Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3190: Abyss Enlightenment

Commissioner Qian and Master Fire Dragon,

Walk towards the place the dragon beast said.

Walked three thousand miles,

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand and pointed to a valley over a hundred miles away.

"This place is good."

Master Fire Dragon took a look,

"This place is good for Jindan,

To us,

That's mediocre. "

I went to the valley and took a look,

Master Fire Dragon reached out and grabbed,

A beast howling in the flames,

Refined into a flesh and blood essence,

Master Fire Dragon swallowed in one bite,

Seeing that Commissioner Qian had chosen a place to practice.

Master Fire Dragon swept away his spirit,

Picked a place,

Sat down,


I practiced here for half a month,

Commissioner Qian then stood up,

Master Fire Dragon felt,

Coming to the abyss,

Less than half a year,

Commissioner Qian became more and more secluded.

It looks, but solemn,

Walked thousands of miles,

A mountain range appeared in front,

On this mountain,

With a group of buildings,

Large and small buildings,

Are built on the mountains,

Has a channel,

Leads to the interior of the mountain.

"Come here,

Walked tens of thousands of miles.

This is a decent building. "

Commissioner Qian said,

This bustling,

Compared with the human plane,

It's really incomparable!

Human plane,

Out of ten thousand miles,

There are several state capitals.

"In these mountains. Taoism is all applied.


When the cold season comes,

Can be more insulated. "

Master Fire Dragon said,

"That place is the best place to practice."

Commissioner Qian said,

In front of the hillside,

There are a few small peaks,

Relatively spacious flat land,

Some demons are practicing there.

Seeing Commissioner Qian and Huolong walking towards here,

"Where are you from, get out."


Several demons wearing battle armor came over,

The flames rushed from everyone's body, and the mountains were several feet high!

His body is like a mountain, and his feet are like thunder.

"This place is good,

We use it to practice cultivation. "

Commissioner Qian said,


In the flames, the roar was thunderous.

Just saw,

One claw.

Has been caught,

The sword flashed,

Slashed towards this one,

"My knife is a knife made by Baizhan Metal.

No matter how fierce the beast was, it slashed away. "

This demons smiled in his heart,

There is already a repair base with a diamond flower god.


The whole person has been exploded to pieces,

With thunder fire,

Has rushed to several tens of feet,

Which effect is brilliant,

Master Fire Dragon took a look,

This knife,

But was caught in pieces!

Hand shake,

Have put away these pieces,

The flame reminds me,

Can already be refined into their own magic weapon.

Master Fire Dragon used to catch,

Commissioner Qian certainly does not use swords!

Commissioner Qian flashed,

A punch,

Hit the winding mountains beside a demon,


This demons,

Together with the urging Taoism,

The whole was hit by thousands of fragments,

Commissioner Qian waved again.

A part of the fragments gathered,

Toward a few other people,

"Puff, puff, puff----"

Several people have turned into more pieces,

Shooting, splashing.



Dozens of demons who are practicing,

Then he screamed,

Turning around, rushed to the side.

Commissioner Qian and Master Huolong walked over,

One towards the flat ground,

Like lightning across the sky,

Like a bird flying over the mountains,

Commissioner Qian is practicing,

Master Fire Dragon has screamed,

"Old money, this place,

You can practice for a long time.

Old money, what do you think? "

This is Master Fire Dragon,

Called the goal of Commissioner Qian,

He is a monk with a combination of three rules,

Come to this abyss,

Kill some golden cores, those with diamond flower gods can,

Fight against Yuanying,

A monk who blends three rules,

In this abyss,

Far from reaching the level of killing all the way.

"it is good."

Commissioner Qian said,

Spread his hands,

The abyss trees on the surrounding mountains,


Towards this side,

Move over quickly,

I fell towards these valleys,

A cloud of five colors,

Rise from the earth!

These abyss trees and grasses grew wildly at once!

The Shadow of Golden Fruit has studied the abyssal plants for so long.

The mystery of the abyssal plants, the rules,

The attainments are already quite high,

From the surrounding buildings,

Hundreds of demons poured out,


Rush over here,

Seeing this for a while,

The grass grows into trees,

Everyone was taken aback,

In the abyss,

The Taoism that monks practice,

Generally speaking, the fighting method is preferred.

Some people practice plant Taoism,


Those who practice plant Taoism,

Generally it is to grow edible plants!

In fact,

The races of the abyss are omnivorous.

More groups,

The cultivation method is more popular,


Planting Taoism with high attainments,

not much,

Commissioner Qian showed his hand,

These people stop,

Look at the one in the middle,

This man is in battle armor,

The faint thunder and fire surround,

But with a frenzy!

"I'll solve it for you."

Commissioner Qian said,

"of course."

Master Fire Dragon said,

he knows,

Commissioner Qian is in formation.

At this time, the plant did not finish growing,

The battle is not yet complete.

Master Fire Dragon flashed,

Already out,

The man standing in the middle,

Dressed gorgeously, splendidly,

The reflected sky flashed.

Master Fire Dragon stretched out his hand,

A flame arrow,

Hit this person,

It's just a three-foot-long flame arrow,

The color is like a gem,

They are all practicing flame Taoism,

The demon monk was surprised,

Shouted to the side:

"Go away!"

There is already a flying sword in his hand,

A reminder of the sword!

The flames soaring into the sky,

It turned into a volcano soaring into the sky in an instant,

Slash at the sword of Master Fire Dragon,

Master Fire Dragon,

But sending out a law,

This person is urging to send the sword art,

How strong are both sides,

have already known,


In this abyss, there are really many strong ones.

The volcano touched this flame arrow,


A circle of flames spreads at lightning speed,

A few did not urge to escape,

The demon monk who ran aside,

Touch this flame,

In an instant,

Has turned into ashes!

This demon monk,

Seeing the flame that I urged,

Has turned into thousands of flames,

Shot towards the sky,

Turned into a real volcano,

There is another shield in his hand,

A block towards this flame arrow!

There was a loud noise,

The shield burst into thousands of pieces,

Towards the sky.

Broken together,

And an arm of this monk!

The monk roared,

In an instant,

Turned into a blazing rainbow,

Fly towards the sky,

Master Fire Dragon looked at,

Other demons,

Still alive,

All have run back into the building.

Master Fire Dragon looked at the valley,

But one way to fight the opponent!

Around the valley,

It's already clouds and mist,


The voice of the Qian Da committee member came over ~www.readwn.com~ and told this Master Fire Dragon

How did you get into the battle?

Master Fire Dragon enters the formation,

one look,

There are towering trees everywhere,

This is the original surrounding tree,

Has a half-foot thick,

This is the original grass,

The blade of grass is several feet big!

Commissioner Qian was in the trial secret realm that Jidan entered in order to build the Jidan in the sky,


He worked hard for a while,

Has been made. (To be continued...)

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