Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3146: Refining runes of 5 rules fusion

These thousands of boulders are like thunder,

Like a boulder, like a big wave,

It seems to be everywhere.

Before such an attack,

The sword can't do much,

It is completely rules, the comparison of rules fusion!

Five steps back from killing real people,

Seeing the board proudly walk out,

The face of the real person Suzuo was edged,

He has begun to merge the three rules of integration,

I heard that Banao is a master of fusion of different rules,

Just come over here!

Don't know,

The boulder was urged by Banao,

Five steps back.

"Banao, good repair skills---"

The killing real person said,

"Where, kill the real person you come as a guest,

I'm late to welcome you. "

Ban proudly smiled.

Commissioner Qian is not like other people with good luck.

Have an artifact!

and so,

A place like Xianlian Peak,

Able to get corresponding insights through fighting spirit roots,

For Commissioner Qian and Jin Guo Zhiying,

More important,

Banao Dao Fa urged,

The killing of the real person has been urged by the sword technique,

Five steps back still!

What kind of welcome Banao is,

Both Real Man and Ban Ao understand.

The killing real man nodded,

Don’t even arch your hands:

"See you later."

Body shape,

Has flew past outside the array.

I have already started the integration of the three rules,

Banao urges the formation,

Can blast yourself back five steps,

Banao's cultivation base. Far beyond yourself.

Ban Ao watched the real suicide be out of battle.

Body shape reminded.

Like electricity,

Flew in the direction of Iron Horn country,

There was no prohibition on this fairy lotus peak before,

You have no idea how many times you have killed real people.

Ban Ao returned to Xia Dian,

Urge the communication circle,

After a long time,

A figure walked out of the mountain outside Xiadian.

Step out,

Has entered Xiadian's magic circle.

Banqin is here.

"Today, Real Killer has reached the Xianlian Peak."

Banao said the matter,

"The killing of the real person has integrated the three rules.

It is different from the original ordinary Yuanying Flower God,

Maybe I want to come over and re-understand. "

Banqin said,

The five rules of Banqin were successfully integrated,

Incorporating fire rules,

In this way, Banqin integrates the plant system. Water system, soil system. Shadow system, fire system rules,

The overall combat power is relatively balanced.

"How about Iron Horn Country?"

Banao said.

"As my general,

It’s okay to buy some ordinary land,

The field where the spiritual energy converges,

I only buy one place.

In Iron Horn,

I want to buy the land in the place where the aura gathers,

It's not that easy. "

Banqin said,

"In Iron Horn,

Why do I buy so many ordinary fields? "

"That's it----"

Banao said,

Ordinary soil,

Forget Worry Country, Fen Dao Country, Qing Xuan Country, Qing Cao Country,

Some are.

Banao bought some land in Fendao Country,

Used to grow red fruits after evolution.

Banqin and Banao talked for a long time.

Banao’s communication array sounded,

one look,

Is the Feixia sword,

"Sword Nine Heavens has passed the Yuanying Heaven Tribulation,

He has regained his combat power and possesses Nascent Soul combat power. "

Feixiajian said,

"Oh, that's great."

Banao said,

Sword Nine Heaven’s Nascent Soul Tribulation,

Banao knew,

Ten peaks in the grassland are missing,

Together with the formation of Feixia Sword and Jian Jiutian,

Turned into a big pool of tens of miles.

However, Jian Jiutian’s four-diamond flower **** peak cultivation base,

Quite complete,

After the Yuanying catastrophe,

Only a few decades later,

Yuan Ying's combat power has been restored.

"Well, can you help me refine magic weapons,

My magic weapon, when presiding over the magic circle against the Yuan Ying Tianjie,


Feixiajian said,


Arranged a formation to block the Yuanying Heavenly Tribulation,

Feixia sword, Laishan, elegant sword preside over the battle,

Fighting against a considerable part of the power of the Yuanying Heavenly Tribulation,

One shield and one sword of Feixia Sword,

All were smashed by Yuanying Heavenly Tribulation!

"Okay, I can help you refine the four-diamond flower **** level magic weapon-you can produce the materials yourself."

Banao said,

The cultivation base of the fusion of the five rules,

Refining the magic weapon of the Four Diamond Flower God,

Enough materials,

One sword and one shield,

One and a half months is perfectly fine.

After half a tea time,

Feixiajian has already arrived outside of Xiadian,

Banao let him in,

Feixiajian took out her storage bag,

Banao took a look,

The material in the storage bag,

Piled like a mountain,

There are some precious materials.

After practicing for so many years,

Collected some precious materials.

Banao helped him refine the four-diamond flower **** level magic weapon,

It is nothing more than maintaining this favor.

Banqin returned to Hongge Mountain,

Banao walked out of the Summer Palace,

Fly towards the fairy lotus peak,

Entered the fairy lotus peak,

One toward the other courtyard,


every morning,

Together with the stalactite giant, I took the dew of the battle root,

Back to the other courtyard,

Start practicing.

After five years,

Only then gave the refined shield and sword to Feixia Sword.

Feixiajian held a sword and shield, and urged her magic tricks.

Very satisfied,

This shield and sword,

Refining the runes of natal supernatural powers into your own practice,

Power goes further!

He arched his hands towards Ban Aolian,

Only then left.

I'm still proud of the expert and affordable,

Banao thought in his heart.

Come to Ruixian plane for so many years.

The medicinal materials that should be collected.

Already collected almost.

The use of various medicinal materials,

It's probably already clear.

Various refining materials,

There is more research on the Mountain Flower Plane.

This fighting spirit root,

After the evolution of the main **** battlefield,

Can absorb the stone of Xianlian Peak,

He does not understand the mystery of this fighting spirit,

Some other things,

Shangfang City acquired treasures.

For Banao,

After sitting for a few months,

However, some four-system rule fusion runes were collected,

Or a treasure of the fusion of five rules,

These treasures,

It is getting harder and harder to collect.

In a flash,

Thirty years have passed,

This fighting spirit is from forty feet high,

It has grown to sixty feet tall!

The giant stalactites come to collect dew every day,

For Banao's training progress.

Without saying a word.

From the power,

Get certain benefits.


I want Da Neng to always care about your cultivation progress,

That's impossible!

This stalactite giant gave Banao a jade slip with six rules fusion,

Can Banao succeed in his cultivation,

That was Banao's own business.

this day,

Honosan sent a message,

"Five series of rules and runes were successfully refined,

The treasures you brought over from the plane of Ruixian,

The effect is not small. "

Tan Shan said,

Although the treasures of Ruixian plane,

Honolulu could not urge it,


How are the materials of those treasures refined,

Commissioner Qian brought back a few pieces from the battlefield of the Lord God,

After so many years,

The rune of the five rules fusion,

Has been refined.

"However, refining runes that blend the five rules,

That’s more complicated,

Refining a rune like this,

It takes a year to use the best furnace. "

Honolulu said,

Banao listened,

"Our furnace,

Set up some mysterious changes in the Zhoutian star battle array,

To have such an effect,

Ordinary furnace,

It's not up to the level of our furnace,


Even a monk with a fusion of six rules,

It may not necessarily be able to refine the runes of the five series of rules fusion. "

Banao said,

"That's it - these years,

The magic weapon of the four-line rule fusion collected by the shadow of the golden fruit,

The magic weapon of the five-system rule integration level,

Or fragments,

It is as difficult as appearing a piece of jade in a big mountain! "

Honolulu nodded,

Tiejiao Country, Cangshui Pass,

In a luxurious hall,

The killing real person walked back and forth,

Hundreds of years have passed,

Integration of three rules,

The master of Caperitive Mountain only taught him the formula for getting started,

Only when the master of Xiangyue Mountain has advanced to transform God,

How can there be a few lines of rules fused with mysterious Taoism to teach others?

The real person Suzu continued to ask,

The face of the mountain master was unhappy.

Real people also know that,

Different rules merge,

Three systems of rules merge Taoism,

In the temple,

Can be regarded as core Taoism,

I can get started with the integration of the three rules,

Many leaders of the cultivation sect,

There is no such opportunity!

Want to find the mysterious cave exploration,

I turned a few planes to the outer plane,

I want to find a cave house with three-line rules and mystery,

I can't see the shadow,

Only then did you know that killing real people,

Outer plane,

How can it be such a mess.

Only then did I think of Xianlian Peak,

In the past, Jin Dan, ordinary Yuan Ying level came many times,

At this time,

Has begun to integrate the three-line rule fusion of the killing real person,

Want to come and have a look,

Don't think,

Less than half a tea time in the battle,

There is thunder, gravity, and boulders all over the formation,

It’s only half a tea time,

Banao appeared,

A reminder,

Five steps back by a boulder!

There is no need to fight this,

Killing real people have been practicing for 30 years,


To kill real people feels,

After 30 years of cultivation,

Than no practice,

A little bit stronger.

Want to integrate the three rules,

Suppress the real person thinking,

With the progress of my own practice,

A thousand and five hundred years!

It may not be over.

After a thousand and five hundred years,

This is the real person who is thinking about Kuai Li,

In fact,

The level of alchemy that killed real people,

Plant various types of medicinal materials,

Compared with Commissioner Qian and the shadow of Jin Guo,

A long distance away!

Even the disciples of the mountain flower plane can’t compare,

this year,

In charge of the general affairs of Iron Horn,

Varieties of precious medicinal materials,



Alchemy level,

Improved a bit,


To reconcile the mana fluctuations when the three rules are merged,

Is far from enough.

This is the case with all kinds of baby flower gods,

Advanced rule fusion,

Compared with ordinary Jindan,

The level of alchemy has improved a bit,

But at this time,

The role of complex prescriptions,

Has been shown,

The alchemy level of ordinary monks,

It can’t keep up with the need to integrate the three rules,

The killing real person walked back and forth,

Suddenly remembered the rock cave mansion,

Last time,

The rock cave house appeared,

The demon **** in the Paradise National Temple,

Once urged the image to go,

This is already equivalent to a clone,

Hundreds of years have passed,

It is said that,

The guard and chief priest of the Demon Temple,

In the cave house,

From the Four Diamond Flower God to Yuan Ying,

Dozens of people were killed by a human monk,

That rock cave house,

Should appear,

The last time this cave house appeared,

Practice and integrate different rules by yourself,

This time,

I have already begun to merge the three-line rules~www.readwn.com~ to the Yanbi Cave House,

The general Yuanying flower god,

It's not an opponent to kill a real person at all!

Suppress the real person thinking,

Out of Cangshui Pass,

Body shape,

But it flew in the direction of Fen Dao Nation,

Soon entered the Fen Dao country,

Body shape,

Flew towards the border with the demons,

Seeing a battle that stretched for hundreds of miles,

This is the medicine field of Baicao faction. (To be continued...)

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