Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1056: Hump ​​back

"Wow, the Windrunner is coming up, here is a good show."

The masses below were in an uproar.

"I beat Windrunner, boss, what are the odds!"

Even impatient gamblers are already asking wildly how much the odds are.

Looking at this head wearing an olive hat. A long robe, holding a steel fork of unknown texture in his hand, exuding a faint golden light, the top of the fork handle is inlaid with a crystal, which exudes wave after wave like tide.

Shows the extraordinary place of this fork.

Obviously the dress of a mage, and this sturdy appearance, completely incompatible.

Lao Qian spent ten days in the library and he was only interested in knowledge.

What masters does Navor Fort possess. There is no research on how many masters there are around.

In the eyes of Lao Qian, "it is unnecessary.

The donkey's face turned out to be Windrunner coming up. There was a whisper in my heart.

Windrunner, in the middle of the story, a group of travelers building a canal encountered a stone mountain.

It just so happened that a passing windrunner saw it. As soon as his three tines stabbed, a transparent hole appeared in this rocky mountain, just to accommodate the passage of the canal.

However, one rule for gamblers to win is that. Keep betting on the door that allows you to win money, no matter how incredible it looks.

The donkey face justice waved his hand, but saw this Nan Batian standing there faintly under the blue turquoise clouds, motionless.

This is a kind of extreme self-confidence, this is a kind of complete contempt for the opponent.

Wen has no first, Wu has no second!

The same applies to monastic circles.

No matter how sophisticated you are, the most unacceptable thing is the contempt of others.

In the windrunner's heart, a sharp sharp sound came up.

Anyway, he is also a famous monk in Fort Navor. Under the eyes of the public, being so despised. Where do you let Windrunner’s face play?

"What an arrogant boy, take his life!"

A word was squeezed from the gap in his mouth.

"Amber Sarcophagus!"

A low growl came from the prize mouth.

An amber light instantly enveloped the old money.

Almost in the blink of an eye, a layer of transparent amber crystals instantly formed around the old money. It forms something like a round crystal cover and wraps the old money inside.


The corner of Old Qian's mouth twitched.

Isn't this the same routine as the crystal mystery of the gem ship owner?

Lao Qian was punching and kicking the amber-shaped crystal cover, and the amber crystal cover stood still.

What's the matter, this kid is idiot? Trapped in this amber crystal cover, he can't get in either?

Seeing Nan Batian on the opposite side, he stupidly let his amber sarcophagus cover him.

There was a cruel smile on Windrunner's face.

The three tines in his hand flicked, and a thunder rang in the air, instantly spreading across a few miles.

This high platform looks only tens of meters in radius, but the space in it is ten miles in size. There is no sun, moon, stars, nor wind, rain, thunder and lightning. There is only a gray piece for the masters fighting on the high platform to play as much as they want without worrying about innocent people.

There was a big thunder, but there was no light.

This is a stunt of Windrunner, Jinglei.

The thunder-thunder net was arranged, and the three tines were raised high, with thunderous waves, as if to fork the earth into a hole! Suddenly inserted towards the old money.

Really reckless!

Windrunner thought triumphantly.

The extremely hard amber sarcophagus, between the touch of three steel forks, is as soft as a puddle of water, without any obstruction at all, the three tines have passed through the transparent amber sarcophagus.

Old Qian only felt that as if from the end of the sky, a pillar of heaven was descended from the sky, and he hugged his head towards him.

"not bad."

Old Qian spit out these three words faintly from his mouth, making Windrunner even more mad.

This kind of plainness, more than any insulting language, also shows contempt for opponents!

The golden light flashed, and it slashed like three tines!

As if a pillar descending from the sky, it bends at this moment.

With a heavy twist of the three tines, the transparent amber sarcophagus immediately pierced a large hole again.

The golden light bounced, spinning like clouds and flowing water, and slashed along the three tines, as if hitting the hole pierced by the three tines.


The transparent amber sarcophagus was completely shattered!


The audience was in an uproar!

Their hearts are as surprised as those of Windrunners.

Windrunner's two great tricks, the amber sarcophagus. And Dali Fenglei Cha was easily broken by Nan Ba ​​Tian.

Even the slender phoenix eyes of Audrey Army Commander stared again.

The amber sarcophagus was broken, and Qian's figure jumped!

Immediately, a wind and thunder exploded in the sky!

The invisible thunder net in the air was aroused.

The old money in the air does not evade!

The thunder and fire exploded on the old Qian’s body, and it was all absorbed by the turquoise water and smoke clouds outside of the old Qian’s body. On the surface of the blue water and smoke, it only slightly rippled.

The golden light showed off, a move that struck Huashan.

The golden light, like the waves and tsunami of the sea, pounced down layer upon layer!

With a head-to-head encounter with the golden light, Windrunner has understood that the strength of this golden light is not only not under his three tines, but above his three tines.

The wings behind Windrunner flapped suddenly. The whole person, with an incredible speed, retreated suddenly to the back.

A hundred afterimages were left in the air instantly.

When the Windrunner retreated, the air was extremely calm. However, the golden rays of light form a light net. When advancing like a tsunami, the rays of thunder and fire explode violently in an instant.

With the golden light network, with an unstoppable momentum! Moving forward, the air seemed to be plowed into a corridor of thunder and fire.

The scene was extremely gorgeous and magnificent.

The Windrunner was horrified to find that the third biggest trick he was proud of, the invisible thunder net, did not constitute the slightest obstacle to his opponent.

In the golden light net, the sword aura of blue smoke and clouds has already tilted like a tide.

Windrunner has a pair of wings, flapping like the wind, and waves of thunder and fire, frantically bursting open beside him, blocking the approach of Bi-Sword Qi.

Every cloud-like blue sword aura can poke a big hole in the Thunder Fire Net.

Forcing the Windrunner to swing a steel fork and back again and again, not only did he have no chance to fight back.

Even speeding up flapping his wings and pulling away from the old money became impossible.

If the Windrunner dared to speed up and fly away, the flaw revealed in an instant would be a turbulent blue sword energy. Shot him into a sieve immediately.

The tidal-like golden light net finally caught up with Windrunner and turned towards Windrunner. Cover your head fiercely!

A weird distortion suddenly appeared in the entire space.

Windrunner gritted his teeth!

The three tines are going to burn their husbands one by one, and fight upwards!

By blocking it is the force of the great shaking that occurs. Windrunner can be injured by the shock. In a blink of an eye, the old money was gone.

Then fled with superb flying speed. Fight back.

Add a few shields to help yourself.

It is difficult to win, but there is no problem at all to escape this ring and save one's life.

However, the golden light flashed and hit the three tines!

The windrunner only felt the sensation of being in the way, light and fluttering, as if blocked in a piece of cotton!

This ferocious blow by Old Qian turned out to be a false move!

Windrunner wanted to use the power to block, and his original plan to entangle with the old money, immediately went bankrupt.

The empty door opened wide when the Windrunner got into the first block!

Seeing the old money, it is a stomping!

The boots inlaid with white scales instantly magnified infinitely in front of Windrunner and stamped heavily on Windrunner's chest.

When the thunder and wind exploded, the thunder and fire of the protective body dispersed. The windrunner's chest was deeply shrunk into a large piece!

The Windrunner rolled and flew out, with a large amount of internal organ fragments in the blood mist between his mouth.


The reprimand came from Audrey's legion commander's mouth.

However, it was too late.

Lao Qian played the cruel character of an adventurer who came out of the sea of ​​blood in the corpse mountain, a low flyby, a golden light flashed!

The Windrunner has been smashed like a meteorite on the gray ground created by space magic on the high platform.

At the juncture of the boat, Windrunner desperately moved the three tines towards his chest.

As a result, the three tines were beaten into a curved pin.

And Windrunner's chest was completely sunk in all directions, becoming a pound. New tie hunchback!

The spouting out of the mouth is no longer blood.

All are fragments of internal organs.


The old money screamed~www.readwn.com~ This guy was not torn apart by himself, and his body was quite hard.

Old Qian didn't seem to hear the rebuke of Audrey's legion commander, golden light, with a smooth draw!


Windrunner's prize has completely turned into a blood mist!

Lao Qian gave a perfect performance to all the audience who paid attention to him. What is the whole process?

What is Yijiang left brave chasing the poor!

Although the fight on the other five high platforms is still going on.

However, the audience under at least three high platforms suddenly fell into deathly silence.

Windrunner’s three tricks are well-known around Fort Navor: Amber Sarcophagus, Juli Fork, and Thunder Net.

Many people talked about it, and it was considered a little celebrity in Fort Navo. Unexpectedly, this little celebrity would have died so humiliated and miserable.

This is too subverting the impression that Windrunners usually leave in everyone's hearts.

"Samurai, why don't you obey the command of the legion commander?"

A four-winged angel, wearing a noble silver armor and holding a long sword burning with golden flames, flew over the old money with a bright expression.

His face is like a marble statue, full of beauty of lines.

Lao Qian glanced at the green grass on the neckline of the silver armor!

It seems that this is a noble and beautiful head of the head. I am quite dissatisfied with myself.

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