Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 511: The madness and jealousy of the crowd

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Lu Chi shouted!

The hand pointed towards this green sword light!


A red light flashing with the thickness of a finger and with jagged edges! Instantly hit this green sword light that was many times larger!


With a muffled sound, this green sword light that was thinner than this finger was hit by the red light of the thickness of this finger!

Immediately burst into a green fireworks!

If Lu Chi doesn't make a move, it's fine.

Lu Chi's action immediately angered the monks of the Bifu Army!

They think subconsciously. Lu Chi, a god-level powerhouse. It is not allowed that this has already reached the number of eight hundred Bifu Army monks. Board the yellow flying snake!

There were originally more than 800 people in the Bifu Army. Jin Kuilang led the demon cultivators and there were nearly 600 people.

Plus the black armored reincarnation army. There were hundreds of people there. This yellow flying snake. Although it is several hundred meters long. but. Can't bring so many people. Install it all.

In other words. Even if Lu Chi agreed to the other two parties. Enter this yellow flying snake. Two parties. Only part of it can enter.

most people. Anyway. Can't enter this yellow flying snake land!

Quite a lot of blue floating army. For entering this yellow flying snake. There is no hope anymore.

Lu Chi intercepted this shot! Shout!

"Brothers, this **** won't let us live! Let's blow!"


He took the lead, a red sword light, like a huge scarlet arrow, rushed towards the yellow flying snake!

"Batter this bird and snake!"

Even the good deeds shouted, and then shot, a dozen green sword lights, like a dozen meteors. Boom towards the yellow flying snake!

Lu Chi's hands are ten fingers, like playing a piano, they move continuously!

Ten finger-thin jagged red lights shot out from the top of his ten fingers, toward the dozen green sword lights in the air!

"Peng, Peng, Peng, Peng!"

That scarlet sword light and dozens of ground green sword lights all exploded into large fireworks in the air!

With one person and two hands, the god-level powerhouse Lu Chi attacked more than a dozen Bifu Army. Eliminate all!

However, with the sound of "Boom!"

The brighter light of the blockbuster, like a meteor shower suddenly appeared in the sky, reflected the eyes of the god-level powerhouse Lu Chi!

Lu Chi's face was stiff and stopped all his movements!

Because, hundreds of sword lights are cutting through a very short space distance, appearing in Lu Chi's pupils!

If there were five more selves, maybe they would be able to intercept all of these sword lights.

Lu Chi lamented in his heart!

All the monks present at the Bifu Army. All shots!

More than seven hundred sword lights, the whistling sound, instantly overwhelmed the black light outside, like the sound of the black lightning struck by a rainstorm.

Even if Lu Chi is a god-level powerhouse, one person greets so many sword lights, it is not brave, it is death!

The power of the masses is terrible!

More than 700 sword lights came out, like a large cloud of color! No one dares to intercept it!

"Boom! Boom!"

A burst of thunder that deafened people's ears!

Just like the flames fired by dozens of rocket launchers at the same time, it lit up on the huge yellow flying snake!


The head of the yellow flying snake raised to the sky!

There was a loud whine!

Although it is a half-creature refined with the Dao technique of a large refining vessel, it is a biochemical delivery vehicle for general tools. However, it is also a wise creature!

Face an attack that will destroy yourself. It will fight back!

A huge mouth with dozens of wide ground!

A yellow light flashed in his mouth!

An eight-meter-long golden-yellow two tines spouted from its mouth, swaying in the wind, it had become a hundred meters long, and plunged into the blue floating army!

However, the power of more than 700 sword lights. It's too big!

Two hundred-meter-long golden yellow tines are still flying in the air!

The body of the yellow giant snake. It has been blown to pieces in the bombardment of more than 700 sword lights! Also mixed with dozens of screams!

These dozens of people have already entered the black armored reincarnation army among the yellow giant snakes, and they may be responsible for manipulating them. Or be responsible for observation. In short, they all have their own responsibilities in this huge, half-biological, half-tool biochemical tool!

However, when the angry masses of the Bifu Army went wild, there was a saying: The jade and the stone were burned!

They have also become a piece of jade crushed with the big rock of the yellow flying snake!

In fact, whether it is jade or stone, once broken into slag, the result is the same!


Lu Chi's face turned pale, and he pointed his fingers at the uncontrollable group of Bifu Army, angrily speechless!

However, he did not dare to turn his face on the spot!

For a god-level powerhouse, what a hold of breath.

The Black Armored Reincarnation Army was originally small in number, only more than 600 people, not even a fraction of the Bifu Army.

There are only three hundred people who have arrived at the Yellow Flying Snake now.

However, the Bi-Floating Army who came here one after another brought the number of the Bi-Floating Army close to the nine hundred mark, and it won’t be long before it will be thousands!

What if this Qianbifu army pointed the attack at him?

Lu Chi has no doubt that the fate of the dozens of hapless ones in the Yellow Flying Snake and Flying Snake is his role model!

There were more than three hundred black armored reincarnations, seeing that their number was at an absolute disadvantage, and no one dared to say anything.

On the contrary, those demon cultivators, relying on more than 500 people, saw the Bifu army go crazy and ruined their escape route, and immediately dozens of demon cultivators shouted at the Bifu army!

Monsters are compared to humans. More wild and impulsive.

"You bastards, it's really nothing! Beasts know each other, you are not as good as beasts!"

"Yes! You human monks, you are really not as good as beasts!"

The insults of the demon cultivators finally angered the Bifu army who had destroyed the Dasheng again!

The Blue Floating Army, who just blasted the yellow flying snake and dozens of black armored reincarnation troops into slag, are already in a state of frenzied frenzy!

The Jinkui wolf, covered in diamond-shaped crystals, has not yet come to the level to stop the impulse and abuse of his men, "suddenly, sharply ---deeply ---" is colorful. Reflecting the diamond-shaped crystals on Jin Kui Lang's body in various colors, he saw dozens of sword lights, whizzing towards the demon Xiu who was swearing!

"This bunch of snow hares!"

Jin Kui Lang cursed, I don't know if he was cursing the Bifu Army monk who launched the attack, or cursing the impulsive monsters under his men!

I don't even look at the number of people, but it is much more than on my own side!

As the Lord’s Black Armored Reincarnation Army suffers a loss and does not make a sound, what are you talking about?

Jin Kui Lang opened his right hand and pushed towards the dozens of colorful sword lights!

I saw Jin Kui Lang's body. Bright and colorful! Brighten up half of the sky! The phantom of diamond-shaped crystals emerged from the surface of Jin Kui Wolf's body, growing up in the wind!

In an instant, on the way that dozens of bombarded sword lights were advancing, a wall made of rhombic crystals was built! Every phantom of a diamond-shaped crystal has a red brick so big.

If you look closely, the ghosts of these diamond-shaped crystals are all transparent.

"Boom, boom, boom. Boom!"

Dozens of sword lights almost hit this transparent side together. But the lines are awkwardly twisted to the crystal wall!

The crystal phantom on the most surface was shattered almost at the moment of locust-like sword light and body!

However, the crystal wall is not what everyone expected. Turned into powder.

The thing that made everyone's jaw dropped appeared, the crystal wall. In an instant, towards the surrounding space. Countless small, colorful beams were shot out!

These beams. There are as many as thousands!

The dense and dazzling light beams formed a scene where the walls of crystal phantoms and dozens of sword lights collided with each other, illuminating a chaos!

Most cultivators couldn't see clearly what was going on with their eyesight.

Compare this colorful beam with dozens of sword lights bombarded over!

You can discover how many colors of these dozens of sword lights are there, and how many colors are there for the crystal wall and the light beams scattered around! 'S wall, even scattered all these dozens of sword lights?

More than a thousand pairs of eyes were filled with question marks and "I can't believe it!"


Thousands of small ground beams have all been scattered. These beams hit the ground, and even made thousands of small pits on the ground that had become extremely dry.

Some beams directed at the surrounding monks were also scattered by the monks!

Obviously, these tiny beams still contain a lot of energy. Exclaim! Dozens of incoming sword lights have disappeared without a trace, and the wall made up of a brick-like diamond-shaped crystal phantom is only the thickness of the wall, weakened by about half, but it is still shiningly standing on the original. position!


The demons are happy!

"Master Jin Kui Lang is really amazing! I have never seen him make a move before. Once he makes a move, it is so amazing!"

"Unexpectedly, Lord Jinkui Wolf is the most mysterious of all demon generals. I didn't expect him to be so powerful."

The indigenous demon cultivators on Longshou Mountain discussed enthusiastically.

The arrogance of the monks of the Bifu Army ~www.readwn.com~ suddenly seemed to have been poured over by a large basin of water, and it fell a lot!

The power of this Jinkui wolf is a bit too weird!

"What are you stupefied! Stupefied to death! I commanded, immediately form a large forest killer formation! With the power of this thousand-mile thundercloud storm!"

A cold shout sounded behind the monk of the Bifu Army!

Everyone look back!

It was Sunite and Qingqiong and other centurions.

The Sanye Regiment has sixteen centuries and sixteen centurions.

However, there were only twelve of Luke who had robbed a red airship and escaped first, and the Centurion who had been withdrawn!

Obviously, there are still three centurions finished! (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please log in to m, more chapters,

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