Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 528: Greed for money is like pride

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However, these two figures are even more weird!

One figure was shrouded in a thick green mist, and the other figure had black hair and black eyes, just like a middle-aged Chinese.

However, the center of this person's eyebrows was actually inlaid with a black crystal with nine horns. This black crystal was obviously transparent like a black gem, but it was shining like a black iron.

Esther stepped forward, stroked his left shoulder with his right hand, nodded to the figure shrouded in the thick green mist, "Chambers, long time no see."

Then, he nodded to the middle-aged Hua Xia who had a nine-cornered crystal on his eyebrows: "Xuanying, meet again."

After the three-diamond flower **** Esther gave the gift first, the two four-diamond flower gods, Chambers and Xuanying, returned the gift.

This is the rule of all main gods, the lower-level gods, after seeing the high-level gods, must first go forward.

Chambers, the four-diamond flower **** among the thick green shadows, let out a chuckle: "Este, these defeated troops, let you take care of them. I have no interest in wasting my time with them.

Xuanying and I are now going to the place where the fire disaster exploded, to see how powerful the black dragon is. "

First Chambers contemptuous words, followed by Chambers's almost insulting chuckle.

Insult without hiding.   Even Sunite and Qingqiongdi face. They are all up and red. Breath from the nostrils. Obviously thickened.

but. Although everyone's eyes are full of anger. But none of them dared to speak out. This is the Four Diamond Flower God!

Between waves. It can eliminate the existence of all people present.


Only old money. The head is straight. A cold snort: "We are inferior to humans. If we don't retreat, we will only die!

You four diamond flower gods are amazing. If you run into the Lord God. What are you doing with your knives? "

Lao Qian is really on fire. He has just finished his life, and it is not easy to escape. It is not that I am afraid of death, but that the opponent is too strong. The three god-level commanders only have their lives destroyed.

As a result, he managed to escape and suffer from such bird air!

You three-diamond flower gods and four-diamond flower gods are great masters, but if you run into a hostile main god, do you dare to run?

The old money is greedy and cunning, and he just goes for the cheap.

However, this old man still has a bit of arrogance in his bones, and a muddy man has three points of anger.

Why do you still suffer from this bird's breath after selling your life?

Isn't it just a ten-husband? It's a big deal.

The four-diamond flower **** named Chambers heard this, and the green mist covering his whole body was a wave on the face!

"Huh! I'm so courageous!"

An invisible but qualitative shock wave, with this unpleasant cold snort, emanated from the green mist on Chambers's face, like lightning, and went straight to the money.

The monks standing around Qian Xing clearly saw a wave in the air, like an electric light, which passed to Qian Xing's body, but standing around Qian Xing, he couldn't feel the power of the wave at all.

The four-diamond flower **** has reached a level of power control. It can be said that if you want to hit the mosquito's legs, you will never hit the mosquito's wings!


In an instant, the old Qian felt that the world had stopped, he seemed to be still, and he watched the fluctuations rushing to him, unable to move a bit.

As soon as Old Qian reacted, he felt as if he had been hit by the electric wave with a flash in front of him, as if he had been struck by a huge thunder!

On the surface of the body, there was a burst of golden-pink light!

Countless golden and pink peach blossoms appeared brilliantly in the sky, and then exploded suddenly!

The golden pink peach petals are flying all over the sky!


Old Qian vomited out blood, took two steps back, and hit a monk behind!


The Bi-Floating Army standing behind the old money only felt a huge force hit, and he involuntarily flew back out. In the air, a mouthful of blood spilled out like a fountain.

"Shameless! You, a four-diamond flower god, will carry out sneak attacks on us little monks!"

The old Qian only felt that his eyeballs were congested, and he yelled angrily, somehow restraining himself from letting out a gray sword gas.

You are a four-diamond flower god, shooting like a sneak attack, you are too insignificant, too low in price.

"court death!"

The four-diamond flower **** Chambers was obviously angry, and the green mist on his face fluctuated again. This time, an obvious green fluctuation passed towards the old money, like an electric light.


The feeling of being imprisoned once again enveloped the old money!

"It's over?"

The old global felt that the intensity of the attack this time was several times stronger than the previous one. I am afraid that his life will not be guaranteed!


I saw the other four-diamond flower **** Xuanying, stretched out her hand!


The green shock wave suddenly exploded into the air!

"Chambers, don't worry about this kind of soldier, it will ruin our identity."

Xuanying smiled and said to Chambers.

Then, Xuanying turned to Qian Xing and said as a reprimand:

"You little boy

I don’t know how high the sky is. Just now Brother Chambers just used his mouth to blow T3 to teach you your arrogance!

If you really do it, are you still dead? "

Chambers was so stopped by Xuanying, and said that, it was really embarrassing to make another move.

"It's not that I want to do it, do you listen to this kid's mouth, which is like human words! If we run into the main god, we also use the knife to do it?

The Lord God is what you can say, boy, keep your mouth honest in the future!

Hyun Young, let's go! "

As Chambers said, it turned into a straight green light and disappeared into the air to the north instantly!

Xuanying glanced at Qian Xing deeply, smiled, and suddenly turned into a transparent black light, and disappeared into the air to the north!

The three-diamond flower **** Este kept looking at Qian Xing with a weird face: "You kid, good luck, if Xuanying hadn't saved your life, you were almost killed by Chambers just now, don't you? "

Turtle was shocked: "Master Este, no, anyway, Old Qian is also the captain of the Blue Floating Army. He just verbally bumps into a few words, kill him if he says so."

"Hmph, what do you know, that Chambers, although his cultivation is a four-diamond flower god, he has no demeanor at all, and he is terribly narrow-minded. Whoever is disrespectful to him, he will do it.

Especially for the monks whose cultivation base is lower than him, he started his hands, even more unscrupulous!

You all be careful in the future, don't mess with that Chambers, or you will die for nothing! "

Esther commented on Chambers with disdain, and at the same time told these low-level Bifu soldiers to be careful not to anger Chambers, and he wouldn't often run into good people like Xuanying.

Old Qian's eyes were full of red silk, and he glanced at the place where Chambers disappeared from time to time, but he stopped talking.

This Chambers was too horrible, and he was seriously injured just by blowing two breaths.

No wonder the two four-diamond flower gods don't care at all about the black dragon Ramstang.

However, as soon as Chambers walked away, Esther dared to say such things publicly. It seemed that the popularity of Chambers was really unpleasant, and this was exactly in line with Chambers's undue beating character.

"That old money is awesome----"

"Isn't it-----, I dare to confront the Four Diamond Flower God like this, but I don't dare to do it. If people breathe out, they can kill me!"

The monks of the Sanye Group discussed again, some were envious, but more helpless.

The old money is a good breath to help everyone, but just because of it. The old money almost lost his life!

The gap is too big, I have to bear it!

Many monks, after sighing for a long time, agreed that!

Everyone continued to talk, and Esther didn't care about it.

After another half an hour, the teleportation array of the super plane once again shined brightly. This time, from the teleportation array, thirty golden armored warriors came out one after another.

As soon as these warriors came out, Este ordered the priest in Kassan mainland to lead the golden armored warriors to the settlements of believers and check the number of warriors in the settlements of each believer.

The golden armored warriors, with the priests on mission in Kasang Continent, turned into golden lights and rose into the air, instantly disappearing to the edge of the sky.

"Good fellow, these golden armored warriors are faster than the purple light escape speed of Master Qingqiong."

Zhu Yi said loudly with a smile.


The monks of the Bifu Army laughed suddenly!

"The golden deer runs faster than the rabbit!"

Immediately, there was a monk making a strange connection between Yin and Yang.

Everyone laughed harder.

Centurions like Sonnet and Qingqiong ran faster in front of the black dragon Ramstang.

Everyone finally got a grievance this time!

Qing Qiong's face became even more red, and he gave Zhu Yi a fierce look, and Zhu Yi rolled his eyes without showing any weakness.

Seeing that the prospects of San Ye Tuan are not good, who is afraid of whom!

But an hour and a half, the golden armored warriors, with the priest, flew back again.

After a while, a golden armored warrior with the appearance of a leader handed a white jade slip to Qingqiong, and said respectfully: "Este, the number of believers who completed the spread of faith this time has After the count, the military merit points that each ten-man team should receive have also been counted. Please check it out."

Esther nodded ~www.readwn.com~ took the jade slip and checked it.

Among the jade slips, the team with the most merit points only had 600 merit points.

Six hundred military merit points, in Esther's eyes, are about the same as a piece of hair.

However, this is the task of spreading the faith of the Lord God, no matter how strong the power is, he must also take this task seriously!

He handed it back: "Okay, let's issue military merit points based on this statistics."


The leader of the golden armor warrior stretched out his hands and took the jade slip respectfully. He turned around and shouted at the remnant of the Sanye regiment: "The captain who reads his name, step forward and accept the military merit certificate, captain The other members of the squad who were killed in battle will nominate one person to come forward. Don’t delay!

The first one, Qian Xing--. To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please log in to m, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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