Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1062: Hot girl

Old money is too embarrassing.

Peeping at someone else's bath, if it spreads out, it is a voyeuristic act.

It's too ugly to go out.

Originally, he chose to appear in the corner away from the gate.

However, the layers of prohibition on the wall of this bathroom have caused the space to be distorted.

So that the original space is distorted into the kind of rugged mountain road.

This distorted space shattered like paper in front of the old money.

However, caught off guard, the old money still made a small mistake.

Audrey's face was red, and the blush spread from her face to her chest.

Although the person who pursued her can be described by Jiang Zhiqing.

However, strong strength is more powerful than strength.

Let all the suitors be like a toad under the moon in front of her.

Even touching her slender hands is so far away.

Nowadays, it has been seen completely.

While feeling extremely embarrassed, he was even more secretly shocked and restrained, and he failed to stop this person from invading.

This person has a relaxed posture, which is as easy as walking in his back garden.

When such a powerful master came to the surroundings of Fort Navor, he didn't even know a bit of it.

What is his intention, for himself?

Or have no purpose?

Suddenly, Audrey felt the unfathomable human form in the flames on the opposite side, and she released her spirit with all her strength, even the flames burning outside the human form could not penetrate.

Despite the raging flames, Audrey still felt a pair of eyes fascinated by the hidden part of her body in the human-shaped flame opposite, sneaking around.

Although incredibly obscene, as a high-powered beauty, she experienced too much of this look.


The little light green jacket and skirt placed by the bathtub instantly flew onto the beautiful and tall one, followed by the dark red, beautiful long coat.

The three clothes all exudes extremely strong and subtle mana fluctuations.

Audrey dared to end her state of being naked after feeling that the other party did not have a bitter intention to kill.

Although the moment of stalemate made her ashamed and angry.

However, opponents who can't even see through themselves are staring at him.

As long as he has a slight negligence, his opponent can immediately hit himself seriously.

However, once it falls into the hands of the other party, I am afraid that it will only have to survive and die.

Once she felt that the other party had no intention of killing, the woman's terrible revenge momentum surged like a tide!

"You sexist, I punish you on behalf of the Moon God!"

Suddenly pointed at the old money!

Old Qian immediately felt that the space around him was tight!

This feeling is true, as if the surrounding space has turned into countless threads.

He has become a prey surrounded by countless spider girls.

but. There was no sign of fracture in the surrounding space.

However, any movement will hit the surrounding space like a thread.

As long as the person who is slightly less defensive can only stand in place obediently, otherwise, what is waiting for him is the end of being cut into pieces of ground meat.

This is the "Song of Forbidden Sky".

The flaming humanoid formed by the old money didn't move.

With all my spiritual thoughts open, I am interested in experiencing these spaces that have become silk threads.

Speaking of the spells that distort the space, so will the old money.

For example, the black beam of light shot from the center of the brow distorted the opponent's attack.

Even the superficially distorting a piece of space to achieve the effect of blocking the enemy's action is also recorded in the light group of knowledge of the Voidwalker.

However, it is the first time that the old money has distorted the space into countless threads. How can he not slowly realize this kind of opportunity?

Seeing that the other party was so stupid that he couldn't move, he let his song of forbidden air hang over him.

There was a smile on Audrey's cold face.

What a sexist who knows nothing about life and death!

"Funner, go to death!"

A violent aura soared into the sky, and suddenly rose from Audrey!

At this moment, Audrey, in the gray-blue eyes like a beautiful goddess of war, is so sacred and solemn!

Put the platinum long knife in Audrey's hand.

The knife is engraved with elegant patterns.

Numerous charms are looming on the narrow and long handle of the platinum long knife.

A beautiful woman, using such a powerful sword, this is very personal.

Old Qian thought curiously.

On the snow-white long sword, lightning surrounds it.

A sea of ​​blood swept across the world!

With Audrey as the center, the shadow of the knife burst out in full swing.

Thousands of sharp and flickering knife lights spin like wheels!

In the huge bathroom, for a time, the blade of lightning flashed, turning in staggered circles, crushing everything in this bathroom, water, bathtub, floor, and furniture to powder!

Audrey's move can be said to be full of power in the current state of equipment.

Of course, if Audrey can be equipped with top-quality treasures in the battlefield, the power of this sword may be more than doubled. benevolence. The timing of Cang Qian's appearance was really embarrassing. For a noble character like Audrey, the armor of his equipment is kept by someone. How could he put those top-quality treasures and equipment, like a rough mercenary, by his side when he was relaxing in the bath.

From the body of this humanoid flame, a circle of red flames burst out suddenly to the surroundings.

This red flame seemed so slow and so random.

However, the song of the forbidden space created a space that resembled a silk thread. After touching this seemingly slowly expanding flame, it was like ordinary clothes, like a raging fire, it broke and dissipated.

In this circle of flames, there seemed to be infinite sharpness and mana.

The flame spread all the way outward.

The light of the lightning knife that crossed the entire bathroom shattered before the flame!

"Boom!" With a sound of the earth, a loud noise burst out like the sky and the earth.

The wall of the entire bathroom burst out with a dazzling colorful light in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the shining forbidden profit could no longer bear the burden, and together with their carrier...the wall, they all turned into fragments!

Fortunately, because it is Audrey's bathroom.

No one was arranged to move in this huge house.

In the blasting dust, the humanoid flame waved at Audrey.

"What a spicy girl, I just don't know whether your movements on the bed are as hot as your knife skills."

Shrink into the space crack!

Suddenly, disappeared.

Looking at the cracks in the dark space.

Audrey's eyes were solemn.

This is already the opponent's mercy, and he didn't hurt himself as a killer.

Entering a space crack and tracking such an opponent is purely seeking death.

Audrey flipped her hand, and immediately added a crystal hexagonal crystal.

With a reminder of the method, a miniature Saint Smyr's Castle immediately appeared in front of Audrey's eyes.

Around and in this miniature version of Saint Smyr’s Castle, there are layers of colorful light shining everywhere.

This is the total prohibition and control crystal of Saint Smyr's Castle.

Through this crystal, Audrey can close and open any level of restriction, and detect whether he has suffered an external invasion.

Even outsiders invaded by tearing apart the space, breaking the space restriction of Saint Smyr's Castle.

Traces can also be shown on this master control crystal.

At this moment, among the layers of light curtains, only the silver light curtain at the core was shining with an imaginary red trace.

This imaginary red trace is like a bifurcated snake with two heads.

The two ends of this fork represent the places where the invaders enter and escape the space in the castle.

These two locations are both inside the castle, not outside the castle.

The enemy is still in the castle!

Audrey came to this conclusion immediately.

Obviously, the old money underestimated the strength of the Saint Smyr family.

It also follows a family of the main **** for many years, not to mention anything else, it is profound knowledge, and it is also a sect of Qingyimen, beyond the reach of the dust.

After the crack in the space created by the old money, it was still in Saint Smyr's Castle, allowing Audrey to seize the flaw.

"The order! The whole city is under martial law! No one is allowed to poison at will.

Cut off the order!

Immediately search the room of each newly recruited member of the Holy Character Bow, just say search for the assassin!

See if they are in the room! "

In order to avoid suspicion, Lao Qian deliberately chose a place far away from where the members of the Holy Character Bow Legion rest.

Unexpectedly, in the eyes of Bingxue's clever Audrey, it was almost as if to cover up.

After completing the recruitment of the Warrior Nets of the Holy Word Bow Legion, such a big moth appeared.

Obviously ~www.readwn.com~ these newly recruited members of the Holy Character Bow Legion are the biggest suspects.

Few people who can sit in such a high position are fools. Of course, except for those few-year-old emperors.

"Curfew! Curfew! No one is allowed to go out!"

Groups of knights of the Saint Smail Order, like a flood, gush out from their rooms.

Run to each post.

There is also a group of knights who have been given instructions, fierce and vicious, swarming towards the residences of the members of the Holy Character Bow Legion recruited by the net.

The sound of violently kicking the door open immediately resounded through the entire residence of the members of the Holy Character Bow.


The gate of the exquisite and elegant small courtyard is so pitifully separated from both sides.

Immediately, a figure sitting in the middle of the room stood up with a sudden sound.

The blue-colored smoke-like waves rolled, a powerful and brutal pressure, instantly firmly suppressed the few people who broke in!

"What do you want to do!"

The blue smoke cloud covering Nan Batian's face disappeared.

Under the ferocious voice like a beast, there was a distorted and guarded face, as if a traveler in the shop found that this was a black shop that set fire to kill people!

"Ordered to investigate..."

The leader of a four-winged angel warrior, "Assassin", has not finished!


Dao Jinguang, accompanied by a gust of wind and thunder, has already smashed his head!

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