Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3160: Thunder hole


The four-diamond flower expression on the side looked like an iron plate.

Here they are,

One Yuan Ying Flower God, two Four Diamond Flower God,

I can't even see the Taoism used by the other party,

Seeing the face appear,

With a loud roar:


With a roar,

A wave of fluctuation suddenly rushed out,

Yuanying Flower God,

The two four-diamond flower gods retreated more than ten feet.


A spit of blood,

In the cave five hundred miles away,

Xuan Qianhe and Yan Pang Dao opened their eyes,


The scene in this valley emerged.

When I saw the three monks who were repulsed,

Yan Pang Dao was taken aback,

\"This is not the deputy master of Youran Pass,

The four-diamond flower **** school captain with You Ranguan?\"

\"There is such a master on the rock wall?\"

Xuan Qianhe said,

Looking at the rock wall,

The rock wall is full of water,

Their Taoism,

Cannot detect.

Seeing the second school lieutenant of Youranguan, the deputy master He,

climb up,

The body shape urged, and flee to the distance.

Look again,

On that rock wall,

Has returned to normal,

\"The luxuriant mountain is so powerful.\"

Xuan Qianhe's eyes flickered,

\"However, we are practicing here,

This great power did not come here.\"

Yan Pangdao said,

Yan Pang Dao and Xuan Qianhe talked for a while,

Let's practice first.

The deputy master of the Youran Pass, the Four Diamond Flower God, escaped 1,500 miles.

This stopped.

\"Vice Guan, how can this be good?\"

The tall four-diamond flower **** said,

\"How can that be, speak to Guan Zhu directly.\"

Deputy Guan Zhu said with a green face.

Half a year later,

Demon monks entering the lush mountains,

Less than half of the original.

Commissioner Qian felt,

I am a little bit like the owner of the Queyue Mountain.

of course,

The mystery of the lush mountains.

It is far inferior to Kaiyue Mountain.

Commissioner Qian is practicing,

The former mountain flower plane, the shadow of the golden fruit, the collected jade slips,


Some high-level descriptions,

Possibly, there are people of the realm above the transformation stage.

If you want to comprehend these advanced realms,

Turn it into a rune that can be practiced by the Qian Committee,

Rune-driven mana can be used.

This one,

Decades are really not too many!


Another fifteen years have passed.

Commissioner Qian is not only practicing the integration of the seven rules,

Even more good luck!

this day,

A rumbling sound,

From afar,

From the place where Commissioner Qian practiced,

At least five thousand miles!

Commissioner Qian thought for a while,

Body shape,

Like lightning,

Have passed three thousand miles,

Has passed the border between Human Race and Demon Race,

Fall towards a town!

This is not Fangshi,

It is a gathering place for cultivators,

A few hundred miles from this town,

It is the area occupied by the demons.

As soon as I walked into the town,

Many monks said,

\"The thunder hole appeared once in hundreds of years.\"

\"Thunder hole appeared, there are so many babies inside.\"

The monk beside said,

\"Originally entered the thunder cave, there are many powerful monsters inside,

Now enter the thunder hole,

More demons

That's even more\"

The monk next to him said,

\"I already have the golden core power,

Who teamed up with me, it is best to be a Taoist monk of the fire system,

Those who are good at soil defense Dao law can also.\"

some people,

Has begun to shout,

\"these people,

They all have the core of Taoism cultivation,

With Jindan combat power.\"

The monk at the foundation construction period next to him said,

\"Three months have passed,

Their cultivation base can enter the thunder cave,

If you can find some mysterious medicinal materials,


There is hope for advanced Jindan.\"

A foundation-building monk wearing a red armor came over,

\"Those of us in the foundation period,

But it took half a year to get in,

Good medicinal herbs and materials,

Almost all found.\"

The monk during the foundation construction period said,

Commissioner Qian listened,


.[,! ] Five thousand miles away from here,

There are grasslands, mountains,

There are caves on it,

Leading to the depths of the plane.

Every few hundred years,

The vitality of the thunder system will appear in the sky and rush into these caves,

After half a year,

Thirty miles from the ground,

There will be many babies.

Foundation monks,

But the Thunder Element's vitality that can only rush into the sky has slowed down,

To enter here.


This thunder hole,

At the junction of demons and humans,

The war,

Originally in order to compete for this thunder hole,

There has been a war between the human race and the demons on the plane of sword war!

\"Oh, it was mentioned in the materials that Hanshan sent to the plane of Shanhua,

However, Honolulu has seen it,

There are still hundreds of years before the thunderous vitality of the sky enters the thunder cave,

In fact, this is the interaction between the sky's thunder system vitality and the plane,

Similar to Kuanglei Mountain,


In the depths of the plane,

More than a hundred times bigger than Kuanglei Mountain,

From the perspective of the integration of the seven rules,

Commissioner Qian is not willing to go in and see,

For the integration of the seven rules,

not so useful.



The good luck level of the Qian Da committee,

Improved a lot!

You can go and see,

The vitality of the Thunder System and the depths of the plane.

How to make those treasures.

Commissioner Qian walked out of this small town.

Body shape reminded.

Fly toward the thunder cave where the thunder is coming,

A distance of five thousand miles,

For Commissioner Qian,

In less than ten moments,

Has arrived.

I saw,

A waterfall with a radius of tens of miles,

Washed down from the sky,

Rush like mountains and caves on grasslands.

This waterfall in a radius of tens of miles,

But there are thousands of thunder,

Every thunder,

Half a foot long to more than ten feet long!

Commissioner Qian flashed,

The body is already spinning like a jade,

Guanghua Middle,

The mountains are majestic, the plants are verdant,

The spring water meanders,

It is almost the same as the real mountain!

Walked into Thunder Falls.


There are tens of thousands of thunder.

Boom over,

This is the real thunderous body!


Thousands of thunderbolts,

Booming on the way of protecting the body,

But it can't even splash out the ripples,

Not only that,

Member Qian’s bodyguard method,

The mountains are majestic, the plants are verdant,

The spring water meanders,

But it becomes more and more green,

This ten thousand thunder,

Touching the body protection method of Commissioner Qian,

However, it was refined by Committee Member Qian’s body protection method,

Commissioner Qian is in the Thunder Falls,

It's like walking a slab-paved road!

Just walked into the biggest thunder hole,

Thousands of thunders immediately turned into big palms,


The original Destruction Thunder,

At this time,

Touch the rock wall,

But it was full of vigor again.

On this rock wall,

A wedge of grass is growing rapidly.

As soon as wedges grow out,

Touch this thunder,

Turn into smash.


Really mysterious,

Is the thunder hole itself,

Commissioner Qian saw that some plants were needed

Touch with thunder,

Divine thought flashed,

These plants,

Has been ingested in Guanghua Zhong, which surrounds Qian's committee,


From Chairman Qian,

But it urges ripples,

Waves of ripples,

In an instant, he has passed through the thunderhole for hundreds of miles.

Just walked a few miles,

A flame rushed in,

Thousands of thunders hit this flame,

These thousands of flames,

Like thousands of waves surging,

This is an ordinary Nascent Soul monk,

Block this ten thousand thunder bombardment,

Already use most of the mana,

This monk,

Picking the plants growing on the rock wall again and again,

While feeling it.

In fact,

The thunder energy in the sky,

In the first few days of blasting into this thunder hole,

It is the most violent.

The monks who came here at this time,

general.[,! ] It’s an infant with a higher cultivation base!

of course,

His perception of here,

Is far inferior to committee member Qian,

Commissioner Qian walked out more than ten miles,

This flame is already closer to the Qian Da committee members,

When I saw Wan Lei bang!

Member Qian’s bodyguard method,

I can't even afford ripples,


Along the side of the cave wall,

Walked around Commissioner Qian.

\"You are so fast, are you walking towards the swamp?\"

Commissioner Qian said.

This channel is thirty miles deep into the plane,

Is a huge swamp,

A few hundred miles,

Towards the depths of the surrounding planes,

There are thousands of channels,

The flame paused,

Wan Lei couldn't open this protective method,

The person in front of him is really too high in cultivation.

\"This swamp,

A few days after Lei Chao,

Some good treasures will appear.\"

This man said,

Seeing Commissioner Qian nodded,

This is just a reminder of the figure,

Flee towards the depths of the passage.

Commissioner Qian walked unhurriedly,

His spirit,

The treasures in those swamps have long been explored,

They are just precious medicinal materials and monsters.

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand and waved,

With this wave,

Mana has passed through the space,

In this passage where there are thunderous blasts at all times,

Space spells,

It's not something ordinary people can use.

The mighty thunder,

It can blast open space by itself,

After a while,

Member Qian’s bodyguard method,

A pile of medicinal materials has fallen, monsters!

Commissioner Qian did not need to walk to the swamp 30 miles from the surface of the plane,

A lot of precious treasures in the swamp have been collected!

General Yuanying Flower God,

In this thunderous bombardment,

Self-promoting spatial Taoism,

You can escape in space!


Urge divine thoughts,

Go through these thousands of thunders to gather medicinal materials in the swamp, monsters,

General Yuanying Flower God,

It can't be done.

Thousands of thunder bombardments every moment,

This thunder hole,

But as usual,

This is the mystery and interest of Commissioner Qian to understand.

and so,

The medicinal materials collected by Commissioner Qian,

Already piled like a mountain,

I found a rock on a rock wall,

One, comprehend,

At this time,

Surrounded by mountains and rivers,

There are stars shining again,

Coming from the direction of the hole,

Xuan Qianhe, Yan Pang Dao, and the red-robed guest urged Dao Fa,

come over,

Their Taoism is stronger than that of the Nascent Soul.

However, the harvest is average.

These three came over,

A look at the member Qian on the rock wall,


\"This person has such a high Taoism.\"

Xuan Qianhe said.

\"Let’s go to the swamp and first pick some precious monsters from the medicinal materials.\"

Yan Pangdao said,

They are in shape,

While picking plants on the rock wall,

Walking towards the swamp,

To defend against the thunderous blast,

I will pick plants on the rock wall again,

These people,

It's just a few feet away.

Oh, Commissioner Qian continued to feel and practice,


In Commissioner Qian’s God Mansion,

A mountain,

Has turned into a thunder hole for hundreds of miles,

Thunder waterfall appeared in the sky,

Toward the thunder hole that this mountain turned into,

Suddenly blasted over!

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