Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3298: Brother Feihongguan

The whole piece of rough stone looks ordinary, the stone skin is ordinary, ‘

There are not many pine flowers and dragon patterns on the top.

It can't be compared with the previous few rough stones.


The dragon pattern and pine flower on this rough stone,

Looks elegant,

But there is a firmness!

Look carefully, it is magnificent!

Commissioner Qian looked at this rough stone.

Already have the spirit of more than a dozen monks,

Watching on this rough stone.

These dozen monks,

There are three rules,

In fact,


Can feel more.

Commissioner Qian thought,

The first rough stone,

Sold 130 million top-grade immortal stones,

If it is not the best rough stone,

This price is already higher,

Higher prices,

You can go to the Chamber of Commerce and the market to buy the Profound Dao Book,

When I arrived at the rough stone that Commissioner Qian liked,

The price quickly rose to 70 million top-grade immortal stones,

\"76 million top grade immortal stones.\"

Commissioner Qian said,

\"79 million top grade immortal stone,.\"

Someone immediately increased the price,

After a few moments,

A few people increase the price,

\"Ninety million top grade immortal stones.\"

Commissioner Qian said,

At this price,

There are fewer bidders,

one way or another,

On this rough stone,

There are not many pine flowers and dragon patterns.

The rough stone is not big,

\"Nine-three million top-grade fairy stones!\"

After a while,

Only the monks have increased the price,

\"Ninety-seven million top-grade fairy stones.\"

Commissioner Qian said,

At this price,

long time.

Someone said,

\"Compared with the previous rough stone, this rough stone is a bit too small.\"

Cut the stone skin,

It's all color inside.

In this **** wasteland.

Never appeared,

This rough stone.

Commissioner Qian received 97 million high-grade immortal stones.

In the evening,

After the Jieshi Conference,

Commissioner Qian said to Wanjian Sashan,

\"I want to return to the plane to practice for a while.\"

Wan Jian Sashan nodded.

\"Old money, in fact,

The surface of the **** wasteland plane reaches three thousand miles deep in the plane,

There are not many mines with rough stones.

From this stone meeting,

The monks who came to participate in the mining harvest,

You can know.

This time I came to the Jieshi Conference,

Many people have opened mines for more than a year and a half.

None of the rough stones were found.

After ten days, the wave plane of the garden

On the road outside the magistrate of Wengai County,

A person came hurriedly,

It is Commissioner Qian.

Into the depths of Wengai County,

Walk up a mountain,

After walking a few steps, I have walked into the mountains,

Tan Tian greeted him,

\"Ontology, how is the harvest?\"

\"Reaped a mysterious and mysterious color,

Come back to comprehend,

If you can turn the law into a rune,

Ready to use,

The galaxy building appeared,

You can go and see,

Law perception cannot be advanced,

The galaxy building appeared,

You don’t need to go.\"

Commissioner Qian said.

\"I called Tan Song to come over.\"

Tan Tian said,

Comprehend this mysterious and mysterious color,

But it has considerable benefits,

After a long time,

In the teleportation formation of the other courtyard on the mountain,

Tan Song and Banao both came out,

Commissioner Qian just took out the 97 million high-grade immortal stone

Purchased rough,

Start to unravel,

Untie the whole rough stone,

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand towards that mysterious color,

The profound and profound way,

Began to surround this color,

Such a level of color,

after a few days,

Commissioner Qian discovered a mystery,

As soon as this mystery came out,

The whole hall,

Like a crystal,

There are thousands of colors changing.

Other humanitarian laws are reminded,

Already around this to Xuan'ao began to revolve,

Realize it.

While comprehending,

Commissioner Qian and the monk next to him,

Speaking of the insight of this profound,

This piece of color,

Commissioner Qian and Jin Guo Zhiying,

Comprehend for a year and a half!

.[,! ]

Commissioner Qian took out the rough stone again,

Start to cut,

Practice this time,

In ten years,

It seemed to have passed in an instant.

In the main hall, flames linger,

Like the sky of a real plane,

All gathered here,

In an instant,

As if tens of thousands of thunderbolts came,

Let's get together!

It shows the shadow of Qian’s committee and Jin Guo,

\"Seven rough stones were unlocked in ten years,

Advanced in Taoism,

Still can't realize the law.\"

Banao said with emotion,

\"The body is on the plane of the blood war wasteland,

Ten years of mining,

It may not be possible to collect seven rough stones.\"

Tan Tian said,

\"Go to the wasteland again.\"

Commissioner Qian said.

At this time,

Zhou Tian's star battle flashed,

Show the image,

one look,

It's Gujiao Yamada,

A team of Mozu monks,

Facing the drum horn Yamada,

Release Dao Fa!

Tan Song was furious,

Reach out!

A fire thunder shot out from the formation of Yamada,

Boom towards this team of demons,

The fire and thunder branched out,

This team of demon adventure monks,

One person was hit by a fire and thunder,

In a thousandth of an instant,

The whole person together with the armor and magic weapon,

Has become like a crystal,


Ten monks,

Holding a flame knife, an ice sword, a boulder hammer,

Turned into sky fragments!

The formation gave out another strong suction,

In an instant,

Ten phantoms appear,

They waved their arms,

Uttered a silent shout,

But in an instant,

Has been sucked into the formation,

It began to refine.

After half a cup of tea time,

This boo has been refined,

A burst of information came.

\"These people came from Feihongguan.\"

Tan Song said,

\"The people at Guqin Pass did not dare to come,

People from Feihong Pass are here.\"

Tan Tian said.

\"What is the effect of Gujiao Yamada medicinal materials?\"

Commissioner Qian said,

\"It is indeed better than ordinary herbs,

However, it is not up to the level of conflict of laws.\"

Tan Tian said,

\"Such Yamada,

Many monks are already interested.\"

Tan Song said.

\"Tan Song, go to Feihong Pass to see,

This drum corner Yamada,

It has not reached the level of the evolution of medicinal materials caused by the conflict of laws.

People of Feihongguan,

What are you doing here?\"

Commissioner Qian said,

\"Okay, I'll take a look.\"

Tan Song said,

Step out of the Wengai County array,

Body shape,

Body shape like electricity,

Already passed Qingcang Country.

Commissioner Qian has been practicing here for ten years,

Although the law perception is further,

But there is no big breakthrough,

Tan Song,

But it is advanced to the integration of the six rules.

Ten moments,

Already flying like lightning,

Feihong Pass,

It can already be seen from afar.

Tan Song fell towards a mountain peak,

Walk towards Feihong Pass.

Entered Feihong Pass,

Tan Song walked several streets,

Beside the street,

There is a building,

But it is not a small courtyard,

There are several halls above.

Tan Song walked into the hall,

The guard came up,

\"I'm looking for Master Xiaowei.\"

Tan Song said,

The guard listened,

Entered the hall and announced.

After a while,

Come in from the hall,

Looking at Tan Song,

Surprised eyes,


Ordinary demons,

Not willing to come in.

The guard brought Tan Song into the compound,

Walking through the corridor,

Into these halls,

The most luxurious one sitting in the lobby.

Sitting inside is a middle-aged monk,

With scales,

Others, look similar to humans,

But it has the cultivation base of the Three Diamond Flower God,

He is the captain urging the adventure team.

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