Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 560: Forget worry water

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"What? The blue-water lizardman is half abyssal? The skin is like a steel monster? Transparent water droplets?"

Desperate like a dwarf melon.

"You get the image from the soul search, and show it to me again."

De's face, with a hint of ridicule, finally became serious.

When Fritz saw De's face, his heart sank.

Germany is Fritz's old acquaintance. Although his mouth is vicious, Fritz is also very impressed by his professional knowledge.

Ludwig stepped forward respectfully, first saluting Deshen to show his respect for his boss's old friend.

Then, Ludwig pushed his hands into the air, and the memory he got from the soul searched in the head of the Bifu Army monk yesterday appeared in the air and played it again.

The more I look at Ludwig's face, the more serious it becomes.

"Old friend, it seems we won the jackpot this time."

De frowned. Put a pair of mung bean-sized eyes. It's almost out of sight.

"This is Wangyou Iron Armored Demon! A kind of skin is extremely hard. It has infinite power. And it can use a medium-level upper-level demon called Wangyoushui Puppet Seed.

They are often in the process of fighting. Use Wangyoushui to control your opponent.

Other characteristics. You all saw it. I won't say much.

Forget about water. It is in the process of fighting. The few drops of transparent water that hit the hapless child.

This thing is actually a puppet seed of nerve seed nature.

It is a magical ability of this worrisome iron armor demon after adulthood.

It is usually mixed in a black water during the fight and sputtered out in an unexpected way. In fact, it was the Wangyou Iron Armored Demon who used mind control to find the opponent's defense loopholes and shoot out. "

When De said this, he paused.

"Then, how is the defensive performance of this puppet seed?"

Fritz hurriedly asked the question he cared most.

"Of course it can be defended. Although this worrisome water puppet seed is powerful, it is still a tangible thing. As long as the person hit by the puppet seed is strong enough, the body is strong enough, or the strength of the cultivation is strong enough, you can recruit nearby people in an instant closure. Muscle and skin to stop the spread of puppet seeds.

Of course, the recruits must have sufficient vigilance and control them at the moment they are recruited. "

After hearing De's answer, Fritz was relieved immediately.

It would be good to be able to defend it. It seems that the 13 people who were previously lost were mainly due to lack of defense against this form of attack.

However, when I saw De's face, not only did it not ease, on the contrary, a touch of worry was added between his eyebrows.

"What? There are more powerful roles?"

An old friend for many years, Fritz immediately guessed the origin of De's face.

"That's right, have you ever seen a lot of SS-level characters come out, and they fight for life?

This worrisome iron armor demon is just a common character in the demon sea in the tenth floor of the abyss of hell.

The entire Wangyou Iron Armored Demon is a subordinate of several powerful races, but I don't know that this time it is the powerful abyss race.

It's a pity that your people are not good, the depth of entry is too shallow, and you haven't figured out where the Lord is coming out? "

The virtue of affection is really a viper mouth, always not forgetting to demean others.

Fritz cast a sideways glance at De. You old boy go up and try it yourself. It doesn't hurt to speak while standing.

No wonder I have become a centurion. Your kid's cultivation is no worse than my own. Not only did you fail to become a centurion, or the thankless task of being a war envoy, you also made your kid come.

"In that case, I have to ask for reinforcements from above, you guys, don’t think about getting out of the way!"

De nodded a head that was as thick as his waist. "That's for sure. I will send someone back to report right now. However, you will always send someone in to find out which powerful race the main messenger is."

Fritz's lips twitched: "Well, let's wait for the reinforcements and the heads of your Eastern Army to arrive."

The two were not speculative on this topic. Fritz didn't want to send his subordinates to die. There were too many casualties, and he would only appear incompetent as a centurion.

De wanted to let the Bifu Army find out the general situation, so that when the Dongliu Army on his side arrived, he would have a detailed preparation and the casualties would be reduced a lot.

The two are tit-for-tat, and in their respective words, there is a hidden front, full of gunpowder.

Qian Xing and the others were mixed in a group of Bifu troops who were concerned about this matter, and they heard the conversation between the two clearly.

Then, the four of them found a corner and began to talk happily.

"Old money, you finally blasted the plane channel down, is that guy dead?"

Turtle asked Qian Xing, Zhu Yi and Stone looked at Qian Xing nervously.

"Definitely not!"

Old Qian shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"If the plane fragments can kill him, he won't have time to shout.

He can even shout out and threaten Lao Tzu, he will definitely not be over.


Dizziness---Everyone was dizzy when thinking that that guy could resist the plane fragments and not die.

"Just now that short winter melon said, then

The Iron Armored Demon comes from the tenth floor of the Hell Abyss, the Demon Sea. Will those monsters\ be the Hazli Witch of the Demon Sea? "

The turtle wondered whether the master of those monsters was the Hazley witch on the statue he saw in the ruins.

"It's hard to tell. The thing in the sarcophagus we encountered is extremely powerful, and the relationship between him and the Hazley Witch seems unclear and unclear. It looks like it has been taken by the Hazley Witch. It looks like one."

Stone shook his head straight.

"Between the dark creatures, it's completely naked conspiracy, snatching, killing, and exploiting. Therefore, unless you take a look with your own eyes, no one knows who is in charge among the yellow and black smoke."

Stone uttered his inference.

Old Qian rolled his eyes, you didn't say that.

"His, it hasn't been a few months since I arrived here to study leisurely, and I came across this bad stuff again. Back then, a fortune-teller said that Lao Tzu was born to work hard, how can he cultivate so high that he can't change this hard work? what!

Everything you encounter is shit!

I said, this matter will not expand. "

Old Qian sat on the canopy of the tree, sighing with emotion.

Turtle grinned: "Old money, recognize it, your current cultivation base is already equivalent to the level of a **** on earth.

As for whether this matter will be expanded, I think it will definitely be! "


Hearing the turtle's answer, both Lao Qian and Zhu Yi looked at the turtle with surprised eyes, but Stone's eyes showed approval.

"It's very simple, I am a corpse monster myself.

I feel that in the bloodline of dark creatures, greed, cruelty and plunder have become a deep-rooted instinct.

Since the abyssal creatures came to this main material plane, they wanted to obtain more fresh flesh and blood and reserve power that could be transformed into various monsters. If they get a hundred, they will want to get a thousand, and if they get a thousand, they will want to get it. Ten thousand.

Today they occupy the Kolchin Oasis, and tomorrow they will occupy other oasis.

, Is never satisfied.

Ordinary people are like this, dark creatures are even more. "

The turtle used himself as an example to analyze the nature of the dark creatures, and the three of them nodded directly.

"It's okay if you want this matter not to spread. The Golden Sand Group immediately mobilized all the troops and desperately killed them, plus the troops of the Dongliu Army on this plane also desperately killed them!

Regardless of casualties, this place can be leveled in one day.

However, I think things are not that simple.

You see, the Blue Floating Army stationed in the Golden Sand Regiment is either young or sick or veteran wandering. The number is even more pitiful, with only 700 people. Don't you think it is weird. "

Seeing that the three listeners listened intently, the turtle swallowed and danced even more.

"Think about it, the surface of this Golden Sand Plane is full of net-like rivers! The land has become a small piece. There is no sea, what does this mean?

The height of the entire Jinsha River plane is almost on the same level!

Is there a naturally formed plane whose surface is this kind of terrain? "

The turtle said so, it has already shown: there is an inside story!

"You mean, the topography of the entire surface of the Jinsha River Plane is artificially formed?"

Qian Xing hesitated to say a possible conclusion, this conclusion is a bit too shocking!

However, combined with the countless magnificent relics below the plane of the Jinsha River, this conclusion is somewhat credible.

Could it be that those countless relics are the true face of the Jinsha River plane.

And these countless golden rivers are just a tool to cover up these relics?

This, this inside story, is too bad.

"Hey, whether it is or not, we can see the size of the reinforcements that will arrive here tomorrow.

If the entire army of the Bifu Army and Dongliu Army was dispatched, it means that our inference was wrong.


"Well----Turtle, you make sense.


Qian Xing nodded.

"However, even if there are any secrets in the middle, the secrets involved in the power that can change the entire plane are not people like us that can intervene."

Qian Xing calmly said that not every secret can be profitable.

Too big secret ~www.readwn.com~ often involves too strong strong.

Once involved in this kind of secret, not only the benefits are not taken, but it is possible to even take in the lives.

Sure enough, the whole day passed on the third day, and the reinforcements did not arrive. They only waited for the flying sword to send a letter requesting the "special reconnaissance team" to stand by and step up surveillance orders.

At the end of the command, a sentence was added, some devout people who believe in the main **** still have to evacuate.

According to the information received, this matter has already been requested from above, and the order to wait here is from "above".

"Look, evacuate the devout church members? In other words, the ungodly church members don't care about their lives?

When did the dignified Biyou Lord God Army play this ambiguous trick? "

Qian Xing sneered and pointed to the prerequisite for the evacuation of the religious. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please log in to m, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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