of the Qian committee.

Half tea time,

Commissioner Qian has flown a distance of six thousand miles,

Fell towards a mountain,

Watching the prohibition, watching for a while,

Reach out,


The prohibition has been removed.

Banao walked in.


The beast with the head of the beast has already plundered it,

one look.


With a smile on his face,

Commissioner Qian took a look.

This monster,

He has already begun to cultivate the Nascent Soul Realm.

The graphic level on this rock wall is high,

He and Banao disappeared,

But for ten years,

The monk of the mountain flower plane,

Exchange the Taoist books of Yuanying level from the Cangjing Pavilion,

Practice for a hundred years,

There is not necessarily the cultivation realm of this monster beast!


The diagram on this rock wall,

The Taoism explained,

Is quite ambitious.

Ordinary monks practice this diagram,

Once Banao teaches the advancement of Yuan Ying,

Cultivate the realm of Nascent Soul,


The quality is better.

Commissioner Qian nodded.

Facing these three diagrams,

Began to comprehend,

This monster has a look,

I also quickly faced these three diagrams,

Began to comprehend.

Grand as hundreds of thousands of miles,

The danger is as deep as hundreds of thousands of feet!


But there is more extensive, deeper general.


The thunder sound seemed to shake the entire plane!

Commissioner Qian knew,

My own understanding of this illustration.

Has reached the top,

These three diagrams. I can’t comprehend myself,

Commissioner Qian received credit,

one look,

The monster beside,

The realm of Yuan Ying has reached a certain degree of completion.

"Master, you have been practicing for thirty years."

The monster said,

But he was relieved,

This illustration is not broken!


This master,

Not fully comprehend this diagram.

"Master, I want to cross the Yuanying Heaven Tribulation,

Can you help me protect the law? "

The monster said,

"it is good---"

Commissioner Qian nodded,

"However, I set up a formation before your diagram,

Give you a jade medal,

You go in with the jade card,

You can see the jade slip. "

This monster thought,

I have long wanted to set a ban,

The prohibition set by this master,

Definitely better than myself,

Commissioner Qian came up with a map,

Shake towards this illustration,


The surface of this rock wall,

Is already the same as the mountains,

Commissioner Qian held a jade medal,

Gave this monster,

This monster's spirit flashed,

Have already practiced the magic tricks on the jade plate,

A reminder of the law,

Has stepped into the rock wall,

Exit the rock wall,

Sense of God,

Shennian has explored the entire mountain,

Just can't detect this diagram.

"Okay, the array made by the master is really amazing----

Thank you very much. "

The monster said.

Practiced for thousands of years,

Already like humans,

This monster,

It is called Qianjun Sword.

Body shape shook,

I have reached a mountain a few hundred miles from here.

A reminder of the exercises,

After a while,

Thunderclouds are rolling,

As if descending from nine heavens.


The huge thunder came down,

But a wave of thunder,

This mighty sword can resist,


This Shantou,

Has been beaten to pieces,

Was beaten down a few feet!

Kuang thunder blasted for a long time,

A figure turned into ten thousand swords of light,

The sword light shines like snow,

Suddenly flew towards Thunder Tribulation.

Four diamond flower **** peak,

Urge the sword light,

Ten thousand swords gathered together,

Thunder blasted,

Has been blasted to pieces!


The forward speed of this sword light,

But not very fast,

After all, this is the Yuanying Heaven Tribulation!

"Qianjun sword, you are so fast,

Just cross the Yuanying Heaven Tribulation.

Congratulations. "

A voice came from the sword light,

The one who came is also the demon repair,

In the voice,

But with an indescribable jealousy.

"Flying, I have only fought you a few times,

You haven't suffered much,

Use this---"

Qianjun Jian said,

"That was, I fought a few times,

Not much ----,

However, you advanced to the Nascent Soul,

My site is under your jurisdiction. "

This flyby,


It's cold.

"Look at what you said,

For so many years, you and I have not been very good. "

Qianjun Jian said,

At this moment, I saw,

Several thunders in the air gather together!

Boom towards this Qianjun Sword!

There was a loud bang,

The ten thousand swords of light surrounding this mighty sword,

Turn into fireworks burst into the sky!

Appeared flying by in battle armor,

Flying sword in hand,

There are already a few gaps,

The armor on his body,

A few holes have been blasted out,

Qian Junjian opened his mouth wide,

This boom,

More powerful than the thunder that he has received!

The cultivation base of this flying by,

He knew it,

Advanced Four Diamond Flower God Peak,

Less than thirty years,

Said to be the pinnacle of the Advanced Four Diamond Flower God,


How powerful is it,

Only Feiyan knows,


As soon as he entered the Yuanying Heaven Tribulation,

A few thunders together!

Flying sword, the armor was blasted,

Qianjun Sword knew,

This is the powerful way of the master,

Flying by but suddenly retreated,

Put a few thunders together,

The Dao Fa he urged,

It's broken!

Such thunder,

A few more mines,


You have to die here!

Flying by withdrew from Thunder,

In the distance, a few upstream swept over that year,

There are monster monks,

There are also demons.

Here, there is already an expedition of the demons.


Yuan Ying Tianjie is not just entering.

After three days,

The strongest thunder sent out,

In the loud noise,

This thunder,

It's ten feet thick!


As if within a thousand miles,

All shook!

Qianjun Jianjian Jue reminded,

Rushed up suddenly,

Jian Guang rushed towards Xiao Han,

In fact,

This is the last magic weapon of Qianjun Sword!

Where the Qianjun Sword is located,

There is a pit tens of feet deep!

Commissioner Qian doesn’t have to go there,

The flying sword in the hands of Qianjun Sword smashed ~www.readwn.com~ People have been hit hard!

For a monk with a good magic weapon like Qianjun Sword,

Du Yuanying’s catastrophe,

Can have this result,

Is already very good,

It can be seen that the exercise method comprehended by the illustration,

It's really grand.

A figure suddenly rushed towards this side,

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand,


This figure,

It has burst into blood mist in the air!

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