Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1054: Space power upside down

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Of course, the Holy Crossbow Army disbanded after the mission of the expedition was completed.

Only a few particularly outstanding performers can stay in the Holy Cross.

In this way, there is no need to raise a large standing army.

In the arena every day, those who can win three games in a row are eligible to join the Holy Crossbows, and those who win six games in a row are awarded the title of Ten Captain of the Holy Crossbows.

Those who win ten games in a row are awarded the title of Centurion of the Holy Cross.

Those who won 50 consecutive games were awarded the title of Commander of the Holy Cross.

Basically, if he can win six games in a row and obtain the qualifications of the ten captain of the Holy Crossbow, in the expedition, if he performs better, he can basically stay in the Knights of Saint Smyr.

"This is an opportunity. We don't yet have the ability to break into Saint Smyr's Castle.

It's better to seize this opportunity and get into the Holy Cross first. "

Old Qian immediately had a plan.

Several people walked on the road while talking with ventriloquism.

It's the best way to enter Saint Smyr's Castle with a sword.

However, Old Qian estimated that once the magic circle on the countless stones was opened at the same time, it would not take long for the few people who broke in, only him and the turtle.

"Let's separate, pretending to know no one. Knowing each other, it seems that Hailey and Vidona are both good, and they didn't explain our situation.

Otherwise, as soon as we leave the gate of St. Smyr’s Castle, we will be closely monitored.

It seems that the few guards still treat us as ordinary adventurers with greed. "

Old Qian made a decision.

"Don't worry, old money, we will not waver.

We have all survived those freaks in the endless sea of ​​clouds. Can these fat geese's subordinates shake our resolve? "

Quinn expressed his attitude confidently.

As a demon cultivator, Quinn’s growth process was full of tribulations.

If it weren't for a copy of the Blizzard Sword Sutra by chance, Quinn would still be hiding from the west. Tibet would be a low-level river monster.

The same are all demon cultivators, and the six Kingsmiles have built an eternal castle in a majestic manner, inheriting their own domineering family.

You can even recruit private troops to expedition to remote and mysterious planes.

Why is this?

Are they just the driver of the cart for the Lord God?

Of the six, Quinn was the most dissatisfied with the prosperity and authority of the Saint Smyr family.

In fact, among all the demon cultivators on the Plane of Gallon, most demon cultivators hold this mentality towards the Saint Smyr family.

The six were separated quite a bit while wandering.

It's like a drop of water thrown into a big lake. There is no wave at all.

The selection of the Holy Crossbow Army takes ten days to proceed.

During this period, the old money frequently went in and out of a library in Fort Navor.

The library is a faithful witness of history.

After paying a large sum of middle-grade immortal stone and lower-grade immortal stone, Lao Qian read the historical biography of the Kingsmai clan in detail.

These biographies are full of several large carriages.

For the literati who used to be the main gods, they are absolutely indispensable.

Old Qian tried to endure stomach cramps and vomiting due to the tide of flattery, and read all these biographies at a glance.

Being able to become the main god's car, looks good, and sings well is obviously not enough.

Bravery is the essential quality of the six Kingsmiles.

In these biographies, a lot of pen and ink was spent describing Kingsmai's fierce battle scenes.

From these accounts, we can get the characteristics of the Kingsmai clan fighting.

The level of accuracy and detail of this information is much more detailed than the information obtained in the mercenary union.

In fact, to get such a large amount of information from the mercenary union, I am afraid that it will not be enough for the old money to take out all the immortal stones on his body.

In the tide of carols, the old money became more and more frightened.

In the green eyes, the light of six-pointed stars flashed constantly.

Let's not talk about the commonly used tactics, sword tactics.

These six Kingsmaid, they are all good at space spells.

One is that the "Song of Forbidden Sky" is the mysterious power that confines space.

The second is "reversing the universe", which is a kind of space-shifting power mysterious, capable of moving opponents to places where he is absolutely unwilling to appear in an instant.

"Song of Forbidden Sky" shows the profound power of confining space, and the old Qian doesn't care about it.

However, the power of "reversing the universe" is not even recorded in the knowledge of the Voidwalker.

Old Qian carefully checked all the records about Kingsman's detailed scenes of turning the world upside down during the battle.

Looking for all possible ways to deal with the mystery and mystery of reversing the universe.

After a few days of careful reading and consideration, Lao Qian thought of several methods, one of which was a magic weapon, the Banner of Ten Thousand Souls, which was seized from Jing Yun.

Under the cover of old money, Haili seized a piece of flying land.

On the wooden platform, all the properties dropped by the Tiandu Mountain people, including their bodies, were accepted by the old money.

Including the black flagpole and the green flag of Ten Thousand Souls.

"Using the Wanhun Banner should be the best solution."

The old money conceals long thoughts.

Thank you for these flattering masterpieces.

With these masterpieces, Lao Qian has a considerable understanding of the enemies he is facing, and has made a plan to deal with it.

For some basic books describing elemental power, Lao Qian did not hesitate to pay a large amount of middle-grade and low-grade fairy stones as the price for reading these books.

As the vehicle of the main god, Kingsmai inherited many views and descriptions of the power of various elements from the main god.

These views and descriptions are even more comprehensive and in-depth than the books that Lao Qian watched in Qingniu Mountain.

These wide-ranging made the old money have a deeper awareness of the nature and connection of various elemental forces.

Old Qian realized that the tactics that he had learned in Qingyi Clan before were just a form of expression of elemental power.

No tactics are omnipotent. The more extensive the understanding of elemental power, the greater the benefit to one's future formation.

In the fast reading and the fast memory of the valuable part of the books read by the shadow of the golden fruit in the Shenfu.

Ten days passed.

The selection of the Holy Cross has finally arrived.

The center of Fort Navor is side by side, with six arenas tens of meters high.

Not only will the selection of the Holy Crossbow Army be conducted on these six high platforms.

Even private grievances, if there is a notary, can be carried out on these six high platforms.

As long as you get on this high platform, you will be alive or dead and you will be at your own risk.

Six arenas are equivalent to six arenas.

This is, this city full of music and beautiful scenery has revealed its brave heritage.

On the day when the selection of the Holy Crossbow Army began, the normally elegant Fort Navor has become a huge crowd.

Not only are the ground dumplings full of human flesh, but even in the sky, there are also various monks shuttled back and forth, densely packed.

Although all the roofs were full of people, there was no one standing or sitting on the flowerbeds on the side of the road full of flowers and green grass.

Because this is the public landscape of Fort Navor.

It is a property shared by everyone.

The few foreign monks or adventurers standing on these flowerbeds and meadows will immediately attract a large number of audiences collectively.

No matter how high the cultivation base is, no matter how strong the standing is.

In front of the collective scolding, only a dingy left.

All the crowds who squeezed an inch around Lao Qian were immediately pushed away by an infinite force, or slid to the side.

Every monk does this.

A monk has the pride of a monk. Even if the people are crowded together, they will never be allowed. Common people who have no cultivation level will just squeeze their armor.

The sound of a landslide and a tsunami instantly spread throughout the entire Fort Navor.

Audrey, the head of the Knights of Saint Smail. Romon. Tempe appeared on the balcony of her dormitory, six arena, all facing Audrey. Romon. Tempo’s balcony is convenient for the head lady to watch at any time.

As the direct descendants of the six Kingsmaid, the place where they live is absolutely no less luxurious than any king or pope on the plane.

Therefore, the six places where Kingsmai lives are all called the palace.

Audrey. Romon. Tempe, was named the second place among the top ten beautiful women in the gallon plane.

Despite the distance of several miles, this powerful and ambitious woman, whose face quickly enlarged in the eyes of the old Qian, seemed to be no different from other beauties, except for a little cold and glamorous.

However, a two-winged angel knight and a golden armored warrior were obviously eager to show themselves in front of the beauty army commander ~www.readwn.com~ and flew onto the high platform impatiently and began to fight.

Many of the monks who were robbed of the first booed immediately.

The first one to come to power, although not the strongest, but at least can leave a deep impression.

The two-winged angel warrior uses a silver-white gun, while the golden armor warrior uses a golden long knife.

In an instant, there were thousands of silver spear shadows and golden knives, and the two of them sat in a ball.

But the old Qian's eyes were supported by Audrey. Romon. Around Tempe, knights searched desperately among the noble knights.

Trying to see the two familiar shadows in white or pink clothes.

However, it is a pity that Old Qian's eyeballs are waiting to come out, and he will stand on the city wall and look at the shadow of the Knights of Saint Smail suspended in the air.

Two familiar shadows just didn't see it!

"Mao! Must be under house arrest.

Hailie, you are so stupid, you can't bear the position of the commander of the Saint Smyr Knights, and ended up in this end! "

Old Qian sighed. Seeing that the two on the high platform had already decided the victory and defeat, the golden swordsman fleeing with first-class blood beads.

Old Qian suddenly leaped into the sky, and amidst a green glow, the several monks above Old Qian's head were all shocked to pieces!

In the fire-breathing gaze and the swaying light, the green light, like a dragon, has already flown over the high platform.


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