Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 552: Kill 1000 enemies and damage 800

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"Quack, corpse in silver armor, really extraordinary, admire!"

In the black impermanence Bottoqi quacked and laughed, the black crying rod danced into a black cloud and mist, and all the blades of the turtle hitting his earth cutting were resolved.

However, his silhouette also showed its prototype from the huge pillar following the collision of the attacks from both sides.

However, in an instant, in front of Butocchi, a full-foot-thick wall of bones appeared. The surface of the wall of bones was covered with triangular bone spurs the thickness of the baby's arm!

But the black impermanence Butocchi's figure, under the cover of the wall of white bones, stepped back, his figure blurred for a while, and he was about to fall into the illusion again.

"The authentic immortal warlock you trained!"

As soon as the Bone Nail Wall was displayed, the turtle immediately understood the other's direction of cultivation, and was an authentic immortal warlock.

This magic of the wall of bone nails, turtles can also, but, when cast, the strength and size of the wall of bone nails are less than a quarter of the opponent's!

Turtle's choice of cultivation direction is the same as Qian Xing's, with emphasis on strength and mystery.

Turtle believes that one strength will break ten!

In front of absolute might. All spells are virtual ground!

The cyan bone whip stretched out. Instantly becomes straight!

Both sides of the bone whip. Encrusted with yellow crescent blades. It's like two wavy yellow tassels are sewn on. He stabbed straight into the wall of bones and nails.


Bone nail wall. It closed up and down like a super large mouse trap. This cyan bone whip must be clamped in two.


With a muffled sound, the bones nailed the wall, and a bucket the size of a hole was stabbed abruptly.

The yellow crescent blade on the bone whip, hurriedly, like a violent storm, fiercely shot towards Butocchi, whose figure was gradually disappearing!


Bhutocchi, who was about to hide in the illusion, yelled at him. With only a slight difference, he could escape into the illusion and launch a new raid, but he had to dance the black mourning rod again into a black light to withstand the yellow crescent glow of the rain blade.

Jingle bells!

There was a burst of noise, and an exquisite corridor around Butocchi revealed its prototype---it was the huge sarcophagus that had been cut to pieces.

The material of this huge sarcophagus is really hard. If it were an ordinary sarcophagus, it would have been cut into pieces by these many flying crescent-shaped light blades!

However, this huge sarcophagus was hit by these many yellow crescent-shaped light blades, but there were many mottled gaps on the surface of the sarcophagus.


The closure of the white bone nail wall not only failed to pinch off the cyan bone whip, but instead was broken by a big opening.


The soft-shelled turtle slammed into the wall of bone nails. This ghost repairer holding a crying stick made the soft-shelled turtle suffer such a big loss. Can the turtle not avenge it?

The wall of bone nails broke through a large human-shaped hole. As the fragments of the wall of bone nails scattered like shrapnel, Butocchi saw a black mist, like a giant fountain, spreading in all directions, around him , It was pitch black in an instant.

"Dog things, you have illusions, grandpa and I have black fog, let's compare, who has the best tricks!"

The turtle is on fire, and will inherit the black mist spray function of the dark green shell monster!

Let the dog thing that sneak attack oneself succeed thoroughly taste oneself.

In Qian Xing's green vision, the creatures rushing towards him had changed three times.

The second wave is a group of elders with two antelope horns, dark red-skinned evil spirits.

The third wave is a huge group of earth travel dragons.

However, Qian Xing stood there like a rock hit by the sea, without any movement.

However, as the phantom rushing towards him grew bigger and bigger, Qian Xing felt strongly that a thunderous blow was about to come.

Wait, wait like a rock.

The fourth wave of illusions has arrived.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The sound of footsteps shook the entire ground.

monster! Although the shapes are different, one common feature is big!

The smallest is as big as an Asian elephant.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

A giant tiger-like monster with two heads and six eyes disappeared two feet in front of Qian Xing's body.

The golden-pink peach blossom shield has no fluctuations.

Another red pig, which looked like an elderly man with six fangs, slammed into it. The size of this red pig was only the size of an Asian elephant. Compared with his previous giant phantom, it was petite and exquisite.


The golden-pink peach blossom shield surrounding Qian Xing was like being hit by a huge road roller, and was instantly hit by a sky full of peach blossoms.


This red wild boar the size of an Asian elephant, with unparalleled strength, hit Qian Xing with a shot.

This red wild boar is actually a real one?

"Peng, Peng, Peng!"

The ground under Qian Xing's feet burst like countless mines exploded.

Masses of explosive rocky ground even extended towards the entire magnificent palace.


This incomparable tremendous power was actually transferred to the ground beneath Qian Xing's feet.

This is so, his oak fairy vine body,

Several places are sunken down!


Qian Xing's eyes flashed with this determination and coldness!

In a flash of red light, the burning tree of fire has penetrated deeply into the head of this huge red pig!


The huge red pig head spit out the word "you!" in surprise!

How could anyone be safe and sound under their own impact?

Immediately afterwards, the huge red pig's head, like a berry sucked by a bear, quickly deflated!

"Kill a thousand enemies, self-defeating 800, you hit me, can you still escape?"

Qian Xingsheng is afraid that after his opponent will miss a hit, he hides his figure through the illusion, and simply gives you a tactic of killing a thousand enemies and harming himself by 800!

The opponent bluntly took a blow, and then the technique of shifting flowers and trees to transfer the opponent's attack on him to the ground, but the fire tree in his hand pierced the opponent's head without hesitation.

The Asian-like red pig was shrinking rapidly, and after a while, he became a fat man in a golden robe with a fist-sized head.

The fat man in a golden robe was round and round, but his head was shrunk to the size of a fist under the suction of the piercing fire tree.

It should be too dead to die.

Qian Xing drew back the branches of the fire tree.

After the full explosion of the ground just now, the illusion has appeared more flaws, and it is undergoing rapid changes and twists.

The sound of fighting was coming from the shimmering scene.

Qian Xing's feet were full of blue light, and he slid against the ground to face the battle.

In the illusion, it is safest to move on the ground.


A cloud of black mist was violently colliding with a green-clothed figure in the air. Then, the green-clothed figure flashed, and it was already hidden in the illusion, only barely seeing a short fiery red hair.

"Is it a woman?"

The old Qian yelled in surprise.

"I'm a woman, I didn't expect that her cultivation level is not shallow. However, her figure is still delicious!"

Stone, covered in black mist, turned around, obviously surprised by the green-robed and red-haired female monk.

"Hehe, why, Stone, you're in love, if you catch her alive, let Stone handle you, you can enjoy it any way you want."

Qian Xing showed a smile that a man understands into the black mist.

"That is---"

Stone in the black mist had not finished speaking yet, a blue horn shadow, already out of the black mist, whizzed towards Qian Xingkuang violently.


After the blue horn shadow waved, a gloomy and angry voice came from the black fog.

Fatty Jin died just like that. Before his cultivation level reached three or four out of ten, Qian Xing used the enemy to lose one thousand, and he was killed by the method of self-damaging eight hundred.

Moreover, Qian Xing transferred the impact of the Red Pig, who was incarnation of Fatty Jin, to the rocks on the ground ------ it seems that no loss was suffered!

The dents in Qian Xing's body were almost restored in the blink of an eye! There are no traces left on the bright green leaves outside!

The growth and recovery speed of the oak vine body is also quite amazing!

The black mist wrapped in Stone whirled, and the blue horns waved like a violent storm. The blue horns were actually condensed from blue fire crystals, like a real thing.

The hideous faces of those blue fire spirits were still grinning in these condensed horns.

The speed between one corner and one corner is so fast and so dense, it looks as if there are thousands of blue sharp horns flying and slamming from the black fog, it is very dizzy, very evil; also cruel It's so spicy!

"I knew you were a fake!" Qian Xing laughed!

The burning fire tree danced out a red forest in front of Qian Xing!

This red forest, as if an endless mountain forest ignited a fire, firmly sealed all the routes of the blue fire horn.

No matter the countless sharp corners of your blue fire crystals flash and flick, come and go like electricity, but you can't break through the boundless forest of flames!

Not only that, many blue fire crystals condensed into blue sharp corners, and when they collided with the flame forest, the burning red branches were just like a circle!

Lively put the blue fire horns between the burning branches and branches~www.readwn.com~ Immediately, the blue fire horns, together with the blue fire essence inside, melted like butter!

The burning flaming branches are like eating blue cream cone ice cream.

"Qianxing! What kind of weird thing is in your hand!"

Stone in the black mist finally couldn't bear it anymore.

These blue fire spirits, after he spent a lot of hard work to catch them, and then used countless ghosts, and these fire spirits, forcibly merged with them, and then the sacrifice was successful!

Where is it willing to just consume it.

As soon as the black fog dissipated, the human form in the fog also showed its prototype. It was not the "Brother Scar" with scars on his face, who was it?

Qian Xing sarcastically smiled and said: "You can't even recognize the things in my hand. Are you going to fight with me? What do you use? Grandma, but you are a three-legged cat with a spanking style?" To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please log in to anm, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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