Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1041: Wanli Whirlpool

Red and blue are on the fire. But there are countless red copper beetles suspended.

The blazing flames were inhaled by the red copper beetles burning with red flames.

The flame around the red copper beetle turned out to be similar to red and blue.

And in the cyan storm ocean, A Chou is leading a group of crocodile bees and a small number of light melting spiders floating in the cyan storm, absorbing the concentrated storm power.

Seven-tone unicorn fairy did not appear in the queue of Lao Qian's bugs.

Because the sonic superiority of the seven-tone unicorns requires a large number of groups to play.

For this kind of breed with weak independent combat capability, Lao Qian just caught the Yihuayin Unicorn Fairy and a few strong Qiyin Unicorns to cultivate.

The melee abilities of these two seven-tone unicorns are still barely better.

In Old Qian's divine palace, several magic weapons hung high in the air.

Shocked the crimson snake-print flying sword, and a purple qi shot towards the three-color spiritual root as the old Qianzhu Yuanshen.

The branches on the roots of the three-color spirits, like countless fingers, produced various mysterious magic arts.

This purple energy instantly turned into a faint purple mist, surrounding the three-color spiritual roots.

There seemed to be golden long steel, and then a faint purple mist appeared.

The tree on the root of the three-color spirit once again played various tricks.

This faint purple air also turned into a faint purple mist.

As various magic weapons continue to shoot out faint purple auras, these purple auras all turn into a faint purple mist, surrounding the three-color spiritual roots.

Looking closely, the trajectories of the various purple mists all seemed so mysterious and psychedelic.

After searching for the secrets of the Five Cloud Palms, Lao Qian carefully checked this technique and found that if you want to practice the Five Cloud Palms, you need to collect a large amount of the essence of the colorful clouds at sunrise and sunset.

It seems that within a short time, it is impossible to make these five cloud palms.

I have incorporated amethyst into each magic weapon. When each magic weapon launches an attack, it carries a faint purple aura. These purple auras can have the function of shaking the soul, isn't it just a kind of cloud?

What's more, every time a weapon is swung, a part of the spiritual power can be transformed into some purple gas through the amethyst melted in the weapon.

These purple qi can be used as the raw material for cultivating the profound in the palm of the five clouds, and moreover. It also has the effect of shaking the soul.

Isn't it better to use the essence of colorful clouds at sunrise and sunset?

Old Qian thought he was too wise, too martial!

I didn't expect such a good substitute just now.

Most of the Scarlet Profound Cave Mansion has been removed. With Haili's small flying land, wandering day by day in the violent chanting wind.

It's been thirty days.

The water level of Sanbaili Xuanshui has dropped by nearly one third.

This falling water level has turned into water essence. Most of it is stored in the old money’s palace.

The water pool in the Old Money God's Mansion has a pure blue color, and it has become mostly white, with a hint of blue.

Part of it is stored in the major acupuncture points of the old money.

In each of Lao Qian's acupuncture points, there are white crystal water drops, these water drops, rotating in Lao Qian's acupuncture points, are warmed by a sharp sword intent.

This extremely sharp sword intent, and these white cold water essence, rotate like Tai Chi, complement each other.

Inhaling so much white water essence, the old Qian's water system mysterious power, as well as the soldier system mysterious power, have all advanced.

The entire three-color spiritual roots have been surrounded by a layer of deep purple mist. Look carefully, these mists. All are divided into countless small stocks, rotating according to a strange law.

The Jinwang Mountain opposite the Sanse Linggen, from the foot of the mountain to half of the mountainside, was also covered with a layer of lavender mist.

This is formed by the purple gas emitted by the weapon mixed with amethyst, and it shocks the dual-effect mysterious power.

It can be sent to attack the opponent, and it can also defend against the attack of the opponent's soul power on the palace.

And the soft-shelled turtle sitting on the table has gained a lot in the past 30 days.

With the powerful Taoism deployed in Feilu by the former owner of the Scarlet Profound Cave Mansion, I met some powerful cloud beasts and monsters like spirits.

Above Feilu, Li Xuan burst out a red and blue beam of light.

If the cloud beast or spirit is still very powerful, there will be dozens of red and blue beams at the same time.


No matter what powerful cloud beast and spirit you are. Either it was blasted to pieces, or it was blasted to the ground, which made the turtle very happy.

It didn't take much effort to get a lot of good things.

On this day, in the endless wind and chaotic clouds. In the storm, there was another storm.

Countless clouds of smoke, hurricanes rolled up, and the rumbling sound resounded thousands of miles, even thousands of miles.

Focus on a certain place in Yinfeng.

Everything in thousands of miles, tens of thousands of miles, began to spin.

Whether it is a violent and cold diagnosis wind, chaotic clouds, or Feilu hidden in Zhenfeng chaotic clouds. dust.

This place is like a black hole. Swallowing everything that rotates.

After the huge movement appeared, the powerhouses within tens of thousands of miles, who had the induction, moved toward the midpoint of the appearance of this abnormality.

"So, breaking open the violent and icy, slightly turbulent cloud. Furiously

However, the old money and the others are still 300,000 miles away from the appearance of this abnormality.

The endless sea of ​​clouds is really too big.

The wind and chaotic clouds are too wide.

Three hundred thousand li is nothing at all.

"Hey, Yin Feng has decreased."

Sitting on the table, the turtle, who was collecting good things, was the first to discover the abnormality.

However, there was no one around, and they all went to practice in the magic objects in the level.

"Maybe the wind is about to end."

The turtle whispered.

He is a tourist in this endless sea of ​​clouds, what do you know?

Seeing the Yinfeng weakened, naturally thought it was about to end.

In fact, the huge whirlpool that is ten thousand li wide, like a plug, intercepted the violent wind flow from the middle.

but. Two or three days later, although the Yinfeng has weakened, there is no sign of exhaustion.

The turtle finally felt wrong.

One pinch, one finger.

A green image appeared in the sky, but there was no human figure in this green image.

"what's up?"

It was full of green, like a blurry green pastel painting.

Hailey's indifferent voice came from this green pastel painting.

Since knowing that turtles take care of Feilu. Every time I talked to Turtle, Hai Li didn't even show her in front of her.

Smelly lady, what kind of score is there.

Turtle is extremely dissatisfied with Hai Li's contemptuous attitude, and has no choice but to say that this stinky lady's cultivation base is a lot higher than her own.

"Strong woman, see the Yinfeng outside. The intensity has weakened a lot, but it has been maintained. It seems something is wrong."

The turtle asked Haili.

Once a person has a problem, they are always habitually asked by the strong.

Even if this strong man doesn't treat himself very much.

"I also find it strange, but I can't help it. I'm not Fengshen!"

Obviously, asking the beauty a question she couldn't answer made her feel ashamed.



Turtle really felt very aggrieved, and finally found a topic to strike up a conversation with, unexpectedly it turned out to be this ending.

Fighting Beast Space is really harmful. It has been a long time to kill and chop the ground, and even the girl can't even soak.

Turtle shook his head, and it seemed that in an environment where competition was too fierce, it seemed that after trying hard to get out. It is also a distortion of human nature.

"Look at the five hundred soaps on the right front!

Is there a strong breath passing through the air? "

Hailey's tone suddenly rushed. "

The turtle was dumbfounded, and a magic trick struck the mirror image in the air.

Only in the distance in front of the right, there was an abnormality in the clouds, which even extended to the sky.

Although the chanting wind was reduced, and despite the help of the Fatai, the turtle still couldn't detect signs five hundred miles away.

The Feilu that Haili was riding on was only a fraction of the size of Old Qian's Feilu.

However, with the help of Fatai. Haili's detection range is farther than Zhuoyi, who is farther than Turtle...This is the difference in strength, so he can't accept it.

"Go and see, that person's cultivation level is very high, and the traces left by him should not dissipate in a short time."

In Hailey's tone, there was a touch of solemnity.

"You mean, it's possible that the Heavenly Sword Gate appeared? Do you want to tell Old Qian?"

The turtle connects the two, is it because the gate of the sky sword is coming out?

"Let's take a look first!"

Hailey was also not sure.

On one side of the two flying land, there was a roar of white air, and they flew out five hundred miles ahead.

For Feilu, a distance of five hundred miles would be there in a moment.

Arriving here, inside the two flying land and the masters of the two dharma platforms, they all took a breath~www.readwn.com~Amidst the wind and chaotic clouds, a trajectory as wide as several miles appeared.

Yin Feng and chaotic clouds are heading into this track. Crazy influx.

Obviously, this is because some kind of powerful existence rushed through, smashing everything wherever it went in an instant.

"Tell Old Qian, there is a situation."

Haili thought for a while, whether or not the Heavenly Sword Gate appeared, with Feilu, several people were already qualified to watch the excitement.

If there is no such super large magic weapon as Feilu. Attack power and defense ability have been enhanced a lot, in the gathering place of the kind of strong people just now, there is no qualification to watch the excitement.

The old money, who had been completely immersed in the cultivation, felt a wave of mana fluctuations outside.

This is the signal to make an appointment with the turtle.

Something happened outside.

"Yao Jianmen appeared?"

Old Qian asked frowning.

It will be fine if you practice for another ten days.

Without a word, the turtle pointed towards the mirror image in the sky.

When Old Qian saw it, he was shocked in his heart, and he immediately sat on the table, and his spiritual thoughts poured into the table, extending in all directions.

As soon as Lao Qian sat on this platform, the power of the platform immediately extended to 800 miles.



Dao Chiguang, like a giant dragon, passed through the air, and its direction was exactly the same as that of the trace just now.

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