Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 577: Water Light Slashing Profound

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An aqua-blue transparent sword, radiating countless blue brilliance, directed a head-on blow to the white flame sword!

This transparent water blue actually gave people a thrilling feeling.

The scorching white high-temperature flame that formed the long sword was suddenly hit by the water blue long sword. The flame that can melt gold is completely extinguished in an instant!

The transparent aqua-blue long sword did not change, and continued to stab towards Di Mattel!

"Shuiguang cuts the mysterious!"

Di Mattel exclaimed, the scorching white flame outside his body suddenly doubled its concentration in an instant, condensing into a milky white shield like milk!


Condensed like a substantial flame, the condensed shield is pierced like tofu!

However, Di Mattel also seized this fleeting opportunity and twisted his body weirdly, avoiding the fatal point.


Transparent sword in aqua blue. Instantly pierced Di Mattel's shoulder. Without stopping. Passed through Di Matter's left shoulder. Disappeared in the dense woods nearby!

"Fuck! Shuiguang cuts the mysterious. Only in the East Flow Army, only the high-ranking **** of the wave, equivalent to a diamond of the flower god, has the profound meaning of light and land in the water!"

Di Mattel's cultivation is only ten masters. However, he stayed in the relatively peaceful place of the Jinsha River for decades. There are also many intersections with Dongliu Jundi monks. I immediately recognized this high-end land. Only those in the Dongliu Army are strong above the ground gods. Only to cultivate the profound power of the advanced water system.

Shuiguang cut!

Go to the light in the water. Wanguanghua water and earth mysterious!

Powerful and fast!

It is simply a shield of general flame power, a natural nemesis of attack methods!

The water light that can be used only by the upper water gods above a stack of waves can cut the mysterious.

This pervert turned into a curtain of water and came to molest the girl while she was bathing.

The identity of this guy is already ready to come out!

Not that young noble son Centurion Charles who arrived yesterday, who is it?


Di Mattel was rolling on the ground in a lazy donkey, avoiding the second blue water and sword light, and let out a wail in his heart.

Fuck, this is just a disaster.

You said that Charles, why is he so perverted?

Peeping peeping, **** is raped, and turning your body into a water curtain, playing with women in such an abnormal way.

It's so amazing!

After turning the opponent into a ground gourd, the water polo turned into a person.

It is Charles' ordinary face but full of noble elegance.

But at this moment, the face full of noble elegance is already carrying a lot of resentment.

Under the water curtain of the incarnation, Di Mattel's blow has already caused him serious injuries.

Far away, a human figure, like lightning, flew towards here.

It was the triangular face, at this moment, his face was anxious.

For the sake of fun, having covered up his ugliness, Charles let the triangular face go far away.

Triangular Face also thought that there were no decent masters in these Blue Floating Army except for the Centurion, so he had to obey the young master's arrangement.

Unexpectedly, the support of the Bifu Army came so quickly!

Could it be that a mortal woman taking a bath, this woman's nominal uncle, is also monitoring the whole process.

Seeing that the woman's uncle Di Mattel was beaten into a ground gourd, the young master steadily gained the upper hand, and such a thought emerged in the heart of the triangle face.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred.

Linda, who was full and still weak in the water curtain of Charles's incarnation, lay on her side naked on the ground. With the dazzling blue light shining on Linda's body, Linda "Wow--- "He spit out a mouthful of blood and fainted!

Charles did not practice Shuiguang Slashing Xuan'ao to the extreme.

Therefore, when the water light slashed the ground, it was impossible to concentrate the water light slashing mysterious power on the water blue earth sword, and many water light slashing mysterious powers were scattered and leaked, turning into extremely dazzling blue light to splash around.

However, even these scattered edge forces, Linda, who only had the power of spiritual entry, couldn't bear it. Immediately, Linda was hit by the blue light, and she passed out.

This is the power of high-level mysterious power.

Even if this high-level mysterious power has not been perfected yet, it is tightly in the primary stage, and the aftermath leaked is enough to make a beginner cultivator seriously injured.


Linda's snow-like back made a sound of "hum, hum"!

With this buzzing sound, a fuzzy light blue pattern began to appear on Linda's back!

When this light cyan pattern began to appear, it was very fuzzy.

However, there is a tendency to become more and more clear.

"what is this?"

Charles, whose body has almost changed into a human form wearing a water-white robe, was attracted by this strange thing and cast his eyes on the plaything on the ground curiously.


Only when the aftermath of force shines, the hiding place of that thing will be revealed.

Di Mattel, whose body was still on the ground, was instantly surprised, angry, and fearful. Various emotions were intertwined like spider webs.

The hiding place of the thing was on Linda's back! This is joy.

No one would come to give me the hiding place of that thing, even if I protect them two brothers and sisters well.

Paul brushed it again, which was anger.

The image of the hiding place was revealed, and it was actually seen by Charles. It was still a question whether he could take Linda away today.

Although Charles didn't know what secrets were hidden in the image on Linda's back.

However, for an image engraved in the human body, only after the power of the high water system power, the mysterious water light cut, will be revealed, only a fool will be indifferent and will not study the secret of this image.

Charles is not a fool, so Linda, a plaything that was originally used and thrown away temporarily, has the value of bringing it back for research.

"Go away!"

Years of hope gave Di Mattel unimaginable power in an instant.

No wonder some people say that only when fighting for hope can mankind burst out of unimaginable power.

Di Mattel's whole body was instantly covered with white hot light like the sun!

Immediately afterwards, the white hot light turned into a thousand white sword shadows, like an overwhelming sky, covering Charles' whole body like sea waves.

The surface of the ground passed by thousands of white sword shadows instantly ignited a raging fire.

Di Mattel used the secret method of damaging his body to increase his cultivation level several times in an instant.

"Huh! Something that lives and lives!"

Charles snorted!

Thousands of blue water and light cuts, turned into thousands of blue sword shadows, toward the thousand white flame sword shadows, rushing up without hesitation.

From Charles's eyes, it was natural to see that Di Mattel was using the secret method of damaging his body to forcibly improve his cultivation base and fight to the death!

Using this method to forcibly improve one's own cultivation level and fight, whether it is victory or defeat, the body of the surgeon will be greatly depleted.

After adding a fight, the life span of the surgeon will be reduced a lot!

Therefore, Charles will dismissively, saying that this is a reckless behavior.

"Peng, Peng, Peng, Peng!"

A series of explosions sounded like a torrential rain.

Thousands of blue water light cuts, and thousands of white sword shadows, died together.


Thousands of water-blue sword shadows, after smashing thousands of water-blue sword shadows, instantly pierced the figure behind the white sword shadow with a chill.

Even if it is scattered into thousands of sword shadows, the power of the blue water light cut is not comparable to Di Mattel's white flame sword shadow.

But "brush!"

A figure, a water-blue sword figure earlier, emerged from the figure of Di Mattel, and rushed towards the naked **** the ground.

"Shadow Puppet Art!"

This guy used a shadow puppet to create a false body in an instant, and withstand the water cut.

Charles raised his eyebrows. With this ability, he wanted to grab someone from me?

Charles pointed!

The clear river water after filtering that dripped all over the ground, turned into countless water snakes, suddenly raised its head from the ground, like Dimatl bite away!


Charles smiled triumphantly. Before he finished laughing, he saw a red light shining in front of his eyes!

This red light is as red as the sunset, as dazzling and fast as a shooting star, it is simply extremely brilliant, extremely gorgeous!


Charles had time to flash this thought in his mind, and he had already shot it faster than the thought in his mind!


The aqua-blue water-light cut Xuan'ao turned into a water-blue long knife, which split like blue lightning.

Fiery red light, water blue light, a lightning strike in the air!

The water-blue long knife that Shuiguang slashed into collapsed!


The red flame knife pierced Charles's left heart without mercy!

Charles was first burned with a sword by Di Matter under the water curtain.

Then ~www.readwn.com~ launched several consecutive attacks.

In the case of a stable victory, Qian Xing suddenly attacked with all-out strength, with old Qian's intention to count Charles' unintentional, Charles's water light cut, where is Qian Xing's opponent?

Ever since Qian Xing saw the pattern emerging from behind Linda, he immediately realized that there was a secret inside.

Fortunately, Qian Xing, who has been tempered into a heart of stone, can already be described in that sentence: The heart of a strong man is as iron!

Old Qian had a murderous heart, and a shot was a fatal blow!

The hit was hit, but the feeling of the flame blade piercing Charles's body was empty, and there was no feeling of piercing Charles's heart.

"Huh? Is the chest empty?"

Old Qian was surprised, but he stretched out his left hand and picked up Linda who had passed out of a coma. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please log in to m, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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