Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3138: Behead

This sign,

Just put it out.

A stall owner walked over not far away,

Corridor of Beasts,

Needless to say the space.

Although it is the most common bronze corridor,

Between the stall owner and the stall owner,

There is still a certain distance,

The stall owner,

Thick eyebrows, long eyes,

With a smile on his face,

But there is shrewdness in his eyes.

Looked at the sign made by the Qian committee member.

"You are also exchanging various materials.

Not bad,

However, is your purchase price a bit higher?

It can catch up with the price we sell jade slips. "

The stall owner said,

Commissioner Qian’s purchase price of jade slips,

A little lower than the price they sell jade slips.

"Well, it is useful for me to buy these jade slips---"

Commissioner Qian said,

"Seeing that you have collected jade slips from us before,

Doesn't this give face? "

The stall owner looked cold


Brother Jin Dan, his eyes are already as powerful as a mountain.

However, his eyes looked over,

It seems to see a big mountain, a mountain of ten thousand feet.

"This man is a master."

I set up a stall here all year round,

I can't see this.

The golden core monk returned to his booth,

Several monks next to him,

The cultivation base is the golden core,

Looked over.

"This person is a refiner, and he seems to be able to refine a lot of materials."

This thick eyebrow Jin Dan said.

Corridor of Beasts,

Many people.

Set up a stall in the morning,

It's not noon.

A monk came over.

took a look.

"You can exchange materials with jade slips here,

I have a few jade slips here,

I want to exchange Wannian Hanyu,

Do you have it here? "


He took out some jade slips,

Take out a piece of jade slip,

To the money committee,

Commissioner Qian took a look.

On this jade slip,

Most of this monk set a ban,


What is the standard of the Qian Yuan committee?

At a glance, I already know the content on this jade slip,


Bring out a piece of jade,

Half a foot,

This monk took a look,

This jade exudes a kind of chill.

Unlike glaciers,

It's like an autumn evening.

It is suitable for refining training equipment,

"The top-grade Wannian Hanyu—"

He admired,

Take a few jade slips in your hand,

Gave the past.

The stall owner in the distance looked,

Some pouted,

Some rolled their eyes!

In a day,

Commissioner Qian made three deals,

A piece of Wannian Wenyu was exchanged,

A piece of ten thousand years of profound iron.

Wannian Wen Yu,

The same can be made,

Fight the big array with Zhou Tianxing,

Tempering the runes of Wannian Wenyu,

Far from being as complicated as making thousands of years of stalactite.

The mountain flower plane has long been manufactured in large quantities,

Of course, the Wannian Wen Yu tempered by Commissioner Qian is even better.

Can be used to refine the soul magic weapon.

And the real Wannian Wenyu,


Refining this rune of Wannian Wenyu,

Commissioner Qian and Jin Guozhi hold,

Mountain flower plane,

Can't refine such Wannian Wenyu,

The real Wannian Wenyu,

But the mysterious and mysterious plane,

Are closely related,

In the evening, Commissioner Qian walked out of the Arena of Fighting Beasts,

Walked out of the Corridor of Beasts with him,

There are tens of thousands of people!

Commissioner Qian urged him to escape,

With the speed of the diamond flower god,

Has arrived in a nearby town,

To the nearby towns,

Specially let the monks in the Corridor of Fighting Beast eat and drink,


Commissioner Qian ordered a few dishes,

Finished eating,

Flying towards the distance,

I came to a place with nice scenery,

But on the mountain where there is no spiritual gathering place,

There is a courtyard above,

This is for Commissioner Qian to come out from the Beasts Corridor to rest.

The scenery is good.

At this time,


A few figures flashed,

I'm already next to Committee Member Qian,

It was just a few monks who set up a stall nearby,

"I said, your purchase price is too high,

We are very upset. "

A monk stood up and said.

Member Qian stretched out his hand,

Plucked a piece of grass next to it,

A few people took a look,


It is a piece of grass.

Commissioner Qian shook his hand.

This grass grows quickly,

Turned into a whip,

Half a foot long,


With the whip,

Crystal clear, warm,

Like the best jasper!

Can turn plants into long whips in an instant,

Many monks can do it,

That can turn plants into jasper in an instant,

In the Corridor of Beasts,

Only a few great abilities have the ability,

"Nice plant method,

No wonder you dare to be so mad. "

The monk with thick eyebrows and long eyes,

A stare,

one look,

On my side, there are a few golden pills.

The sword art in the hands of these people is reminded,

The Dao Fa of the body is already fully urged,

The whip shadow flashed.

A mountain, verdant and lush,

In an instant it turned into fragments and splashed!

The whole person was pumped up,

Tumbled and flew dozens of feet away!

Brother Jin Dan’s body protection method,

Can't stand the whip made of grass!

The few Jin Dan next to him turned around,

A reminder of the escape method,

The whip flashes,

"Flap, pop, pop----"

I feel that the force of this whip is not very strong,


These few Jin Dan's body protection methods.

Touch this whip.


Daofa fragments splashed tens of feet,

All these people were taken away!

Member Qian smiled,

Walked into the other courtyard.

These people stood up,

At the gathering, everyone's faces were shocked.

"Go, go back to your residence."

They came to this mysterious plane,

It has been here for hundreds of years.

Of course they have their own residence for cultivation,

The sun is rising,

Commissioner Qian arrived at the Arena of Fighting Beasts,

A few people looked at Commissioner Qian,

Smiling awkwardly.

After a few years,

Wannian Wenyu, Wannian Xuantie,

Wannian Hanyu,

Various materials,

Commissioner Qian kept taking it out.

this day,

The monk with thick eyebrows and long eyes came over.

"I have some jade slips. However, I have to exchange three million yuan for cold iron.

Three hundred thousand years of cold jade, three hundred thousand years of warm jade. "

These materials,

It is three million middle-grade immortal stones.

Commissioner Qian knew,

This person is in this business,

Want to pick up leaks from him,

Generally impossible,

"Okay-take the jade slip over and take a look."

This golden core monk,

Bring out thirty jade slips,

Commissioner Qian took a look,

There are a dozen jade slips here,

This Golden Core monk can’t understand,

There is already a realm of integration of several rules.

There are three jade slips, which have reached the level of fusion above the six rules.

This person has been here for hundreds of years,

Really got some babies,

After doing it for hundreds of years, once the price is offered,

For him, the golden core monk,

Relatively high,

These materials,

The core of a magic weapon can be refined.


Commissioner Qian touched a storage bag,

This person opened the storage bag and took a look,

Three million yuan of cold iron,

Three hundred thousand years of cold jade, three hundred thousand years of warm jade.


Back to his booth,

Within ten days,

Other stall owners,

Some came over one after another.

Exchanged some jade slips with Commissioner Qian.

On this day, a middle-aged monk came,

"I heard that the Wannian Wen Yu here can nourish the soul,

I want 15 million yuan Wen Yu, do you have it here. "

Member Qian heard,

Looking at this monk,

Monk Yuanying,

Of course ordinary Yuanying monks,

For Commissioner Qian,



This monk,

The one who cultivates is soul profound.

The astral attainments are relatively high,

But not up to the level of integration of different rules,

Commissioner Qian gave out a few 10,000-year Wen Yu,

This person's law is reminded,

A few tricks,

Into the Wannian Wen Yuzhong,

After a while,

These tactics turned around,

"These ten thousand years are warm and jade,

However, it can still be used.

If you take out 15 million yuan of Wen Yu,

I can give you a book. "

With that said, this man took out a book,

Toward Qian, the committee member gave:

"Daoshu left---"

next to,

Several roars sounded!

The sword light crossed,

It seems that several big mountains are pressing over,

Among the great power,

The entire space becomes crystal,

The monk exclaimed,

I took out a long banner in my hand,


Profound sword art is like a thousand swords!

The whole person has been blasted to pieces.

However, the Taoist book in his hand,

It has been taken by Commissioner Qian.

Commissioner Qian shook his hand.

This man’s storage ring and long banner,

Already got it,

A few swords of light swirled,

He has already blasted towards the member Qian!

One cut,

It seems that there are thousands of runes shining!

But the ban on the Corridor of Beasts has been urged,

The place where Chairman Qian stood,

Has been cut out of the big pit!

All these people are Yuan Ying!

Several people were surprised,

What about the man just now,

This is a blow from a few Yuan Ying Hua Shen!

The sword light flashed,

Among them is a monk,

Even the human body protection Taoist law is transformed into a crystal,

An expression on his face,


Body protection

Blast together!

The few Yuanying Flower Gods nearby,

The face is already discolored. l

Regardless of the Taoism they urged,

But half a foot,

Enter this fighting beast corridor to shoot,

Body protection,

Is already fully urged,

Thousands of miles away!

Was cut with a sword by the monk who collected the jade slips!

Several people urged their bodies,

Rushed towards the outside of the Corridor of Beasts,

A group of guards rushed over,

The swordsmanship of these monks crossed!

"Rumble ------"

A few diamond flower gods have turned into blood and blood splashing!

The power of a few people, the Yuanying Flower God,

In front of these guards,

This only shows up,

In the screams,

The guarding swordsman magic weapon rushed up next to it,

However, the sword art of these people is reminded,

Really like a thousand miles of fire and thunder,

The beast came out!

"Peng, Peng, Peng,"

The guards' swords and magic weapons are separated,

Head and limbs are splashing!

The guard who rushed over first,

Has been rushed by these people,

The prohibition of the Corridor of Beasts,

Shining suddenly.

A few people swept away,

In an instant it turned into lightning,

Passing through the arrogant prohibition,

Already out of the Corridor of Beasts,

"A dozen guards were killed in battle-----"

"This is more than a dozen golden pills,

When outside, everyone has the ability to turn mountains and rivers. "

The monks said,

"The Corridor of Fighting Beasts paid a lot,

However, once came, all were strong! "

The monk with thick eyebrows and long eyes said,

At this time,

The monk nearby turned around,

Looking at Commissioner Qian,

These monks,

Cut and kill the guard with the diamond flower god,

Such as cutting vegetables and melons!

But was attacked by Commissioner Qian,

The Law of the Human Beings ~www.readwn.com~ Cut to pieces!

The monk with thick eyebrows and long eyes,

Facing committee member Qian, he bowed his hand: "Master!"

The monk beside,

Together they handed over to Committee Member Qian,

Although they are in the Corridor of the Beasts,

Have done business for hundreds of years,

Commissioner Qian’s sword,

Still a master!

But, I watched more,

Looking at the book in the hands of Commissioner Qian!

This is a Taoist book that a few Yuanying Flower Gods compete for! (To be continued...)

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