Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1059: Cloth column peak owner

This, this, this is too classic life experience.

Sol Forest, one of the famous large forests on the Gallon plane.

There were countless monks who went to the forest for adventure, and more monks died in it.

Who knows that this Southern Tyrant is not a child of a cultivator.

High hermit, lonely kid. The edge and remote forest, the classic bridge.

More importantly, his master disappeared before Liangdong.

Two years ago, during the Worm Valley Rebellion, there were as many monks in the Fallen Worm Valley as there were stars in the sky.

Many monks were gnawed away by insects.

Even if this Nan Batian master fell in the Worm Valley, I am afraid that no one can find out except the main **** of the underworld.

Moreover, this last sentence of Nan Batian was particularly touching.

This is clearly that if anyone helps him find his master's whereabouts, he will dominate the sky, help that person and be loyal to him for a lifetime.

Dutiful son..."

It's touching...

And dutiful sons are often loyal ministers!

As soon as Lao Qian said this, Audrey looked at Lao Qian's thick and broad face, and suddenly softened a lot.

"Oh, no wonder your eyes are so green, like an endless forest.

It turned out to have been practicing in the forest since childhood. "

Head Audrey's interest has improved significantly.

"If I didn't guess wrong, your self-healing ability is also very strong."

An orphan in the deep mountains, brutal and violent, and most importantly, has little to do with the people around him.

As the old Qian had expected, this is the life experience that every person likes to see.

"Of course, the healing power of wood energy is well known.

Anyone who lives in the forest for a long time, if he does not cultivate the energy of the wood element, then he is a pure fool. "

Lao Qian carried out a savage arrogance to the end.

Immediately, he felt that more than a dozen eyes would immediately penetrate himself.

There must be many admirers for such a beautiful and powerful woman.

"Nan Batian. Luca, I admit that you are brave, but didn't your teacher teach you the basic etiquette for being a man?"

We have never heard of such a savage strong in the gallon plane! "

A handsome, but sturdy centaur, with a pair of golden eyes filled with doubts, rushed to speak.

Looking at his courteous appearance, it was clear that he was a die-hard fan of Captain Audrey.

"Oh Jiang

Where I live, there are no gorgeous fountains, beautiful music, or tall castles.

There are only various monsters, human-eating plants, and human-like creatures.

Do you ask me to be polite to them?

I still said to them, hello, please start with my head, so that death will be easier. "

Old Qian’s words are full of the jealousy of Chi Guoguo, who is "despised by meat eaters"!

There was an immediate pause at the scene.

This is a matter. In any forest, there is only one law, that is, the weak eat the strong.

You can ask a person who lives with all kinds of monsters and monsters for a long time and wears a dress. Do you bow politely to a monster?

"Very well, our target of battle this time will be a strong person who cultivates the power of the wood element. It's time for you to show your skills."

Commander Audrey ended this embarrassing situation.

This gap between the nobles and the wild and grassy people is really a topic that is not suitable for discussion.

"You have proven your bravery. Now, I confess to you, Nan Batian. Warrior Luca, serves as the centurion of the Holy Character Bow Legion."

The head of Audrey clapped in moderation.

Nodded restrainedly at the old money.

This time, Old Qian finally bent down his savage head and performed a half-kneeling knight manner towards the commander of Audrey.

So this kid loves the official!

"My Excellency Audrey, your generosity and generosity are just like the clear sky."

The officers and civil servants who usually surrounded Audrey with the stars Pengyue showed clear expressions in their eyes at the same time.

It turns out that this barbarian loves officials.

Think about it, too, who doesn't like the feeling of embracing before and after.

Even the herd of animals in the forest can be divided into bosses and younger brothers.

"Your Excellency, although this Southern Tyrant is indeed strong, but the origin is a bit unclear.

Just confessed his fate and served as a centurion. Isn't this a bit sloppy? "

There was a trace of doubt in the centaur's golden eyes. Old Qian Wangzou, he couldn't wait to speak to Audrey.

Before speaking, he and Camus, Audrey's cousin of the captain, exchanged a pound with each other. Very concealed winks.

Of course, in the eyes of Audrey sitting high on the silver throne, all this is reflected in her eyes.

"Look at how strong his power is. Every time he swings his golden whip, how many spatial cracks will be created.

I have just ordered to inquire through the mercenary union, and the result of the inquiry has come out.

South Tyrant. Lucca is unknown.

I can hardly believe that a person with such a powerful force has been unknown. "

Through the exchange of spells, the Knights of Saint Smyr's enquiries were immediately busy; the headquarters of the mercenary union, and the result was obtained. This is the power of the earth snake!

The Knights of Saint Smee are the real earth snakes on the plane of gallons.

"Then who sent him? What purpose? To be an undercover agent?"

Audrey raised her pretty eyebrows.

"Your Excellency, Boro's suspicion surprised me. The greatest use of a centurion is to charge forward in battle.

No matter what hidden purpose this Southern Tyrant has, the battle to conquer is already imminent.

Only when Nan Batian exhausted his full strength, could he survive this battle.

Until then, it is not too late for us to care about his deepest motives. "

The Seraphim officer who brought in the old money immediately stepped forward and replied tactfully and sarcastically.

He saw that it was cheap.

Since this Nanbatian killed William. Tocton, then, he can no longer be assigned to Kamaz.

The golden-eyed centaur Mabori and Camus belong to the same faction.

Therefore, as long as he slapped him twice, Nan Ba ​​Tian, ​​a powerful thug, would most likely fall under his command.

The war is before. Even a powerful charge fighter cannot tolerate it. Are you two too narrow-minded?

This is what Oliver, the Seraphim officer, wanted to express.

Centaur golden glasses stared!

"This kind of arrogant attitude reflects how much respect the honorable legion commander is in the heart of Nan Batian."

Camas quickly said.

"Bolo, you are right, no matter what his purpose is, wait until he can come back from the battlefield.

Before that, he will be under your command. "

Audrey raised her hand slightly. Made the final conclusion.

Seraphim warlord Boluo was delighted.

A strong subordinate will bring him more benefits.

Hayley and Vidonna. Regarding the confidentiality of the old Qianji’s activities in Izumo Town.

In addition, when Hayley and Vidona fell out of the space crack. Thousands of miles away from Worm Valley.

The many high-ranking members of the Knights of Saint Smyrique did not associate this vulgar and barbaric South Tyrant with the culprits who made the Worm Valley blood case.

"Gong Ming, Lord Bulie Peak of Guangming Mountain, please see me."

A golden armored guard reported forward respectfully.

Audrey's face suddenly became cold and solemn: "Invite him in."

"I want to pick peaches again and let them go!"

"Yes! This plane was discovered by the Saint Smyr family, so why let them develop together."

Several murmurs of dissatisfaction began at the same time.

An angry expression suddenly appeared on most people's faces.

"Shut up! Anyway, the temple is the spokesperson of the great Lord God, and I hope you will always keep this in mind."

A layer of frost appeared on the pretty face of Commander Audrey.

"I don't want to hear such words in the future."

Successfully mixed in, the old money in a good mood, under the leadership of a guard, is heading to his own resting place.

About to turn past the last fountain, a group of people came inside.

The leader, a standard Guangmingshan robe.

But above the robe, the red sun and the mountain peaks. They all seem to be protruding, with flowing brilliance and rich layers.

It's just a living thing.

High nose and sword eyebrows, face like a crown jade.

The face is light and windy, and the eyes are far away.

You can see that it is the leader of this group.

However, Lao Qian has seen more people, and he hasn't put this kind of character in his heart.

In the seemingly pretentious eyes, ~www.readwn.com~ that really made the old money pay attention to are two of this outstanding man's entourage.

Behind this monk with a crown-like face, a bunch of followers followed.

There were two cultivators who walked at the end, but their appearance was not so outstanding.

Walking at the end also shows that the status of the two of them is the lowest of these followers.

There was a delicate face, but there was a lingering gloom between his brows.

The other long, tall and rough, but dark-skinned.

These two people are old acquaintances in the Hive Alliance: Hubei and Bingxuande!

The two did not catch the last bus to enter the Tiansha City. Unexpectedly, the two of them made refuge in Guangming Mountain together!

Old Qian's unscrupulous eyes passed over Yiganren, exactly like a beggar gang leader, looking at a group of elder brothers.

The leader with a crown-like face glanced at Old Qian in disgust.

Haberley didn't care about the role of old money either.

On the contrary, Bingxuande's gaze condensed slightly on Old Qian.

The old money followed the guard swaggeringly, without showing the slightest strangeness.

"His, no matter where the world is the same small, I can meet them both here!

However, the eyes of these two guys are pretty good, somehow they got involved in Guangming Mountain when they got mixed up? "

When Shuang'an was gone, Old Qian shook his head.

Could it be that in the Worm Valley, the three thousand cultivators of Guangming Mountain suffered heavy casualties, so that these two guys had the chance of Li Daitao stiff? "

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