Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3231: Spitfire

Ten thousand miles of mountains appeared on the armor,

The monk in battle armor,

Mighty as a god,

A flying sword in his hand,

The deep sword light on the flying sword flickered,

Like a long river running to the horizon,

Looking towards the stone wall,

\"Boom Rumble\"

It is three swords in a row!

There was a loud noise,

A ten-foot-long mine appeared on the stone wall!

Commissioner Qian looked at,

This is the practice of the rules of Taoism to a higher level,

Fusion of different rules,

A master who has already done most of it.

The flying sword is used!

The monk looked around,

Most of the gravel in the mine,

A sword of this level,

It is impossible to break the rough stone,

and so,

This monk took a look,

Just know,


There is no rough stone I am looking for.

The monk stretched out his hand and waved,

The rubble flew out of the mine,

He went into the mine,

Watch carefully,

This sword,

Where should I chop.

Commissioner Qian took a look,

In an instant, it has been out for hundreds of miles.

This is a few hundred miles extending toward the depths of the **** wasteland!

But thirty monks,

Mine here,

These monks chose the rock, but the rock is harder.

A place with texture.

It seems that this mining rough,

There are a lot of exquisites.

Monk Yuan Ying swung his sword,

Cut out a passage of ten feet,

It seems to be more efficient than ordinary people.


This is a plane that spans hundreds of thousands of miles.

Mining methods like them,

Knock a mountain out of the mine,

After mining,

It's not always a few months,

If you encounter powerful Taoism,

A few years,

Really can't mine much distance.

Commissioner Qian watched for a long time,

At the mine cave more than a hundred miles from the entrance.

Choose a place,

The lines of this place,

It looks ok.

A few dozen miles away,

There are several monks mining,

This place,

There are more lines on the stone wall,

Want to come,

This is the mine excavated by the predecessors,

Good rough stones have been mined.

These places with lines,

This is where the new Yuanying Flower God adventurer is going to dig.

The former committee member shook his body,

Has crossed over a hundred miles,

Arrived in that mine.

Reach out the flying sword,

A sword,

Cut towards that place with more lines,

\"Boom Rumble\"

A mine that was thirty feet deep appeared.

Commissioner Qian took a look,

It is mostly ordinary gravel inside.


Pull these rubble out of the mine,

The whole person has stood in the newly opened mine,

Looking at the newly opened mine for a long time,

One of the lines is good,

It seems,

Somewhat imposing,

Commissioner Qian explored the past spiritually,

After more than three hundred feet,

A rough one and a half feet tall appeared,

Commissioner Qian Shennian circled the fast rough stone,

It is indeed a rough stone,

With a wave of flying sword in his hand,

\"Boom Rumble\"

One sword, cut more than a hundred feet,

At this time,

In the mine next to,

There was a voice to participate,

Mines that have been opened,

Commissioner Qian’s spirit,

Can extend along the mine,


In the mine next to,

A sudden burst of fire,

The colors are very bright,

The flying sword in the hands of Monk Yuanying,

The way of protecting the body,

Touch this flying sword,

It all burns.

This is the remnant Taoism on the battlefield of the Lord God,

\"Friends, I will help you\"


In the entire mine of hundreds of miles,

The shouting sounded,

Dozens of figures,

Towards this mine,

Lightning came rushing,

Someone urged flying swords,

Someone urged the jade bottle,

Someone urged the warhammer,

Toward the flames on this monk,

This ancient Taoism is a good treasure,

Take it back to comprehend it.


A figure of lightning.[,! ]general,

Rush to the front,

Holding a shield in his hand,

A roll,

The flame on this monk's flying sword,

Has mostly been taken away,

one look,

The flying sword in this monk's hand,

Many pits have been burned out.

This figure flashed aside,

It is Commissioner Qian,

This embroidered monk,

Some took the magic weapon and collected the flame,

Dao Fa urged, wanting to be wrapped in flames,

Own magic weapon,

It all burns.

There are only a few high-level humanities,

Fully urge the magic weapon,

This magic weapon was urged by the law,

Radiate brilliance,

This wraps the flames,


Dao Fa inspired by magic weapons,

Together with the entire magic weapon itself,

They were all burned by the flames and ripples appeared.

These monks are reminded,

Already out of this mine,

Find a place to learn.

The monk who was first sprayed by flames,

Flying sword in hand and flame on body,

Ten points went to nine points,

This is just a roar,

The whole body gushes out the blue mountains for thousands of miles,

Wrapped in this flame,

The mountains touch this flame,

Exploded immediately,

He continuously urges to ignite the flames,

In an instant,

Thousands of these mountains burst into pieces.

The monk's face,

Is already pale,

The color of this flame.

This dimmed.

It can be seen.

This flame.

The power has been greatly reduced,

He directed the flame towards the rock wall beside,

There is a dozen small mines,

The flame attached to the stone wall and started to burn,

He faced the flame and began to comprehend,

The magic weapon of this cultivator Nascent Soul.

Even cover this flame,

Can't cover it!


A sword light flashed,

Like a huge thunder,

Boom at this person!

He reminded him of the law,

Flying sword first gear,

There was a huge shock,

The flying sword splashed like fragments in the sky.

Burned by the flames ejected from the stone wall,

The flying sword is no longer good.

The other side's sword light,

In an instant,

Cut like thunder!

In an instant.

Has been cut to the body protection method of this Nascent Soul monk,

The body protection of the Nascent Soul monk, the battle armor suddenly shattered,

The blood spurting out of the body and the way of the body armor,

Thunder and fire splashed.

The opponent's sword light was collected,

Showing a cold face,

\"This baby, I still hold it useful.\"

This is the Yuanying Flower God who quarried the original stone in the distance.

At this time,

Only then came over.

This Yuanying Flower God took out a magic weapon,

The magic weapon is urged,

Brilliant glory,

Green hills and white clouds,

Towards this flame,

The green mountains and white clouds that this magic weapon turns into,

There are ripples,


This ripple turns into waves,

Even this monk's own body protection method,

All turned into waves like waves,

After half a cup of tea time,

Only then picked up this magic weapon,

Body shape shook,

Is gone,

The monk stood up,

A bitter face,

Mining rough stones meets the residual Taoism in this **** wasteland,

Smashed with flying sword in hand,

I am not lightly wounded,

Even this flame,

Didn't catch it,

Body shape,

Fly towards the outside of the mine.

magic weapon,

He has a few more,


Those grocery stores in Red Wolf town,

Sell ​​an iron drill!

It is similar to the iron drill used by ordinary people to mine rock,

There are not many other functions,

Is very hard,

It is said that,

Some of them were fused and refined with the magic weapon fragments from this **** battle wasteland,

A handful of hundreds of thousands of top grades,

This monk thought,

Mining with this iron drill,

It is more cost-effective than using your own magic weapon.

This is the Nascent Soul monk miner in the **** wasteland,

If it is a four-diamond flower god,

Just now the flame sprayed,

Immediately the whole person burst into pieces!

Commissioner Qian thought,

Cut a few swords,

The original piece.[,! ] Stone quarried,

one look,

There is no blame on the original stone,

But some red pine flowers,


The rough stone of blame,

How can it be so easy to mine.

Commissioner Qian sat down in the mine,

A brilliant brilliance,

Has surrounded the flame,

Half a day,

From that flame,

Then shot out a dazzling mystery,

Rushed towards the committee member Qian,

of course,

These mysteries,

The slowest,

In tens of thousands of an instant,

Does not reach the level of integration of the three rules,

There is no way from this flame,

Comprehend such a mystery.

In fact,

The same flame,

For different monks,

Enlightenment is different.

After half a month,

The mystery that burst out from this flame,

The color fades,

The power is even less powerful,

Member Qian’s method was collected,

This flame turned into sparks,

Touch the rock wall,

It's gone.

Commissioner Qian stood up,

This flame,

In the rock wall of this **** wasteland,

Maybe it has been sealed for millions of years,

The feeling of enlightenment,

Not as good as that piece of skin green!

Let's talk about it,

The rough stone is valuable,

Even in this rough stone,

Flint is drawn!

Commissioner Qian thought,

After walking in this mine for a day,

Looking at a place with lines,

Hundreds of miles in my mine,

In this place,

Worth driving,

With a wave of flying sword in his hand,

With a bang,

A mine appeared,

Dozens of feet deep,

Commissioner Qian gave a reminder,


Scan past the broken rock,

Look at the gravel,

It’s good to have a soybean-sized color,


A mine with a radius of more than 30 feet,

Thousands of rubble,

No color at all,

This is compared with mortal mining,

I don't know how difficult it is.

Commissioner Qian moved towards a place with no lines next to him,

Flying sword shook,

Cut the past,

Continuously cut a passage that is dozens of miles long.


A bit of rough is missing,


Say this,

Mining along the lines,

It is more efficient.

Commissioner Qian urged his mana,

A circle of mysterious and mysterious ripples,

Toward this mine cave began to surge like waves,

After half a day,

Ten feet deep from the rock wall,

Commissioner Qian found a rock with lines,

Ordinary Yuanying master,

In this mine,

A sword,

But cut open a mine tunnel ten feet deep,

This patterned rock,

It is already a few miles away from ordinary mines.

Ordinary Yuanying Flower God,

I want to find this rock with this pattern,

It's not that easy.

Commissioner Qian Yijian,

Ten feet of rock was cut open,

The stone with lines is exposed,

Commissioner Qian watched for a long time,

This is moving in one direction,

Flying sword in one fell swoop,

Chopped it down,

Along this direction,

Commissioner Qian cut out a mine that was more than ten miles away.

There is a half-foot-large stone in his hand,

On the stone,

With a white dragon pattern,

It seems,

The white dragon pattern is more powerful,

not bad.

To mine here,

It's been a month,

Commissioner Qian’s spiritual detection,

In this mine,

Hundreds of Yuanying Flower Gods,

Can pick up rough stones,

Including committee member Qian,

But three people!

this day,

In the distant mine,

Another scream came over,

Tens of thousands of an instant,

In the mind of Qian Da Committee,

In a mine more than a hundred miles away from myself,

A white flame spurts out,


There is a Yuanying Flower God who mines rough stones,

The flying sword in the hand,

Body protection,

It has been frozen as ice cubes.

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