Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1001: High altitude flying land

"To survive a hurricane, a butterfly has to harden its wings

The old money smiled slightly.


Are you interested in walking around? "

With a jump of the turtle's eyebrows, his eyes narrowed.

Five months later, his body corrected seven hardness. Increase it by up to five percent.

Originally staying in the town of Izumo, natural strengthening was carried out, and it could increase by two percent.

Practicing the Golden Net Lingyun Jue, the turtle's body strengthening progress has more than doubled compared to natural.

However, even if the body is strengthened by 14%, or even 15%, the turtle does not have much confidence, and rushes into the wind.

In Izumo Town for a few months, I also heard that Yin is in the endless sea of ​​clouds. One of the most terrifying existence.

It is also normal for the third- and fourth-level clouds to catch them and leave a dead body.

The turtle felt the old money’s confidence and determination, but the old money clearly felt the turtle’s hesitation and hesitation.

This is the direct reaction of the two people's mentality to the far-reaching progress in the Golden Net Lingyun Jue cultivation.

Therefore, strength is the courage of a hero. It's true that no matter how strong you are, you have how bold you are.

However, the strength has not been reached, and it is completely positive to be careful and hesitant about the horrible unknown in the rumors.

However, the old money is helpless.

At the risk of being punished, sharing the Golden Net Lingyun tactics with several partners is already the limit that old money can do with several old guys.

If the matter of the platinum light spot is exposed, I am afraid that the disaster will soon come.

"For this collection, let Stone go with me. If the opponent is very strong, his shadow transfer may be useful.

Your shadow transfer is not good enough to practice. Including me. "

This you, naturally refers to turtle and Zhu Yi.

A lot of shadow transfer was captured from the Battle of Longshou Mountain that year.

But when a few people practiced, Stone had the deepest knowledge in shadow transfer.

Lao Qian and Turtle, Zhu Yi's accomplishments in this area are all inadequate.

"Mao, my upper strange bloodline, the whole body is a bit stiff, it is difficult to sneak into the shadows. Zhu Yi disdains learning."

At this point, the turtle was also a little depressed, obviously it was the dark magic arts, his corpse monster bloodline. Difficulty in sneaking into the shadows is like a hard rock, and it is easy to be found when sneaking into the shadows. This makes him extremely depressed.

Old Qian called Stone, and after meeting with Cummings, he set off on the same day.

Cummings gave the old money a grateful look. Old Qian saved his life under Tao Chun, and now accompany him to complete the task, which is equivalent to saving him a second time.

The old money patted Cummings on the shoulder hard.

"I just admire your arrogance!

Live like a man, someone wants you to die. I just let you live! "

Cummings was moved by the old money's loyalty.

Several people in Cummings' team had no choice but to put on an expression of deep admiration.

Among them are two old men, these two monks. Dressed in red robes, they were as white as snow, and their complexion was tender and ruddy, like a baby. Holding a long red knife, a cloud of red light continued to flow on the long knife.

Another monk wore a gleaming silver robe. On the robe, there were countless meteors that appeared and disappeared from time to time.

Holding a golden hook, both sides of the hook were bladed, like countless golden moonlight, circulating endlessly on the golden hook.

It is the master of the Shrike family who survived the catastrophe.

Among them, Lu Jie in the red robe is the one who used the red light of the space to bind the runes and served as the centurion of the White Apostle Army, the main **** of justice.

The two of them were even more impressed with the old Qian's words. Immediately regard the old money as a confidant... "Actually, after the catastrophe once again, for any well-intentioned thugs friends, it is a model for cultivators."

Lu Jie immediately offered a high hat.

Worthy of being mixed in the army. She understands the truth about how people carry people.

This top hat is so high that it makes his face thick as an old money man, and his face is a little red.

From this point of view, the two old men are real old rivers and lakes.

With the addition of the two old money, there are nine people in the group.

After entering the endless sea of ​​clouds, the group of Cummings also lost three people in the continuous gathering and hunting.

Pedestrians flew dullly into the endless sea of ​​clouds. Along the road map issued by Izumo Town, like nine meteors, gleaming in the sky.

Despite joining Lao Qian, the seven-member team that Cummings belongs to is still very dull, obviously. They themselves are very optimistic about the future.

Old Qian noticed that they were flying higher and higher.

"The place we are going is a floating land that stretches for thousands of miles. It is very high and has been subjected to extremely cold winds all the year round.

Therefore, sitting on Feilu can produce that kind of Gangyang fruit.

There are many powerful cloud beasts on this flying land. Everyone should be careful. When you get there, don’t disperse easily. Otherwise, it’s easy to be caught by those cloud beasts.

The old elven man first explained to the old money where he was going, and finally emphasized to everyone not to be easily scattered.

After that, he took out a map and let Old Qian and Stone watch it.

"I got this from the boss of Nebula Grass."

The old elf whispered.

Old Qian nodded appreciatively, and took a look at it. This map was drawn in more detail. It marked the gathering places of some powerful cloud beasts on the flying land, and also marked the growth places of some precious herbs.

No wonder the old wizard of the elves didn't take out this picture in Izumo Town, and then walked out of Izumo Town. After flying hundreds of miles away, I took out this map.


That guy named Qian went with Cummings?

Dog stuff, is it clear to be against me? "

In the exquisite study, Kurt stood up.

A blue breath flashed between his brows.

"Send a few people to follow. As long as the people in Tiantan Town don't contact him, even if they are all dead, don't take action."

Kurt said angrily and arrogantly.

Afterwards, he added another sentence coldly.

"When the storm comes, send all these people out today.

If you don't know how to praise, then go to death! "

"Yes." Hai Zuo narrowed his slender eyes. Immediately bowed and retire.

This kind of jealousy and elimination of rivals has always been handled by Tao Chun before, but since that time Tao Chun was beaten to a Malaysian party by the old money. After Kurt's heart fell, Kurt felt that the level of this minion was too low, and he was not able to do things well, which alienated Tao Chun a lot.

Old Qian and his party of nine people, flying higher and higher, have already surpassed Jin Wangzhi. The height in the endless sea of ​​clouds is a hundred miles away. At such a high place, Lao Qian has never been here before.

I just feel that the wind in the air is cloudy and cold. There is a bitter feeling of poverty!

However, within this piercing wind, there are thick clouds and fog, and the clouds are surging.

Many clouds are shaped like mountains and ridges, which are several miles high or hundreds of miles long.

Lao Qian and a few people flew along these mists like high mountains.

According to the information obtained by the old wizard of the elves, many of these mists like mountains and ridges are real mountains.

In the mountains, there are various cloud beasts entrenched.

Only high-level cloud catchers have the ability to enter these lofty flying mountains covered by clouds and mist, to find out the details inside, and to map the specific conditions inside.

These maps are not necessarily handed over to the town. Many masters think that they are the result of their painstaking search and are not part of the town’s wealth, so these maps are taken out and traded privately.

Only the old wizard wizard can get a detailed map.

Otherwise, just getting lost and strayed into the territory of other beneficial cloud beasts would be enough to kill two people.

After two full days of travel, a very high flying land covered in clouds and mist appeared in everyone's eyes.

Haven't entered the clouds and mist, between dozens of miles and hundreds of miles away, there is a unique electric figure. Crossing the sky and throwing into the vast cloud, some figures still have wings on their backs.

"Be careful, these are the monks in other towns in the endless sea of ​​clouds. The people with double wings on their backs are the monks in Shenxuan Town. The double wings on their backs are not natural meat wings, but a magic weapon. Flying and attacking."

The face of the wizard mage changed, and he hurriedly spoke to everyone in the team.

It can be seen that the old wizard wizard has done enough homework in intelligence.

"The attack power of the people in Sanxuan Town doesn't seem to be very good. I heard that they are capable of refining magic weapons ~ www.readwn.com~ all of them are masters of refiners.

Just now I saw the escape light with wings on the back. All of them are covered in armor with their bodies, as expected


I don't know how those battle armors are, if only one can be obtained. "

The two blue lights in Old Qian's eyes moved greatly, stretched and stretched, and he was obviously moved by the armor on the people of Shenxuan Town.

The old wizard and the elves rolled their eyes together, and even Cummings wondered if the old Qian was hot-headed and a little unconscious.

On this flying land, Kagou gathers the fruits needed for the mission, saves his life, and it's over.

The people of Shenxuan Town can no longer have their own attack power. There are various magic weapons to help, and the combat power is not inferior to the people in other towns. Otherwise, come here to find death?

As the mountain rises, the scenery along the way becomes more and more bleak, and the vegetation and creatures have long been exposed in the mountains and rocks, which are rare and hard to find.

There are mysterious ice and Chen Xue that have accumulated thousands of years ago. The climate is extremely cold and the breeze is not rising.

The escape light of several people pierced through the cold mist. Screaming. Looking up at the valley, the majestic grand and solemn, standing quietly in the sky. Looking down at the path, the freezing snow was faint, the cold mist was filled, and only a gap of a length of size was exposed in the clouds of smoke behind him, only to realize that it was the place where a few people's escape light rushed through.

Through the clouds and fog, from the ice and snow covering the valley, various fluctuations and weird howling sounds continue to be heard.

In the air above the ice and snow, there are constantly collisions between various shadows, and a variety of extremely strong lights burst out!

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