Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 521: Angry black dragon

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There is no way, the **** hand is covering his head, and the old money feels a huge suction, pulling himself from the top of his head!

The blood all over the body followed this suction force and surged towards the top of the head!

The blood swarmed into the old Qian's eyeballs, making everything in the old Qian's eyes become blood red!

Lao Qian appeared "Red Vision!"

Grey and gold sword aura! The old money finally got a chance.

The old money grabbed the **** hand tens of meters long, and the **** hand stretched out and wanted to hold the old money in his hand again.

"Haha, it's interesting, you little meat worm, you have even merged with the profound!"

The four-winged black dragon is more interested in the old money!

At this moment, the old money did not look back, a backhand!

A muffled thunder sounded out of thin air!

A vermilion mine light. From the palm of the old money. Roared out. Hit the **** hand with one head!


An earth-shattering explosion!

With thousands of red lights bursting out!

A cloud of scarlet mine light. Appeared below this **** hand.

but. And the past vermilion mine light. As soon as it exploded, it directly expanded to several tens of meters in diameter. This vermilion thunder light today. It just exploded to ten meters in diameter. It encountered a strong obstacle from the **** hand. Vermillion light and brown-black halo. It's like two cows wrestling. Can't swell anymore!

Old Qian looked back, his face was sweaty!

Grandma, really awesome!

This is the first time Lao Qian has encountered this situation since he used Liangyi Shenlei!

If a thunder does not work, then I will give you two more!

Old Qian waved his hands back and forth, and in an instant, two vermilion thunder dragons and a blue thunder dragon almost roared and flew out at the same time, and rushed toward the **** hand that was compressing the vermilion light!

After sending two two-Yi Yang thunders in a row, one two-Yi Yin thunder, plus the previous Yang thunder, Lao Qian has already fired four thunders in a short time.

It can be said to be unprecedented!

"Rumble rumbling-----"

Like dozens of thunderbolts exploding at the same time!

Two groups of vermilion light, and the same group of blue light, lit up like a blockbuster explosion again!

The blazing vermilion light, sandwiching a piece of blue light, seemed to dye half of the sky vermilion!

The edge of the **** hand shakes violently!

The shock is getting bigger and bigger!



The **** hand finally collapsed in the shock.

And this collapse quickly stretched along the hundred-meter-long arm, toward the brown-black halo that trapped the many Bifu Army monks!

One of the main characteristics of "Gravity Mysticism" is "Structural stability!"

In order to cultivate the mystery of gravity, Lao Qian has studied a lot of data on how gravity is produced. Lao Qian discovered that only when the mass of matter reaches a certain limit and the structure of matter is stable, gravity will be generated!

For example, when a planet is exploding, there is absolutely no gravity, only an unparalleled eruption outward!

Old Qian discovered that gravity and explosion are two opposing forces.

However, using explosions to break the shackles of gravity, Lao Qian has never tried!

Because the mystery of the five times gravity of the old money can only be displayed with the help of the eight-stranded golden mace.

Lao Qian can't use the **** thunder of moral subtlety and two rituals, so he can smash his magic weapon! Isn’t that too much of your magic weapon?

The old Qian had no choice but to let A Chou grab the Ba Leng golden mace and turn it into a golden light, sweeping towards him wildly, and when the Ba Leng golden mace was approaching his body, the red and black flames flashed all over his body. "Xuan'ao", in an instant, like a propellant burst in the barrel, pushing the body forward!

As a result of several experiments, using "Explosive Profound Mystery" to get rid of five times the gravity is very effective.

However, the use of Liang Yi Shen Lei to disperse the gravitational realm created by the mystery of gravity is always a concept that stays in my mind and has not been implemented.

Now, at the juncture of life and death, Lao Qian no longer thinks about any ideas or not.

If you don't disperse the black-brown hand formed by the black-brown halo that contains a hundred times the gravity, even if the old money uses the red and black "explosive mystery" to escape a certain distance, he will still be caught up by the terrible speed of the black-brown hand!

Therefore, no matter how old money is three or seven twenty-one, the backhand is four shots of morality, subtlety, and **** of honor!

Sure enough, the brown-black halo containing a hundred times the gravity, under the bombardment of the old Qian's four consecutive moral subtleties, finally collapsed!

The 100-fold gravity originally used to control the enemy, but inside the brown-black halo, a rampage, accelerated the collapse of the brown-black halo!

"Swipe, swipe, swipe!"

At this moment, there are already more than 300 monks from the Bifu Army, firmly trapped by this brown-black halo!

The collapse rapidly spread from the brown-black big hand to the brown-black halo, and a part of the black halo that bound the monks was suddenly changed!


Accompanied by a screaming scream!

There were more than a dozen monks, and they were torn to pieces by the suddenly chaotic hundredfold gravity!

However, more Bifu Army monks seized this hundredfold gravitational loosening, gravity

Directions, opportunities for conflict with each other, clash!

"Peng, Peng, Peng Peng!"

The brown-black halo that is collapsing, a burst of bulging!

It burst like a few blisters!

First, a few Bifu Army cultivators rushed out quickly, and then a dozen, dozens of Bifu Army cultivators rushed out immediately!

"Huh, want to run!"

Seeing the brown-black halo, half of it will burst. The four-winged black dragon has an angry face and a shake of its body!

Another burst of brown-black light gushed out from the surface of his body like water waves, and in an instant, the brown-black halo that was about to collapse was stabilized!

"You little meat worm, I really underestimated you, I even know how to break the mystery of gravity!"

Those soldiers of the Bifu Army who fled, the black dragon didn't care about it, and the four wings behind him just waved lightly!

A black shadow in the shape of a dragon hundreds of meters long, like lightning, pounced towards Qian Xing!

The four-winged black dragon was angry, and would rather leave these meaty insects to escape, or catch Qian Xing first!


The screaming sound of the air brought the ground and rushed towards Qian Xing quickly!

After the old Qian escaped for a certain distance, he pierced the oblique thorn fiercely toward the ground!

The old money also chose to use land to escape!

"It was a mistake to choose to escape in the air!"

Old Qian sighed in his heart.


It's near, and it's about to hit the ground!

The escape route is in sight, and the old Qian is very happy!


A bucket-like black light flashed, and it hit the old money's vest!


The first is the red flame surrounding the outermost periphery of the old Qian's body. It was blown away by the black light and turned into red and black sparks in the sky!


Immediately after that, that black light, without stopping, hit the fifteenth floor of the peach blossom!

The 15-layer body-protecting peach blossom immediately resembles a peach tree full of peach blossoms, being ravaged by a black bear, turning into a golden-pink peach blossom rain, splashing around!


The black beam of light that continuously penetrated Qian Xing's two layers of body protection did not weaken too much, and hit the old Qian who was about to touch the ground.


Since putting on Old Qian's body, the golden jade merit sandalwood armor that has never been severely injured, finally exploded a big hole as thick as a bucket!

However, relying on the golden jade merit sandalwood armor to take over most of the striking power of the black light, the blood in the old Qian’s mouth sprayed out like a fountain, and the old Qian’s body also changed the course of the straight fall. , Tumbling frantically towards the air on both sides!


Old Qian only felt that his whole body was shattered by a giant hammer!

As soon as the pain and bad thoughts came up, Lao Qian felt black in front of him, and he grabbed a huge dragon claw over ten meters long.

However, the old money now has almost no ability to resist. Seeing this cold shining dragon claw tighten, he firmly grasped himself in the dragon claw!


The immense power strangled the eyes and tongue of Old Qian to bulge out!


Old Qian asked intermittently that even if his grandmother is going to die, he must die a little faster!

The four-winged black dragon, holding the old money, has a body several hundred meters long, floating in the low altitude very close to the ground as if weightless.

"Little meat worm, you won't feel the pain right away, you will always be with the god!"

The four-winged black dragon grinned, and opened his mouth as big as a blood hole, and fortunately, he would put money into his mouth!


A black brilliance, like lightning, emerged from the ground and struck the claws of the four-winged black dragon!


After a crisp sound, Heilong felt his right paw numb and loose!

The old money, who originally thought he was bound to die, flew out with a fight!

After going up and down for a while, the old money only felt tight again!

"It's over! Caught again?"

Lao Qian opened his eyes and saw that on top of a blood-red flower that was 100 meters in size and resembling an orchid, there was a red face that was tens of meters in size, smiling to Lao Qian!

"Eke~www.readwn.com~ it's you! Today is my big day, are you going to stop me today?"

The four-winged black dragon sounded like thunder, but I could hear that this black dragon was very nervous!

The body of the black dragon is the aura of the earth dragon under the Dragon Head Mountain!

The black dragon knows the existence of Eke, the blood orchid tree man!

The only thing that is not clear is the strength of the blood orchid tree man Eke!

Therefore, from the day when the four-winged black dragon combined with the godhead of the dark lord god, and the blood orchid tree man Eke, the water of the well does not violate the river!

"Haha, Ramstang, didn't you promise to pick the two slowest batches of these little things? The team that this little thing belongs to seems to be the fastest batch."

Eke, the blood orchid tree person, smiled and said: "Don't worry, I don't have the time to take care of your nostalgia." (To be continued, if you want to know what happened, please log in to anm, more chapters, support the author , Supports genuine reading!)

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