Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3662: Clouds and stars at the entrance of the temple


Cambran originally thought that these ten monks would come in for a fierce battle. Time

Although it was short-lived, Commissioner Qian urged a cloud of blows, which was almost unstoppable with overwhelming awe.

The momentum was average, and it was easy to roll a dozen demonic monks out of the mountain temple.

This made Cambran dumbfounded, and his heart felt astonished for a while.

Commissioner Qian is so high, Cambran murmured in his heart.

The monks from all over the temple rushed towards the main hall where the mural is located,

What greeted them was a cloud of mist, and the whole body couldn't be urged by Dao Fa, and was rolled outside the temple.

After a while, more than a hundred demon monks lay outside the temple,

Inside the temple, except for Qian Daguan and Cambran standing in front of the mural, there was no one in the temple.

This is, there are dozens of escape lights, coming here from a distance,

It was also the clouds and mist, the flames burst, and they reached the entrance of the temple.

Want to enter the temple, a glorious swept away, but a cloud of mist seemed to shine with stars.

Hand weapons, magic weapons, swept by the shining stars and clouds, they were broken into two pieces.

Hearing the news, he rushed to use weapons and weapons, which were also made from various materials.

Looking at the clouds and mist, not stars, but clouds and mist.

No matter how they urged their swordsmanship, this cloud with starlight accurately cut their magic weapon.

With a shock, he reached the sides and lifted the monks who fell on the ground.

Asking what happened in the temple,

Someone immediately said that in front of the mural in the temple, there was a cloud of mist.

They wanted to get close to the cloud, swept by the cloud, and fell out of the temple.

"This is out of ancient Tibet--"

They said, there are also many relics of these ancient temples in the Demon Race.

Someone has opened the communication circle for sending.

After half an hour,

In a nearby city, five hundred escape lights rushed up at the speed of electricity,

Speeding over here.

In a city, there are only so many masters who can really fly fast in Escape.

At the entrance of the ancient temple, the squat stops,

A group of monks came and saluted the leading group.

Say what happened just now.

Someone ordered a dozen people at once, and you go in.

He said,

After ten or so years of humanitarian law, I walked toward this big temple,

It’s not close to the threshold yet,

A sword light blasted out, and I saw this sword light,

It's like countless clouds. , Shining with starlight again, as if this cloud and mist had participated in the refining of starlight.

Tens of people’s sword tactics urged, and slashed towards the mist and starlight.

A rumbling, but a thunderous sound.

The sword light urged by a dozen people was cut to pieces,

The flying swords of a dozen people turned into debris, bursting with flames, thunder, sword light, and gravel,

These are the methods that monks in the abyss often practice.

Immediately afterwards, the Tao Fa of the body was blasted to pieces, immediately urging the magic weapon to be practiced,

Turn into shields, protect your body with all your strength,

With a bang like a huge tremor, the shield of the magic weapon shattered. A dozen figures, dancing and dancing,

Flew towards the sky.

Led by a group of people furious,

As he said, "Go past the wall, this ancient temple is out of ancient treasures, and it cannot be easily destroyed."

In the past thirty years, the figure has been vertical and has crossed the high wall.

The whole person was still empty, the clouds and stars flashed,

The air is rippling like waves,

The mist turned into a thousand swords and slashed towards thirty people.

Thirty or so people’s swordsmanship has been urged, urging it to become complete, an iron wall-like defensive sword force, sword force,

Seeing, touch with the thousands of swords that the cloud turned into,

Urging to achieve Consummation, like an iron wall, a sword force, bursting open,

The whole person flew out, more than 30 people, everyone was struck by thousands of swords and swords transformed into clouds and mist.

Everyone is not immune, no matter what the situation is, the sword momentum urges it to be like heavy rain, autumn wind howling, or white snow fluttering,

All were blown by the sword power that this cloud mist turned into.

First hit their flying swords, then hit their battle armor.

The flying sword, the broad sword shattered, and the battle armor spurted like a volcano.

Just like a dumpling, it fell on the ground around the temple.

The headed group of people, seeing that there are 500 people under them, the number of people has decreased by 50 in an instant.

Asking themselves, they can't do such a terrifying, mysterious sword.

"In this temple, there is a master."

This book comes from

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