Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1052: Knights of Saint Sme

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In the Worm Valley, the souls of the monks killed were too late to harvest.

In the thirty days of refining Feilu, the number of souls harvested was far from enough.

On the land of Laoqian Shenfu, various beasts have appeared.

These beasts are mainly transformed from the souls of the cloud beasts that have been killed in the endless sea of ​​clouds, after being absorbed by the gods.

Occasionally, little elves in the shape of humans will be produced. These are the fragments of the souls of those human monks, which are transformed after being absorbed by the gods.

The main soul of the old money, the three-color spiritual root, quickly killed all the humanoid elves produced.

Humanoids will have wisdom.

The sources of these elves all come from the souls of old money’s enemies!

God knows, what kind of wisdom will they produce?

Therefore, the old Qian would rather have only a bunch of monsters in his divine palace.

The Feilu Ceremony was finally completed, and it was all stretched out. There was still a Feilu in a radius of eight miles, now only the size of a palm.

The whole body is translucent, red and blue.

It's like a red and blue gemstone with general texture.

A hole was pierced by the old money with a piece of gold thread and hung on the waist, like a stone craft for decoration.

Old Qian and several people cleaned up and changed their appearance.

Old Qian dyed his shawl hair purple.

The muscles on the face have also been slightly changed, becoming more resolute and more straight.

A Tsing Yi dress turned into an apricot monk robe.

The turtle, after changing his face, put on a golden monk's robe that is common on the gallon plane.

She was shining in gold, covering up her pale golden complexion very well.

Even the big head, the figure has been raised a few inches, and the mung bean eyes have doubled.

It is enough for anyone with a big head portrait to recognize it in person for a long time, but it can't be recognized.

It is basically impossible to identify and capture monks of this level from the portrait.

It is basically impossible to change the shape casually.

Except that the number is still six, it is the same as the rumors, but the monks who formed the team have gone, and are willing to form a few people, just a few people, who can question one by one.

In this way, the six people disguised as common adventurers on the gallon plane successfully arrived at the nearest big city, Bohai City.

Entering Bohai City, looking around, there are dense human eyes and bustling shops all over the floor.

For a decent store, a wide door in the middle leads directly to the large hall inside.

And around the gate, there is a circle of thick pillars.

On each pillar, there are carved one or several statues, either a beautiful woman with only a ribbon around her private parts, or a handsome guy with extremely muscular body.

The sun shines on these countless statues, producing light and dark interlaced light and shadow and changes of virtual reality and reality. Their modeling can be said to be an artistic manifestation of human demeanor, shape, appearance, and beauty.

In full of vitality, with a kind of noble and noble beauty.

"I like these buildings, they look so mysterious, noble, perfect, and harmonious.

The plane of the **** of wood, no matter how luxurious it is, is like a nouveau riche who put all gold leaf on the walls. "

Old Qian's green eyes scanned these buildings and let out a sincere admiration.

There are many things that can cross ethnic boundaries.

Beauty is one of them.

In any case, beautiful buildings represent a higher level of civilization.

"Especially every store is like this. The beauty here is shared by everyone. This proves that the aesthetic and civilized standards of Bohai City are generally very high."

Turtle also sighed sincerely.

"Such a beautiful and elegant building can hardly afford to damage their minds, let alone ruin."

Zhu Yi's eyes were like seeing a beautiful lover.

However, the admiration for the beauty quickly disappeared when the six of them arrived at the mercenary union.

They used a mercenary badge of a monk who had been turned into food in the mouth of insects.

The task of finding Hailey, the girl in powder coat, covers the entire gallon plane.

Need a hundred top grade immortal stones!

When did the top grade immortal stone become so worthless!

Lao Qian and their top-grade immortal stones have consumed a lot in the fierce battle in the endless sea of ​​clouds.

Lao Qian took out nearly half of his inventory before paying for this scary expense.

However, there is no specific whereabouts, but Hai Li's previous identity has been found out.

"There is only one woman who uses pink power mysteriously, a pink dress and a very high cultivation level.

The captain of the Knights of Saint Smail, Hailee. Kesselring.

Entering Tiansha City two years ago, no one has seen her come out.

Man, you are the 48,000 inquiries, save a little later, the money will not come easily.

These monks who entered the Tiansha City, even the surroundings of their home, were covered with eyeliner.

Just because you want to get a share, it's just a dream! "

The middle-aged uncle who was in charge of the inquiry service gave Old Qian a complicated look of "stupid, mentally retarded, and prodigal".

Two years ago, the master who entered the Tiansha City was in the mercenary guild after numerous queries.

Let the mercenary union made a fortune.

There are only more than two hundred monks who have entered Tiansha City, and it is the full gallon plane that is staring at them!

Before it's time to enter the Worm Valley, the little sects guarding the Sky Fiend Gate even went on a casual cultivator, lurking one by one in all the places where the monks who entered the Sky Fiend City were most likely to appear.

Waiting for these monks to come out of Tiansha City and ask for clues.

This monk dressed in apricot and yellow robes was obviously weak because of the fluctuations on his body. In the eyes of the fellows, this man’s cultivation base was probably the worst. At this level, he also wanted to be in the city called Tiansha City. In the giant wave, share a piece of pie.

Apart from wasting money, I am afraid that I don't even know how I died.

After the old Qian's body had been strengthened by nearly nine times, the overly powerful venting of his breath had become a very powerful shield.

Even if you can't use those breath-converging techniques, the leaked breath and spiritual power are very limited.

In the eyes of people who are accustomed to the power and power of the external discouragement and judge the strength of the opponent, Lao Qian is the one with the shallowest cultivation base among the six combinations.

Yes, this must be Hailey's true identity.

Old Qian quickly exchanged glances with several others.

Haili carried a kind of respect for the other party for granted, and she got the best explanation for this identity.

"Knights of Saint Smail, is it amazing?"

The old money pouted his lips in disdain.

Immediately, the old Qian found that the middle-aged uncle looked at him and immediately added a kind of meaning: "You are a genuine country bun."

Oops, want u stuffing?

The old Qian looked still, his body was surrounded by sword energy.

"You guys who don't even know St. Smyr's, don't be ashamed!"

This sentence of the middle-aged uncle, let the old money mention the murder, just let go.

It seems that it is not oneself who is ashamed, but many!

There are always more soil buns than elegant elites. In every plane, this is the truth.

"The great **** of justice, what does it use to pull the chariot of justice?"

The middle-aged uncle asked rhetorically.

After working in the mercenary union for so long, if you can't even answer this question, it's not a rubbish, but a real problem.

"You mean, Kingsmai?

The Knights of Saint Smyr are all descendants of Kingsmy? "

During the days when Lao Qian wandered in Qingniu Mountain, he did not stay in vain.

The main **** of justice, the driver's main artifact, the chariot of justice, soars in the starry sky.

Six Kingsmaid, leading the chariots of God, they came, just like the rising of the sun and the coming of night.

This is an epic that describes the Lord God of Justice, when he was launched into the sky!

Day and night, the power of the Lord God of Justice is not compromised, because he is in charge of justice.

A smile of approval appeared on the face of the middle-aged uncle.

"You still have a bit of knowledge, the Knights of Saint Smyr, it was founded by six descendants of Saint Smyr.

The Knights of St. Smyr have six sub-groups, and the leader of each sub-group has a descendant of Kingsmai.

So, go back, young man.

Once heard the result of this inquiry, no one felt the turf of the Knights of Saint Smyr ran wild.

Or, you can check with other candidates who enter Tiansha City. "

The middle-aged uncle smiled like a weasel in front of a chicken coop.

The old money nodded, and said honestly, "Okay, but, is it the cost? Can you owe it first?"

The weasel smile immediately fell.

"The mercenary union does not owe credit."

The middle-aged uncle said in a huff.

Old Qian shrugged: "Or we will pay it back in ten years."

. . . . . . . . . .

The middle-aged uncle's expression has become vicious.

Old Qian turned around and walked out with his head high, before leaving, he left a word:

"Aren't they just a few big geese with golden feathers?

And it's not the body~www.readwn.com~, it's a descendant, it's gross. "

Everyone regards this as the rhetoric of the country buns, as long as they have not heard it.

The Gallon plane discriminates against demonic cultivators, but these big geese with golden feathers are the vehicles of the Lord God!

Can it be compared with ordinary demon repairs?

"Old money, you have to be careful, the six Saints are very powerful on all planes ruled by the Lord God of Justice.

On this gallon plane, the power of Bright Mountain is much stronger than the Knights of Saint Smyr. However, the bishop of Bright Mountain, when he met the commander of the Knights of Saint Smyr, was respectful. "

Quinn kindly and nervously reminded the old money.

"Yes, this is how the Gallon Plane describes the Knights of Saint Smyr. They inseparably protect their pet and fend off dead elves for him.

The efforts of petting people and enemies were in vain, and nothing was achieved.

Let them spoil people's enemies, and they only gain disaster and sorrow! "

The big head is also nervous.

As a demon cultivator, Quinn as a casual cultivator, they had never confronted such a powerful organization.

Old Qian's eyes just turned.

"There is an old proverb in my hometown, use a tiger's knife to kill a goose!

I'm going to give it a try, this is how thick are the feathers on the necks of the little miscellaneous birds! "


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